RP:Disapproval Of Dragons

From HollowWiki

Part of the I Write Songs Not Tragedies Arc

Summary: After the journey back to Raiez's cave, Khitti visits Pilar, give her a present, and finds out some unsavory news about her sister and Casandra the dragon.

Frostmaw Fort

Pilar was sitting up in her bed, reading a book. She no longer was haunted by visions, and her grief over her mentor was lessening, but she still hurt. She had sent a letter to Khitti, just checking up on her and asking her to stop by soon.

Khitti, of course, got the letter and went to visit her sister. She'd find her way through the fort and up to Pilar's room easily, saying nothing to anyone as she passed them, carrying along with her a present behind her back that she intended to give Pilar. She'd hesitate a moment, and knock, then let herself in once allowed to.

"Come in," Pilar called. When Khitti entered, her face lit up. "Khitti! It's so nice to see you." Pilar swung her legs over the side of her bed, putting her book down. She extended her right leg, showing off the silver appendage. "Look at what Miss Alvina made for me! It's still hard to walk, but one day I will dance again! ... What do you have there?" She finally noticed that Khitti was holding something.

The redhead blinked a few times, looking over her shoulder after Pilar pointed out that she had something behind her back. "Vhat? Me? Have something? I don't know vhat you're talking about." She changes the subject back to her new leg, a few steps taken forward so she can lean over and inspect it better. "Miss Alvina, hm? I don't recall meeting her yet. I suppose I'll have to seek her out and zhank her for taking care of my sister." She straightened her back again, peering around Pilar's room, "But, I guess if it's too hard for you to valk around at all, I guess you won't have a need for a new guitar to play for people here." Finally, she pulls the instrument out from behind her back, offering it over to the brown-haired girl. The guitar was a shiny, pearlescent black with engraved loops and swirls white all around the base of the instrument; it was quite the opposite of Khitti's sister's violin that Khitti so very much coveted as if it were handed down by the gods themselves.

Pilar gasped, her hands going to her mouth. "Oh my... Khitti... it's beautiful... where..." Pilar took it in her hands and looked it over, her fingers idly picking at the strings. Pilar felt the hair on her neck stand on end as magic flowed through the room. Her eyes widened. Enchanted... The guitar was enchanted? She looked at her sister with tears in her eyes. "Khitti... this means so much to me. I... I can learn to play like my..." She wiped her eyes. "Thank you..." She placed the guitar on her bed and, grabbing her crutch, got up and went to Khitti to embrace her. "Thank you..."

Khitti tilted her head as she felt the magic rush through the room as Pilar plucks the guitar's strings. Did that mean...that Lydia's violin was too? Why else would Raiez have it? She lets out a 'hm', then smiles to Pilar, "You're very velcome. Ve vent back to zhe cave. It vas amongst Raiez's hoard. Zhere vere a few other instruments zhere too, along vith my violin, but zhat one felt zhe most right for you." She wasn't about to tell her what else happened in the cave, with Amarrah, not yet anyway. "I've got to go back at some point, to gather zhe rest of Raiez's scales to pay off Kreekitaka, you could go vith me and have a look. It's safe enough, so ve should be fine vithout an escort from Lionel and Brand."

Pilar smiled broadly. "I'd like that very much..." The door behind Khitti opened, and Pilar's eyes lit up even more. "Speaking of dragons..." In walked a tall woman, with green skin, amber eyes, and long brown hair. Oh, and massive dragon wings that almost reached the floor. The woman, who was holding a vase of flowers, blinked in confusion. "Why does it seem like you get guests every time I leave?" she asked. Pilar shrugged. "I don't know. But I'm glad you're here. Cassy, this is Khitti. Khitti, this is Cassy... my love."

There's a furrowing of red brows as Cassy stepped into the room. A dragon? A gods' damned dragon? What the hell was Pilar playing at? Khitti took a step or two back from the Green, a frown lining her lips. Pilar's shot an irritated, yet confused look and a brief shake of her head before finally addressing Cassy, "Hello." Disdain clings to that single word, but the redhead does her best to hide it. Lovely, her sister was dating one of those things she'd come to hate quite a bit. -This- was going to be...interesting.

Khitti's reaction was not lost on either Pilar or Cassy. Cassy blushed, looking down, and stepped back towards the door. "Um... I-I can come back later..." "No, mi rosa, stay," Pilar said. She got to her feet, wobbling slightly. She was still getting used to the new leg. At least it didn't hurt much anymore. Pilar limped to Cassy's side and guided her into the room, towards the table. Cassy kept glancing between the flowers in her hands and Khitti. Pilar, when they reached the table, took the flowers and placed them down. "They're beautiful, Cassy," she said. Her voice was tight, and there was pain on her face. She took a deep breath. Her mind was already racing with thoughts of her relationships falling apart. No, she couldn't do this. Couldn't choose between two people she loved. Not again.

Khitti didn't apologize for her actions. She was clearly uncomfortable just standing in the same room with Cassy. She didn't hold dragons in high regard right now--didn't trust them as far as she could throw them (which wasn't all that much)--and even Hildegarde was on that list right now despite the Silver being her employer. "How long has zhis been going on?" was said after a bit more of that awkward silence. She wasn't even going to being up her own relationship(s) right now. There was no telling how Pilar would react to her being with both Dominic and Brand now.

