RP:A Bard, A Tattoo Artist, And A Necromancer Walk Into A Music Store...

From HollowWiki

Part of the The Day I Tried To Live Arc

Summary: Alvina, Khitti, and Meri all happen upon each other in Cenril and turn the meeting into a much needed lunch date!

The Last Note, Cenril

After the events of the Shadow Plane, Khitti was, well, MIA for awhile. She actually stayed with Brand on the Tranquility, eventually showing up in Cenril. Were anyone to actually see her, she’d seem as right as rain, and she might even have the tiniest hint of a smile. The vampiress would leave the docks, Brand, and the ship behind, heading deeper into town as she had things to do and people to talk to while the captain was busy with his own things. On the same street she’d happened upon Emilia and Thamalys before the Shadow Plane excursion, she’d find herself there again, lingering in front of the music shop again before she was to head to Mrs. Mallard’s. A nice black violin in the showcase in the window was eyed, but she already had a violin--a magic one even!--and didn’t need another one. The other instruments were also observed, but she couldn’t really see herself playing them and so went on to look at the bits of sheet music that were left about on the showcase’s floor.

Alvina isn't sure about this new flute. It doesn't play like her old one, even though it's nearly identical and she bought the last one here. "You can hear the difference." She's saying, in a soft voice of complaint. "And I'm not a fan of that?" Whatever quality the instrument lacked, the store owner was polite enough to take the instrument without question and issue the bard a refund. She's leaning against the counter, the shop owner just disappearing behind some spooky curtains when Khitti moves into view to look at sheet music. An involuntarily smile lights her face and without uttering a single word, Alvina tries to slip up behind Khitti and examine the same sheet music with her. "This one is best with a flute violin combination." She said, even toned and grinning,waiting for the vampiress to recognize her if she hadn't already been clued into the 'looming strangers' identity.

Meri was often found in Cenril, this was nothing new or abnormal. Actually where was Meri not found? It seemed like this woman sure was on the almost constant move. It's out of some shadowy Cenril alley that Meri appears but by the time Meri stepped out into the open streets, the two women were likely already engaging one another in conversation within the shop. It's with mild attention to her surroundings that Meri moves to the shop with her head angled so that she can count a small stack of coins. The counting proceeds as the door to the Last Note is opened and Meri moves into view, which is right about when the tattooed blonde looks up and her blue-eyed gaze lands upon not one, but two red heads! Oh my! Both of whom Meri is familiar with. Red lips curve up into a smooth grin and gold is shoved away out of sight, into the back pockets of her ink stained pants. Thankfully her pants were black so it was hard to notice said stains but they were there. "It seems this shop is popular today, full of some damn good looking ladies if I do say so myself." A wink to Alvina and Khitti. "Seems like we all have music on our minds. How's it going for you two ladies?"

“Really? I guess I’ve just not heard zhat much flu--” Oh. That’s a familiar voice. That’s a familiar Alvina. “Alvina!” Khitti blinked a few times as she spun around to face the other redhead and give her a hug. And then a Meri showed up! “Vhat zhe heck. I didn’t expect to see either of you here.” Then again, she didn’t think Meri would even speak to her again after the stuff in the Shadow Plane. “I, uh, yeah. Been zhinking about maybe joining zhe bard’s guild, so...I figured I should probably learn to play something new, vhether it be a new instrument or music.” Khitti side-eyed the instruments again, “I’ll probably just stick vith violin, zhough. I don’t zhink Brand--or his crew for zhat matter--vill fancy having to listen to incessant squeaking and squawking from a new instrument. Don’t zhink I’ve zhe patience for it anyway.” But, she’s rambling again, and blinked a few more times, then offered the two a bit of an awkward smile, “So, vhat are you two doing here?”

"Returning a flute! " Alvina chirped lively, turning to Meri so she can give her rendition as to why she's in the shop as well. Fancy them all meeting! "I didn't know you knew each other," Alvina goes on to say, looking at the shop keeper with a grin. It isn't possible to use her name here, drats. To Khitti. "I heard about that new ship..." Only loose rumors, nothing about the latest in the growing drama that is the shadow plane and Brand. Then to Meri "Didn't we have plans for a lunch date soon?" Her finger wiggles accusingly at the artist.

