RP:Achilles; In Memoriam

From HollowWiki

Part of the Rynvale Darkest Night Arc

Summary: Pack and friends offer their farewells to the rogue captain Leoxander

Characters: Mahri,Rhocielle,Arien,Araina,Sterling,Keturah,Miya,Roelstra, Yasmine,Terra,Angelo,Athyaron,Finn,Kirikae.

Location: The Illoria at Anchor

It is a somber mood on the Illoria this eve. An odd table is set up with the wrapped body of the pack alpha lying atop it. Even the skeleton crew left aboard seemed to be less chatty. Probably because the'd been under orders for a 'dry' day. Poor bastards. Anyway, Mahri is there, likely not alone and staring at the linen and rope bound shape. Her eyes are dry. Gritty. Still. There isn't food lying out in wait for guests and gawkers. No drinks. She wore her usual garb, with that mass of dark hair tortured and twisted into a waistlenght braid. Tonight, she had to put the alpha to rest in the one place he loved most. The water that lapped against the hull of Illoria. It wasn't the Eternity, but it would have to do. She hoped.

Sophie the gentle healer is dressed in black though she still, perhaps in honour of Leo's zest for life, wears beautiful wild flowers in her hair. Perched upon her shoulder is another member of the pack, Leoxander's loyal right shoulder rat, Rowen. the pack rat is in an uncharacteristically quiet and somber mood.

Araina had followed the Beta from her home, now dressed similarly. No one would call them twins, she hoped. Ebon curls flowed freely, finding them wild to be fitting for the male they came to remember. She'd be standing nearby, likely next to the woman, her own gaze raptured by the form. Likely Rhocielle and Lynette had followed as well, somewhere nearby. Nalani, Araina had passed on the way, and the coyote had stuck to her side, following them onboard. She sat on her haunches now, Araina's fingertips absently stroking the soft fur.

Sterling had debated all day whether or not to near the ship that had been designated as the gathering point for the funeral. She was playing her 'I don't believe it till I see it' card, and to ruin that innocence was to break her heart into a million of splintering pieces that would find fuel in her pain and explode to injure the entirety of her with its shrapnel. After drinking herself as numb as possible, the Delta finally climbs the gangplank on a fair set of sea-legs, her attire her usual mess of leather, too new and uncomfortable and dark to be deemed the same outfit before the fight with Ciya. She's missing her arrangement of feathers an beads, and her skin is painted with ink and brush into foreign runes and symbols, decorating her arms, legs and face with tribal displays of mourning. The moment lavender eyes land on that table baring her Alpha's body, tears well and fall silently down the apples of her cheeks, causing those painted symbols to streak unbecomingly. If she were back on her island, she'd be punished for showing her anguish and forced to leave the ceremony entirely, but it seems here, she's allowed to express herself entirely. Sterling opts to remain far from the table however and refuses to take in the scent of decay and Leoxander.

Rhocielle stood silent beside Mahri, opposite of Araina, expression that might have been grief, fury, perhaps both. Canine ears were pinned flat against his skull. Eventually, his eyes closed and a heavy breath was expelled. Bastard... he thought to himself.

Angelo was dead silent and, oddly enough, dressed a bit differently. All in black, with the addition of a new black fedora. He would have ghosted himself onto the ship but was far too tired for that, so he simply limped his way up, standing off to the side and waiting. He'd be called forward if he needed to be, so for now he'd simply remain quiet and pay his respects.

Miya 's hand squeezed the other woman's as they entered; the elf's hand falling to her side shortly after boarding the ship and finding her gaze upon that of the remains. Her lips curl in a frown, and the woman would move to find a place to stand with her head lowered and shoulders slumped. She hadn't anything black to wear, seeing as how her black top had been sliced a few nights ago, so she chose the next dark color she had, and that was a deep forest green gown. She'd head towards an area less occupied by the others and lean against something- her mind didn't even pick up if it were a wall or some sort of crate. She'd sigh softly before honey brown eyes look around to those gathered.

