RP:A Correspondence With Valen

From HollowWiki

Through Letters

To Valen, whoever the hell that is-

I overheard in the tavern in my city that you may be in danger.
Do not trust the lycan Desparrow, or his assistant, Alphonz.
From what I overheard, some guy named Myth might be in danger too.

I would wonder just how you knew all of this? I greatly appreciate the heads up.
-The Crimson Wing

Because the idiots decided to keep talking about it while I was getting a drink in the Whaler's.

It appears then that my husband and I owe you our lives. I knew Desparrow was unstable but I had no idea he would try anything.
-The Crimson Wing

Keep yourself safe. And if you still value your lives, stay out of Cenril tomorrow. I've information he and his comrades will be attacking on the moonrise. Stay safe, keep silver on your person.

I am fully aware of the attack, fortunately I live in Frostmaw now...far from that desolate town. Rest assured, I and Mythayus will be safe. Thank you very much. If there is any way I can repay this deed, let me know.
-The Crimson Wing

There is one small way you can start by thanking me. I've only just learned about the attack planned. If you could give me any information, so I can better protect this town, you'd have more than just my gratitude.

I do not know much. I do know that Desparrow will fight to protect Cenril, while Alareik attempts to seize it. What in particular did you wish to know?
-The Crimson Wing

From what I understand; Desparrow and Alareik are both aiming to attack. While I and my Guard stand, there will be no killings here. It would be to your advantage to know that they are both in the employ of Vuryal.
I was more hoping to know if you knew any times, places, specifically. I want to post as much protection in those areas, if possible.

Your guards are compromised. The city, will fall...I am afraid to say. I know Alareik had plans to turn them to lycans as himself. As for the master of whom they serve, Gods help us all.
-The Crimson Wing

This city shall not fall.

I admire your courage. I really do. But what do you plan to do about the guards?

I intend to cleanse them.