RP:Aranhil's Exhaustion

From HollowWiki

Location: House of the Healer

Aranhil had been contemplating many things, his mind was over worked and was in constant strain form a head ache that never seemed to give weigh. He was seeking the home of Awne, whom he knew was in the eastern sage forest and so continued walking about until finally a home would be found that he thought might reflect her even in the slightest sense. Walking to the multi-floored building he would look upwards inspecting it before giving a few quick hard wraps on the door.

Trishtar tries his best to hold back his laughter as he continues the game. He moves a finger to poke softly at her belly before saying "Would you believe me if I said it is an illusion?" His tail twitches as he hears the knocking at the door and sighs...the game would have to end now. "Never mind love....you got me." He moves off the couch and sets her back down onto it gently as he moves to open the door. He hadnt had time to dress completely, so his shirt was off and he honestly didnt care this early. As he opens it he says with a soft yawn "Hello....are you in need of healing?" Awne whines as he moves, rubbing her eyes as she rolls again a few times before crawling off the couch. Still in her night gown and robe she stands and pulls it close, stumbling by the door to smack into the wall to the kitchen...again...then inside to get some water.

Aranhil was obviously not in the best of conditions. The many tasks he has taken on was showing all too well. His hair, which was normally well kept was misplaced, his clothing, although clean, seemed to more hang on his frame than him actually wearing it. Normally his elven eyes would have took in much of the interior of the home and the man before him already, but now they did not. In fact he did well enough to keep his head looking upward. “In a sense,” he would say, not caring to have to explain it twice, “Is Awne about?”

Trishtar raises an eyebrow at the male and tries his best to not take offense at how short he was being with him. He smiles and nods "She is just waking up....may I ask who you are?"

Awne sighs as pours a glass of water for herself, purring as she sips it, the coldness helping her to wake up just that extra bit more. With a more clear head, and open eyes, she moves back to the living room to see who was at the door, stepping up beside the dragon she blinks "Arran?" she eyes him with a frown "you look horrrrible..." she looks up to her husband and gently pets his arm "Will you show him to a couch, I'll get a kettle on." she moves back to the kitchen to do just that.

Aranhil nodded and hesitated a moment as he thought about his name. “Aranhil of the Guard.” he spoke lightly as Awne would approach and then speak. His eyes half closed lazily and the magic within him would be less restrained as well and so would slip into that of his rings in small bursts making them flash or glow a light colored hue and giving him their strength only for those precious few moments. The crimson bandanna he wore around his neck was hung off to the right side and the amulet around his neck had somehow managed to have the medallion upon his back. Normally it was Mia that cared for him in the mornings and made sure his dress and attire was properly adjusted, but she had left early this morning for some reason and so he was on his own. It was sad to see him in such condition.

Trishtar nodded to his wife before hearing the full name of the male before him. Lightning must have struck his brain as he suddenly looked like he was standing stock still, the gears moving rapidly in his head as his face started to turn red with anger. He manages to calm himself down however and turns "Follow me then." He moves into the living room and stands next to one of the couches "Rest here until Awne gets back..." Really he was holding himself well considering what their last few letters had been about. "So..." He decides to make some small talk. "Are you by yourself at home? Or are you involved with someone."

Awne fills the kettle with clean water before setting it over the fire and moving to set the cups together. Lavender tea would be on the agenda, a nice calming tea she hoped would help. Moving to the living room she looks to the pair.

Aranhil followed as instructed and sat down where he was told to wait. Lightly and slowly his head would turn as he finally began to take in some details of the home he was now in. Now he took notice of the mans words and he would respond a few moments later, “There are two the call my home their own as well...though neither of which I am involved with. His mind would track to Diamond now and of the night they had previously at the meadow. “But yes, I do have someone to call my own.” he smiled lightly looking now to the floor.

Trishtar raises an eyebrow as confusion takes place. "If you have someone to call your own....Might I ask who the person is?" In his mind, he was wondering why he had even gone as far with Awne as they did if he had someone. He banishes the thought from his head and awaits the responce that could satisfy the simple curiosity of the unknown identity. Awne sighs faintly and rubs her head, shaking her head to help clear it. "The tea is nearrly rready...arre you two alrright?" she asked softly, tail flicking as she stood beside the dragon. She wasn't there long as the kettle whistled, the feline was gone in a flash and returned with a tray of tea, moving around to the couch and sets the tray down, offering the elf a cup then the dragon before taking one for herself "What has you like this Arran?"