Yasmine welcomed the squeeze, but as Miya drew away, she offered a small smile. First she wanted to make her way over to Araina, whom of which she lightly bumps against. No words needed to be shared, they both knew what the alpha had meant to them, but she was still there, even if all the pieces between them had not been placed yet.

Lynette followed Araina to this area remaining a few steps behind. Her attire would match most others, a black shirt under a black corset with leather pants and boots. Her salt and pepper hair had been pulled up into a ponytail, a few strands hanging in front of her face. Her eyes were cast downwards when they reached the ship and moved on board. She had never been on a ship and wished that the first time had been under better circumstances.

Keturah had not come alone, even if their pace was considerably slow. The Runner was there, and she anchored to him. The grip she had on his arm was tight, and more so when they had actually crossed onto the ship. Tarun brought up the rear, and Ket had spent the walk sparing more than one worried glance his way. The boy was holding to desert tradition, if barely. He'd yet to cry. Still, ink dark eyes were too bright, and jaw set as though that much could keep the grief from reaching his expression. Keturah's softened, before she set her own into that neutral, barely there composure. Hell. She'd pause off from the group, even if it meant keeping Finn beside her as well. Tarun was the one who risked continuing ahead to that table; even if he seemed close to breaking as was.

Arien was here, though most would have been hard pressed to know it. The elf stood away from the slow gathering crowd, her back to that shrouded corpse, pale in her own right, and silent as she stood at the rail and set eyes out to the moonlit horizon. She was not dressed for mourning, no flowing robes or dark colors. She was not dressed as governor, or as mother. The elf was the general who had once stood at her mate's side in war, who had been his helpmeet and partner, his support for almost as long as she had known him. She had saved him from himself, so many times. She had not been able to save him from this. Pain flickered in the emerald depths. He was lost to her, still, but the rogue would expect nothing less than that she stand now, with what strength she had left to muster for himself, and his family both. That strength did not include looking at that linen bound body, on that table in the midst of said family.

Mahri's silver gray eyes settled on each person to step aboard, a hand reaching to clasp the claw-tipped one of her mate. She needed the support. Flicking a glance towards Arien then Araina, she bows her head a moment, almost like she was praying. And Mahri did not ever pray. Looking up once more, from beside that table she too had turned away from, the wolf clears her throat. "I am not good at speeches or farewells. So I am not going to make either. Leo would rather we have gotten shyte-faced drunk than be so g'damn.. be like this." Sucking in a breath, Mahri lets it out slowly before going on. "Leoxander Achilles. Was..a bastard. A real sunnuva bitch most times. But I loved him. And I am going to miss him." Mahri falls silent then. A cue for anyone else to speak up with their own words. If they had them.

The soft hearted healer's frail elven body is wracked by great sobs. The little three legged rat on her shoulder tries hard to comfort the distraught Sophie, but in a way Rowen being on her shoulder makes things worse. It just seems so unnatural. Rowen should be Leo's right shoulder rat. The healer manages to gain control of herself a little still sobbing quietly, but not nearly so violently as a few moments ago. "Thank you Rowen."

Araina kept an eye on those coming, some bringing more recognition than others, but they were all there for the same reason. As Mahri quieted, a light whine from the coyote drew her attention. She allowed her fingertips to settle moreso in her fur, stroking in comfort. Her voice rose, next, " For someone who didn't claim much family, he sure made a helluva one. Some of us wouldn't be here if it weren't for him." Her gaze touched on the body before connecting in turn with those around her. " Never met a smarter mouth, but I'll miss him all the more for it. He was more a brother to me than my own." She fell into silence at the bump to her shoulder, a surprisingly soft smile lifting her lips. Perhaps just this one occasion, she could put everything behind them. For tonight.

