RP:A Morning Of Kinship

From HollowWiki

Summary: Lanara is doing some physical therapy with a cougar in the forest, near the sanctuary, when she's happened upon by none other than another elf! Alariel mistakes the feline for a predator and aims to protect the witch, though she quickly realizes that Lana holds the gift of animal empathy. After making each others acquaintance, the two women proceed to the animal sanctuary, and Lana gives Alariel a tour of the establishment, along with the promise of uniting the elf with an equestrian companion in the near future.

The morning dew clings to the foliage, dampening the forest floor, and leaving a film of moisture on the thick limbs of the trees. All at once, the northern area of Sage Forest comes to life, with the sun steadily rising in the sky, and the chirping of birds announcing that the day had begun. Walking amongst the treetops is a beautiful elf, with long chestnut tresses that touch her elbows, and a slightly intimidating look in her chocolate hues. The elf crouches on the center of the limb, her eyes locking with those of a mountain lion, as they study one another from their opposing perches. Who was the predator, and which was the prey? The question would be answered shortly, as they viewed one another as kin rather than competition. The feral feline and the petite elf both pounce at the same time, colliding against one another’s form, before they both descend the twenty foot drop in slow motion. Likely, some sort of air magic was at play, for as they tumble to the ground, neither seems the worse for wear. The elf giggles as she pins the protesting cat to the ground, though the twitching of his tail and the adoration in his gaze are unmistakable. They were playing, from the looks of things, and after a few moments of showing the cat who the ‘boss’ is, the woman slides off of his form and scratches behind his velvety ears. “We have to head back soon, Charlie. But, don’t you fret! You’re getting stronger each day, and pretty soon you will return to the forest, full time!”

Hearing a rustle of trees above her, Alariel immediately snaps up her bow to knock an arrow and draws it back. One can never be too cautious in the wild, and her hearing could detect even the faintest sound. It sounded as if it was coming from two different places in the trees and the last thing the fair elf wanted was to become a predator’s lunch. The noise was definitely not that of any bird, for their step was much lighter. Holding it in wait, her emerald eyes searched the trees in both intrigue and a small tinge of fear. In her peripheral vision she spotted something emerging from the trees, and a woman too. Her heart pounded deeply in her chest, about to draw it back once more to strike the creature with an arrow in believing the woman was in danger. In hearing the name the woman had uttered, she dropped her bow and blinked as she put the arrow back into the quiver. Alariel dropped her head as if to say “apologies” and swallowed hard before gazing upon the face of the other elf who had climbed off the mountain lion. She cocked her head and shifted onto her other foot as the wind rustled the trees, examining the mountain lion. Her dark brown hair moved with it and quiet breath escaped her mouth. “I’m sorry. That would have been a terrible mistake.” Alariel said apologetically.

Lanara ever so slowly rises to her feet, as though she were leisurely greeting the newcomer, or growing weary after her freefall from the treetops with the mountain lion. However, having witnessed the grace of a gazelle buried within that toned body, Alariel would know otherwise; as did those that had taken dance classes from Lanara. The feline unleashes a hellish growl, sitting up on his haunches, and studying the woman with the bow with a keen amber gaze. She meant to harm him, and considering the fact that an arrow had placed him under the sanctuary’s care, he was wary of any hunter. “Be still, Charlie. She means no harm…” The cat is about to spring, as his fangs are bared, and his tail twitches from side to side in annoyance, though he halts upon the words of his mistress. It’s a wonder as to how this little witch controlled all the animals of the forest, at least until her palm extends and her fingertips grace the feline above its brow. Lana closes her eyes for a split second, a warm smile on her lush lips, and before long, the cat is purring and nuzzling her palm. Was she an empath? Now that the threat has been removed, the witch gives Alariel a look up and down, before the weapon catches her eye, and it’s there that her gaze lingers. “What is the purpose of that bow? Is it to take a trophy? Hunt for food? Or for protection?” She speaks plainly, as though she were curious as to why another elf was in this part of Sage, so close to her sanctuary and with a weapon that could harm most of those she cared for, daily. There is no judgment in her tone, and those chocolate hues are almost inviting, though her friendliness could change at the flip of a coin, depending on the words of the other. Alariel may be apologetic, though it could all very well be a ruse, and she could have been the hunter that had caused the infection in Charlie’s leg a few weeks prior.

