RP:Dawn gives Kain Good News

From HollowWiki
  • Town in the Trees/Kelay

The primeval woodland town continues to branch and wind itself into the trees, even as the architecture of the buildings becomes more apparent. All around, homes and shops are carved from the very bases of the mighty timbers of Sage. Pallets of the more pliable thicket line the eaves, shading the inhabitants from the forces of everpresent nature. A natural hush seems to overtake you as you wander about, awed. Pathways meander through to the north and south and the community sprawls out eastward, while it seems slightly less civilized farther west.

Kain nods and smiles as he sees Dawn. "Hello sis. Ye be lookin' cheery t'day."

Dawn comes particle dancing into view. With Violet happily crooning to her new fuzzy red pet, draped around her shoulders. "Hello Kain," beaming at her brother as she comes to kiss him on the cheek. "How are you?"

Kain smiles. "Doin' good, but clearly not as good as ye," he chuckles. "Ye be practically walkin' on air. Good date with Veriun?"

Dawn’s face breaks into the widest smile possible. "You could say," looking at Kain and unable to keep excitement from her voice.

Kain strokes his beard, noting the red object Violet is playing with. "Oh, what's this now?"

Kain smiles broadly. "Ah, good, glad ta hear it. Ye didn't ask him ta marry ye? I be thinkin' yet somethin' wonderful musta happened."

Dawn follows his eyes to the red snake like dragon with Violet. "Oh this is Soo Soo, as Vi name her," patting the snake with a finger. "She was given to Violet by a sweet little dragon."

Dawn look into his eyes, the smile still on her face. "He said he loved me!"

Dawn said to you, "He might, which practically means yes!"

Kain nods. "The fuzzy dragon Flar, I be thinkin'. 'E be a interestin' character. Got a feelin' Violet 'n Flar 'r gonna become good friends. So... What happened durin' yer date that gots ye so chipper? 'E agree ta be yer... what did ye call it? Serm... Spre..." He shakes his head and scrunches his brow a moment. "Sperm doner? Or ain't ye got 'im that far along yet?" he chuckles.

Kain cheers. "I knew 'e did. Congrats on gettin' 'im ta finally say it ta ya!" He laughs in joy.

Dawn nods her head "Must be, I haven't met many fluffy red dragons. He's adorable and I think you might be right there Kain," kissing Violets head. "Good friends," her eyes fill with tears of happiness. "I had a feeling he did to, oh Kain I'm so happy!" coming over to embraces her brother one handed "As for the Sperm doner, let's take it one step at a time, he's still a little distant," chuckling and looking thoughtful.

Kain nods. "True, true. But ye be drawin' a bit closer ta ye a bit at a time. I be thinkin' these dates be workin' good fer the two 'o ya." He pauses, lifts his helmet a bit, and scratches his head. "Sperm doner," he mumbles, clearly puzzling over the term, then shrugs. "Well, whatever it be, I be sure ye kin get 'im ta agree in due time. As ye said, one step 'o a time. Ye be makin' good progress, I be thinkin' 'n ye be happy, that be most important." He nods, emphasizing his last statement as fact.

Dawn squeezes him warmly "Indeed, he has opened up to me a lot since we met. Only I wish he could put the past behind him, I know he had a lot of heartache and I can't imagine how painful that much be... but," kissing Kain on the cheek "I want to make him happy," sighing at her words he then chuckles at his confusion "When I saysperm doner, I mean giving me babies. Making love," dropping her voice so only he could hear that last bit "I couldn't of found a better brother then you Kain, you're the best. Right one step at a time."

Kain blushes a little at her comment. "Thanks. Ye be a great sister." He carefully returns the hug, not wanting to squish Violet between them. "As fer the whole makin' love... well, I ain't rightly sure what that be, but as it seems ta be somethin' private, I'll just not ask." He smiles, and gives her a kiss on her cheek. "But if ye love him, 'n he loves ye, then makin' love seems ta be... a natural step ye be gettin' to soon enough." While not entirely sure what making love consisted of, he nodded anyways, as it seemed perfectly reasonable to him that they would indeed reach that step in due time. Then he canted his head and added, "I kin baby sit fer ye, when ye gets to that point. Seems ta be a private act, 'n I wouldn't want ye ta be disturbed while the two 'o ye be... uh... doing whatever it be that you'll be doing when makin' love," he adds with a smile and a wink.