Miya drew away, not because she wanted to avoid people, but rather she felt out of place. She'd known Leo for a while; done odd jobs for him and when he'd come into Finn's parlor, had been the only waitress she'd ever seen him call upon. And in the past month, she'd joined his little crew, working in the shop and hanging around those he'd called family, though she still hadn't known them as the others had. He had been their alpha. Their leader. She almost felt as if she shouldn't be here, but she couldn't rightly stay away. He'd been kind to her, been a friend, and even helped her keep food on the table at home; so here she was. A deep breath was taken before she too spoke- her words soft, though with this bunch, they needn't be loud anyway. "He... he was a good friend. Always looking out for you, even if he wasn't up front about it." She remembered that last conversation they'd had, and even with that dreadful image he'd given her, she knew what he was trying to do. She'd been determained though, and even if things didn't go the way she'd planned them, she'd be damned if she was going to give up now. She'd fight on, work through everything- it's what she figured he'd tell her to 'Quit yer bitchin' anyway.

Angelo blinked, taking off his glasses and rubbing the fatigue out of his eyes before donning them once more - between the time of removing his glasses and putting them back on, a small green drake covered in tattoos would worm its way out of Angelo's vest and over to the shroud, blowing flame into the air. Then, as quick as it came, it would disappear to leave behind silver coin that if inspected closely, one would realize it was heads on both sides. His own little tribute...but that was the best he could do. Couldn't speak, refused to, actually.

Yasmine carefully brushed her hand over Araina's shoulder before adding her owns words. "He never judged you for who you were. Always willing to let you in and try for a place, and when you earned it, he'd never let you go." She glances over to her companion from the walk, before making her way over to her side and offering a gentle squeeze to her hand.

Sterling listens to those speaking, and eventually, she breaks through her suffering. Her voice is choked and pathetic sounding, but it's forced out on a soft growl. "Sterling hated him so much in the beginning. So much." Lifting a inked hand to swipe at her tears, she causes her markings to smear into angry black lines. "But Leo had a way to cause even those who hated Leo, to love Leo. Sterling did. Leo was the parent Sterling never had, the support Sterling never had." She swallows hard, but its the struggle with that lump in her throat that causes her to choke out a sob that simply opens the flood gates for the rest. "Sterling hates Leo so much." Obviously, that's untrue.

Finn was drunk. What the hell else was new? Xander would gods damned understand or they'd tear each other a new one in hell whenever they got around to it. The fingers of the runner's free hand twitched, slightly, as if he wanted to wrap them around a bottle neck to hoist to his lips. He'd been pretty much going through the bloody motions for the last twenty four hours. Hazel gaze was grim, and slightly shadowed, and he'd be angling his head slightly to brush a kiss into the dark locks of the healer at his side. He could only imagine her pain. The red head's voice rose low and somber in that milling crowd. "Can't keep a good man down mate.." A muscle ticked in his jaw, a look turned Mahri's way. "I need a f'kin' drink rider.."

Mahri 'd nod towards the quarters just behind the table. That would be the Captain's Quarters..or rather, her own.

Lynette would make her way towards Angelo after he gave Leo the coin; though not making a sound as the others gave their word about the alpha. Tears formed in her eyes but she said nothing, simply went to Angelo's side and grabbed his hand lightly. He wouldn't have to hold it and could drop it if he wanted to. She didn't add comforting words to ease the pain but simply was there to offer support.

Angelo might've taken that hand - he might've even given it a quick squeeze before he'd let his hands drop to their sides once more, simply...staring at that shroud. No words. No time for 'em.

Miya held that hand; even went as far as to shift her arm to the inside, so the two were slightly more interwined. A sniffle was the only sound out of the woman as she heard the words from those gathered- though she would lift her gaze to eye Finn and his drunken state- he probably didn't even know she was there. Either way, today was not the day to start in on the fight they were sure to have, so she'd look back down and shift her stance so she might rest her head on Yasmine's shoulder.

Sophie moves over closer to Mahri, her dear old friend., she bows politely to her, almost dislodging her priestess passenger. It is a sign of what a serious mood Rowen is in that she doesn't greet Mahri with the habitual. 'Yah stinkin' old wolf.' The rat just mumbles we all miss him. I'm glad it's at sea, his first love was always the ocean. I remebers when her first made me his cabin boy...Leo at the wheel gazing out to sea, it was like ...like...a mother’s love and the passions of a lover and the loyallty of a friend who would die for one, and in some way stronger that all three."

