RP:Butt, I Need A Healer!

From HollowWiki

Summary: After Lanara's duel against Gilwen, the witch needs immediate healing and finds the best healer she knows, Talyara. However, her sister is in for a big surprise when she discovers that Lana had taken a dagger to her legendary derriere, as well as some more serious injuries.

Lanara is gently placed upon the stone altar, and she gives Eirik a small smile, before she finds him ushered out of the room by Talyara and a few attending healers. Although she adores her fiancé, she didn’t want him to see her in this state, and she knew that her sister wouldn’t want him to be privy to such extensive healing. He would only get underfoot, and Lana is secretly happy that her lycan leaves the room without anything more than a frown. The last thing the healers needs was to tend to a berserker. And, it diminished the worry of her sibling hearing of their recent engagement. She wasn’t quite ready to share that bit of news, and thankfully, the ring was left back home in a jewelry box. Lana weakly turns her head to the side and looks into her sister’s emerald hues, feigning a smile. “I’m a mess… I think I lost too much blood, Taly. Get me out of here, please, as fast as you can?” The elf didn’t want other to ogle at her soon to be naked body, or her fresh injuries. It was bad enough her whole body hurt like hell, so she didn’t want to be on display, either. The healers discuss a plan of action in the corner, and her brown eyes remain glued to Taly’s face. It was now or never. Time to make a break for a more private location!

Talyara is quick to rush to Lanara’s side when she is placed on the altar after that final knife hit to her perfect derrière. Her face is contorted with anxiety and worry as those emerald hued irises scan Lanara’s body in order to better assess her injuries. Those eyes flick up to the elder sister’s when she makes her request and Taly blows out a heavy sigh—it was going to be tough getting her out of here with her injuries let alone without anyone seeing them. Still, opportunity knocks soon enough with all the other healers seemingly busy and the younger witch pulls Lana’s arm over her shoulders while wrapping her own around her sister’s waist. “Come on. I know it hurts but try and muster up the strength to grit your teeth through the pain and be quiet,” she whispers before walking with Lanara out of the cave. Once outside, the cold air bites at their bare skin and Taly squints her eyes as she wracks her mind on where to go. Pressure against her shins draws her attention downwards as Taylor arches her back affectionately. “Lana, Taylor is going to shift and carry you to my old cottage and I’ll heal you there. I still have some old supplies there and it will afford us some privacy.” Assuming Lanara agrees, Talyara would wait for Taylor to shift into the sleek, black panther and help her sister atop her back. Once she was sure she was secure, she would quickly lead feline and sister towards the cottage.

Lanara continues to lose blood, though the heaviest stream seems to be pouring from her hip, where the vine creature had latched its thorn-ridden fangs into her flesh and took a chunk out of her slender side. Thankfully, none of her wounds seem to be fatal, though it’s difficult to fully examine the small witch, especially as she was covered in a mixture of blood, snow, shredded clothing, and debris from the falling rocks. If she didn’t have her wounds tended soon, blood loss would be the least of her worries, and infection would set in, so she senses the urgency in Taly’s tone, and gives a nod. Lana groans as she’s gently lifted from the altar, and she leans heavily on her petite sister, silently thanking the Goddess, that her sibling was able to support most of her weight as they exit the cave. As the cold air caresses her tear-stained cheeks, Lana groans, and buries her face against her sister’s bosom, softly weeping as pain surges through her body with every step they take. As the cat transforms from a docile housecat and into a menacing panther, she literally collapses against the glossy black back, and is grateful as Taly helps to position her so that she won’t be jostled during their journey. “Tyler… Good puppy…” Clearly, the blood loss is affecting Lana’s memory as she gets both the name and species of the beloved feline wrong, and Taylor gives a disgruntled mewl before scampering through the frozen tundra, with Taly and Lana both on her back, headed for the remains of the half-scorched cottage nestled in the woods.

Talyara was thankful that the duel itself was not too far from the cottage. She was even more thankful that Taylor's speed and grace through the snow made it so they arrived at the cottage rather quickly. While renovation still wasn't done on the cottage where Lanara had blown it up, Taly had cast a spell to keep the elements out. Once more, the younger witch pulled Lanara's arm over her shoulder while wrapping her other one around her waist, and walked with her into her old home. The oversize chairs were still there, a gift from Drargon when she first made a home here. And the witch had dragged her mattress out in the living room as only that and the kitchen survived the blast. It is on the bed that Lanara goes, Taly quickly moved to set a fire roaring in the hearth before pulling her magical pouch at her hip and upturns it, dumping the contents beside her sister. "She really got you," she informs her sister with a wrinkle of her nose. "I'm going to have to stitch you up. Do you want a pain tincture to knock you out first?" She asks Lanara, emerald eyes meeting chocolate hued ones.

