RP:A Sister's Love Is Stronger Than Death

From HollowWiki

Summary: Lanara sends a letter to Talyara, asking her to meet at the Druid’s Eternal Tree in Kelay, and to come alone. Sensing the urgency in the missive, Taly sets off at once, and listens to the heartbreaking tale of what had happened to her elder sibling during her time in Kelvar. As if Lana’s confession isn’t depressing enough, she then admits that in order to break the curse cast on the elves of their homeland, she had to use her own lifeforce as the new host. Truths finally come to see the light of day, even though it leaves the sister’s with heavy hearts, as the moment is ever near for the Grim Reaper to claim his prize.

Part of the Lunar Tides and Silver Linings Arc

Lanara sits upon the ground, campfire style, listening to the gentle hum of the earth that vibrates beneath her petite frame. She is clad in a simple cotton sundress, pale green in color, with small yellow lilies embroidered on the hem. A pair of leather worn sandals sits at her side, as she always embraced nature best when barefoot, and it seems as though she’s entered a deep meditative state. With her eyes closed, she tilts her head upwards as a gentle breeze blows her dark chestnut strands from her pretty face, and she faintly smiles as the sun beats down, warming the area by at least ten degrees. There isn’t a trace of her lavender and vanilla perfume lingering in the air, not a speck of makeup is worn on her silken flesh, and the only visible jewelry is the hourglass pendant which is tucked safely beneath her dress. Oddly, the woman is alone, as none of her animal companions are in sight. The fountain to her right trickles endlessly, the liquid varying in shades of the rainbow, and adding to the peaceful atmosphere that only Mother Earth can summon in times of distress. Lanara knows that Talyara will be here soon, as she feels a slight tingle in the runic brand upon her inner wrist, and although she’s riddled with nervousness she silently reassures herself that this is for the best. So far, only the unidentified thief that stole her diary, and her best friend Penelope Halifax, know of her rapidly fading lifeforce. The time of her death is approaching and after careful consideration, Lana made the decision to come clean about the events that unfolded in Kelvar. The younger witch had been beckoned by letter, giving no details aside from a date, time, and location, with a postscript stating that it’s best that she comes alone. It had been signed by Lana, true, though it was also slightly damp when it had been delivered, and Taly wouldn’t be able to discern if it was a drop of snow or the tears of her sister that had sealed the envelope.

Talyara was still riding the high of her bachelorette party, having spent a night of imbibing in drinks, games, love, and laughter. Krice had been the recipient of incessant chatter as the little witch recounted the more tame details of the night. He was sweet as always as her joy brought him happiness and listening intently as she went on and on about the celebration. She felt like she had barely been back home in Frostmaw before another note from Lana arrived, asking to meet her in Kelay. Never one to question her sister's motives (although if history was any indication she really should!), Taly borrowed Gylworliath from the warrior and made her way back down the mountain. After shooing Gyl into Sage to nose the ground for grubs, Talyara makes her way towards the eternal tree. She is dressed in a pair of black leggings with a pretty lavender blouse with flared out and flowy sleeves. Her curls are tamed in braided pig tails and her usual worn leather boots adorn her feet. She considers a peaceful entrance as Lana seems to be in a meditative state; however, she knows that her sister can feel her coming thanks to their twin rune tattoos so she skips to her side and wraps her in a hug. "Hey Sis!" she says, flopping down on the ground beside her and pulling her bag from her shoulder.