Roelstra had arrived a bit later than intended and had stayed on the outer fringes of the gathering. Her own doubts and insecurities had plagued her for the last forty eight hours. The Head Ranger had swallowed them -- at least long enough for her to give her final respects to her employer and dear friend. When Sterling breaks down, it is then she weaves silently through the crowd to lay a hand on her shaking shoulder. Her contralto tones speak up clearly, " For so long...many of Leoxander's kind reviled and even hunted those like me." A quirk of the corner of her lips could be seen briefly, "...but not him. Not Leoxander." She would pat Sterling's shoulder before advancing. " Despite who...and what...I am he let me in. Employed me as a tender in his bar. A place I had come to call home." Her voice had momentarily strangled with tears. She blinked her wide green eyes clear of tears, save for one that cascaded down her pale cheek. " I haven't felt that sort of camaraderie in a very very long time." One hand comes to rest on his shrouded forehead, stroking gently. Two more tears followed the first as she leaned down to place a gentle kiss over where the captain's forehead was. When she straightened up, two fat little puddles stood out where her tears fell. With a shaky voice, Roelstra managed a simple " Thank you, Leoxander. For everything." Her flask, which had been used to carry her blood supply was laid upon his chest. It had been thoroughly rinsed and filled with his favorite rum. " Can't let you go into the afterlife without a good drink." With that, she turns and heads towards the back of the gathering, cheeks soaking wet.

Araina had brought a few things with her, to this. When she turned, she motioned to Angelo, for him to join her. The soft words and commendations seemed not to affect the woman, but if one looked close enough, shadows plagued the emerald hues that were currently cast to the ground. Some had already gotten their things, but there were those left. Those few. She wasn't sure how to go about this, merely speaking quietly as she reached for the obsidian bow that rest against that same table the body lay on, "You conceal men from the happiness of death so that they may enjoy life, and though these last few weeks have been rough, he damn sure enjoyed his own. A rough man, but he had one of the best hearts I've met, whether he showed it or not." She'd approach Angelo now, that bow held aloft for him to take, " He left this for you, Angel." She'd look away shortly, though she rested a hand on his arm for a moment before moving back to Mahri's side. " He allowed me to keep my title, and the respect of my position, though he knew I would've gladly cast it aside when I joined him." She nudged Mahri with a quiet sigh, " He left Lulu, and Jack, for you." The mutt had joined the proceedings, it seemed, right at the Beta's feet. She managed to look away at Roelstra's offering, already fighting back her own tears.

Yasmine leans her cheek against the soft locks of the elf as she listens to the words of the others. So many affected by a single person, and so many now gathered from different walks. As she gave Miya's hand a squeeze, she could not help but smile in spite of the moment. If there was anything to be remembered, it was when Leo touched someone's life, he left a big brand you could never forget.

Arien | It was the drumsticks that did it, and the words of the delta. For one blinding moment, this moment was all that mattered and existed. It was suddenly, all too real..and so very final. A taste of the nightmare that they had fought against, the fading of a dream yet unlived. How could he not have seen, how could he not have realized? The criminal, the scoundrel, the rogue.. a carefully constructed and hardened mask that hid a soul so few were allowed to see. He had shared it with them, all, to varying degrees. Her words came husky, quiet into those solemn eulogies. "He had a father's heart.." It was her tribute, to award him that title; one it seemed he believed himself never destined to assume. He had birthed a family to life, one that would not crumble in his wake. Still, she would not, could not move closer to that linen wrapped shell, and her too bright emerald gaze shone with the tint of unshed tears. If only he could hear..could see, could know, how very much he was loved.

Angelo drifted over to Araina when she motioned for him, looking to the bow -- no. Ohhhh no. No no no. When she held that bow to him, he almost broke. Ever so close. But instead he'd wordlessely take the bow, nod, and move over to the edge of the ship and stare out into the horizon so as to avoid the gaze of others. He may or may not have been crying, cursing to himself for a few seconds in his own language - damn it. Of all the things he could've done, he simply -had- to give him the bow.