Lanara is somewhat delirious from the loss of blood, along with the loss of her match against the fiery haired elf, so as she sees the remains of the cottage, she merely snorts. The leopard runs off in the night to hunt and leaves the sisters alone, as Lana gently nudges her bottoms to her knees, and bares her shanked arse. Lying on her belly on the mattress, she whimpers as her thorn-embedded slash marks on her thigh and hips graze the bedding. Still, she grits her teeth and buries her face into the cloth, knowing the pain that would follow. Her derriere was the finest in the realm, and she’d be damned if she’d allow her more grievous wounds to be tended to first. She had a reputation to protect! Taly eyes her shapely, and bloody, rear end, and offers a pain tincture, to which Lana shakes her head. “No. My arse can take a pounding. Just get it over with. The longer it stays split, the lesser chance I have of the scar healing.” And so her fingers dig into the bed, as she waits for that first pinch of the needle. Oddly, and despite her pain, Lana can’t help but laugh, amidst her tears. “My sister is sewing my butt cheek! HAHAHA! This tops the cake! This is like that time that I set you up with that random straggler I had met on the road. He stabbed his poor kin to death and ate a whole chicken!”

Talyara blinks at Lanara with disbelief in her emerald hued eyes as Lanara nudges down her bottoms to reveal her pretty, but gashed open rear. While it was definitely something that needed tending to, Taly was much more concerned with wound in her side. She gently tried to urge her sister to allow her to patch that up first; however, Lanara was as uncooperative as ever, whining about needing to keep her title as having the best arse in Lithrydel and if they didn't take are of it RIGHT NOW she would curse her younger sister. The petite witch took a steadying breath, momentarily closing her eyes and silently praying to the Goddess to give her strength and patience in dealing with her sister. "Very well then," she answers curtly to her sister and takes up her sterilized needle, threads it, and begins the process of stitching up her sister's rear. Before long, there is a line of neat sutures along her ample cheek and Taly wrinkles her nose and dips her finger in a jar of salve before spreading it over the wound and affixing a bandage. "Now, you're going to have to change your bandage everyday and put this stuff on it. It will help keep out infection. When we remove the stitches you can work some tea tree oil on it so that it breaks up the tissues and will hopefully leave you with minimal scarring." Taly draps a blanket over her sister's bottom before looking towards her face. "Can I tend to the more important wounds now?" She asks Lanara rather crossly.

Lanara remains as still as possibly as her rear is stitched, though she flinches every so often, and digs her nails into the mattress. Upon hearing that there could be minimal scarring, she scowls, as that was unacceptable. “No, Taly. There can’t be any type of scar! I have the –best- butt in the realm, and I’ll be damned if it will have any ugly marking upon it! You need to rub that grease into any cracks or crevices on my arse, three times a day! Promise me, sister!” She lifts her head, as the excess thread is snipped, and gazes defiantly over her slender shoulder at Talyara. Those chocolate hues hold a hint of fear, for though the witch wasn’t vain, as most had expected someone with such startling beauty to be, she was rather proud of her shapely derriere. Obediently, she gives a small nod and gently rolls over, hugging the blanket to her chest, as Taly aims to heal the deep gashes on her thighs. Lana shifts the blanket so that her sister can fully assess her injuries, and she falls eerily silent, fighting the urge to remain awake. Eventually, she finds her words. “I thought that my spirit summoning would have taken out all of her plants, but I guess I was wrong… She had pretty red hair. And I told Gilwen a few days ago that I’d help her to remove the curse on Sage Forest. Maybe you should get involved with that, too?” A beat. “And maybe it’s time that you start dating again. I know a nice dragon… And a nice lycan… And I’m sure I can scrounge up some humans…”

