RP:Building The Forge In Cenril

From HollowWiki

Scent of the Sea

The sound of clanking echoed through the morning air. A gloved hand moved up, wiping the sweat from Alice's brow. "Ye sure I'm payin' ye enough?" She asked of her friends. The redhead had enlisted the help of some of her pals from Rynvale; whom she'd done several favors for in the past, before she'd moved here, to Cenril.

"Aye! There's enough gold in that sack to last us all a lifetime." The sailor closest to her gave a nod, his arms crossed over his chest. It appeared that the two of them were taking a break while the rest of the crew kept up their work, for now. A little yawn left Alice's lips. She had gotten up early this morning to begin this project. She and her friends had sailed over two nights before, and had spent all day yesterday gathering supplies for today's project. Today, they were beginning to build her forge, and the beginnings of the little cottage nearby.

A little smile grew on her face. It'd been a long time since she'd had a forge of her own. The last time had been long ago, back on the island she'd lived on before sailing to Rynvale... or rather, crash-landing in Rynvale. She didn't really talk about that day much anymore, except to say that she would never forgive the Time Lord Vuryal for what he'd done. While she dwelled on those rather dark thoughts, she twisted the mithril band on her left arm rather absent-mindedly. "What are those things anyways?" Asked her friend.

Al jumped a little. His voice had cut through her stupor like a warm knife through butter. "Tributes," she replied slowly. "To me brothers." Chewing her lip, she turned her eyes to her friend, studying his face a moment, wondering what his reaction would be. She'd told him the story once. He was respectful, and nodded. She was glad. Today was a big day. She didn't want to have to stop to tell a sad story. After all, this was Al the Red, Al the Slayer, Al the Fighter, Al the Axemaiden, Al the Sailor. Al the Anything But Sappy And Don't You Say Otherwise Or She'll Get You For It.

After a little bit more rest, Al and the sailor joined the rest of the crew, hauling lumber, hammering nails into place, raising a roof, anything and everything they could get done in as little time as possible. The process took about five or six days, maybe even the whole week, but by the end of it all, Alice stood proud in front of what they'd made, after waving them all goodbye. "This is it... This is me new forge..." She said to herself. Her eyes turned up to the tiny shack that had been built nearby. "...An' someday... Someday, that'll be a house."