RP:Arkarian's Dragon Transformation

From HollowWiki

The Restored Trembling Tree

Moving along the Mystical Stream, this arborous landmark stands ominous over the lands. This tree is the embodiment of life and empathy as it stands, trembling intermittently feeling all the fear, pain, and loneliness in the world. Love and compassion flow forth from this wonder, which serves residence to a flower shop in its upper branches. This historical elder has stood since even the great God Sven was deified. It was this space that served location for the Grand Council, where Governess Nymur of Nayrul, High Druid Alrion of Sage, Xulven - Monarch of the Dragons, and Queen Ceryl of the Pixies all gave their life opposing Arrecation's evil. This, was the very place of Arrecation`s sealing by Norodruin, and the last stand against Elazul and Khasad by the armies of Lionel and Donovan. The ancient monument was all but destroyed in the final battle below its boughs, but the restorative efforts of the Healer's Guild members and the Ascendi Lauria herself restored this tree to its former glory. Once more it towers over the Enchanted Kingdom and continues to remind all of the brave souls who fought and fell here.

Arkarian walks up to the high elf and bowing deeply says "Talisia, I require your skills to lift my amnesia, my soul cries out to know my past, and only with your help can I accomplish my heart's desire. Can you help me?"

Talisia turns from the tree and she looks to her friend as she says, "But of course Arkarian. You trust me to go into your mind and pull forth the memories? I'll need to lay my hand on you somewhere; I prefer to place fingertips on either temple if that is alright with you. I find it helps me significantly."

Arkarian gets down on his knees, reducing his height to the point where Talisia can reach his temples, nodding his head he says "I trust you Talisia, I know I am in safe hands. Please, continue."

Talisia places her fingertips on Arkarian's temples as she closes her eyes and concentrates. Ancient Elven words are whispered as she melds her mind to his, slowly. Letting his mind get used to her presence gradually. She begins to push through the layers of his mind. Amnesia, as she had come to know, was nice in the fact that it left wisps of trails. She did not look at his memory that was not for her to do, no she was working on pulling his memories from his sub conscious mind to his conscious mind. This was going to take a bit....

Arkarian knelt there on the hard ground feeling his past whispering to him, the echoes of memories that had been locked away of decades screaming through his soul, trying to re-establish themselves. Ark moaned, wanting to know who he was, where was his family, what kind of man he was.

Talisia continued to chant, it was more for her, to keep her grounded, and it wasn't needed to pull his memories forward. Then she came across strong resistance, this wasn't normal. She began to speak in ancient Elven, a prayer as she asked the surrounding area to lend her a bit of it's strength and her Goddess, Nyrmine, to help her grant this man's desire. She wasn't positive but she believed she felt an answer to that call well up inside of her, adding strength to her. This was a seal... a magical seal. Think Tali, think. Why is this Magic familiar to you? Once she figured that out she could begin to unravel it.

Arkarian felt a strange fire light up inside him, a deep rooted rage that commanded him to strike down the elf before him, she was meddling in things she had no right to investigate, crying out ark stayed his hands and an inward battle began between ark's soul and the rage building up. Arkarian began to convulse uncontrollably, as the 2 powers inside him tried to overpower each other. Throwing out a hand his fingers closed around Talisia's throat and slowly began to strangle her. With a primal cry he overpowered the rage and dropped his hand from the elf's throat, a look of intense disgust on his face at what he had almost done.

Talisia doesn't move when Arkarian starts to strangle her. Arkarian had asked her help needed it so that he could have what had to be one of his strongest desires, his past. Then it hit her this was similar to her father's type of magic the same type that had sealed her true form away only this also held his memories. Knowing what to do now she began the process of unraveling it. Whispered Elven words went to Kyru, asking him to assist her in keeping Arkarian still. If he attacked she asked him not to try to protect her and that she would be fine.

Arkarian cried out, an intense pain washing over his body that felt like every inch of his skin was on fire, he began to resist the touch of Talisia and Kyru, his arms striking out at all around him, landing only glancing blows on his 2 friends. Arkarian began furling and unfurling his draconian wings and arching his back, the pain now so unbearable that the draconian wished that death would come and take him rather than experience this torment any longer.

Talisia wrapped her arms around him them she was already locked onto the path and it was unraveling now that she knew what she was dealing with. She was almost there, a few more moments. There! There's the last bit...she was close to running out of the strength needed but she didn't make it this far to fail here. Through sheer stubborn will she rid him of that last bind allowing his memories, his past, to be fully unleashed.

