RP:A Promise of Lessons

From HollowWiki

High View

Josiah stood atop the Watchtower in Xalious, looking out at the beautiful landscape around him with a natural smile on his face. He had removed most of his armor, having found that this was in general a safe place to catch his breath and meditate. He is wearing a simple but incredibly well made white and blue cloak, a gift from a close friend that made him look like a true healer. At least thats what he liked to think. His hair was braided like a warrior's, but his stance was more like that of a civilian. He seemed to be entranced by the view, or lost deep in thought. A single sword dangled at his side, and his wings were spread wide, the breeze flowing through his feathers.

Satoshi ascends the tower with a padding, near silent tread, the only warning of her approach coming in the form of a melody being hummed. The tune, a peculiar mixture of haunting and alluring, is soft as feathers upon the ear, threatening to be lost with a breeze or mistaken for an errant thought rather than a existant song. Behind the song is the magus striding into view up the stairs, as frail and soft as the notes by appearance. Satoshi is petite, her only semblance of height belonging to the tall vulpine ears wriggling merrily atop her head. And yet, an aura of Winter surrounds her, delicate as a snowflake at first glance, but as fierce and unwavering as ancient glaciers if pushed. Footsteps draw up short and the foxkin's humming ends with a faint, "Oh. Oops." upon arrival. Silverly whiskers flick with the inquisitive nature of a rabbit as she blinks blue eyes at the avian stranger. She hadn't expected anyone to be here. The amber flecks within her eyes hold curiosity, a state matched by the dizzying writhing of her numerous tails behind her as if they all wish to get a look at the fellow.

Josiah turned with a start at the soft voice behind him. He had been completely lost in his thoughts, and she startled him. His hand dropped to the hilt of his blade out of instinct, but he had no intention of pulling it out. Before him was one of the most interesting creatures he had ever seen. He was lost for words. He felt enormous amounts of energy radiating through the air surrounding her, so strongly that he could almost see their ripples through the night air. He suddenly felt a chill...not out of fear but of a literal nature, and unconsciously drew his wings around himself to keep warm. He had grown up in the desert, after all. He eyed up the stranger and smiled warmly. "You startled me," he said, chuckling.

Satoshi's ears give a twitch that's quickly followed by fangs flashed in a lopsided grin. "I believe the feeling es mutual~," she counters, voice carrying a lilt that turns words into lyrics. "I don't typically find anyone else this far up the tower. Or... rather, I do, et he too has wings, but he es certainly not you." With a start, the magus seems to realizing she's rambling and waves a hand in apology. "I mean to say, this is a common roost for a phoenix I once knew. I expected to see him, although instead I find someone else." Satoshi offers an elegant little bow then, tails unfurling in unison with the motion. "Satoshi Azakhaer. Pardon my intrusion, monsieur..." Her voice trails off here, leaving an opening for a name to be given in return.

Josiah returns the bow to Satoshi, fanning out his wings in grandiose fashion. "I am called Josiah," he said, simply. He was not trying to be rude in withholding his last name...he had just never had one. "And it is no intrusion at all. I am happy to have company up here tonight." He smiled warmly, and gestured for the stranger to join him.

Satoshi approaches, only to claim a perch atop the tower's perimeter railing with all the casual, careless grace of a cat. It is clear she has no fear of heights or falling, an eternal faith in her innate balance as the little magus settles in comfortably. Satoshi spares a moment to admire the horizon and landscape below, one ear cocked toward Josiah before she remarks politely, "What brings you up here? You are one of the folks blessed with wings, a tower hardly seems suitable when you can walk among the clouds." Somewhere beneath the conversational tones there is the faintest suggestion of envy in Satoshi's words.

Josiah scoffs slightly. If it sounded rude, he did not mean it to. He looked at Satoshi with appraising eyes, deciding she was trustworthy. At least as far as this secret was concerned. "Its funny you should say that," he began. He wiped at his forehead nervously, a tic that no longer made sense as his hair was not intruding on his face. "I...never learned to fly." He smiled at her somewhat sadly, and then looked back out into the darkness.