Alariel backed away quickly with a very clear expression of fear at the large cat’s growling and she still clutched the bow, though she didn’t intend on using it after realizing the stranger’s relationship with the mountain lion. Before she could utter the words, Lanara had told Charlie to back down and he still seemed to feel threatened. She sighed a breath of relief at first but the cat continued to watch her with his fangs bared and it seemed unsettling. Alariel had been around animals before but she had never run into one of his size. She continued to watch the mountain lion, never ceasing to look at it even as she spoke. “Never to take a trophy.” She answered simply with a nod. “I’m not one to destroy wildlife for sport.” It was true, Alariel loved animals and back home she had a whole forest of own to pass through, though she knew it could never belong to mankind, but mankind belonged to it and lived from it. There was something about Alariel that could charm nearly every gentlefolk she crossed paths with, from her gentle way with words or her quiet nature. She did not carry herself as a warrior might, but there was something a bit regal about her though it was a passing thought most excused. Her dark brown braided locks sat on her shoulder and partially over her chest and her emerald eyes looked back at Lanara for a moment before looking back to the mountain lion she had just calmed. “You...you must own that animal sanctuary not far from here.” Her words had been a statement as she surmised rather than that of a question.

Lanara chews on her lower lip, sensing a shyness in the elf, which was rare these days. Everyone in the realm seemed to have something of importance to say, or they carried themselves with a pompous arrogance that she found distasteful. Alariel surprises the witch, and the fact that they both have tapered ears and know their way around a forest, places her in an entirely different light. “I don’t believe in taking trophies, either… However, if an animal absolutely has to be slaughtered for its meat, or should it die of natural causes, I see no harm in making use of the fur, bones, and teeth.” There were always potions to brew, clothing to make, jewelry to wear, and pelts that could fetch a fair deal of coin if you knew the proper merchants. Lana isn’t a vegetarian, though it’s so rare that she dines on meat, she may as well be! Charlie seems to have calmed down now, and he grooms himself, no longer paying any mind to the chatting women, once the presumed threat was over. Lana nods as Alariel comments on the animal sanctuary to the north, and she finds herself smiling, “Yes! I’m the founder of the sanctuary… I have a fondness for animals. Some are nursed back to health and reintroduced to the wild. Others are too docile, and wind up being adopted out to those that can provide proper care to an exotic pet. And sadly, some are surrendered here, and since they’ve only bonded with one person, they live out their lives under my care.” It sounds like she’s taken home quite a few over the year she’s been in business, and her features seem to come to life as she discusses her work. “Do you have any companions? You’re welcome to walk back to the sanctuary with me… If you like? I can give you a tour!” There’s a pause, as both women study each other, before the witch remembers her manners and extends a dainty hand, “I’m Lanara. And this is Charlie… I wouldn’t go shaking his paw, just yet, if I were you.”

Alariel thought Lanara beautiful in both appearance and spirit. She hadn't yet met anyone who was quite as charming with the kindest eyes that reminded her of her mother's, and the way she spoke in such a friendly manner was heartwarming. Not many people had been quite so friendly and she was glad not to be staring down the large animal any more. It was true, Alariel was a bit shy and not used to being around others. She had never stayed anywhere long enough to call it home, let alone make friends. The forests and the ruins fascinated her more than being around people, from the tall trees for climbing to the flowers she could sit beside in the tall grass as they swayed in the breeze. It reminded her of the expansive garden back home, where she used to sit with her mother. Sometimes she could see her face so clearly like she did now. She distractedly listened to Lanara, though she nodded in agreement over the purposeful uses for animals. "Yes, making use of what they provide is helpful. During the winter I have worn animal fur, and nothing quite keeps you as warm when you sleep in the..." Alariel abruptly changed the subject though she knew she was possibly quick enough to catch on to her unfinished words. "I do not have any companions but I did have a horse." She offered some proof that she had one at some point in her life. The elf slung the bow she had been holding across her hourglass shaped figure. "If you have things to do at your sanctuary, I wouldn't mind going with you to look around." She said softly with a smile and a small shrug. The elf lightly stroked her braid before leaving it to sit back across her shoulder. She lightly chuckled without a sound at Lanara's words about not shaking Charlie's paw, and she wasn't too keen on it anyway. "I'm sure he's been quite bewildered enough for one day." She said, taking a stab at herself for having startled him. "It's nice to meet you, Lanara. I am Alariel."

