RP:A Meeting of the Flaming Claw

From HollowWiki

You bows upon seeing his fellow clan member Moonlight wonders in looking around here and there before saying* " I was told not to be in here. I do try to respect others wishes." Oosutin bows respectively towards his friend in arms, "How are you M�lady?" You tilts his head to the side what do you mean told not to be in here? Moonlight blushes children running around her legs. Giving a bow of her tilted head to them both as she replys* " I am fine dear." Kathleen appears from the south. Moonlight shys way from the question not thinking it was important. Looking at Riotka she just smiles with a shrug of her shoulders* Kathleen looked at you. You turns to see another girl, he stops and give a bow. "Good day to you." Moonlight gives a half smile to the other woman before saying* " Hello..." Kathleen smiles politely towards Riotka and Moonlight. In complete contrast to this nice attitude, she shoves Oosutin harshly. It was coated with playful intentions. Oosutin said, "It has been a long time since i have seen any of our members in the same place like this. It is good to see you all." Moonlight lowers her head biting her lower lip in fear of laughing out loud. * You said, "Agreed, it's reassuring to see us all in one place." Moonlight ocly adds.. a bite more info on what we are trying to do will help greatly. You dropped 1 portal-manipulation-key You pulls a key bound on leather strap out of this armor, setting it on a small table nearly in the middle of them all. His gaze turned to Oosustin knowing he would know exactly who died for this key Oosutin eyes the key a hint of awe in his stare. The Preklek known as Vaako had dared assault Riotka for this artifact. �So this is what they are after,� he says hinting towards the preks as he lays down some refreshments. Moonlight hands the baby off to Sadie before they are sent off to play close by under the trees, by the little flowers. Looking over her glasses bitting her lower lip while her mind runs with thoughts. * " I don't dare ask how you got such a thing. " * Moving over to the food the fae looks of something for the children.* " what does it do anyway?" Moonlight picked up 5 chocolate-chip cookie. Kathleen was oblivious of what the key was or what the three were talking about. With uninterested manner, she picks up the key and eyes it. "What are you guys talking about?" The woman questions, replacing the key. You sitting down in a chair didn't raise his eyes, " It's a key, to open a gate" with a deep sigh he remembered that day. Oosutin removed his stare from the key once more only to spy Fenwick running playfully over to the children. Oosutin shot a glance to Moonlight hoping she would approve before taking out a candy heart and, with careful aim, flicks it at Kathleen. The object would, if aimed correctly, strike her on the head. �So what are you planning on doing with such an artifact? Do you know of what �gate� it opens?� Moonlight hands each child their cookie truning just in time to see the fox heading to the children. she had no doubt that they would all get along. Taking a seat close to the others eyes half on the little ones* " You seem to have a plan in mind or you would not have asked us here. Tell us what is on your mind." Kathleen doesn't seem disturbed as the candy hits it's target. The druid didn't seem to have felt it at all. The woman sits beside Riotka, waiting. You leans forward in the chair, "I killed Vaako for this key....he was willing to die for this...." looking at them all for a moment. "I've traveled around and found it to be a key to the prek portal. I went there and found only and angry sky. I have no other info" You said, "Have any of you heard any thing as of late?" You seems to be disappointed Oosutin looks to Riotka now, �What shall you do with it? It is our duty to keep this land safe from the Preklek�s. If there is a possibility a Preklek can open the portal with that key. Then I believe it should be destroyed!� Moonlight looks up her eyes going dark as she thinks* " You know I haven't heard much about this since the illness was thought to be over. Not many talk about it." You leans on his arm while grabbing a bit of food. "Not many people talk of it, yet i see a prek nearly every day. But yes, the question is should we keep the key here with Vgfh or should we just destroy it. As valuable it is them, this could also be used against them. This could be our chance to attack them. You picked up 1 smoked ham. Oosutin : �I see what you mean, but have any of us ever been to the other side of the portal? Really, we could be marching into a world much bigger than this one and all its people would be against us! If we do keep the key, which could be wise if they find another way to open the portal, it should be kept here in HQ and protected by Vgfh. Does anyone think otherwise? Moonlight gets up from her seat. Arms crossed as she paces towords the where the children are and back again. Every steep taking with a deep thought. Lips part as she deicieds to speak* " I truly feel like the key should be keeped save at all cost. For it has been a long time since I saw that side of the portal... " * she pauses as her eyes darken was she remembers* " It wasn't a nice place then, I am sure it's not a place worth going to know unless we need to." You nods, "So we are in agreement as to the key should be kept safe, then now to the matter of how. I have great faith in our leader, but the fact is that he hasn't returned from his travels and he cannot protect something if he is not here." he then turned to Oosutin "Do you believe just leaving it in the HQ is safer? Having it in one place may be dangerous, having a strong warrior like me assures they must both find and kill me, neither is an easy task as the great leader Vaako found out. He failed at one then the other, and it cost his his life." Moonlight adds while thinking out loud* " Well the key has been safe this long. I am sure it will be safe as long as we don't talk too much about it. But I still can't help but have a feeling that it might just come in handy." Oosutin said, "Our HQ is a safe haven for any of our clan members and while knowing this I can say only members of The FC can enter it. Also, while I do believe none would betray us to the Preklek�s I could not abandon the chance. Maybe you are right Riotka, can you forgive a fool for thinking otherwise." You sighs heavily, "Maybe i should hold on to it till we find a room that may be locked. I have a feeling leaving it here that it may be found. It would seem to me that they have some sort of tuning abilities that bring them close to the key's location. And it's not the thinking of a fool, it the thinking of consideration and heart, maybe a little concern for others, all of which i lack, thus your importance to me my friend." You grabbing the strap and holding the key closer to his face. You picked up 1 portal-manipulation-key.