RP:Eboric Enlists Aid

From HollowWiki

Part of the Links to the Past Arc

Iverfin had spent the night in Frostmaw again, sleeping in the cave that Dami had revealed to her. Iverfin was now waiting in one of the few trees in this area, bow held and an arrow prepared to be notched. A crack of a twig caught her attention, eyes falling upon a stray-winter wolf. Iverfin's lips curled into a spiteful grin, notching the arrow and inhaling deeply. It was in that moment, it felt that time had slowed down. As if she could pinpoint precisely where she wished to strike the wolf. The wolf sniffed intently, obviously smelling her scent and assuming prey was near by. It raised its head ever so slightly in the attempt to follow the scent and the arrow flew~! Straight into the throat. The wolf simply fell, oozing blood into the snow. Iverfin watched it for a moment, before simply staring at the bark once more. Seems she didn't like wolves much.

Eboric enters the area in time to see the wolf die. The big man is wrapped in a bearskin cloak, the falling snow piling up on his shoulders and obscuring his features, making him appear like a bear himself, walking upright through the snow. He follows the path of the arrow, focusing in on Iverfin, where she sits in the tree. He offers a wave before moving to the dead wolf's side.

Iverfin immediately sat upright, slinging the bow across her body and scaling down the tree at the sight of Eboric. She obviously desired to show she respected him, giving him a small wave of her hand before approaching his side. She glanced to the dead wolf, somewhat pleased at the sight. Iverfin did not yet question why he was in Frostmaw, but it was definitely on her mind.

Eboric kneels in the snow to pull the arrow from the body, returning the missile to Iverfin. "Any reason in particular you shot this wolf," he asks, curious.

Iverfin took the arrow back, wiping the blood off onto her sleeve. She smiled and decided to just speak, rather than write, "T'ank ye." She slipped the arrow into the quiver between her shoulders, before answering his question. "Wolves took away m'voice. 'r most o'it. T'me, they're fair game." So it was simply about revenge.

Eboric straightens, grinning down at the elf. "Aye, that seems fair to me. You're lucky to have gotten away so easily. A pack of wolves can bring down even the most dangerous prey." He continues in a mutter. "Hard to throw them out of your territory too." Speaking more clearly again, he says, "So is that the reason you're in this frozen wasteland, then, or is there something else?"

Iverfin nodded her head in agreement, "Aye." She then shrugged her shoulder, "Aye, 'n' it's a good place t'train." Iverfin looked him over, "'n' why are y'here~?"

Eboric looks south, to where a cave mouth yawns black against the white landscape. "I'm going on a hunting trip further into this land than I have ever been before, and to survive, I will need help. I have some friends that live near here, and so I have come to seek them out." He pauses, eying the woman critically. "I left the warband behind, because this may not bring much gold, but you are welcome to come along, if you can handle the cold."

Iverfin looked southward, attempting to see what exactly he was looking at. She listened carefully to his words, before nodding with a small smile. "I'll join ye. Want t'train m'skills 'n' tha'." Iverfin's lips curled into a wry grin, "N'better way t'do it wi'leader o'the warban', eh~?"

Eboric grins, gesturing for Iverfin to follow as he starts southward. "Follow me. Stay close, and perhaps let me do the talking." He smiles again to show that he meant no offense. "These friends of mine are not...welcoming to strangers."

Iverfin gave a nod of her head, deciding not to talk any longer as Eboric had suggested. Iverfin shuffled a bit closer to Eboric, ready to follow him. Although, Iverfin had the advantage of being an elf - her frame was light enough to avoid sinking deeply into the snow~!

Eboric makes his way into the ice cave, forging his way through the snow, rather than over it. He is, of course, far heavier than Iverfin.

Iverfin followed closely behind Eboric, always looking over her shoulder for any kind of wild creatures.

Eboric appears in the cave, and is met at the entrance by a giant. The big man looks a child next to the Frostmaw Exile, who stares down at the two figures with an unreadable expression. Eboric speaks up, his voice echoing eerily from the walls of ice. "Bergmir! Hail, and well met! This is my follower, Iverfin." The giant relaxes somewhat, offering the barbarian a toothy grin. "Hail, Eboric," he rumbles. "What brings you here?"

Iverfin had never actually met a giant before and considering Iverfin thought Eboric was a giant, this real giant would be a total shock to her~! Iverfin had to control herself and prevent her jaw from dropping at the sheer height difference. She even felt like she was hurting her neck to look up at the giant. All she offered was a small wave of her hand.

Eboric replies, "I'm going on a hunt, old friend, south and west. As far as I can go. What can you tell me about those lands?" The giant says, "There is not much out there. A ruined city, and a battleground beyond. We do not often go there...the dead are restless, and they do not greet men gladly." "Nevertheless," says Eboric, "I will go there, and I came to ask if any of you will come with me." Bergmir narrows his huge eyes, and says, "I will ask. You wait here." With that, he turns and heads south, further into the cave.

Iverfin waited until the giant walked away before addressing Eboric, "Wha' does he mean, t'dead are res'less~?" Iverfin was obviously curious, wondering what exactly Eboric wanted to go do.

Eboric gives a short bark of a laugh. "Superstitious nonsense. I enjoy the company of these giants, and they are great friends to have, but some of the things they say are utterly silly. There is a battlefield out there, which means warriors died. Some weapons and armor may still be of use, and they may well have magical properties. I intend to loot what I can, and sell what I cannot use."

Iverfin nodded with interest, "I see... Tha's pretty good." She offered a small grin, obviously eager at the idea of gaining some interesting pieces of equipment or even earning some gold from an adventure of sorts. Iverfin then fell silent once more, obviously waiting for the giant to return.

Eboric turns back to the south as Bergmir reappears, followed by three other giants. "Three will go with you, Eboric, for the friendship we have," the giant says. "But if they do not return to us, then you had best not, either." The barbarian stares defiantly up at Bergmir for a moment, but then nods in understanding. To the three, he says, "I thank you." Turning, he heads back out into the snow.