RP:A Paladin, A Dragon, and A Vampire

From HollowWiki

Ancient Black Dragon's Den

The pathway enters into a huge and timeless cavern that may have been crafted from the bowels of the earth over a millennia ago. The stench is horrific and the darkness almost impenetrable, but the twinkling of treasure in the gloom hints at what manner of beast could have created this place. A dragon's hoarded treasure is scattered everywhere, with precious gems and golden coins covering the floor and mounds of gem-encrusted jewellery and priceless artwork obscuring the acid-eroded walls. It is obviously far too great a cavern for just one dragon; judging by the melted walls and the acid stench it is definitely the home of a flight of black dragons. For some reason they seem to have left the whelps behind while the older ones left, hunting perhaps? Who knows when they will return. It may be best if you are not lingering here when they do...

Ember moved through the cave cautiously, sticking near to the wall. The dwarves had told her about a trade wagon recently attacked by a number of small dragons and the young paladin had volunteered to try and resolve the issue for them. The whelps in the entrance hadn’t proven willing to talk; either they couldn’t or wouldn’t, as she’d met at least one dragon who not only could but could also take a human shape. The tip of her spear was still wet with blood, a few scratch marks on her mostly-Preklek armor that would need to be buffed out later, and a bit of soot on her face from where she’d narrowly avoided taking a gout of flame. Her hair was tied back in a single tail, green eyes scanning as she moved deeper into the cave system, her pointed ears perked and alert for signs of more enemies. The elfess was armed; aside from the spear, a short sword hung in a scabbard at her hip and the hilt of a dagger protruded from one of her boots. Her armor, while mostly heavy plate, was configured to allow increased mobility in sacrifice of some protection to let her use her elven grace to better effect.

Gheneroc was a massive lizard. There was a reason dragons ruled in the eras before their decline, and Gheneroc was a shining example. He rumbled, revealing himself to the invader of his cave. The spoils of the caravan - a mix of food and gold were stacked just where Gheneroc was lying. The wingless cave dragon not only refused to adopt a human form, he was a proverbial tank of a dragon. His hide appeared much thicker than others, hard scale that would not be easy to pierce. Of course, he recognized her - not that they had met directly before. He could see the world through Larewen's eyes while remaining safe in his home. "You would trespass into my home?" He asked. His tone was slow, and deliberate.

Ember stops as what she at first thought was a rock formation moves, revealing itself as a massive dragon! The paladin’s eyes widen in surprise and if the dragon had a keen sense of smell he’d no doubt detect the fear stink on her skin, though to her credit, the she-elf’s hand doesn’t shake holding her spear. Her quick tactical scan of the room isn’t promising; that creature’s hide wouldn’t pierce easily, and even if she thrust her spear into it, getting it back or hitting a vital spot wasn’t likely. An eye, maybe, but that would require Arkhen himself bless the strike likely as not. The paladin swallows to wet her suddenly dry throat, looking up at the massive creature. “I intended no offense, master dragon. I did not know you laired here. All the dragons I’ve encountered here thus far were much smaller.”

Gheneroc lowered his head, as if to nod, but the creature was so massive, the notion to actually nod as mortals understood was a bit foreign. "I am raising them as my own. I had slain their mother to take her territory. I am teaching them the weaknesses of mortals. Steal food..." He said, leering at Ember a little more intensely as she'd soon find herself surrounded by the clutch of whelps. "More will come." Gheneroc let loose a huff and grumbled whilst moving his head to the side a bit. The whelps left Ember alone and started to dive into the piles of preserved meat. "Why are you special to the vampiress?" Gheneroc asked, being direct and curt as always.

Ember shifted warily as the whelps had come out of the darkness; those, she could handle, and at least being surrounded by them would hopefully keep the larger one from snapping in lest he injure them. That presupposed he (she?) actually cared for their well being, however, which there was no guarantee he did. When they dive for the rotting meat the paladin whispers an internal prayer that she wouldn’t join the pools of decomposition herself. “The vampiress? How do you…?” But she gives a slow nod of her own and firmly decides not to mention the creature liking her taste, no need to give this dragon ideas. “I think she enjoys toying with me, something about my being a woman of conviction. I did not know she was affiliated with a dragon; there is much I don’t know about her. I assume you already know my name then, but for politeness sake, I’m Ember.”

Gheneroc nearly gave a cold smile, but Gheneroc had a habit of not smiling - looks like he's just bearing his teeth when he does. The dragon leans in close. "Ember." He repeated, rolling it from deep within his vocal chords. True, he didn't really know her name before hand, only remembering her in the context of Larewen's eyes. "I am Gheneroc, The Deep. If you wish to leave her intact, you will tell the dwarves that the threat has been dealt with." The whelps snapped up the meat, devouring it all hungrily. They were growing dragons after all. "And if you are keen for a more profitable task, I have one that needs doing." He could see Ember was already familiar with dwarven society. He had to gain traction.

