RP:Accepting Anton

From HollowWiki

Frostmaw Fort Courtyard

Anton returns to the fort in Frostmaw. Once inside he lowers the hood of his robes to hang down off the back of his neck, he also removes his mask from his face, trying in all attempt to look as friendly as he can, knowing those of his skill set aren't looked upon to friendly after his last visit. His test having been completed hopefully in front of eyes and ears that would have relayed the events that had happened last night in the mages tower. Not knowing where the queen may be, or even if she is in the keep he searches through the various halls. Ears and eyes open wide searching for any sign of life in the fort.

Unlike the time prior, Satoshi is not surrounded by Frost Giants at work. At present, she's taken refuge in one of the fort's courtyards, where the damage done is less noticeable. She sits on the edge of a low wall that bears signs of cracking but otherwise stands firm, more than capable of supporting the snowflake-light weight of Lady Frostmaw. Beside the magus and with its great head flopped upon her lap, is a reindeer stag, liquid brown eyes watchful. Absently, Satoshi strokes the stag's whitened muzzle, a distinctive lack of breath pluming from the beast. It'd seem Satoshi and T'nal are taking a short break from their work to enjoy the quiet of this small, open area.

Anton passes through the halls dipping in momentarily to the rooms, even going into the same room a couple of times “Going to have to start leaving bread crumbs” after seeing the same statue of armor for the up-teenth time the necromancer finally finds his way to the courtyard. Finding himself back outside, he raises the hood of his robes back to cover his head. Though he keeps the mask off. “Queen Satoshi” he says hoping to bring a warmth to the cold courtyard. “I have found your pupil last night” the words travel with an uncertainty of delivering news, or tired gossip. Though with the same amount of respect as before, even to be in a bow should she turn around.

A vulpine ear cocks in Anton's direction as he steps into the courtyard, and the reindeer lifts his head, nostrils flaring, to deliver a snort. Satoshi follows the stag's gaze and finds the necromancer on the steps. His words reach her, drawing the ghost of a smile on her lips. "Oui. It did not go quite as planned for you, did it?" She'll leave Anton to figure out her sources of information. "And how do -you- feel you did?" The reindeer snorts again before giving a shake of his head, narrowly missing Satoshi's own with his antlers, although the magus doesn't flinch. Her attention is fixed on Anton. "What drew you to this art, if I may ask? And to seek me out so far north? Most go to the Archmage, or even the wizard, as their skills are more diverse than my own. Few necromancers visit me."

Anton offers but a smile, "I did what I could with the resources I had, I didn't wish to harm him just give a show, I didn't know he wouldn't return fire, ice, or what ever his chosen medium is. So I showcased what I could hoping that your eyes and ears inside the tower would relay the events accordingly." The hound that must have been spoken of isn't accompanying the necromancer this round, though it would seem his shadow follows him even when there is no direct light. "What drew me was hearing stories as a child of things the necromages could do as if my parents were trying to scare me of them but, early on I saw through them the power fear holds and so in my youth I sought out how to preform such feats. As far as to why you as opposed to the others? While cryomancy is as far as necromagic as any other specialty is, I don't want a general spell book. As from our previous encounter you know of my desires and where I want to go, and if I waste my time with aeromagic or carnomagic then it'll take me longer to get where I want. And my race wasn't blessed with an infinite timeline so I must do what I need to as quickly as possible. So I rather then find those who are powerful in all magic, I sought out the one who is powerful in a specialization, and to me more powerful then those with broad talents. To put it in the words of steal and shield, the wizard and archmage are a broad axe, dangerous when wielded correctly, but you and others who have the suffix of mancer attached to their title are a katana, deadly and quick and on point, which I why I sought you out over the other two."

A look is exchanged between stag and eidolon, unreadable save for the hint of a smile flicking Satoshi's whiskers. "Understandable. And yet, did you not seek out the mistress of the Necromancer's Guild?" Laced within Satoshi's tone is a hint of venom as she turns to face Anton, yet her face is polite and curious. "She carries the same rank as myself within the Mage's Guild. She has authorization to admit members. As such, the Lady of Darkness could serve as all the mealticket you need. So, again I ask, why did you seek out -me-? I don't ask to be flattered or complimented." The wry twist of Lady Frostmaw's lips suggests she deals with bootlickers in abundance, more than even her own rampant vanity can handle. "I ask out of curiosity, to hear truth and reason, for if the Guild cannot be honest amongst each other, there is no point to our organization."

A pause is given by the necromancer as he ponders his thoughts then finally makes a decision. “Truth be told, I sought the both of you out. It just happened that the whispers among the towns brought me here. Finding the queen of Frostmaw would be easier, then a leader of pirates. Even given the vast expansion of the frozen city, its still not as vast as the ocean, and only one of which I can travel.” he looks at the stag then back before a jab of his foot his sent back seeming to kick at nothing but his own shadow, shortly after he clears hiss throat “And I know eventually I will have to seek out the Lady of Darkness for my admittance into the sister guild but I figure one step at a time, as with any big goal, is the best approach."

At Anton's words, Satoshi nods, understanding. It's a perfectly acceptable answer. Rising then, the magus takes a step nearer the necromancer, while the reindeer stands at her side like a sentinel. "I wish you the best of luck in your goals. I'd also like to offer you membership as an Entered Apprentice. Although I have an apprentice already, and cannot properly take you on as one, I am willing to place myself as a mentor of sorts, to vouch for you until you've earned a rank of your own." At this, Satoshi extends her hand to seal the offer. Although gloved, her hand still gives off a distinct aura of cold, promising a deep and possibly painful chill on contact. But before Anton can decide whether or not to accept the hand, Satoshi speaks again. Her voice is frosted, crystalline in its seriousness. "But remember. The Mage's Guild is not the tool of any single mage, it is not a weapon to be used by any individual, it is not an army to be called upon for war. It is an alliance of those who share in the passion of knowledge, in the pursuit of bettering ourselves and our arts, and it is a devastating force that will destroy any who betray our trust and unity. We will stand beside you in your growth, we will defend our Tower, territory, and knowledge, and we will bring doom on those who wish to undo our endeavours. Never forget that. A sleeping dragon is a nightmare of fang, fire, and claw, should you provoke it awake." If the necromancer thinks such a thing is for him, Satoshi's hand hangs waiting for his decision.

Anton looks down at the extended hand, an accomplished grin crosses his face as he extends his own hand taking the offered into his own. Startled a bit by the cold even coming through the gloved hand but he realizes you don't become the queen of ice with hands of fire. “My joining of the guilds are in no way a way for me looking for some one to have my back. But rather, to learn in such a way that I wont need anybody but my self should such a need arise. But I also understand that while we are not an army, we are a unit that if such a time needs that the guild needs defending we are to stand up and defend her? Him? It? As well as the students with in its walls.” During the speech he keeps his hand on the foxkins as if a challenge to himself to bare through the cold. Upon release he brushes his hand against the flat of his black robes trying to shake off the impending frostbite. “And I thank you for the rank and allowing me to enter the guild, you wont regret it.” he grins “Now off to find a mentor, and work on my penmanship”

Respect is clear in the magus' eyes. Few tend to accept Satoshi's hand when it's offered, and fewer still maintain the contact for more than a seconds. The fact that the necromancer endures it despite the gnawing cold is something Satoshi admires. As such, she bows deeply to him at his words, a movement mimicked by the reindeer a second later. "Welcome to the Mage's Guild, then. And all the luck to you."