RP:Do You Want To See My Work?

From HollowWiki

Synopsis: Desparrow happens to stumble upon a deranged woman with an unusual line of 'work'.

Characters: Desparrow, Orphyn

Location: Lush Forest, Southern Sage Forest

Date: Feb. 10th, 2016

Desparrow was stalking throughout the forest, gathering up his pack that still wandered about his territory in the southern sage. Although the land he had claimed as his own was to the southwest yet he had wolves prowling for more territory to claim from the borders of enchantment to the edge of Larket. Each howl let out was responded with by several more in the distance; the message was getting across and the wolves would be making their way to his territory for the trek to Cenril in preparation for their Alpha's siege on the city. Des stood in a more dense part of the sage, surrounded with not so much space between trees though enough to track and hunt through easily. Two large timberwolves gorged on the sorcerer's mana stood at his side, both up to his lower chest due to the magic that flowed through them, the pure ether that overflowed from Desparrow's body which was quite visible as a thin haze and opalescent ribbons that curled about his form. Scars littered his body, from the top half of his left ear missing, the scar from his temple down to the ones that weren't visible beneath his t-shirt and leather pants. Cerulean eyes gazed up at the sky, as if he could pierce the canopy with his vision alone to see the beautiful moon gazing back.

Orphyn was busy at work. Not the kind that leaves one feeling a sense of achievement, either. Her tiny frame were dragging something along the dense forest floor, soft grunts and groans indicating that whatever it was, happened to be fairly heavy. Every now and again she would let loose a giggle or a curse in sing song voice, her range of emotion going from one extreme to the other. Suddenly she heard a noise. Thinking quick, Orphyn dragged that heavy object off to the side and flung it down into the bushes, a swivel upon heel and she turned to the source of the auditory disturbance. Grayish blue eyes peered out from beneath a badly cared for smiley face mask, is surface painted yellow and stained with orange spatter. She found Desparrow in the darkness, at first doing naught but staring like some sort of deranged creeper. Then quite out of the blue, she began to hum; Soft. Slow. Sorrowful.

Desparrow if possible would have smelled Orphyn coming, her presence unnatural to the forest that he had come to know so well since his plans had come into action. A deep inhale followed the sound off the last of the howls in response to his command to the scattered pack. His wolves were on edge though, especially when that humming started. A nod of his head and they wandered off from view, but would remain close by while Des lowered his gaze towards the sound though could see nothing at the moment. "Who is there?" his voice was gentle, though at its base rough like gravel. "You hide, yet at the same time call out your presence. How silly. Show yourself to me and, let's chat?" He grinned then, the main thing sticking out now was his engorged incisors. "I'm not a threat to you, yet."

Orphyn felt something first hit the back of her leg, and then bounce off to land beside her foot. She wasn't sure what it was exactly, but one booted heel began to kick it back into the bush. Given Desparrow's keen vision, he might have spied something hand-shaped in the darkness before she set to work stuffing the object back where peeping eyes could not see. Through the thick brush Orphyn stepped forth, the pale light of the moon bouncing off of that out of place mask; her garb for the most part were decorated in black. Heavy spatters of blood decorated any visible flesh- her neck mostly, and it looked reasonably fresh. "Who is there indeed! I am there! You are here! We are together!" A giggle. "Perhaps I am a threat to you? Or not. Who is to say?" Idle rambling. The young woman turns to the right and speaks to none in particular, "Yes yes. I knoooooow."

Desparrow watched with curiosity but in the end felt himself falling short and losing that to be replaced with intrigue. "I see, you have piqued my interest though I find you to be a little on the unfulfilling side of things when it comes to giving me answers. I doubt I could force you to tell me and that is the least of my interests at the moment. If you simply won't just inform me I guess I'll play your game for a little while. I am Des Ryder." he leaned against a nearby tree and watched her with growing smile, "You may very well be a threat, though that in the current state of affairs that I have with the forest, and Cenril, well a threat to myself is the last thing that I need, though I can take care of myself just fine. Though.. enough about me." he stepped away from that tree to approach this bloodied girl, the strong scent making his nostrils flare. "What are you doing out here?"

Orphyn pops her mask up and rests it atop her head. Her face, youthful and flawless, was highlighted most undoubtedly by the fact that it were fairly clean just to the jaw; the surrounding portion stained with congealing oranges and reds. "Hiya Des Ryyyydah!" she exclaimed with a bright and cheery smile. With her eyes wide and hardly blinking it may come off on the creepy side. "You can call me Orphyn! And this.." she motions to an empty spot to her right, "Is my pally-est pal of pals SiN!" One leather-mesh covered hand reaches into one of the compartments of the belt at her hip, from within a rolled cigarette produced. She tucks it into her lips, lighting the stick of paper then with some sort of little stone. Magic? A deep inhale were taken, the exhale long and slow. The smell, when it reaches the lycanthrope, would be heavy and sweet. Some sort of Milous weed? "I am doing stuff. Lots of stuff. Why so many questions? What are you doing out here? Hmm hmm hmm, mister Ryyyydah?"