Talyara feels her fists clench and unclench in agitation as Lanara makes her swear that she will oil up her arse three times a day to ensure that there is no scarring. It was difficult for Taly to deny the requests of her older sister, but this took things to a whole other level that the petite witch wasn't sure she could handle. Still, for the sake of continuing with the healing, Taly gives her a curt nod before leaning back to allow Lana to roll over and the druidic witch's expression sobers as her fingers begin to prod the area. "I'm going to have to spell it before I can stitch you up. I worry there might be damage to your muscle and tendons." Pushing herself to a stand, Taly quickly moves about the sparse cottage, finding a stub of candle, a piece of quartz, and a piece of amethyst. The stones are handed over to her sister to hang onto as Taly uses her nail to carve miniscule runes into the candle. Once it is placed in a holder, Taly's hands hover over the wick and the witch closes her eyes, muttering under her breath until it suddenly sparks with a blue flame. With hands still warm from her fire magick, the druidic witch places them on Lanara's leg and she should feel a warm tingling feeling. "God and Goddess, protect Lanara. I call on the elements to take their place, and help Lana out of this space. Show her that love is all around, by Divine will from sky to ground. Healing light, shining bright, let this injury flee in fright! With harm to none, including me, I cast this spell. So mote it be!" There is a moment where everything seems still as if Taly's words had done nothing. But soon, Lana would begin to feel that tingling spread throughout her leg. It wasn't necessarily painful, but it was probably uncomfortable. Taly keeps her hands suspended over her sister until she is sure the interior damage has been dealt with. Only then does she pick up her needle once more and begin to finish her stitching. "I dunno, Lana, I'm not really important or powerful," she says a bit sheepishly. "And I have been trying to get out there and meet people. I've been spending time with Ansel and I got to meet the boys. They told me you got them a dog."

Lanara sighs, her eyes wide, as her sister looks closely at her leg. She had assumed that it was pretty bad, as it had thorns and gravel embedded in the flesh, and the inside burned with a fire, similar to severe inflammation. And that was only the exterior, though where the plant beast had bit a chunk from her hip and thigh, the blood flowed steadily, and was more severe than the rest. Feeling feverish, she nips her lower lip, as Taly threatens that there could be permanent damage, unless she does something drastic. In this case, call upon the powers of the Goddess to mend her injuries. Good thing too, as the witch was a dancer! Lana feels the all-too-familiar sensation of her body responding to an outsider’s magic, though when it registers that the intent is to heal, her own magic sits back and allows Taly’s to take over. It doesn’t hurt, exactly, though she can feel a heaviness in her leg, and a dull ache throughout her form, as the power runs up and down her body. Tendons are reattached, nerve damage is reversed, and the elf’s lashes linger against her cheekbones from time to time. She was weary after the fight and sustaining such injuries, but thankfully, her little sister came through, as always. “Thank you, Taly.” She whispers, wincing as that sterilized needle pierces her tender flesh, and the suturing begins. “You are powerful. Did you not witness what your powers just accomplished?! Taly, we have our mother’s blood in us. We are an unstoppable force, and don’t you forget that…” The brief scold is over as quickly as it began, and a slow smile etches into her features, as Ansel and his boys are mentioned. “Aw, I’m pleased they liked the puppy. I have to pay the boys a visit. I’ve been so busy in Venturil and gallivanting with Eirik, and preparing for this blasted tourney, that I haven’t had the time to check in. The last time I saw Ansel was… Oh… I think November? I personally picked out the puppy and had it brought to their room, on Christmas Day. The boys think it’s from Santa, though, so be sure to keep that secret! They are a wonderful family, a shame really… I hope Ansel settles down one day.” It dawns on her then, as she remembers seeing Taly with the lycan at the Yule Ball. Her smile grows wider. “So… Ansel is the one you’re after, huh? He’s a good man, good sons, and a cute puppy. However, he’s very absorbed in his career, Taly. I know you would want someone that had more time for you, and less time shared with others.”