Dawn only just manages to stop herself for laughing. "Oh Kain, when we ever `get` to that stage. I will make sure Violet is safely with you, it would not be fitting for a child's eyes to see," Patting his shoulder while Violet reaches for his beard. "It's a natural step to have more children, if we do get to that stage. I want to give him a son. It of course could never replace the one he lost. Oh don't tell him I told you that," looking shocked with herself at telling Kain such a personally thing. "Then it comes down to the question of if I should ask him to marry me, I want to but I don't want to rush him," she said looking sad.

Dawn said to you, "He's going to hate me, if he finds out."

Kain nods. "I be keepin' that secret fer ye, 'n I be sure that if ye keep progressin' as ye seems ta be, I'll be happy sittin' fer ye." He pats her shoulder. "Cheer up sis. We don't wants ta rush 'im, 'n scare 'im back. Ye just keep makin' them dates as ye been doin', workin' yer magic as ye been, 'n it'll all work out." He nods. "Think 'e might be afraid 'o a commitment, but ye two be happy with each other as ye be. Me thinks ye should wait on askin' 'bout marriage, 'n enjoy what ye gots goin' right now." He pauses for a moment, then smiles. "Mebbe in time, when he be ready, he'll be the one who brings up marriage."

Dawn clutches the top of her gown in worry. "He trusted me his most painful memory. How could I go and tell someone," she said, looking on the verge of tears. "Thank you, I don't want him to hate me," squeezing his hand on her shoulder gently. "Well if he is afraid of commitment as you say, I can understand why. We are happy together, and I wouldn't change it for the world," a smile sweeping across her face once again "Yes, I should wait. But do you really think he would ask me?" looking scriptural "I can hope I suppose..."

Dawn said to you, "I do enjoy what we have."

Kain shrugs. "Mebbe. He told ye he loves ya, 'n knows ye ain't gonna give up chasin' after 'im 'til ye gets what ye wants. 'N he knows that what ye wants be him." Kain chuckled. "Seems 'e be as full 'o surprises as 'e be full 'o secrets, 'n I be thinkin' ye be helpin' 'im in ways we can't see. Helpin' ta ease some 'o the bad memories 'e be carryin' by replacin' 'em with happiness 'n good memories." Kain nods, stroking his beard. "As fer him askin' ye, well, that be somethin' only time'll tell, but mebbe just bein' together, as ye is now kin be enough ta git ya ta the makin' love part. I be thinkin' if ye makes it enjoyable fer him, as it sems it always be, then ye might be... well. If ye ends up with his baby in yer belly, seems likely 'e might be wantin' ta marry ye. Still, it be best ta be keepin' it slow 'n steady, as ye is now, rather then tryin' ta jump ahead. Keep takin' things one date at a time, 'n we'll just see what happens. Yeah?" He smiles. "Think if I were watchin' Violet fer ye durin' yer next date, ye could enjoy it more, 'r do ya think havin' 'er there be helpin' more?"

Flar flies high above as his shadow races across the ground.

Violet giggles, squeezing Soo Soo as she reaches for the dragon flying overhead, giggling cheerfully.

Dawn ponders his words carefully while playing with a lock of Violet's hair, who was now asleep curled up with Soo Soo. "I think you're right Kain. Slow and steady, I want to be with him so I can wait for him," flicking some hair back over her shoulder smiling. "One date at a time and who knows? Only I don't think me being pregnant would make me want to marry him. I think it would scare him. I don't know. You know what I'm like when it comes to Vi. But I could try being baby free for one," looking up at him thoughtfully. "Anyway I will leave you to get one... see you later Kain," kissing his cheek she begins to walk away "Oh, would you want to look after Vi now or later?"

Kain shrugs. "I'll baby sit whenever ye want me to. I kin take her now if ye want, or later if ye'd prefer. Good luck on yer date, keep makin' progress."

Dawn frowns looking to Violet then to Kain. A little reluctant to hand her over "Ummm… later I think, Veriun is not around now," hoping she didn't sound rude. "Thank you Kain," giving her brother one last hug. The Avianess takes flight and was gone.

Kain nods. "Anytime ya need it. Good huntin' sis."

Dawn told you, "Farewell Kain."