RP:A Chance Crossing of Whiskers

From HollowWiki

Kelay Way

Splag follows the beeping signal in his homing device to find the feline.

Satoshi didn't realize she was bugged...

Splag stashes the homing device reader in his bag and prepares to rp.

Satoshi puts on her RP hat.

Splag scampers down the main road of Kelay, hugging the shadows, heading toward the Tavern to see if he can find anyone.

Satoshi is currently in the direct path of any fermin headed for the tavern. Well, her and the unconscious drunken fellow whom's shoulder she's idly kicking, in lazy attempt to move his prone form from the door's threshold.

Splag pauses to watch her activities warily. His eyes glint redly in the reflected light from within the Tavern. His tongue lolls out one side of his mouth as he watches her beat on the fallen drunk.

Satoshi, at some point in time, grows bored of her half-hearted work at kicking the drunkard out of traffics' way and simply turns him into a seat for herself. If she's aware of her rodent watcher, she's not showing any outward sign of it as she makes herself comfortable on the drunk's-back-turned-chair.

Splag creeps forward slightly within his shadow. "What has that poor man ever done to yous?"

Satoshi flicks an ear toward the fermin. Apparently she knew he was there. Or, she's just good at hiding her surprise. "He said something about my mother. He'll be glad I didn't kill him at least.... I think."

Splag grins in the darkness. "You missed a spot though. You dids not do nothing to his kneecap."

Satoshi tips her head, a thoughtful gaze flicking from the fermin to the mentioned kneecap and back again. And, maybe it's that tiny reasonable side of hers that coaxes her into playing proper foreign affairs minister, rather than pouncing Splag and exacting revenge on him for a crime he wasn't aware he committed... seeing as the mage flicks a hand toward the fallen drunk's knee and invites with a smirk, "I saved that for you~."

Splag licks his lips, his eyes glancing briefly to the drunk before returning to the other. "Thanks, that is very kind ofs you. But he did nots say nothing about my mother." He pauses for a moment, "Not tonight, anyways."

Satoshi frowns ever so slightly before, in as subtle a gesture as she can, she elbows the back of the poor man's head. A slurred groan comes as a reply from the human, something the mage immediately seizes upon with a series of quick points and surprised expressions, "Did you hear that? He called your mother a 'well-groomed pet mouse'! I heard him." This all could just be a bad combination of a need for violence and a laziness refusing to let her do the actions herself.

Splag s eyes narrow, his hackles rising. His eyes dart to the alleys and gaps between the buildings, alert for an ambush. After a moment's thought, he says, "I doesn't think he'd know it if I did maul him. You has beat him up good enough for now. I can gets my revenge on him later."

Satoshi merely shrugs as the invitation is turned down and readjusts her sitting position so that she can absently pluck hairs from the drunkard's scalp. "Suit yourself. But...Hmm...I wonder," and here she glances over her shoulder at the fermin to give an almost coy look. "After all that... marinating he's done, and then me tenderizing him a bit, he must taste wonderful. Don't you think?"

Splag licks his lips again, his eyes looking all around, his senses all on alert for danger. Uncertain as to what has got him so jumpy, whether it's the felineness of the lady baiting him, or just random paranoia, he hasn't reached this age by ignoring them. He fades back into the darkness without a word, his eyes disappearing from sight last.

Satoshi heaves a sigh and gives another shrug, the gesture coupled with a few more hairs yanked from the drunk's head. "Rats..." And, with her potential playmate--or chew toy?--disappearing, the feline is left to pluck hairs in unusual patterns on the back of her poor victim's skull. He'd not be a happy camper when he wakes tomorrow morning...