Sterling slowly finds the strength to wander toward Leo, her cheeks stained black by her ink, and her tears still falling. Every few breathes are interrupted by a hiccuped breath and a pathetic sob, but eventually Sterling moves to press a kiss to Leoxander's forehead in the same manner of Roelestra before dropping her mouth to his covered ear to murmur a stuttered, "S-sterling will make Le-leo proud. Ster-ling promises." Sterling , following that whisper, forces herself to move far from the table and the pack entirely.

Athyaron had finally found the rest of the pack, his own son following close behind him...until he caught sight of Yasmine and immediately ran toward her and clung, unsure of what all was going on and out of his own fear. Athyaron on the other hand, would simply remain silent, arms folded across his chest as he paid respects in his own way. Quiet as all hell. Though he wouldnt' shed a tear, the man would be missed by the ranger. He had proven to be quite the leader, one he himself hoped to be like one day.

Terra were it not for the tall, borderline menacing presence at her side, most likely wouldn't have noticed that Terra came into view. Like the night she heard and every one since, the moisture in her eyes was apparent and fought, every single step. For the most part Kirikae was her guide, a hand hovering just near his elbow but unwilling to touch until... until she caught a glimpse of what she hoped never to see. Irony was cruel. This was they had met; him prone and lifeless, her lost and grieving... and this, this was how they would part. The kind words from others and their honesty kept her gaze diverted, focus intense on each subject as they said their own goodbyes. She was silent, jaw tight and hollow. What she wanted was for him to move, to insist it was a coma brought on by the Ghost... What she wanted was not what she got. That's when her shoulder shook and the first few tears did fall. To Kirikae she looked then and mouthed, "I can't do this." A fact she truly believed, just then.

Roelstra watches Sterling, her sobbing makes the vampire bite her lower lip, watching her as the youth draws closer to her position on the edge of the crowd. Two steps bring her to Sterling's side, an arm draped lightly around her shoulders, giving her the option to accept an embrace of comfort or draw away if need be. Despite her own pain, she was willing to offer comfort to those who needed it more than she.

Sterling had managed to keep herself together until Roelstra's arm is felt, and following that embrace, the witch leans into the vampire, her hands lifting to curl into Roe's clothing. Loudly, the delta sobs into the vampire's shoulder, "Why won't he just wake up..."

Mahri is watching all this. Stoicly. With her usual manner of 'I feel nothing'. Rhocielle, however, knew better and she might have lost it a little when he squeezed her hand, those claw tips dimpling the back of her hand but not breaking skin. This time. Biting the inside of her lip, the beta looked at all these people. Wolves, rats, vampires.. they all felt as she did to some degree. The elf..that Godsdam Redhead Bitch..the woman who had been the thorn in her paw for so long. Had it right. As words of loss, love, friendship came to an end, and Mahri gave Rowen and Sophie a slightly wobbly smile, she'll nod to the crew standing by to grasp either side of the plank the shrouded body was on and ease it to the railing. Mahri would pause on sighting Miss Mercy. She wouldn't, however, approach the blonde empath. If nothing, Terra would feel the beta's emotions. Those she kept buried and out of sight.

Roelstra rests her damp cheek against Sterlin's flaxen mane, rubbing her back in what she hoped were soothing circles. Much in the same way she had done with her own children when they needed comfort. So as not to disturb the offerings others are leaving, she whispers. " That is an answer I do not have. I sincerely wish I did, though..."

Miya shook her head, obviously talking to someone- probably herself- in her head, and not liking that which was said. Slowly she'd lift her head to look around, eyes falling on all those she'd come to know in the past month and a half. She'd watch, silently, while trying to keep her tears at bay. Gods she hated funerals.

Sophie breaks down weeping for many minutes, she has spend so much time recently being strong, comforting her friends suffering the evils of the drow invasion of sage forest, suffering from the terrible cruelty of the parasite of Lithydriel. Leo's death, she just cannot handle. The kind hearted rat's attempts to comfort the healer elf are in vain.