Ember can’t help but notice how large and very sharp looking those teeth are as the dragon leans in closer, its voice rumbling like boulders crashing deep in the earth. “Has the threat been dealt with, mighty Gheneroc? I am a woman of my word; if the whelps will leave the dwarven convoys be then I will not be lying to them when I return to Craughmoyle.” Optimistically phrasing it, at least, ‘when I return’ instead of ‘if I return’. “I am a paladin of Arkhen, if your task does not involve forsaking my oaths to that end, I may be amenable.”

Gheneroc rumbled. No mention of the offer he had made to Ember, but the underlying threat was not to be ignored - the one Gheneroc instilled when he said 'intact'. The dragon attempts to sense magic, if any, that might be imbued upon Ember's armor. "Of course not. We prey upon them for easy meals. I cannot so readily feed so many young. If they wish to let their convoys pass unmolested..." He started, "An arrangement must be made, even though I know the dwarves. They are greedy and will not keep their end of the bargain." He spoke perhaps of political matters Ember didn't care for. "And when we least expect it, they will attack in force." Gheneroc sounded like he spoke from experience.

Ember didn't flinch at the rumble though the undertone of the conversation has left her with a pit in her stomach. "An arrangement would be perfectly fair." The paladin agrees. "While I cannot speak on behalf of the dwarven leadership perhaps a mutually beneficial arrangement? Craughmoyle faces many threats with the Underdark and Venturil so close to their doors; perhaps they could offer you tribute in food, gems, and gold and in turn you would cease yours and your broods predations as well as agree to come to their defense should they ever face a grave threat. You would gain wealth, your needs would be met, and the dwarves would be unlikely to attack he who is their ally." A ghost of a smile touches the she-elf's lips. "And, I suspect that if you were so easily dispatched then they would have done so already. Your power is surely great, Gheneroc the Deep, and such an arrangement would only increase yours with little action on your part."

Gheneroc narrowed his eyes at Ember. He started to weigh the options of such an arrangement, seeing his plan through was of grave importance but perhaps this would be an opportunity that was too good to pass up. As evil as he was, Gheneroc was not above using everything he could to achieve his victory. "Instead of gems, I want something else." He said after a few long thoughtful moments. "I must live near enough to the city to be of greater effect. I will need to be afforded a home beneath the surface, somewhere I can defend more easily." He'd play along at the plan, but his truer intentions truly remained to be seen.

Ember nods. "Seeing as Craughmoyle links to the Underdark and thus everywhere, I even stumbled upon Tris'toth down there myself, I am sure an accommodation could be made. I could see to a meeting between you and one of the dwarves representatives, if it pleases you?" The paladin hasn't completely let her guard down, feeble though any resistance she might offer would likely prove, and she makes a conscious effort to keep her knees from trembling. Bravery is one thing but who wouldn't be impressed, and terrified, by such a creature? "If an accord can be reached, all the better, and if not then I have discharged my duty by attempting to ease the dragon attacks."

Gheneroc bowed his head again, low in agreement to Ember's proposed plan. Of course, he could still smell the fear pouring from the paladin - she seemed utterly terrified by Gheneroc's predatory gaze as she should be. Gheneroc always liked it when people showed fear of him - it meant he had little to fear of them normally. "Fetch a representative. If they refuse to meet, tell them the caravan raids will be the least of their problems." Gheneroc said. "It would be an absolute shame if their mines were to suddenly... collapse..." It wasn't a very thinly veiled threat, but Gheneroc always meant business.

Larewen approached the mouth of the cavern from the outside quietly enough, though it would be a lie to say that a familiar scent, coupled with its owner's fear, hadn't put haste in the dark sorceress's step. She almost glided with how quickly she moved and before she knew it herself, she'd crossed into the dark home of her mate and master. Steps that echoed along the cave's walls preceded her arrival behind Ember, to which, with an inhale, she reached out with one hand toward her shoulder and expressed a greeting, "Little one, you smell just as lovely as ever." She seemed unworried about whether or not she'd interrupted their conversation.

Ember bows to the dragon, acknowledging his words, and meeting his reptilian gaze once more when she straightens upwards. "It shall be done, Ghenorec the Deep." The touch on her shoulder and the vampiress' voice make the paladins spine freeze some. Her green eyes avert from the dragon to the veiled woman. "I did not expect to see you here... though I am not surprised. It seems I have met one of your allies."

Gheneroc settled in his cave. The dragon whelps had finished their meal and decided it was nap time - all of them huddled in a pile drifting off to sleep. The dragon spoke a little sternly. "Master is more appropriate than ally..." Gheneroc glanced toward Larewen, pleased to see his favored follower again. The change in venue had other possibilities as well. His mind was linked to Larewen's through the mark she bore upon her body. He urged Larewen to keep seducing Ember - it seemed to be working. Though this would be an unspoken command. Gheneroc could see it all over Ember's expression in addition to that unmistakable change in scent.