Talyara gives Lanara a sympathetic look when she spies that wince when the sterilized needle pierces her skin. “Sorry,” she mouths to her sister, knowing stitching isn’t the most pleasant of experiences but in the woodland witch’s case, was necessary. At the older sister’s scold, Taly feels her cheeks color and she gives her head a small shake. “I’m not powerful the way you are. You can protect people, protect yourself. Take care of business. That’s not who I am, it’s outside of my capabilities.” The younger sister wasn’t trying to put herself down, but rather explain her position. “It’s admirable and I daresay I’m quite jealous of the way you can kick ass,” she says with a small chuckle. “You know I’ll fight when I have to, especially to protect people, especially the ones I love. But I prefer the healer’s life.” Talyara is happy for the change of topic but talk of Ansel only brings about a deeper blush. “I mean, I don’t know how he feels about me. But we just have this great banter. Teasing, sweet, playful. And the boys, the boys are great.” Taly ties off the thread and begins to wrap up Lana’s thigh before moving onto her hip. “I enjoy his company, I could see myself spending more significant time with him, but…” Talyara shrugs. “Like you said he is very busy. There’s also this vampire who has expressed interest in me, I don’t know if you know him? His name is Daermon. But I don’t know if I can look past his flirtatious behavior. Perhaps I am meant to be an old crone with an unlimited amount of cats!” She says with a laugh. Then, in the interest of staying involved in her sister’s life, even if she didn’t agree to certain aspects, she asks, “How are you and Eirik doing? You guys are staying in Venturil?"

Lanara notices that blush, and despite the pain she’s feeling from being stitched, she can’t help but smirk. It was rare that her sister fancied another, and Ansel was a major step up from Ayras or Emrith. Those two blood suckers did nothing more than feed from her poor sister, and stomp about her heart while neglecting her, misusing her love, and fornicating with others in the land. Ansel was a gentle healer, with a good head on his shoulders, and two adorable boys. He would be a good match for her sister, in most respects, though his lack of being readily available would put a damper on things in the long run. Still, she doesn’t say any of this, as she merely watches her sister’s expression as she talks and ties of the knot, her thigh stitching complete. She tilts some, so that her sister can address the wound on her hip, and it’s then that her knowing grin fades from her face, as worry creases in her brow. “Ye-Yes. I know Daermon. He kissed me after a dance class, and I realized how inappropriate it was and ended things before they had a chance to begin. He is a flirt, and he’s had lots of women. One being my employer and friend, Brennia. Another being a close friend of mine, Aira. I’ve heard he has a history of being unfaithful. My advice is to make sure his intentions are only meant for you, and for more than a few evenings… I’d hate to see you get your heart broken, Taly. Though… If you’re just hoping for something fun and not serious, he is a handsome fellow.” She pauses as her sister slips the needle into her hip, thus beginning the stitching, and she nips her lower lip as her sister inquires about Eirik. Their engagement was still being kept secret and she wasn’t about to blurt it out while her sister held a needle! “Oh, um. Yeah, we’re great, I guess. I don’t see all that much of him, to be honest. He’s been busy with council meetings in Denubyrg and stuff.” She says nothing more to her sibling, nothing about the engagement, her unhappiness, or the pain in both her heart and leg.

Talyara smoothes a salve over Lanara’s thigh before wrapping a soft, cotton bandage around it, turning her attention to the worst of her injuries her thigh. Taly isn’t privy to Lana’s thoughts on Ansel but instead nips at her bottom lip when talk turns to Daermon. “I am aware of his history and as wrong as I might be in allowing his past and the rumors to dictate how I feel about him, something in my gut is telling more I shouldn’t pursue more than being friends with him. And you know how important it is to listen to your intuition, sister.” Talyara works the needle as efficiently and quickly as she can, knowing her sister has already endured so much this evening and not wanting to cause her an ounce of discomfort more. When Lana begins to gush about Eirik, Taly is so focused on her healing and not making a disgusted face at the thought of the pair that she doesn’t notice the slight shift in her sister’s tone. “Oh I’m sorry to hear he’s not around more. I know how hard that must be on you. Hopefully, soon, his duties will thin out and he can make you the priority again, as you should be. You deserve nothing less."

Lanara feigns a smile as she meets her sister’s gaze. Oh, Taly. If you only knew how much I want that. But nothing further is said, as she sits up, sharply inhaling as she feels the pain in her lower half. “Thank you, sweet sister, for healing me. And for attending the fight. It means so much to me. I love you, Taly.” She weakly pulls her sibling in for a hug, clutching her tight around the middle, and she sighs. She was exhausted from getting her ass beat, literally, from Gilwen. Plus, there was the fact that they she was keeping such a heavy secret from her sister. The elf’s eyelids feel so heavy, and she sways, pushing against Taly’s frame, though she catches herself before she falls asleep. “I’m going to rest a bit, okay?” Lana doesn’t wait for an answer, she literally collapses against the mattress, and within seconds, be it from blood loss, or the duel, she falls into a deep sleep.