Araina clenched her jaw tightly as that body was raised, but a moment of weakness had her gripping the Mahri's free hand. Whether for herself, or the beta, who knew. She could feel her own turmoil echoed in the lycaness. Just a second, before she let go. Mahri would be the only one, save for the only other empath in the room, to know just how thin the line was she walked. She didn't question her choice of shoulders, she'd become…she didn't know if fond was the word, but something of that sort towards the woman. The coyote whined lowly beside her, in preparation for the fall. She laid there, on the planked floor, with her muzzle against them. A rare show of weakness for the woman. Seemed they'd all be showing a little, anyway.

Yasmine wraps her arm comfortingly around her nephew, happy if anything to have him safe alongside her. As she listens to the words of the others, she has to resist the urge to cry once more, even she had to bite her bottom lip until it almost bled. As she felt the slight movement next to her, she turns and leans over to Miya and gently presses a gentle kiss into those locks; she was with friends and welcome to reveal any and all emotions.

Sterling continues to sob into the crook of Roelstra's neck, unable to calm or contain her emotions. "Why, Roe? Why did Leo leave us?"

Athyaron simply, just...yeah, stayed quiet while Bo clung to his aunt, looking around for his other aunt to see if she was there. He kind of wanted both of them at the moment. NOw..as for Athyaron he noticed Yasmine and made his way toward her, placing a hand upon her shoulder, and his other upon his son's.

Mahri looked with surprise at Araina. G'damn it anyway. A dip of her head and the swipe of fingers over her cheek then the beta is hoping no one saw.

Angelo gently lay the bow upright next to the rail, flipping his fedora off and drawing up his hood - easier to hide whatever tears remained, that way. He half-heartedly thought of getting the pearl from Mahri, siphoning off all of this into it and just dealing with it but he just couldn't bring himself to. Those emotions were part of him, and he'd be damned if he lost those. He was tired, depressed, and he just -had- to have left him the bow, didn't he. Magnificent bastard, he would've said.

Kirikae had only come for Terra. He'd place a hand against the small of her back as if that much could be reassuring, gaze shifting from the linen-wrapped figure on the table and down to the elf, sidelong. He nodded, barely, turning his focus back to that shell. Still, she'd feel the way his fingers inched up, offering a faint tug against her hair. Terra, for her part, seemed grateful for the contact, even if she hadn't actively sought it. Her mind roamed as did her eyes. A great deal of these people were known through Leo, and to see them grieve wasn't any easier than seeing Leo like that. The silver gaze of Mahri's is held for a moment. They hadn't just a fellow Cabal member, though that may have been how the interaction started. It was more. While the empath sorts through the emotions of everyone else, she watched the floor. Would he think her weak for not being able to say goodbye? Would she become like he was, once, consumed with grief? Roel's gift to the deceased seemed tempting, as though his drink would reveal more secrets. While there were tears, what seemed like an endless supply, there's the faintest hint of a smirk and the troublesome girl Leo had looked after all those years. "He could probably still kick your ass, Kae." An eyebrow raised as she looked up at the captain from blonde bangs. "That's how good he is." Well... was, but she can't use the past tense. Not yet.

Araina saw Mahri, but said nothing, still fighting valiantly against her own tears. She'd probably lose it when that body went over, probably. But for now she was silent, a glance at her nephew bore the slightest of smiles, and she wouldn't object if he came over. She wouldn't be moving. Not yet.

Miya continued to watch those around her. She isn't moving either. Not yet.

Angelo began to hum to himself, same tune as when he had first stepped into the lair. He'd turn and lean on the railing, staring at the shroud. He'd leave after it went over. He needed rest, anyways. The humming would turn into faint singing after a few seconds, still quiet amidst all that was going on.