Lanara opens her eyes as Talyara exits the temple to the south and proceeds through the garden and towards the Elder Tree and rainbow fountain. Chocolate hues brighten considerably as she laughs and returns her sister’s tight embrace, only to pull back and look intently into Talyara’s emerald gaze. How was she going to tell her that her worst nightmare had come true? Having died on two separate encounters already, Taly would know that a third attempt at resurrection wouldn’t be plausible, as their heritage wouldn’t allow such a feat. Kelvarian Elves are blessed with beauty, rare gifts, unparallel magical abilities, immunity to diseases, and they do not age physically once they turn twenty-five… However, they are only ‘blessed’ with three lives, unlike the traditional necromancers throughout the realm would have one believe. Taly seems so jubilant about her upcoming nuptials, and the blush in her cheeks and the cheesy grin on her fair face have Lanara second guessing if she should unveil the ugly truth. “How are you doing, Sister? I hope you recovered from the bachelorette party?” A knowing grin is offered, as she’s certain they both had wicked hangovers! After a little small talk and a bit of teasing, Lana plucks a blade of grass and idly twirls it in her hand, growing rather somber in expression. Mood swings are nothing new with her, and by now the younger elf has grown accustomed to the highs and lows of her sister, but perhaps Taly would grow concerned as a rogue tear escapes her sisters right eye. “I’m trying to be strong, Taly… There is so much that you do not know, many dark things I have to tell you… And time is running out, so I have to tell you right now.” Lana swallows hard and shifts, so that she is facing Taly, “The day that I arrived in Kelvar was one of the happier days in all my years as I came face to face with my daughter… Natianara was a breath of fresh air! She was so beautiful, carefree, naive, and so incredibly sweet and pure. I didn’t see Desparrow or Thronnel anywhere in her expression, but she reminded me so much of you that I instantly felt my maternal instincts kicking in and knew that I would love her with every breath I take…” She glances away, as if lost in a memory, “But every good beginning has a bad ending, and this ‘fairytale’ that I felt coming true was laced in poison…” The witch then explains to Talyara all about the plague that had overtaken the elves in their homeland, leading up to the funeral they held for their late Aunt Sharna, and she pauses after mentioning a strange albino woman by the name of Belgemine. “It’s then that the change in Natianara started, or perhaps it occurred weeks before? Maybe I was just too blind to think that my innocent little girl could turn into a monster…” Natianara Ryder, a monster?!

Talyara makes a face when Lana asks about how she survived the day after the bachelorette party. She didn't normally drink much, so even a little bit of alcohol could get the little witch tipsy! It was no surprise that she was completely hungover the following day. "It's a good thing I've perfected a hangover cure for Drargon to give to his patrons. Once I drank some of that I was feeling a bit better." She enjoys the banter that they share, catching up on the short time they'd been apart and recounting the crazier moments of that night. Talyara cants her head to the side curiously when Lana plucks a blade of grass and her expression becomes somber. This causes the younger witch's heartbeat to tick a bit faster and she adjusts her posture, the better to face Lana when she does the same. Talyara had known something had been plaguing her sister--she could see a physical change in her appearance and just -sense- something was wrong. She managed not to say anything, opting instead to let her sister come to her without her pushing and prodding. But holding her tongue had been hard. Taly gives the faintest of smiles when Lana speaks of her jubilation upon arriving in Kelvar and meeting her sweet daughter for the first time. Even though their time together hadn't been long, Taly and Natianara had grown close. However, when Lanara reveals the truth about what happened in Kelvar, the younger witch's mouth falls open in complete and utter shock, her hand coming up to cover it as the other reaches out with her other one to grab Lana's hand. "So that's what happened to Aunt Sharna," she eventually whispers into her palm before lowering her arm back into her lap. Giving Lana's hand a reassuring squeeze, she nods for her to continue.

Lanara can see the shock on Talyara’s face and she slowly nods, “I didn’t want to believe it myself… It seems that Nat had gone mad… Belgemine documented everything in her diary, and I also witnessed a few things myself.” The recklessness, the screaming matches, the bitterness, all of it comes pouring out of Lana’s mouth as she holds nothing back. Natianara would pace back and forth, talking to herself and hearing voices, and she would resort to violence in the blink of an eye. It also became very apparent that the young woman had perfected her magic, while having everyone else believe she was born without any abilities at all! Lanara speaks of a few incidences where she had witnessed her offspring using dark magic, offering blood sacrifices to who knows which deity, and how Nat had ‘fooled’ everyone when her only desire was inflicting as much pain as possible on the witch that bore her all those years ago. “I’m not sure if Nat was sick in the head like her father, Desparrow? Or perhaps Thronnel had reached her from the grave? Maybe… Maybe she truly bargained with demons? I will never know -why- she did or said some hurtful things, but just when I was about to force her into getting some help, she fled the lands!” Lanara tells the long winded tale of how they had brought in healers, scientists, and other witches from surrounding lands to help find a cure for the plague. The countless deaths, the stench of the village, and the six feet apart rule that had been ordered to reduce the infection rate, are unpleasantly described. She hints at a party that she hosted and how she came into contact with someone from Tiber’s past, but she quickly continues, as though that one piece of information isn’t of importance. It’s not, at least not to Taly, but it’s a huge part of why Lana returned to Lithrydel to set things straight. “A shaman from Twister Island, Teoria, helped me to learn the truth about the plague… It wasn’t a plague at all. It was a curse! And that curse had been placed by Natianara, to purge all Kelvarian Elves from the land…” Swallowing hard, Lana clears her throat, “The Elders and I worked a spell and rid the curse from the lands and placed it into a new host, and we awaited Natianara’s return so that we could confront her or see what other evil deeds she was cooking up during her time away… We didn’t have to wait long, but when Nat returned? She wasn’t alone… She had brought a house of vampires as her guests, and they arranged this elaborate party, only to capture all of us and put us in cages for the next several months.” The brunette begins to cry softly now and squeezes Taly’s hand, “I was tortured every single night, and the one that hurt me? Zeildor? Nat’s future King of Kelvar? He would mend my injuries so tenderly, only to torture me anew the next night, pushing me until I would break, only so that he could ‘fix’ me again.” It had dearly messed with Lanara’s already fragile mental state, and is likely the culprit behind all of her nightmares. “I just need a moment…”