Lanara accepts the offered appendage, giving it a slight shake, before she releases Alariel from the introduction. “Well met, Alariel. Please, come along this way, it’s not much further to the north.” Her hair slightly sways from the breeze, as she turns, and gives a sidelong glance to Charlie. The big cat huffs, before he rises and obediently walks at Lana’s left side, his muzzle grazing her knee with each step she takes. As the trio makes their way to the sanctuary, the witch catches onto the face that her new acquaintance likely was a nomad, or one that chose to sleep amongst nature, rather than indoors. For many years, Lana had struggled to find a home that she found suitable, and each one that she did consider a ‘home’ had been torn from her grasp, by either destruction, war, or some form of heartache. All of this goes unsaid, as she gives Alariel a knowing smile, her dark hues sparkling beneath the suns glare, “Horses are wonderful companions! They never seem to tire, and when they need a rest, it’s only a short one! We have a few right now that are in need of a good home and some companionship.” Charlie snorts, still watching the newcomer as though she were a steak. He definitely would be returned to the wild upon recovery, there was no doubt about it. The feline was too feral to be anyone’s pet, and the fact that he only seemed taken with Lanara made it impossible for him to remain at the sanctuary. Lana is still babbling, as they come up to the gates and are ushered through by two burly guards, though the elder of the guards gives pause when he spies the bow slung over the elf’s shoulder. Should he let her pass? She was accompanying the founder, but weapons were forbidden! He breaks out in a cold sweat, his nerves surfacing for the realm to see, when Lana gives a quick shake of her head and they breeze into the facility. Alariel would be greeted by the disgruntled caretaker, Venin, who constantly kept a resting bitch face, and a talkative parrot that hopped excitedly on her perch near the door. Penelope –always- wanted a cracker, and so Lana hands the elf a biscuit, “Just watch your fingers. She gets a little too carried away, sometimes. I’m going to put Charlie back in his enclosure, and then I’ll give you a tour!” The witch leads the cougar down the center aisle, and gives Alariel a moment’s respite to glance around the area on her own. Domestic animals line the front of the building, while the exotics are kept to the rear, and are safely secured with various enchantments. Each enclosure seems to have been designed with the species in mind, varying in temperature, food, and foliage. Wire pens have been situated in the center, housing three separate litters of rambunctious puppies, all vying for attention. To the right of the facility is where all the adoption offices, employee rooms, and storage are kept, and the left is where the operating room and nursery are located. Venin clears her throat, motioning for Alariel to feed the parrot and move along, a scowl ever-present on her face.

Alariel let Lanara babble on, finding most of what she said interesting but at other times she was a bit lost on what she was talking about. She sheepishly smiled, kindly continuing to let her go on as they traveled to the sanctuary and cautiously watched the large cat, feeling its hungry eyes upon her. She had let out a sigh of relief at Lanara telling the guard it was okay to let her pass, and she gave a simple speechless nod in his direction as if to indicate what he was worried about was already understood. Alariel noticed Venin, who looked as if she were eternally angry, though she was sure she may have been having an off day. Everyone was allowed to have one every so often, but she hoped nothing would be taken out on her. “I had a horse a while back, a brown mare named Autumn. A present to me, but because sylvan elves have a good relationship with nature I never saw her that way. We’d take long treks around the area, and it was the only way I was allowed to go out alone. Much to my family’s dismay though I knew the forests on foot alone far better than the areas they’d have hoped I would stay in.” Alariel chuckled, remembering a short recent excursion she had. “Though now I find myself in the company of a dragon from time to time. I wonder what they would think now.” Her thoughts drifted away as her eyes traveled from one pen to the next before turning her head to look upon the other animals on the other side of her, emerald eyes falling on a white stallion that nibbled at a bale of hay before looking back upon Lanara. Alariel looked sweetly at Penelope upon being presented with a cracker in Lanara’s hand. “Oh, hello.” she said sweetly to the parrot, turning bright-eyed. She took the cracker that Lanara had presented her with and slowly held it out to the parrot, showing no sign of being afraid of the bird but slow with respect to not scaring her. “You look like you’d enjoy a snack.” the elf said, cocking her head in anticipation that she would soon take it. She had only noticed most of this place from where she stood at the entrance, and she looked onward towards where Lanara had gone, watching Charlie amble along behind her. Alariel was still fascinated with the creature, taking in the enormous size of its paws. It was much larger than any domestic cat she had ever seen, and though she had seen some out in the wild she had never been this close to one. She gasped in wonder at how well thought out the presentation of the place had been. The animals were lucky to have someone like Lanara to care for them and take into consideration the comforts they required, where other creatures elsewhere could have been locked in a simple pen and not given such care. Alariel took one look at Venin and motioned with her other hand to the cracker, if it was still there had the bird not yet taken it. “See?” she said, hoping Venin would notice she already had taken care of what she hurriedly asked her to do. She was already one step ahead.