Desparrow rose a brow when she revealed her face though it was out of a vague surprise. More interesting things, and if it wasn't for Des history he might have been perhaps weirded out by the woman though sadly this was not the fact. "Orphyn eh? A pleasure I am sure, to make your acquaintance." he gave one sidelong glance at the empty spot but didn't make any mention of it, or think twice. So she might be a bit crazy, he was there once.. still was, he just wasn't in people's faces about it. "I'm gathering my pack, for a raid. Hopefully there will be a lot of blood to be spilled, and not of my own kind's either." Oh he pictured it, the fall of Cenril into utter chaos as he showed up to 'rescue' the citizens from the threat of Zirael, only to end up as a crazed ruler. "Might I know, what this.. 'lots of stuff' entails?"

Orphyn looks around. "Pack? Did you lose it somewhere near? I didn't see it! Is there shiny stuff inside?!" She had no clue that he was speaking of a more tribal definition. Within the blink of an eye, the oddball assassin appeared in front of Desparrow. No obvious movement had been made, no travel indicated- she was just sort of there. Mere inches away from his face. A bit of scrutiny, she peered into his own gaze. "Mmm. Pretty eyes. He didn't have pretty eyes." He who? Another blink and she would be back to her starting position, another drag of her smoke taken as her shoulders lifted in an over-exaggerated manner. "Stuff stuff. You want to see?"

Desparrow chuckled, "No I didn't lose it, its just been scouting about for me. And no, no shiny things." The lycan felt the urge to take a step back when she was suddenly directly in front of him but resisted it so as to not appear intimidated, or startled for such was unbecoming. Her obviously rhetorical question was stuffed away for later inquiry. This girl seemed to be all over the place mentally. "Yes I would definitely like to see what you are doing Orphyn. You are unique and I don't come across unique individuals often."

Orphyn grins wide and tosses the remainder of her smoke to the ground, that dingy yellow mask popped down over her features. It was a comfort zone sort of thing. To the empty spot to her right she said, "You wait here with him." Eager. Excited. The girl bounced off to where she were first discovered, reaching inside and giving whatever it was a great big tug to get some momentum building. With momentum set, she began to drag the thing back toward Desparrow with a bit of a struggle. "Uggggh. Fatty. So heavy." she grunted. When she got into to a patch of forest lit up by the vivid moon, she stopped and stepped to the side- the object in question now reveal. It was a corpse. A hefty fellow and he reeked of alcohol. His clothes were covered in blood, neck a large gaping wound so deep that just a little force could render head from torso. His face were battered and bruised, teeth missing. Each cheek had been sliced to the ear, and one eye seemed to be missing. The young woman stared upon her work through that smiley face mask. "Stinky drunk. Won't bother no one no more!" She plopped down then, sitting on the big guy's stomach; a bit of blood squirting from the neck wound due to the force of her dropping down.

Desparrow patiently stood there with the invisible at least to him entity that was apparently this girl's best friend. The scent of blood was stronger and it made his nose scrunch up but by the time she returned it had returned to normal giving no indication that he had perhaps felt a little uncomfortable. It was when she returned with a dead body though that his face lit up with a rising joy. "Well then.. Isn't this a little treat, I've come across a psychopath. I love those. You get to do all the things that I wish I could do, however if I were to, well all my connections would dissipate and I need them to rise in power. You though." he stepped closer to circle the body and admire her work. "You are a treat, definitely. Did you have fun?" he now spoke as though he were encouraging a child. Kneeling next to the head he dipped his finger in the neck wound, fishing the tip in flesh while accruing blood before bringing it to his nose to inhale deep. Obviously it had alcohol in it but it was a sweet yet sharp scent that he enjoyed.

Orphyn gave the pudgy corpse an open hand slap across the face. "Don't look at me like that." she tells it, quite stern in tone. Desparrow was gifted a good long glance as she shrugged with her answer. "I don't know. Yes. No. Yes. Maybe." She thought, a finger stuck under the lip of the corpse' mouth. She lifted it to peer inside, checking for who knows what. "SiN had more fun. That girl cried. She begged him. But he wouldn't listen. Noooo sir-ree. So I waited. And waited. And waited." A bit of a giggle. "He had no idea." Watching the lycan take interest in the dead man's cooling vitae, she scoffed. "Why wish? Just do! Why do you need power? All power comes from here." she taps on her chest with authority.

Desparrow couldn't help but laugh now. He didn't know what was with this girl but he certainly found it entertaining. "Yes, power comes from within however I want power to kill the strongest in the land, and I want to be able to create a river of blood. Not just one here and there.. I want to rule, and destroy all whom oppose me. Such is the path that my life takes me. It is the one I willingly follow, though it is of two sides." he ran a now clawed finger down from the temple of the dead man to his chin, "I to the face of those whom I deal with, appear a bit chaotic but good-hearted, and those who I share my desires, they see a murderer that is stepping on those around him only to be lifted on their shoulders to grasp at a power just beyond reach. They are the ones that get to relish in my darkness."