Talyara :: As before, Talyara falls silent and allows for Lanara to share her sordid tale about the fall of Kelvar at the hands of her irresponsible niece. There's no saying what had turned Nat so nefarious--perhaps she had a mental defect like her father, maybe Thronnel's wickedness sung loudly in her veins. There was also the chance that she had tasted power on behalf of the darker deities and she didn't want to give that up. Or, it could very well be a mixture of all three. The only thing that Taly interjects when Lana stops to take a breath is to say, "You should have called after me. I could have come to help." She wouldn't have cared about a dangerous plague or an evil niece, the Kelvarians were her family and the thought of them suffering without her being there to help broke her heart. With a frown, Taly bites the inside of her cheek to keep from interrupting again so Lana can continue. As she confesses about the vampire lord and his disgusting abuse of her, Taly turns to scoot next to Lana and gathers her up in her arms and hugs her tightly. Her normally bright emerald eyes were darkened and her lips were pressed into a thin line. Even her body seemed to be trembling slightly with simmering anger. It was hard to push Talyara into a rage filled place but in this moment, she felt like even she could strike down anyone who hurt her sister and those from her homeland. The little witch's hand comes up to rub soothing circles up and down Lana's spine. "Take your time," she coos softly in a voice so unlike the hardness currently in her gaze.

Lanara adamantly shakes her head, “I couldn’t call upon you, because we had freed all of the carrier doves so that Natianara couldn’t send messages to whatever army she was building. And, after hearing how she wished to destroy me and our homeland? There was no way I was going to endanger you… I know you would have come and I know you had every right to be there. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you this sooner, but it’s my job as your older sister to look after you. I already failed my daughter and look what she turned into?!” Allowing Talyara to rub her back and offer comfort, she continues the macabre story, “The abuse continued for several months… But then, we learned that some other vampire houses were coming to Kelvar, too. I think there would eventually have been a fight over the land, or perhaps Nat and Zeildor were hoping to reign and rebuild Kelvar in their likeness? Whatever the reason… There was no further use of the elves, and so I was given a few nights off from being abused, and we were all bathed and put in fresh clothing. We were to be ‘offered’ as meals to the hungry vampires, but Nat said she had special plans for me.” Lana sighs, hating the part that comes next, “Using the little time we had left, the Elders all focused their remaining energy into the ground beneath our cage. Belgemine and I were forced to witness the marriage between Natianara and Zeildor, and Belle was able to leave for a bit to gather some items that I needed. I knew we weren’t ever coming back! And so… Belgemine drank a glamour potion to appear as me, and she was willing to sacrifice herself, while I was to lead the others to the opposite side of the island where ships would be waiting. Teoria promised to be nearby if we sent the signal! Everything went according to plan! The cage exploded upon completion of the spell and the elves were freed, many vampires were injured or died, and we were casting a circle about the island… When the potion faded from Belle and Natianara realized that -I- was now missing. The rest happened in a blur…” The tears fall as quickly as the water in the fountain now, and Lana helplessly dries her eyes, “Belgemine was tortured and murdered and Nat had managed to locate those of us that escaped and she leapt over the threshold and attacked me. As she lunged, I lifted a pair of shears and stabbed her in the throat, out of reflex… Blood spurted all over the place and she took her last breath in my arms. I couldn’t say anything, save for the final casting line in the spell, and I pushed her back onto Kelvar’s soil, before we fled to Twister Island… No one can open the veil for at least a year, and only one of true Kelvarian blood can break the seal. That should be enough time for any remaining vampires to starve.” Sniffling, she continues, “At Twister Island we all had been fed and bathed, and we were treated by healers. It’s also where I got this necklace.” She slowly tugs the hourglass pendant from beneath her dress so that Taly can look at it, “It reminds me that our lives are short and to cherish every moment.” There’s a pause, “I brought back twenty-four elves and they are living in Enchantment, as Lunalesca gave them sanctuary. That’s all that is left of our kind, Sister. They are learning the customs, getting jobs, and two have already found boyfriends! I-I have picked up smoking and I drink more than I should… The nightmares are so bad that Tiber and I are in danger of being evicted as I wake the entire complex almost every night. I’ve changed… And…” She trails off, her expression a mixture of depressed and angry, as her lips slightly part but only air passes. Is there more to Lanara’s tale?!