Lanara closes the door behind Charlie, once he enters the enclosure and sidles up against a smaller mountain lion, likely his mate. The two share a brief nuzzle, as though relieved that one had remained, and the other had returned, to the safety of the sanctuary. The witch smiles at the pair, as she presses a series of buttons, making sure they were secured in their enclosure, before she turns to walk back the way she had come. A variety of noises assault her slightly tapered ears and she can’t help but giggle at the chorus of chirps, barks, roars, and howls, that seem to magnify with each step she takes towards the entrance. The animals were fond of the founder, and each wanted treats, caresses, and their time out of their pens. However, they would have to wait, as Lana had a tour to give to her new acquaintance! Venin is still glowering at Alariel, her hands planted firmly on her slim hips, as she shakes her head and hisses, looking as though she belonged in one of the cages in the exotic section. The caretaker never smiled, unless a handsome Catalian had come to visit, of course. Aside from the single time that Callum had visited, the petite woman had scarcely hinted at a grin. Lana and Venin exchange some heated words, all in a hush, as Penelope bounces on her perch and greedily snatches the cracker, though she thankfully doesn’t snag any of the elf’s digits in the process. As the cracker dissolves into that sharp beak, she gives Alariel a long catcall, and bobs her head up and down. The witch walks over and smiles at Alariel, motioning for the woman to walk along with her, “I’m sorry about that! Venin isn’t exactly friendly with people, yet, she’s fantastic with the animals. I could never replace someone with her skill set!” As if Talyara would let her fire the caretaker! If her little sister hadn’t funded the construction of the building, Lana may have had her choice of employee’s, but that was neither here nor there. “Autumn is a lovely name! I hail from Kelvar, an elven kingdom, very far away, and no longer standing thanks to the drow.” A sad shake of her head is given, “It was eternally autumn there, and I miss it so much. The brisk air, the leaves changing color, the pumpkin spice lattes! You would have loved it, Alariel! Maybe you’ll find a horse companion!” The white stallion they had eyed earlier was also up for adoption, though Lana wouldn’t press the horse upon the newcomer. “Over here is the holding room, where I do evaluations on animals before they are taken into the facility. If they have any medical needs, they would then be moved over there, to the operating room. And over here…” Beaming with pride, the witch opens a door that leads into the nursery, where she proceeds to open a cage that houses a trio of raccoons, which couldn’t be more than two weeks old. “This is the nursery…” Various puppies, kittens, and cubs, were nestled beneath warm blankets, and had a plethora of volunteers keeping a close watch over them. “Want to help? It’s feeding time. We just tip a small bottle between their mouths, and feed them some heated milk.” The female of the trio picks her head up and studies Alariel with beady eyes, as Lana places her in the elf’s waiting hands. The other two are carefully balanced in Lana’s arms, as she expertly feeds them both at the same time.

“Awww.” Alariel said as she ran a slender finger along the bird’s soft feathered neck to give it a scratch before being summoned by Lanara. Her attention quickly shifted and she was sad to have pulled it away from the sweet lively parrot but her curiosity brought her to walk alongside Lanara. She had seen Venin and her exchange some heated words and she would just let them talk out whatever it was that had bothered her assistant, but she wouldn’t ask about it. It probably wasn’t her business and if it had been about her she may not have cared to hear it. “I’m sure she’s not as severe if one were to get to know her.” Alariel said in a hushed tone and then found herself rude for having whispered. Her face flushed a light shade of pink with slight embarrassment but it soon went away as she heard Lanara speak once more. “That sounds like a lovely place. I do like autumn, the sound of the leaves crunching underfoot and the slight chill in the air, leaves turning different shades…” she realized she let herself go on a small ramble over her favorite season and her love of nature would also be apparent. She nodded at the mention of finding a horse companion, thinking that soon it would be a good idea. Alariel looked to where the elf motioned and she nodded as she listened and smiled at Lanara, finding her very passionate in her work as she spoke. “They’re all so sweet.” she said, speaking of the young animals in Lanara’s care with adoration. Sooner than she knew it she had a baby raccoon being passed to her from Lanara’s hands and she instinctively cradled it in the crook of her arm, its beady little eyes looked back at her and her eyes never traveled back to Lanara as she reached for a bottle to feed it. “You’re in good hands.” Alariel said, though whether she meant hers or Lanara’s was a mystery.