Satoshi's ears swivel forward, eyes widening in a mixture of surprise and wonder. "Truly? Then you are one cursed same as moi. For you, you carry wings et not fly, and myself, I yearn to fly but was granted no wings with my birth." An expression flickers across Satoshi's features then. Alarm? Confusion? She'd spoken more than intended, envy getting the better of her. Whatever the emotion is, it's swiftly buried beneath the amiable mask she always wears as another smile is offered Josiah. "Have you ever considered learning? Call me presumptuous, but I serve as the commander of the Eyrie, we're a clan devoted to flight and camaraderie. There are many among our numbers who would be happy to assist you."

Josiah turns slowly toward Satoshi. His eyes were gleaming. "I would love to learn," he said. "Are you serious? Would they take in a stray like me for children's lessons?" He looks incredibly excited, and scared. His talons grip the concrete.

Satoshi laughs, and yet nothing about the sound comes off as condescending or mocking. It is a laugh born of mirth, plain and simple. "The Eyrie es the home of the realm's many strays. Where they've felt different, outcast, or forgotten elsewhere, among us they find a home. We are kin to one another. You would not be the first, et certainly not the last, who would come to us seeking lessons." Satoshi's tails gain an brightly animated swaying as she speaks, giving tell to her feelings about her clanmates. "The realm has cursed plenty of souls to not learn to fly before growing, you are not alone in that fact. We would be happy to help, should you ever find your way to Frostmaw. You can ask for myself, or Hildegarde."

Josiah smiles like a child at this strange creature who just gave him such wonderful news. He wanted to hug her, but he was a gentleman and knew how to give people their space. "I will do just that," he said, exuberantly. "I have some pressing matters to attend to here in Xalious for the next few days...but when the job is done I shall venture to Frostmaw. " He suddenly looks perturbed. "How cold is it there?" he asked. "I am a desert boy, and even this chill tonight has me st a disadvantage. "

Satoshi tips her head as if contemplating the question, although in truth she's merely trying to hide a grin. "It es cold in a way most will never experience. Our Winters can kill you in minutes, if our wildlife doesn't get you first. I advise acquiring proper gear before braving the mountain trail, lest you arrive with fewer toes and fingers than when you started~." There is no sign in word or expression that says Satoshi is joking. In fact, as she speaks the chill in the air only seems to deepen, with a thin layer of frost glistening over the stonework around her.

Josiah looks concerned, but determined. "I will be ready," he said, strongly, nodding in affirmation more to himself than to her. "But there are fires and warm places to be found, I hope? I am not built for that environment. " He smiles, but it is grim. He is thinking about losing the chance of a lifetime, over an inability to cope with the elements. Flight...had always been his dream.

Satoshi nods in response. "Once you're indoors, the temperature es perfectly hospitable." She seems to refrain from remarking on the hospitality of the -people- however. That's always best left to individuals discovering on their own. "You have a hike to get the the city itself however, hence a need for preparations. Frostmaw es aptly named, it devours any who are not prepared to face it."

Josiah extends a talon toward Satoshi, smiling warmly at her. "Thank you," he says, before she even accepts the embrace. "You don't know what this means to me. Give me a week, and I will be there."

Satoshi accepts with a careful grasp, her brief hesitation made clear upon contact: the magus' flesh is as frigid as ice to the touch. For most, an unpleasant shock, and thus Satoshi is wary about touching. Nonetheless, she does accept, and merely keeps the matter brief. "I can hazard a guess what it means, believe moi."

Josiah grins and shakes Satoshis hand excitedly. "I will see you again soon, my friend," he says. "I hope to see your Phoenix up here some night. This is one of my favorite places." He bowed deeply, and made his way to the trap door.

Satoshi salutes the avian as he departs. "Until then~." With a soft chuckle, the magus settles in amongst her tails and waits, content to watch the scenery in the meantime.