Talyara continues to rub Lanara's back and does her best to temper her seething anger which was simmering just below the surface of her consciousness. She imagined this is probably how Krice felt when he saw Taly get abducted by the witch hunters--just like he killed anyone who kept them apart, the little witch wanted to do the same to those who destroyed her homeland and hurt her sister. She inhales deeply before waiting for the rest of the story to fall from Lana's lips. The resiliency of the Elders, her sister, and even the non-magical albino woman Belgemine bring her the slightest bit of comfort as fabricated images of the scene play across Taly's mind. Just like when the drow invaded when she was younger and Kelvarians put up a fight, she knew they did the same this time. When Lanara drops the bomb of having killed Natianara, Talyara squeezes her tightly. That was one slaughter that Taly wouldn't fault her for. "You didn't have a choice," she assures her sister. "Especially if she brought a vampire clan into this and was planning to use your body as a host to resurrect Thronnel! No, she had to perish. I'm only sorry you had to be the one to do it, Sister," she says with a frown. While she understand -why- she couldn't be there to be supportive, it still broke her to know that Lana took the burden on herself. When the elder witch quiets to take a moment, her mouth hanging open as if there is something else to say, Talyara's back straightens and her breath seems to catch in her throat. She had a feeling she knew what Lanara was going to say next and it made her blood run cold...

(Post 1 of 2) Lanara feels guilty, because she had kept Talyara, Tiber, and her friends in the dark this entire time about the occurrences in Kelvar. She feels ashamed, because she will never know the exact reason that Natianara turned to the dark side, or if she had merely been born evil. Perhaps if Lanara had raised the child, things would have turned out differently? She feels sickened, that in a twisted turn of events, she had slaughtered the daughter she had wanted so badly to befriend. Plus, it was her one and only chance at being a mother! She feels terrible, because so many had died at the hands of her offspring, even her beautiful Aunt Sharna, and she had realized the signs too late. However, none of those emotions can compare to what the witch is feeling in this moment, as she turns to her sister and blurts out, “Taly… I’m dying.” The silence in the spacious garden is deafening, as even the fountain trickles a little softer. The birds cease their chirping, the butterflies land upon petals of flowers and stop fluttering their wings, and a squirrel up in the tree lowers an acorn from its mouth as though it no longer had an appetite. Even Lanara, who had up until this moment donned a ‘but wait there’s more’ expression, looks dumbfounded from the statement that had spilled past those unpainted lush lips. The truth had finally been set free, and while she would do anything to take them back, she knows that it’s too late to press rewind. “That sacrifice that was made to break the curse and remove the plague? I chose to sacrifice my life and became the host of the curse, so that the others would live. This necklace is how much time I have left… And as you can see? I have about seven or eight days remaining, before I take my last breath.” Lana sighs, defeated, and runs a hand through her long locks, “There isn’t any cure, the curse cannot be broken or transferred to a new host, and my true form is so frightening to look upon that I dare not remove the necklace.” No wonder she managed to keep her secret this whole time, as the witch looks lovely and healthy, despite being a tad underweight. “Penelope is the only one I’ve told, as I needed some cough medicine… And now, I’ve told you.” A beat passes, as she collects her thoughts, “I haven’t told Tiber, either, because I know he will likely offer to turn me into a lycan. But… If he is to do that, I want it to be because he loves me and wants to spend forever together, not because he feels obligated. Plus, it may not even work! What if my empathy rejects the change!? And there is no way I would ever consider becoming a vampire!” The witch then explains the bucket list that Belgemine had left behind, and how she promised to help Tiber with something from his past, “I will need three drops of your blood and some spit, so that I can perform the spell so that his identity remains hidden... I’m afraid I can’t tell you anymore, just that we are using magic for a good purpose and that you will be saving the lives of a few orphans.” The less Talyara knows about this, the better, but as Lana cannot use her own magic, she has to ‘borrow’ her sister’s power to enchant the amulet.