It’s been said that one can tell another’s true nature, by how they interact with an animal or a small child, and in this case, Alariel is passing with flying colors. Lana considers the woman, watching how the kit is carefully held, and the bottle pressed gently to its open muzzle. The elf is passionate about nature, animals, and she enjoys the season of autumn. She also had dark brown hair and emerald hues, which remind Lana of her younger sister, and she admits as much, “If I didn’t know it, I’d swear that we were separated at birth, Alariel! My little sister, Talyara, she had brown hair and green eyes, and she also is a lover of animals and fall.” A brief pause, as she considers what the woman spoke of earlier, “And you mentioned befriending a dragon? My adopted brother, Scandal, is a dragon. He’s a mixed sort, half black and half red scaled, and he’s a very nice fellow. They are the only family that I have left, as the others all passed away over the years… Do you have much family?” Lana rocks the two kits in her arms, the one hungrily slurping up the milk, while the other seems to be slowly drifting off to sleep. They seem content in her arms, as though they viewed the witch as their mother, and in some ways she was, as their mother had gone into a stew and left them orphaned at such an early age. Lana smiles at Alariel as she mentions the raccoon is in good hands, and it shows that the little one in her grasps feels the same way, as she gazes up at the elf with adoration in her eyes. “She likes you. They are friendly little critters, and I’m not sure what I’m going to do with them once they are old enough to be on their own. I fear they may be too docile to let wander around the woods and fend for themselves.” Rehoming the three of them would be a nightmare, as raccoons could be a nuisance and often got into trouble.

Alariel looked on at Lanara, a little curiosity in her emerald eyes before her lips parted at the mention of someone she knew. “Oh, you must be the person he spoke of.” she said in realization of who she was standing beside. “Yes, well...we’ve met before. The tavern, and in Kelay Way.” The elf looked back to the tiny raccoon and propped its bottle up as it happily suckled. Alariel would soon be met with a question that tugged at her heart and her expression turned sad rather suddenly. “There are none of them left.” she said, her soft voice now sullen. She knew Lanara meant nothing by it, but it was a tender subject and it likely had shown plain as day on her face. She could relate to how the raccoon must have felt, except that all it knew was that it was happily taken care of now and had not a care in the world to weigh it down. She looked over, taking an occasional glimpse at Lanara before pressing her lips into a feigned smile as she fought back a few tears. “My family was murdered, but I left before that same fate would find me.” Alariel explained, remembering she had left on the back of the very same horse she had told Lanara about. Long eyelashes fell over her eyes as she gazed down at the raccoon once more. “Looks like your belly is full, little one.” A slender finger ran across its cheek and it looked as if it were ready to fall asleep.

Lanara senses the shift in the energy of the small room, as she lifts her gaze from the raccoons to gaze upon the fair face of Alariel. Chocolate hues show compassion, and she gives a faint smile as she nods, “I’m sorry to have caused some bad memories to surface… I was just making some idle chitchat and sometimes I forget that some topics are more sensitive to others.” Plus, this was Lanara, the witty woodland witch. The lass wore her heart on her sleeve, and she believed that no topics were off limits. The things she’s said to mere strangers in the past would likely have Alariel grateful that she was asked a question on the tame side! Lana’s mother and father were both murdered, though she doesn’t bring this up, as not to extend the woman’s discomfort. Plus, she didn’t want it to look like she was aiming to one up anyone. “I’m happy that you’re here now. The lands are quite nice, people are welcoming enough, and there are plenty of opportunities for work and pursuing your dreams. I run a guild of adventurer’s, so if you’re ever lonesome or looking for an escape, please come and find me! If I’m not here, I’m at the museum in Xalious, which is a few miles west of this place.” She pauses mid-conversation, to place the two critters back into their spacious cage, tucking them in as a mother would their child. The two are sound asleep, with full bellies, and they’d sleep soundly for the next four hours, before their next feeding. Lana glances at Alariel, and the kit that she’s gently petting, who is also about to fall into a heavy slumber, though she doesn’t move to take it from the elf. She would wait until the woman was ready to part with the raccoon, or until it fell asleep, as she knew better than to incite a cranky critter. “I have to check on the barnyard animals, next. I have a few horses that would love to have some fresh hay, sugar cubes, and maybe see a new face.” A hint of smile graces her lips, as though she were plotting on Alariel’s behalf.