Aranhil thought to himself and with the thought Diamond's face would float to the surface of his mind. Gaining a small bit of wits about him finally as the herbs he took before seemed to slightly want to work now he would look up and say, “You may know her as Diamond Providence” he said finally realizing just before that Trishtar must be who he was talking with, before he hadn't noticed, not that he didn't care, it just never occurred to him to question who the male was. As Awne returned with tea now he would take the glass and allow the fumes to drift upwards and breath them in. Somewhat avoiding her question he would say, “Actually Awne, I was wondering if you might have something to help one with fatigue and restlessness. It seems my body has grown numb to my own medicines...”

Trishtar blinks in surprise as he finds out that the mentioned woman was part of the clan that he had been in before it dissolved and became a family name. "I see.....well what a lucky person then." In his head he was being sarcastic, but outwardly it would be laced with the utmost sincerity. "But yes....what has you like this?"

Awne frowns at him, nodding her head "I do...I can give you something to help you sleep but....Arran what's going on? I can't give you medince forr something I don't know the cause."

Aranhil took a sip of his tea and his eyes seemed to open a bit more as it awakened him. “Just my work...with everything. I'm a bit overloaded I guess.” he didn't care to give details on all of his jobs that he had taken on, in truth he knew he shouldn't have for even with a clan leader that was doing what she was it would be taxing on his mind, though it would still be much easier than this.

Trishtar had nothing else at the moment to say, and moves over to Awne and wraps his arms around her before kissing her cheek. "Im going to check on the kids..." He then moves into the bedroom, but keeps the door open as he moves to where Tsura and Ryuu were sleeping.

Awne watches the dragon leave, sighing as she knew why he had gone to them. Still she smiles at his back, turning her attention back to the male "yourr worrk?" She frowns "Actually....Arran i've been meaning to ask, the clan is grrowing, I couldn't imagen anyone doing it all by themselves, haven't you thought of taking on a co-leaderr to help you?" She takes a sip of her tea and sighs "I know that this...Amadrriecllya perrson is a Lady in the clan I have yet to see herr do anything.."

Aranhil chuckled lightly, “Yeah, she is the only other Leading Lady we have. The only thing I have seen her do is recruit a few people...nothing more.” Aranhil thought for a moment. “I have to go and meet with Allanon later this day, he owns the Rynvale lumberyard. I hope to get him to clear the land where I plan to place our HQ for free in exchange for letting him keep the lumber...” it was one of the many thoughts that started racing across his mind now as he was once more nearly fully awake. Taking a long sip of his tea he would attempt and distract himself from his thoughts.

Trishtar sighs as he would most likely remain in the bedroom for a while, playing with the cub and dragon-ling to get his mind off of their visitor. A confrontation would only make Awne upset.

Awne sighs softly "if that is all she's done than she is not helping you.." she frowns and stands, moving around to the door to her lab and inside, returning with a few vials and some familier sheets of parchement with the rules and stands of the clan. Taking her seat again she sets the vials down and flips through the papers "if she is not pulling herr weight and leading to help you with the strress than....ah herre it is.." she holds out the paper with the rule of dischargement "than she can be voted away by a majorrity."

Aranhil nodded in confirmation, “Who do you think wrote that paper Awne?” he chuckled lazily. “I don't want the confrontation. If nobody knows she is doing nothing, then she can remain as leader, right?” he looked to Awne trying to make himself look presentable now as he situated his clothing around correctly now.

Awne hums faintly "but that isn't rright forr you norr the clan. If therre arre two leaderrs than they both need to be pulling theirr weight, even if it's in differrent things." She shakes her head "she may have helped you to crreate this clan but you have been leading it."

Aranhil nodded in agreement like before. “Aye, your right. But I wont cast that first stone regardless.”