(Post 2 of 2) Miraculously, Lanara is not crying as she explains all of this to Taly, likely because she has been thinking about this for so long that it actually feels good to discuss her ending. Taking her sisters hand, she brings it to her lips and kisses it tenderly, “I love you, Talyara. I have loved you since the day you shot out of mama’s womb and into the world of Kelvar. All of my fondest memories include you, and I will never forget the laughs and love we shared. Even when I leave this realm… I will still be with you.” Tears glisten in those dark eyes as she looks around, “You will feel my touch when the wind picks up and brushes your curls, you will feel my gaze upon you as the monstrous sun warms your skin, you will hear my laughter each time you stumble over a bank of snow, and you will welcome my presence each Samhain.” Choking back a sob, Lana continues, “I want you to marry Krice and have the most beautiful life together. I want you to always do what makes you happy, to never second guess your actions, and to twirl into every adventure that you come upon. You go and show the realm how fierce you truly are, because you are my brave little sister, and you will live for yourself, but also live for me.” Her voice cracks as her emotions are on overload, “I promise to send your best to Mom, Aunt Sharna, and Scandal. On the Otherside, I will applaud every one of your triumphs and nudge karma at anyone that is giving you heartache. I will melt when I see you visit the sanctuary and cuddle the animals, I will listen in when you’re chatting with our mutual friends, and I will smile when you check in on Tiber to make sure he’s handling my loss okay…I-I love you and I’m proud of you, and I’m going to miss you so much, Sister!” Bursting into fresh tears, the woman wraps Taly into a tight embrace, as they cry in each others arms.

(Post 1 of 2) Talyara feels all the air being sucked out of her body in one fell swoop. Even though she had suspected that Lana had taken on the burden of the curse herself, hearing her confess that she is dying with such finality, the little witch felt like she was sucker punched in the gut. As silence falls around them, Taly's heart thuds loudly in her ears. What a cruel twist of fate to hear a tale so ugly, to learn a truth so harsh, in such a beautiful location. Talyara suddenly straightens resolutely, her face set in a hard, determined line. "You need to transfer the curse to me." The magic was so complicated and strong she wasn't sure it was entirely possible, especially if Lana had been the host for as long as she had as made evidenced by the hourglass pendant she is holding up for her to see. "I've already lost you twice. I can take the curse and..." Die. "And then you can work on bringing me back. Lana, if you go...." Talyara's voice tightens with emotion and tears begin to stream down her cheeks. "If you go that's it." Talyara's voice breaks as the full weight of what Lana says comes crashing down on her and she knows she does not want to live a life without her sister by her side. How could she marry Krice without her being there with a 'told you so' smirk and looking even more lovely than her? How could she set foot inside the sanctuary which she had built with her own hands as an homage to her sister? How could she face the other Kelvarians after Lana sacrificed everything for them? How could she laugh again? How could she traverse the wilds of Frostmaw where Lana sent her to hunt the boar in one of her elaborate pranks? These were all incredibly selfish reasons, she knows this, but just as Lanara would do anything to protect Taly, the younger sister would sacrifice everything for her older sister.

(Post 2 of 2) The anger had been sucked out of Taly only to be replaced by unfathomable heartbreak and sadness. She sniffles as Lanara takes her hands and presses a kiss to the back of them. Her bottom lip quivers as she chokes out a sob as Lanara begins to list all the things she wants Taly to do, not only for herself, but in memory of Lana. She shakes her head emphatically as Lana begins to list all the ways she will continue to be with her but Talyara cannot accept this, she won't. "Lana you have to give me this curse, you have to let me take the burden. Then you can regain your health. Tiber loves you, I know he does. And you have just found your way back to each other, you have your person and you need to live your life with him." Talyara is getting desperate now, refusing to believe that this is the end. That only a week remains before the light of her beautiful sister's soul is snuffed out for good. "Please..." she croaks out, begging her sister to tell her she can take on this sacrifice. That she can live.