Mahri nodded to those sailors and they would slowly raise the plank until the corpse, wrapped up so neatly, started to slide. Over it went; Mahri refused to even think of that shell as Leo; to splash with finality into the ocean. If any looked over, they would see it, bobbing like a cork tied to a string with bait at the end. Once, twice..maybe three times before slowly sliding beneath the surface of the waves. Mahri didn't watch. She couldn't. If she did? She'd go crazy or nearly so. Like she had when Labyrinth had sunk and that's one ship that shoulda stayed down. And it was also another memory of the wolf who had stopped the the alpha from committing certain suicide. How many times had he saved her in some way? And how many times had she failed him in return. Clenching her jaw with that thought the beta looks about to announces, "All pack and clan, meet me in my quarters within the hour." It would give them all a chance to compose themselves. The beta most of all.

Yasmine gives Miya's hand another squeeze before she pulls away, and even with the issues still to be discussed, wraps her arms around her only sister. She nuzzles quietly into the dark curls as she wills all the comfort in her heart to Araina.

Arien watched the shrouded body slip into the water and sink, sink into crystal blue depths. His mistress' embrace, and peace, at long last. It would have been his only release from the trial that this world had become. The sin and blood that fought against his dreams would never have granted him rest, here, as much as she had tried to offer that in what they had forged. For that, he'd need a new beginning a world unseen, a dream realized. Maybe there he could become who he'd wanted to be, the man, and wolf this place had damned him never to be. She stared at that shell as it was swallowed into the deep. Rest. He would have it..everything they had denied him. Achilles, that thieving blaggard. He would have it all. The elf turned away from that deck and spoke, a single phrase. "It is finished." And she'd be moving through those milling bodies toward that gangplank, a certain set expression to those ivory pale features. And it had only just begun. Where he had gone, she would follow. She had promised him once. 'Never alone.'

Keturah 's brother was edging back as the captain was lowered into the water. Expression suddenly blank, he'd make his way back to the healer, past her and Finn, and after the redhead who had left first. Keturah had not been able to watch. Eyes that had closed only opened to watch her brother's departure, and it was then she'd be tugging gently against the Runner's arm. "Finn.." She needed him, then. If he allowed her, they'd both be making their departure after her brother.

Mahri will watch Arien leave with no apparent worry on where the woman was going. She knew. Arien had given her five days. Five days or less and..now that agreement was up.

Sterling 's head jerks from Roelstra's shoulder the moment Leoxander's body is dropped into the water, and quickly, the delta jerks from the vampire and races to the side of the ship. Through her haze of tears, and breathy sobs, the delta watches her beloved alpha sink into the brackish water until it can no longer be seen. And even then, after his linen wrapped body is gone long beyond sight, Sterling remains, staring at the sloshing water in silent hopes that he's swim to the surface and call them some strange insult she'd have to ask about. "Just one more word." Sterling begs, her voice murmured. "Just one more time." That one more time never comes however, and the delta remains there, staring at the sea with such hatred, as if it were the one who had originally stolen her alpha's life.

Athyaron pulled his hand from both Yas's and Bo'az's shoulders, motioning for the boy to go comfort his other aunt too. Bo, while slightly hesitant due to being close to Yas, went over anyway as he wanted to see Araina too. Whilst his father watched Leo's body get dumped at sea, Bo was clinging to Araina now, it being more than obvious he was upset about more than just being here at a funeral.

Araina looked away as the corpse slid, a lone tear falling over her cheek at the hollow thunk it made when it hit the surface of the water. Nalani yipped almost painfully and Araina flinched visibly, but then those arms were around her, if anything breaking her resolve further. She allowed herself to melt into into just for a minute, shuddering against the wave of pain that suddenly wracked her body at Sterling's antics. But oddly enough, Mahri's own guilt snapped her out of it. She then stood straight, as the Alpha she had become. She had to be strong for them, for all of them. She wasn't their alpha, no he'd just gone overboard. But she was an Alpha, and she cared for them. Her nephew was paid attention first, arms going around him even as she nodded resolutely to Mahri.