Larewen glanced pointedly at Gheneroc. Her lips curled upward at the edge into a sneer that, to lesser beings, would undoubtedly be frightening. Her chin lifted at a slight angle, "For now," she reminded him coolly, and then in a brief moment of mischievous playfulness, winked at the creature. Ember's scent, however, soon stole the elf's attention entirely and her hand lowered from the woman's shoulder as she stepped around her, those chocolate-hued eyes fixating on Ember's lovely green ones. Green was, after all, Larewen's favorite color. A gloved hand reached up toward the woman's face. "You've met my master, whom I'm sure I mentioned to you before," she said softly enough. Her nostril's flared. "Do not fear though, dearest. I won't let him harm you. I happen to like you a lot, you know?"

Ember doesn't recoil though, as always, there's a mixture of emotions playing out across the she-elf's face. She gives a curt nod of her head. "Yes, you mentioned serving one, though not that he was a dragon. Along with your name, something you decided I did not need to know." The paladin glances to the dragons as they begin to settle down for the evening. "Perhaps we should not disturb them by talking here."

Gheneroc rumbled softly in a stifled chuckle. "Ember, I am quite aware of your relationship to the vampire. You will not bother us." Gheneroc glanced back at the adopted black dragon whelps. "They are out for the night." Gheneroc was actually settling to watch the interaction between Larewen and Ember a little more directly.

Larewen turned her attention to Ember. "I think they'll be fine, as he says. My presence is always welcome here, I'd like to think - as are my guests. And you, my tasty little morsel, are a guest to me." Her fingers curled inward before falling from Ember's face, and for a moment, the elf might see the longing, the desire, the hunger in the elf's eyes to taste her blood once more.

Ember feels some of the blood in her body take its place on her cheeks, which makes her thankful for the darkness of the cave, though with her luck both dragons and vampires could see easily enough in such conditions. Her own eyes were keen, far sharper than a humans, but even she couldn't see as clearly in the dim lighting coming in through the entrance. Her ears point back and flatten against the sides of her head. "And yet I hardly know who you are." The paladin speaks, momentarily avoiding (or trying to ignore) the look in the undead creatures eyes. "You enjoy drinking my blood; I'm not sure that's much of a relationship. In what capacity do you serve Gheneroc?"

Larewen watched the younger elf's features as she spoke, and it seemed only to fuel the dark sorceress's amusement. "Perhaps someday you will, if you so choose; I would be willing to confide in you if I could trust you." As she spoke, she drew a step nearer, invading the other's personal space. Her head turned slightly, gaze last downward. "As his apprentice and consort," she replied, with a faintly sour note. "Though one day I might wish to be his equal."

Ember blinks. "To be a dragon? That might take some time." The paladin knows that's not likely what the vampire meant but the relationship sounds... dangerous. Apprentice and consort... neither tend to be extremely secure positions in the she-elf's experience. The dragon finds the vampire useful, uses her somehow, though to what end Ember couldn't even begin to guess. "Of course, you have plenty of that time to work towards it too. And one day, should you equal or surpass Ghenorec's power, what then?"

Larewen chuckled. "I doubt we could become dragons," she said softly as she shook her head. Though she was unaware of Ember's thoughts, she was in the same sort of agreement as the elf; nothing about her position was secure. If Gheneroc chose to, he could simply throw her aside. "I would continue to build my own ability and strength," she said."

Ember tilts her head. “But to what end goal? Is power the goal unto itself or do you plan to do something with it? Why do you need it?” The paladin glances to the dragon. “If your goal is simply to amass more and more power, that’s a hunger you’ll never satisfy.”

Larewen smiled all too sweetly to Ember. "If a hunger is satisfied, what is the point in living, my dear?" she whispered quietly. Her eyes flashed. "Speaking of hunger..." Her chin lifted, her head tilting slightly. "Perhaps you might quench my thirst once more, for this evening?" She asked it politely enough, though to be fair Ember's arrival in Gheneroc's cavern had put her in temptation's path for the elf.

Gheneroc would answer Ember's question. "My growth in power has a goal. Once that goal is achieved, I will need more power to maintain it." The dragon never really stopped planning. There was much work to be done.

Ember shrugs some. "It simply seems a rather hollow pursuit to never be satisfied." She answers. "If that is what you both feel called to do then it's not my place to correct you. I don't believe I would find such an existence fulfilling however though." Her face colors once more at Larewen's suggestion. "I... probably should not. It is something I'm unsure of still; if your goals run contrary to Arkhen's will, by allowing you my blood, I am indirectly going against my deity's wishes."

Larewen dipped her head toward Ember. "You realize I ask your permission only out of propriety, I hope? I could simply take, as I have before," she whispered quietly. Even as she spoke she reached out to the paladin, as if to embrace her.

Gheneroc felt the emotion within the cave and decided to push it a step further. He would build on Larewen's advance, silently weaving magic to make the idea seem more inviting to Ember. Vampiric charm, Gheneroc read about it.

Ember felt her will faltering, the idea becoming so tempting... and she takes an unsteady step back, away from Larewen, even though every instinct says to stay... "Maybe... next time..." Torn by the indecision, the paladin turns and actually flees the cave.