Arkarian stopped struggling as a clarity come over him, washing away all of the pain and rage he had experienced, a cloud of bright white mist surrounded the draconian's body obscuring him. With a long sigh that sounded like ark had wanted to release for decades left the man's throat as memories of his father, mother and brother re-asserted themselves along with everything else he had done before arriving in Kelay. Suddenly a burst of magic shot through his body pushing Talisia away from him. he stood up towering above the 2 elves near him, and a magical transformation took place, his smooth pale skin suddenly became covered in bright white scales, suddenly it seemed that a fire lit up in his blue eyes as he grew to twice his size, hi powerful wings expanding as ark transformed. A long tail grew out of his body and slammed onto the ground, the tip covered in sharp spines. Standing in the clearing was a dragon standing tall and majestic, with a roar the dragon threw its head back and a tongue of bright flame licked up at the sky that could have been seen for miles around.

Talisia gingerly gets up from where she'd fallen as she watches the transformation in complete shock. A dragon her biggest fear the terrors from her childhood it was to much for the High Elven woman, weak from what the experience took from her, her body simply shut down as she falls into a dead faint. Her white and blue gown clinging to her form as she seems to gracefully fall like a ribbon in the wind.

Arkarian looked down at his feet and see's the prone body of one of his dearest friends. Realizing he was the cause of her distress he used his natural ability to transform into the draconian form he had been confined to for decades. Walking over to Talisia's body he kneels down at her side and placing his hand on her temples he projected his powers into her body restoring her strength and replenishing her depleted magic. Satisfied that she was now back to full strength the draconian took her lifeless form in his arms and began carrying her back to Kelay.

Kelay Tavern

Arkarian walks into the tavern, Talisia’s unconscious form held in his arms. Walking to a table near the bar he gently lowers the elf's form onto the table top and checks her pulse and breathing. deciding that she is healthy but shell shocked he walks to the bar and grabs a large bottle of brandy tossing coins at Meshak as he does o. opening the bottle he pours a little of the liquid down Talisia’s throat followed by a longer draft.

Talisia sputters slightly then coughs as she comes to, sitting up. She was vaguely aware that she was atop of one of Mesthak's table's. That thought caused her to shiver as she realizes previously, she'd been over in Enchantment and now she was in the tavern. She looks to Arkarian as she smiles softly as she says, "You're alright... Thank Nyrmine."

Arkarian smiles at the elf maiden and says "I am fine thanks to you, I am dragon, I know my family, and my past. I am whole again. Thank you Tali, I am truly in your debt."

You shakes her head as she asks, "Help me get off of this table?"

Kais strode into the bar, the tridents in his hand as he slowly returned them to there respective sheaths. He closed the door and cut of the chilling wind that had entered the tavern and made many people near the entrance freeze and shiver. He strode across the room, the noise of his boots echoing around the room as he took a seat on a bar stool and ordered a pint.

Arkarian takes Talisia into his arms and places her feet down onto the floor, dusting her off, he leads her to a free table and sits her down and orders a glass of red wine for her.

Talisia thanks Arkarian for helping her, she felt better but was thankful for Arkarian's insight with the wine. She takes it from him gratefully as she says, "Thank you," She sips the wine and feels just that much better, "That was... quite the adventure."

Xylia raised a brow at the sight of her daughter in a man's arms. She approached and said, "Why are you carrying my daughter about?"

Arkarian turns to Xylia and says "because madam, your daughter was incapacitated after she healed me. I asked her to remove the blocks placed on my memory, and the illusion placed on me at birth that stopped me from transforming into my true dragon form."

Talisia looks to her adoptive mother and says, "I'm alright; it just took, a little more than I expected of me Mother but I am fine."

Xylia gasped painfully and sat next to Talisia, cradling her in her arms. "Oh, my poor little darling!" She strokes her hair. "Poor dear. So kind and perfect." She looks up at Arkarian. "I apologize for my hostility, but I nearly lost this one once before, you see. Pray tell, kind sir; what is your name?"

Arkarian nods at Xylia and smiles "my name is Arkarian. I have been in these pars for a while now, but left the lands for a while. I have returned now and intend to stay. And please, don't apologize; I understand your concern for Talisia."

Kais sat on the bar stool and turned around, watching the scene unfold with Talisia, her friend and her adopted mother. He grinned meekly and summoned his bird and pointed at it before mouthing "I'll send you a message."

Xylia smiles, "No, I was much too harsh." She sighs. "Poor dears, both of you."

Talisia's eyes acknowledged Kais as she looks to her Mother as she says, "I am fine Mother. I just needed to calm my nerves. I think I know how Daermon felt when one moment he was gazing at what appeared to be a half Elven woman and then that image shattered and there I was in my true High Elven form."

Kais grinned as he pressed the thought he wanted spoken to her and said "So who are all these people. Hope they aren't giving you trouble." He said as the bird bounced off and landed on her shoulder and told her the thought.

Talisia smiles as she looks between Arkarian and Xylia as she gently pets the bird with her finger before it flies back to Kais. Talisia told Kais, "One of the first friends I made here, Arkarian and my adoptive mother Xylia."

Arkarian looked up at Talisia and said smiling "I must go now Tali, but I will return soon. I would like to thank you once again for helping me." the dragon turned on his heel and disappeared in a flash of white light [{Category:RP Logs]]