Orphyn hummed child-like to herself, staring through that mask upon the lifeless stranger upon whom she sat. She listened to Desparrow carefully. His words wriggled into that chaotic mess of thoughts until it were nestled deep enough for her to grasp. From the two sheathes on either side of her hip, Orphyn produced two daggers. Both were identical to one another for the most part. The hilt of each where shaped to look like some sort of spine, the pommel miniature skulls with a gem clenched in their jaws. One ruby, one sapphire. The blades themselves were thick near the dull edge, the sharp serrated and jaaged; the ore from which they were crafted a deep black. Almost stone-like in appearance. Seemingly each seemed to have a viridian haze coursing through its metal, illuminating softly with its own source of light. "So you want to be a dark ruler? A god of a man?" She snickered. "Like Kaizer and Solaris? I like Kaizer and Solaris. I wish i had met them." she comments, suddenly jabbing each blade into the dead man's shoulders. "Will you kill everyone?"

Desparrow examined those blades, finding a strange beauty in the destructive creation. "Yes, I do. Though I did not know Kaizer, and Solaris themselves, their names are familiar." he hadn't heard of them in a very long time indeed, or of their dart mettlings. "Yeah I don't want to kill everyone, but those whom oppose me will suffer, and I want to destroy Kasyr. He and his wench wife are the ones after all that are the reason behind my family being dead. I will kill who I must to attain the power I need, and then I'll keep going higher until either I am slain, or I stand before the maker and challenge him where he sits upon the throne of existence." Obviously his dreams were ridiculous but he was speaking in all seriousness, having every desire to attain this unparalleled power. "There will certainly be blood, from my own kind, from my so called friends, and certainly from my enemies. From Rynvale to Frostmaw it will pour."

Orphyn had begun using those curious weapons to saw at the neck of the bloated corpse, sickly wet grinding sounds filling the air as she sought to completely sever the head from its owner. "That would be nifty. Blood pouring from the sky. I heard tales once. Of a demon and a drow fighting to the death. He made it rain blood. I wish I could have seen it." she remarked in a pouting manner. The sawing continued. Those tendons were tougher than she thought! "No. Shh. Almost finished." these words were aimed at no one in particular. "Okay. Good. I don't want to be dead. I like living. It's fun." That smiley face turned to Desparrow. "If you kill, I want to see your work. okay? I showed you mine. You show me yours?"

Desparrow ignored the sawing, his ear twitching when the sickest of sounds could be heard but other than that he had no reaction. "A demon and a drow you say? Interesting. I don't know if I can make it rain blood but when the time comes it will be a glorious festival." he took a glance at her work with just a smile, "You can see my work. If you happen to be in cenril, well that is the place of which I plan to assault. Before that though.. I want the mayor dead." he sighed, the assassin that he had essentially forced into his service had not been in contact with him so he would have to find someone else to employ. A pity. Good help was so hard to find these days, literally when it came to dealing in the shadows.

Orphyn stopped her sawing when the name of the city was revealed. She stared upon him in silence for quite some time in an eerie manner, not once making any sort of attempt at motion. Did he really just threaten to encroach on the area in which she so fondly grew up? Well. Fondly would be a little too strong of a word. She thought, gray-blues narrowed behind that mask. She could take his head too. Maybe. "Fiiiiine. I won't." she stated simply, quite out of place. Sheathing both daggers, Orphyn stood then, one foot planted on the corpse' shoulder. With both hands tightly gripping the dead man's hair, she yanks, one solid tug tearing that fat face away from his body. "I can kill the mayor.. I don't like the mayor. Not nice. Very lazy and corrupt."

Desparrow had looked away for only a moment but when she had become quiet he knew something was wrong. Eyes narrowed as he stared into the darkness, contemplating what is going through her head but her special kind of crazy made that extremely difficult. "I grew up in Cenril, and its being threatened, and the only way to save it is to plunge it into absolute chaos. That sounds crazy, but its the truth. To do that I need certain people removed from the scene. You say you can kill the mayor Orphyn? To be honest that doesn't surprise me, though you did not say you would. Would you Orphyn? Slay the mayor? Without that lazy and ignorant oaf in the way, the people can be saved from Zirael." The mermaid that was working at wiping all of Cenril from the map, and the reason why Des was going to attack the city himself. If the buildings couldn't be saved well the people would be for the most part. If only for a darker purpose that they would serve him later on

Orphyn brought the severed head face to face with her lifeless mask, staring deep into that one eye. The explanation Desparrow gave seemed to put her at ease. Cenril was in danger and he just wanted to save it! "I will. I think. I may need some time. To watch. To learn. To plan." A cracking of branches in the near distance would cause the assassin to swiftly turn her head in startled curiosity. She peered through the darkness, looking for any signs of whatever may have made the noise. Most likely it would be some sort of animal, but given that this was a well frequented section of wood, she opted to not find out. The deranged woman didn't want to leave the corpse, exactly, but without its head there would be no way that anyone would discover who the body once belonged to. Index finger lifted, she pressed it to the mouth of the smiley faced mask; A signal issued to Desparrow to keep silent as she slowly tread backward toward the north. With the wiggle of her fingers in parting, Orphyn shadow stepped out of sight to location more private.