RP:Death of a Tyrant

From HollowWiki

Feir inaudibly makes his way to the vampire's mansion like an assassin that stood erected several feet ahead of him. His silhouette was like a dark tower infront of a full moon that seemed to linger down the wet and dreary path that remained muddy from the heavy rain falling from the night's sky. The flickering radiance from the scattered candles bounced in and out of the open windows as he arrived to the walls of the structure like a short breeze that went unnoticed in the eventide. He would think about the trespassing he was engaged to commit as the flames reflected from his dark eyes.

His hooded figure was indifferent to the rest of the world as his target stood innocent and unaware to the predator outside his very own window. There Cornell sat posed in a trance on the crimson and black colored carpet in front of the bickering fireplace. His shadow fluctuated from big to small on the door behind him that seemed slightly ajar. The short glisten from Feir's rusty dagger shot the reflection of the moon before being held slowly in the air. Feir stood up slowly but kept a low stance preparing for the first intonation of thunder. Moments had passed as he stood natural like the pines around him and like the earth below him. With a bright flash, the blade rose a little more and with the dominate booming of thunder, the swift act was set in motion. By the time the thunder had finished, the muffled scream of his prey set off the next plan of attack. Feir found himself propelled through the window like a shot arrow destined for the most vital organ of it's target. His muddy boots crashed down on the wood floor as his target tried to turn but failed in speed.

Feir, with his great and overwhelming strength had already tightly gripped the clothing around Cornell's shoulders to heave him into the nearest wall. His light entity collided with the stone and mortar that formed the fireplace below him. Feir, in sudden outrage began to deface the rest of the room dispatching clay furniture and flipping over tables and desks. As moments would pass, he then turned his attentions back toward his mission. The slowly recovering Cornell was now on his hands and knees trying to grasp some form of recognition but was failing with great consistency.

Feir stopped for a moment before reaching for Cornell's head. " I am sorry brother but you have gone far beyond anyone's control. The hunger for power has left you as hollow as the venomous words you speak and the moves you make. This is mandatory in the betterment of our name. Forgive me." He said to Cornell softly before revealing is duel falchions. The bleeding and staggering victim stood holding his chest where the dagger had made itself home. Like an "X", the blades rested upon his stained shoulders. " Forgive me." The sound of slpitting flesh and bone reverberated within the warm cabin room even after the deed had been completed. Another brilliant flash of lighting filled the obsidian sky once more and as it resided quickly, so did the appearance of the lycan conscript.