RP:Chance Meeting At Cenril Docks

From HollowWiki

Synopsis Loravelle just comes back to the mainland after so many months away, while departing the ship that just docked, she meets with Joan. They barely catch up before something Joan told Loravelle made her run to catch the next departing ship for Rynvale.

Boarding Ship

Loravelle ;; The ship she returned to Lithrydel on wasn't one of Leo's. She'd departed months ago with her family on the ship they had arrived in and returned alone tucked away in the very same vessel. Once she was permitted to step off of the ship, Loravelle moved with a level of uncertainty on par with the very first time she set foot off of the ship that first brought her to Lithrydel. The unhealthy dose of fear that accompanied it all those years ago was long gone, thank the gods, but replaced with something else even she couldn't entirely place. Acceptance seemed like the most appropriate word. Acceptance of a handful of things, most importantly the reason for absconding. Grey eyes, normally paler in hue but darkened due to her down-turned face, examined the pendant she kept clutched in her palm. The piece of jewelry isn't remarkable in the slightest, truth be told. A flat jasper oval with a slight indentation, clearly an old worry-stone. Staring down at it whilst walking along the gangway to the dock wasn't wise, and it took a near-disastrous collision with a dock worker toting a coil of rope to snap the woman back to the present. To...Cenril? She squints at the city mid-stride, confused. Why Cenril? Her head immediately turned eastward. To Rynvale. To home. To Leo. Her heart sank with an unpleasant mix of guilt and grief. Lora was gone far longer than she intended to be. Maybe returning to Cenril was appropriate, then...To test the waters, so to speak. Get her bearings of happenings on the continent and the island as well. There was always the chance he might be on the mainland too, somewhere. Him or anyone else familiar. Pocketing the pendant in her predictably green robes, Lora continued walking along the dock and debated. Where to go now?

Joan stood on the dock next to a rather large wagon load stuffed full of supplies, she had just finished talking with the normal dock master and had heartily shaken his rough hand once she spotted Loravelle. Raising her hand up after the dock master walked off to have her wagon load of supplies loaded onto the next ship to depart for Rynvale. "Hey girly! Haven't seen you in a coons age." She said in a loud clear tone of voice.

Loravelle didn't know which of the gods to thank for the sound of that familiar healer's voice. Given their proximity to the sea, she chose Selene and whirled around to face Joan's direction. She approached without hesitation, a kind, albeit tired smile gradually appearing the closer she got. Not only a familiar face to herself but someone familiar to Leo. “Miss Joan,” Lora greeted. Her accent had returned with some prominence, likely due to not speaking Common for some time. Thankfully she hadn't forgotten the language, or that greeting might have been a little silly. “It's been...” Months, she wanted to say, and while true it still felt like much longer. “Forever,” she decides. “How have you been?” She's become a little less timid in her time away, and apparently full of questions as three more are asked in quick succession. “How has,” her hand gestures vaguely at Cenril and then in Rynvale's direction. “...How's everything?” What a broad question. “And how is Leo? Have you seen him at all?” The most important questions, really.

Joan leans back onto the heels of her Mary-janes as she regards the other woman, a small smile lifts her icy pale pink lips as she answers the questions, "It has been ages, I've been good and busy. I have just recently been promoted to Adept level within the healer's guild. Once I finish off this current rank, I will be at Master level healer within the guild." She chuckles softly at that while giving Loravelle a questioning glance, "There was a war between Larket and Cenril. Larket lost, other then that I believe the current ToW is still happening. As for Leo, I have not seen him since we tried to tattoo me months and months ago."

Loravelle 's features shifted immediately to joy at the news of Joan's advancement in the Healer's Guild. “Congratulations! That's impressive. More than impressive.” There had to be a stronger word, one which didn't come to mind. The thought dropped at the news that the war between Cenril and Larket had come to an end, which was a relief to hear. And how could she have forgotten the Titans of Winter tournament? It was one of her favorite events, but before Lora could inquire further, Joan's knowledge of Leo's whereabouts gave her pause. “Oh.” One word was spoken, but a thousand wheeled in her mind as panic rose. Was he gone? Had he fought in the war and didn't survive? They discussed the war; she swears she remembers. Her blood ran cold as she attempted to set her features into something that didn't give away her very obvious worry. “...I should head back to Rynvale. Soon.” Now. Immediately. She had a coin for the ferry. In an uncharacteristic move, Lora leaped toward Joan to give her a quick embrace as thanks for the information, then turned toward the dock once more. She had a ferry to catch.