Awne sighs at him "Well that I will." she sits up straight and eyes him "Sirr, I call forr a vote on the Lady of the clan to be discharrged frrom ourr rranks forr lack of leaderrship."

Aranhil leaned back against the couch after sitting is cup upon the table in front of him, his eyes had grown big and awake at the words she had spoken. “I cant believe you just did that...” he would say after pulling a small piece of parchment from his pocket. “Its not full size, but it should do for this, do you have an ink quill pin?” Regulation papers. To notify the one being challenged, and then later this day he would write the clan an letter informing them of the event.

Awne stands again and moves to the lab, returning with an ink well and quill, setting both down "I won't see this clan go down as others have...this has a fighting chance by leaderrs need to help eachotherr."

Aranhil picked up the quill and started work on the parchment, it reads: 'Leading Lady Amadriecllya, You have been challenged by a member of the clan that shares no status other than Knight at this time. The challenge is an order for demotion on your part. This letter has notified you of the charges and later this day another shall be sent out to the clan telling them of this recent even and asking for votes. Votes shall go to Allanon, a party that is indifferent in this casting as he shall be leaving the clan in two weeks time. Until such a time as that that this matter is resolved you are hereby temporarily relieved of your immediate duties.' Aranhil diped the quill several times while writing this and then one last time for the following script. '~Aranhil, Leader of the Guard.' Finishing he would sit the quill down after cleaning it upon his pants so as to not stain the table. Leaning back to his seat he take a deep breath.

Awne glances over his shoulder as she readsthe note, resting her hand upon his shoulder "you didn't want to be the one to do...I don't mind...it needs to be done..even if she is voted to stay this will hopefully wake herr enough that she needs to change." She smiles lightly as she sips at her tea.

Aranhil rolled the parchment up tight and with a quick small enchantment the parchment was sealed in a magical seal of binding and the seal of the clan would appear outside of the scroll. At the magics end a small voice could be heard, and soon after a very small pixie would fly from the tangles of Aranhil's hair. She appeared just larger than a gnat but soon she would grow as she called on the use of her magic. The growth stopped when she was just larger than a pigeon. The pixie who wore upon her head fake feline ears and on her backside a cleverly crafted feline tail would pick up the message and with a nod to her master would zoom off and out a possible open window in search of Amadriecllya. “Umm...she is a pet?” he smiled and laughed a bit. “She has a bigger obsession with felines than even I do.”

Awne blinks at the pixie, following it as she leaves then back to the elf "wh...neverrmind." she shakes her head and sighs "do you feel a little betterr now?"

Aranhil nodded a bit, “A little, hoping I get some help with the clan. Then Im free to work on the LFA, the Hollow Trading Company, Repairs to my Shop, The road to be built in the Dragonlands on the isle of Rynvale....” he stopped finally. “Sorry...didnt mean to ramble.”

Awne shakes her head "you need a brreak...you'll worrk yourrself too harrd. get otherrs to help you and delegate what you can...you don't have to do this all by yourrself."

Aranhil nodded, “Alright. After this voting with Amadriecllya is done Ill start filling in the ranks with people from our clan. Ill need to start thinking of a replacement for her as well...” The first one to come to his mind was of course Awne, but he didnt know the others of his clan either. He would meet with each of them, he would be as fair as he could in his decision when the time came.

Awne nods her head and smiles "good, until then." she takes the vials from the table and hands them to him "tel help you sleep at night, and to give you boost in the morning." she lifted one vial for each, a darker one for sleeping and a lighter one for boost. "Small sips each, don't drink it all in one day."

Aranhil pointed to each and repeated what she had said to verify the information. Taking the items from Awne he held onto her hand catching her attention, “Thank you Awne.” Finally he would turn and begin his trek towards the door, should he make it outside he would find that Mia was there waiting for him, wondering what he was doing with Awne in her house.

Awne smiles lightly, following after him only to blink at the other feline, idly wrapping her night robe around her for warmth from the cool air "Hello Miss Mia." she looks back to the male "I mean it, don't take morre than what I told you...and trry to take rrest.."

Aranhil nodded and began the walk for home motioning for Mia to follow. The feline did so, her hung held low and once Aranhil was past her line of sight a tear would fall which she would quickly wipe away.