Kirikae grunted, quietly, and his lips might have twitched into the faintest echo of that crooked grin. "Yeah.." It was quiet. His hand dropped, again, touched the small of her back briefly and returned to his side. "Prolly." The smile faded before it had really appeared. "Bastard packed a 'ell o' 'er punch." And he'd give the captain that much as eyes turned toward the body again. Kae would have a slightly crooked nose as a permanent reminder of the man too. Ter had the scars from a wolf bite and the ink on her wrists. She had the memory of the dawn in the meadow and the nights below the stars. She had everything but... the very some person who was now at one with what he called his first love, the water. Every muscle went tense and for a moment, maybe longer, she thought about following him as she did before, so willingly. Kae had once asked her where she'd be in all this mess and now... now she didn't know. Red-rimmed eyes tracked Arien's progress but she never really ..saw her. For a creature that was promised an eternity of nights, this was the first time she felt true and total darkness. Nearly consumed, she buried her face and shame against Kirikae's arm and whispered her desire to leave. There was no way she could stay now and no reason to.

Mahri 's hugely glad Araina didn't try to hug her. She'd never survive it.

Sterling roughly shrugs out of Roelstra's touch, her knuckles blanching from the pressure they endure during her grip on the railing. "Leo will come back. Leo is just... Leo's just playing." She sniffles softly, her lavender eyes still glued to the dark waters. "Leo will come back, Roe..." Slowly, she manages to peel her watery gaze from her Alpha's resting point to find the vampire's face, and slowly, what resolve the witch had breaks quickly. "Leo will come back Roe, won't he?"

Miya was, to say the least, surprised at the whisper. The white haired woman was looked at, though the elf would soon smile, albeit softly, and offer her arm towards the other so they may depart.

Yasmine takes up that arm gratefully, but as she passes her sister once more, she brushes her hand over her shoulder. A reminder, she was here now.

Roelstra 's red-rimmed emerald orbs are the only indication of her grief against a pale mask of nothingness. She cannot speak, only shake her head as her hands come to rest a second time upon Sterling's shoulders, guiding her away from the railing with a little bit more force. It wasn't necessary to cause a scene, but letting the bereaved delta stand here and stare wasn't going to do her any good. No. Leoxander was gone from this world, much as it pained the vampiress to admit it. " Come...", is her whispered request.

Araina shouted, "~Another lone howl joins the first, in memory for that which was lost, a thread of hope for that they still had~"

Kirikae turned to loop his free arm around her, then. Chin might have rested briefly atop her crown, but after that whisper he would be coaxing her down the gangplank. He'd stay with her, that night, whether it was back to his ship or walking as far as she wanted; thought she might have had to tolerate his more silent company, wherever they want. Which Terra would do, if he endured her sadness. The sound of howls had once seemed so terrifying and despite their symphony, she was still able to hear the absence of that single howl and it.. it would be the death of her, these nights to come.

Athyaron figured why the hell not and joins in the howling, a deep one compared to the female voices.

Keturah shouted, "Yo-ho!"

Roelstra shouted, "*The vampiress stops, hearing the Beta's mournful all. A moment passes before Roelstra is able to work her vocal chords into an acceptable mourning howl. She is not wolf by blood, but that wouldn't stop her from giving the Alpha a proper farewell*"

Athyaron shouted, "-yet another lone howl fills the night air, honoring the memory of a departed one-"

Miya shouted, "Yo~Ho!!"

Mahri 'll listen for a moment the fading echo's of howls. She'll leave Sterling to Roelstra. Mahri really couldn't deal with the girl and she's grateful when Araina takes her arm. Passing Terra, Mahri dips her head and might come to a brief stop, narrowing eyes on Kirikae a bit before saying to the empath. "I'm sorry."

Araina shouted, "~One last tribute could be hear as a mist, a whisper through the streets of Rynvale, a memory on its lips~ A pirates life for me..."

Sterling shouted, "-Sterling doesn't howl at first. Her sobs and begging words are the only things heard coming from the ship. However, after a few minutes pass, a long,mournful howl erupts into the air, it's sound pitchy and painful. It's repeated twice before the delta succumbs to tears and humanesque wailing once more-"