Lanara cradles Taly in her arms, both giving and receiving comfort, as they cry their eyes out for a loss that neither of them is ready to face. “You are so sweet to offer yourself as a sacrifice, Sister… But, this spell was so complex, and you can only transfer a life curse once and on the soil that it was cast upon.” She would perish before they ever reached the shores of Kelvar, not to mention the bloodthirsty vampires that would welcome their arrival! “Plus… I don’t want you to die. It’s not pleasant.” She would know, but she’s hoping the third time is the charm, since it’s the -final- time. “Please… It will be alright. I know that I’m leaving you in good hands with Krice, he will look after you now, and protect you.” Lana wonders if they will have children, if they will remain in Frostmaw, if they planned a fancy honeymoon. There are so many things she wonders, and that she won’t be able to witness firsthand, and that stings more than knowing she is going to the grave. “Promise me you will live for us? And that you will check on Tiber? Meri? Penelope? Please make sure Venin doesn’t chase away every potential adopter!” Their tears are mingling as they each try to shush their sobs against the others shoulder, their pain colliding as their once unbreakable bond will be severed by a slash of the Grim Reaper’s scythe. “Let’s spend the rest of the day together, okay? We can get some lunch at the Whaler’s and do a little stall shopping? Make a few more memories and try to enjoy the time we have left together?” After another thirty minutes or so of sniffling and holding onto each other, Lana nudges Taly and her tone is hopeful, “I need your blood, your spit, and for you to spend the day with me, Sister. Please… I know this hurts you, and it breaks my heart to say goodbye, but… Just remember that my love for you is stronger than death, and I don’t want you to shed any more tears today, okay? Be the resilient woman that I know and love, and let’s go and do what we do best… Have fun and cause trouble!” Lana is trying her hardest to cheer up her little sister, because even though she is consumed with grief, she hates seeing Taly in distress and she doesn’t mind putting up a facade, even when she doesn’t feel the slightest bit of strength. “Come on... “ Refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer, the witch slips into her sandals and tugs her sister into a standing position. Lifting the hem of her dress, she dries Taly’s tear stained cheeks and chucks her chin, “You look lovely, as always.” A faint smile is on Lana’s face as she leads her sister back into the temple and towards the main road, so that they could have a day filled with memories and mischief.

Talyara knew that offering to take the curse unto herself was most likely an empty offer. Magic in and of itself was a complicated endeavor and something so strong as life magic was sure to have strict guidelines and rules. Still, if there was any chance that she could sacrifice herself in her sister's stead, she wanted Lana to seize that opportunity. If she had managed to evade death twice before, she was sure the elder witch could resurrect her (and probably mostly as herself lest she suffer the wrath of Krice). There is no point in trying to dam the tears just yet, so the girls spend some time simply crying and holding one another, mourning the loss of their lives with one another. Taly didn't want to go on without Lana but how could she deny this, her sister's last wishes? "Of course," the little witch eventually chokes out. She would spend her life with Krice. She would check in on Tiber and Penelope and Meri. She would make sure Venin didn't turn people away at the sanctuary. And as hard and painful as it would be, every morning she'd wake up and force herself out of bed. She'd put one foot in front of the other and do something to make Lana proud. She knew it would be hard at first, that it would take her longer to get moving, but one day she'd smile again and it wouldn't be forced, it would be genuine. Eight days, that's all she had left before a piece of her heart left forever. So consumed in her grief, Taly didn't even have the energy to question Lana on why her bodily fluids were needed. She rustled in her bag and pulled out a couple of tiny bottles and a small blade. One is filled with her spit and, after cutting a small slice in her palm, Taly drips her blood into the other. She hands them both to her sister before wrapping a bandage around her hand. When Lana offers her hand to stand, Taly takes it and pulls her bag over her head and nestles it on her hip. She closes her puffy eyes as Lana lifts the hem of her dress to wipe the tears from her cheeks and Taly gives her a small smile. Making memories, that she could do. Entwining her arm with Lanara, they walk through the temple before she suddenly stops. "You don't have to be strong for me, Lana. I'm heartbroken and I won't pretend not to be, but you've been put through so much, if I can't take the curse, at least let me take some of your pain." The little witch gives the elder one a reassuring smile before continuing on to add another cherished memory to the final chapters of the Sisterhood of Lanara and Talyara.