RP:Beast,Breakfast, and Belief

From HollowWiki


Scandal in great need of food must come to terms with his place in the world, and while he learns not of what his place in life be, he learns his place in the food chain, and that be great indeed.

Tile Description:

Calm Sea The sea finally grows calm much to the relief of all on-board and once again the sun puts in an appearance finally drying the ship and warming the tired passengers. You grow brave enough to once again grab hold of the wooden railing; they feel quite course in your hands as you peer over the edge to sea the deep blue ocean as it rolls alongside the ship now instead of trying to jump aboard. One of the bored crewman entertain the weary passengers by pulling out a small flute, he plays a jaunty and lively sea shanty as his friend sings along about a great sea Kraken and the captain who chased him for years through stormy sea and poor weather. The great ship continues westwards.

The Rp:

Main Character: Scandal

NPC: Kraken

Scandal didn't look remotely healthy at all. His scales were pale white, for the black dragon hybrid his normally red belly was a sickly green color, and his stomach was so thin, that his ribs could be seen, and his stomach area was grotesquely thin, as if it were little more than his spinal column and an thin girth around his midsection. At five miles tall and 11 miles long, Scandal still looked like living corpse of a dragon. His blood shot eyes scanning the calm sea. His mind restless as he debated upon what he needed to do, but didn’t want to. “I have to eat, but what if I don’t stop, How many whales would it take? How many Krakens could go unnoticed, how could I manage to do this day after day after day? Dammit, gods and goddess above, and below, can none hear me, this size is a curse, from day one since i have awoken, i have bumbled my way through life, time and time again. I was foolish to carve out a valley with my fore claws, scraping every ounce of jewel and precious metal from it, building a vast hoard with so very little effort or care, making myself wealthy but without any understanding of wealth. I dared to dream of being a banker, and in that to I failed, I hired those horrible wretched beings that trinity, to protect my interests but only to make myself enemies, and antagonists. I played the fool, the child without knowing, without wisdom, as an arrogant and powerful dragon who desired only to be noticed and loved. My innocence drove me to seek out friends, but in turn they recognized i was more trouble than i was worth, my adopted sisters were only ones who took me in, they alone are my greatest treasure, but in all things that followed my damn hormones and this rapid maturing. I ruin everything I touch, and worse I fall into self pity, and sound like a pathetic child, Darn it Scandal grow up, but how do they do it, how do they befriend each other so easily, how is it that everything I do ends in failure and alienation while everything they do ends in success. What is wrong with me, to many things. I don’t roar so i do not terrify, I do not breathe lest i draw in every tree and living thing, I do not dare be this size for long, I fear I would harm something. Gods Scandal you are without a doubt a dragon who has no self confidence because your so worried on how the world sees you and how you want the world to see you, but you will never have. What is my purpose to what end do i serve, am i just here, is this not my time, or have i missed it?” he sighed. “My greatest regret in this moment, is that none heard me, and none shall no the pains of my heart and the depths of my soul. Damn you Scandal, Your wallowing in self pity yet again.”

Scandal cast his eyes down and then up, and then closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he spied some whales passing by. His stomach growled, but his mind was focused upon the whales, how they swam about how they had their young with them, and how they swam like in their group of sixty. “Why must nature be so beautiful and yet so cruel,?” He watched the pod swim away. His stomach continued to growl in desire of food. “I need to make the choice, and it needs to be now.” He said. He paused and then he moved. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth and he scooped his mouth across the sea, allowing the water to flow out between his teeth, and until he could feel the sensation of thousands of fish upon his tongue, and then he swallowed. Again he lowered his jaw, and scooped up some more, he felt whales on his tongue, and his swallow pained him in his heart while his stomach angrily grumbled, desiring to be fed. Lastly he dipped his head beneath the waters and closed his jaw over something large, he felt the tentacles grasp his neck and jaw trying to break free. “What are you, how dare you bite me the oh mighty Kraken?” Scandals mind spoke so not crush the creature just, yet. “My apologies.” He turned his neck and opened his jaw dropping the great Kraken from his jaws. The Kraken floundered in the air until it crashed into the ocean. It angrily whipped its tentacles against his lower foreleg, and yet despite this is felt no more than as if a man were being tapped on the shoulder with finger. He dipped his head again into the waves and tried to remove some more food. The swallow pained him and worse the Kraken still was angry. “How dare you, how dare you, Dragons ought to know there betters, and I be the best. Die dragon, feel my tentacles knock your brains about.”

Scandal sighed, and sat down eyeing the Kraken. “And to whom died and left you with the title of best of the beasts?” The Kraken roared, “I be the ancient of the seas, the seaman’s worst enemy, the sea’s lord almighty, how dare thee dragon to be bigger than me, return thyself to be thee normal size, so that i may crush thee.” Scandal’s eyes rolled. And looked at the Kraken. “Great, tell me oh ancient one, how might I do so, if this be my size?” The Kraken roared yet again, “Do not test my patience devil of air, dare I unleash my impetuous rage, and smite ye smear served cold upon bread.”

Scandal breathed in and out, “Pray tell, how is your rage any different than it is now?” The Kraken latched out with its tentacles and tried rip his arm from the floor and toss him aside, yet Scandal remained rooted for the Kraken’s strength was none to his. “Die, die, die, and when you die, i shall eat of your decease!” Scandal watched for an hour, until the Kraken was worn out. “What pray tell are you, you freak of nature!” The Kraken huffed and puffed out exhausted. Scandal glanced down at the pathetic creature, “I am but a dragon, nay more than 50 awake and 3 million slept, I am dragon cursed with mind and energy of hatchling and the size and strength of an elder meant to sleep for eons till he dreams unto death. In every way and manner of speech and I am hated, feared and worse ignored.” The Kraken laughed, “Ha, your size and strength lead all to fear you, and thus they would fear your wrath, such as they fear mine, my visage makes the seas tremble and the sailors flee, to be feared is better than to be loved, for no matter what you may do wrong you can do it again and again, and suffer nigh a consequence for your actions. You should be grateful that you're not a petty land lubber, you apex predator. You are like me, and might makes right.”

Scandals eyes burned, “Your words remind me of another, who was cruel to me, for I was once small, beaten and abused, all whom i loved and treasured were killed by those who were cruel to me, and yet you say to me that might is right. I say unto you what is might without morality, for it is what separates the good from the wicked, consequence is accountability and while i have suffered i have learned, but you Kraken have not, not once did it cross your mind that what you were doing was cruel, for you told yourself that you alone could not be held accountable for your mind has told you, to make right is through might, and not by morality. I am not your judge, but I am a predator, and if the gods have permitted me to be as i be, then my prey be you, so that the offspring of you be held accountable for the crimes they commit, and that they be will be judged by nature and by the gods should i happen upon you, and snatch you up to be my feast.”

Scandal eyes burned as the Kraken realized what happened next. Ink spewing in an attempt to flee, Scandal grasped the head of the beast of sea his jaws crushing its head, its death instantaneous, and painless more than it deserved, Scandal jaws opened and closed the muscles of his throat working to swallow its head and the tentacles attached, like great noodles he slurped them down, swallowing not once but twice his stomach welcomed the prize. His mouth closing and his eyes paling, his heath returning. He had found his place in the food chain, and now he needed to find his place in life. Lest he be but a beast, and nothing more.