"Since August," Pilar said. Cassy shifted uncomfortably, and her eyes went to the dog lying in the bed in a corner. "I, um, I think I'll take Medli out," the dragon said. She started towards the dog, then stopped. She turned around, shoulders squared, and glared at Khitti with green eyes that had been amber moments ago. "Actually, on second thought--" "Sandra, no," Pilar cut in. The dragon looked to Pilar. "I think I have the right to stand up for us. If this bitch--" "I said no!" Pilar shouted. "Bring Cassy back! Or leave!" Sandra,s mouth tightened and she turned on her heel, leaving the room without the dog. Pilar sighed and sat down. "I'm sorry," she murmured. "She shouldn't have said that."

The redhead narrowed her eyes at Sandra, sneering at the woman as she finally left. Another dual-minded individual? That's funny. Just how many of them were there? She turns to Pilar then finally, a hand flying out to motion at the retreating green-skinned female, "Vhat zhe seven hells vas zhat, Pilar?! I get kidnapped by a dragon and you decide it's a good idea to go around cavorting vith one of zheir kind?! Are you insane?!" Ohh, she was not happy. Not at all. Khitti soon calmed, though it was really more that she allowed the present situation to simmer on the backburner of her mind. "Regardless, dragons are no good for vampires anyway. Do you remember vhat'll happen if you come in contact vith her blood? You. Vill. Die. I zhought you had better sense zhen zhat, Pilar." She did her best to put on a detached expression, tried to hide the anger that was threatening to boil over again. "I'm not going to try to make you leave her--them--vhatever, but you better keep a gods' damned close eye on 'em. I don't trust any of zhem anymore."

Pilar was shocked and stricken. She had never suspected Khitti was one to be prejudiced. She fought to control her hurt and anger, but tears still made their way down her cheeks. She inhaled deeply and sighed. Her lip trembling, she looked Khitti in the eyes. "You really think all dragons are the same?," she asked. "You think Hildegarde and Raiez are the same? How... how can you lump them all together? How would you like it if someone decided all vampires were the same, were monsters?" Her voice broke, and she needed to take another breath. "I know exactly what dragon's blood will do to me. I... I tried to drink from her," she confessed, voice shaking, "because I couldn't take it anymore, all this pain. But Cassy stopped me, convinced me to keep fighting. I'm fighting for her sake, and for yours, and everyone else I love. But you, you stand there and insult me, and the woman I love, and... and..." Pilar choked back a sob, "... and you act like I'm the one who's wronged you, and... and... I'm so tired Khitti, so tired, I don't want to fight, I don't want the people I love to hate each other, I..." And then she was bawling, her face in her hands.

Khitti breathed a heavy sigh as she stared at Pilar, listening to her sob and yell at Khitti in return. And yet, despite all the things that the younger woman was saying to her, it barely plucked at her heartstrings. Is this how Brand felt when -she- cried like a child? Was she truly becoming so hard-hearted now? Or maybe it was because of the fact that Pilar seemed to have no means of understanding -why- Khitti might feel this way and that only made it worse. Her heart and those emotions of hers were encased in stone right now--stone surrounded by ice, surrounded by three feet of cold, hard steel. Some of Pilar's words do get through, breaching a wall in what had seemed to be the fortified castle that surrounded Khitti's emotions. "Pilar...ve -are- monsters." Stating this outwardly instead of almost exclusively to herself, as she so often did, brought a frown to her lips, and she was soon turning her line of sight away from Pilar, keeping her verdant gaze elsewhere. "Ve should not be. Zhe dead should not valk. Should not talk. Should not linger here. It's unnatural." Not only did this cause her frown to worsen, but she actually...sounded sad? Now she was in need of some sort of comfort as well, and without saying anything more, she took hold of Pilar and pulled her close, letting her sob as she needed to. It was funny to think that she'd be telling yet another vampire these almost exact words not long in the future from now. Khitti must actually believe it.

Pilar clutched her sister and continued to weep. It was so hard for her to go on, even with people who loved her close by. Being alive, or even just undead, hurt so much. There were good days, sometimes, but it was always a struggle to get up in the morning. No matter how long she slept, she was always tired. No matter how many good things were happening to her, she always felt sad. "I wish I had died," Pilar whispered. "I wish they had killed me with my family..."

"Stop," Khitti said, pulling away from Pilar finally. "Just stop. Zhere's nothing to be done about it now and you'll not resort to killing yourself vith your girlfriend's blood." She raised an eyebrow at the girl, her frown shifting to one of disdain instead of sadness, "You do anything of zhe sort and I'll bring you back from zhe dead myself to slap you before I send you back to the void." But, Khitti had often wondered since her turning if something -could- be done about it. If the truly dead could be brought back, could the undead be fully restored to the mortal coil? Could she be as she was before? It didn't occur to her that this very reason is why Pilar lost her leg, but that likely would not have stopped her. "I must return home. Ve'll go to zhe cave soon. A couple weeks, maybe. I vill come get you vhen it's time." She gives Pilar another brief hug before stepping over to the door. "And, I guess, tell Cassy I'm sorry. -Only- Cassy, however."

Pilar sniffled and wiped her eyes. Khitti's words, and that look of disdain, hurt. But she knew Khitti loved her. She was just... not good with the whole "offering comfort" thing. "O... Okay..." she murmured. She was loath to let her sister go, but she couldn't stay here forever. She limped back over to the bed and sat down. "See you... soon, then... I love you."

“I love you too, Pilar.” Khitti eyed the younger woman quietly for a moment, watching as she made her way back to the bed. When it was clear that she was settled, the redhead lets out a sigh and makes her way out of the room, and then the fort.