Meri was glad to see both women but she was a little bit more mellow about it, any hugging and chirping would be nonexistent from this woman, just another smooth smile displayed for the both of them. "Well, I was doing some...." A pause, a look to Khitti, as she had promised not to actually make mention of the tattoos. "Talking with Khitti here about how it would be nice to have some music in my parlor. And actually got in touch with that Rachelle chick she recommended so I can see about getting a piece enchanted." As Meri speaks, eyes are traveling the room and her feet would soon follow. This was not the library though, so she spoke freely at a volume both women could hear her even though she was not content to stay stationary. "Which means I need to pick out an instrument that I want displayed in the shop and figure out what I want it ti play." The corners of her red lips once more are twitching up into a smile, "And it seems like I have two capable musicians to help me with this....I have no clue what I am doing here, just know it's cheaper if I bring my own stuff for this chick to enchant." Meri was so caught up in this little ramble about music in her shop that she -almost- forgets to address Alvina's query. "We did say we were going to do lunch. Definitely still going to happen. Maybe after we're done shopping here? We'll have to drag Khitti with us, of course."

Khitti tilted her head at Meri as the blonde hesitated, omitting the part about the tattoos she’d received when they had been talking back in Rynvale. Idly, she rubbed at her arm, which seemed to be healed completely, and smiled, “She vas giving me my first tattoos at zhe time, “ the woman explained, giving a cue to Meri that it was alright to spill the beans now about them. “Speaking of vhich, I, uh, may need you to go over zhe blue star again vhen I get zhe rest of zhe sleeve done.” Pushing back her shirt sleeve, the underside of her forearm was offered up for inspection, showing off the newly acquired scar that reached from wrist to elbow. The blue and black nautical star had been sliced right down the middle, it seemed. “It’s healed zhough at least and you can add on vhatever you feel is necessary to zhe price.” The vampiress seemed apologetic; it did take Meri a bit of time to do the work, after all. Moving right along, she raised a brow at the mention of a lunch date and how she’d likely be kidnapped to go along, but said nothing in protest before letting out a ‘hm’, “Vell, like I said, I’m partial to violins, but it’s ultimately up to you, Meri.”

Alvina clasps the sides of her face in surprise. "Tattoos? You give tattoos and you got one?" The world was full of mystical encounters. Each woman is pointed at in turn and she leans forward to look at Khitti 's ink if she'd allow it. "I have to agree, violins are low maintenance and provide nice ambiance." The bard nods, expertly before laughing. "Seems like that's a yes to kidnapping! Do you like any violins here or are you going to get one later?" Alvina had heard very little about Rachelle the enchantress.

Meri doesn't think twice about trying to snatch up Khitti's wrist so that she can have a closer inspection on the damage done to the artwork, not that she minded. Meri has had issues with her own tattoos and Lita has had to patch them up many a time. Even now she has a piece in need of touching up, one of the nautical stars one the back of her shoulder blades seems to be faded in the shape of a handprint. "Oh yeah, I do tattoos. Out of Rynvale." She says to Alvina first, then to Khitti, "We can just touch her up when you come in to get that mermaid done, if you still decide to do it." That subject is put to rest as she goes on to explain, to both women "Lita, who also works at the shop? She also fancies herself a bit of a violinist, but it has been years since I have even heard her play. That is why I think I am partial to a violin myself." There is some examination of the violin's before Meri ends up pointing to one of the rustic and grainy looking brown ones."That one is kind of cool looking. I don't know how you pick these things though." There has to be some sort of difference outside of aesthetics, Meri presumes. "Oh, I guess whatever works for you two ladies. We can grab lunch and I can come back later, if you guys would like."

Khitti grinned a bit at Alvina’s exclamations, then nodded in answer to both the bard and the artist as she offered both of her wrists to Alvina to show her both nautical stars: one blue and black wreathed in crashing waves, the other black and red surrounded in a fireball, the tail of it shooting a bit up her right forearm. Once that was said and done, she’d eye the nearest violin, snatching it up ever so carefully, “I’ve looked at zhem here before and zhey’re not bad. Some might need a bit finer tuning vith zhe strings, but it mostly depends on vhat you vant it to look like. You could always get a simple color like black or vhite and paint designs on it yourself--something to represent SoulsKin maybe.” A bow is taken up as well and drawn across the strings, producing low somber tones. “Ve can go vhenever you two like, for food. I’m in no rush. Brand’s got cargo stuff to take care of and some repairs too.” The vampiress got a little lost in her playing--she’d not had the opportunity to do so since she was in Vailkrin two months ago--as her initial tryout of the instrument shifts into a song she wrote (which sounds suspiciously like a string version of Love Song) for some stupid captain guy that likes whiskey and ships and Khats too even though he won’t really fully admit that last one except when he’s drunk.

Alvina studies Khitti's tattoo gleefully. "That's so cool," she sighs to both Khitti AND Meri. Meri, how cool that you do tattoos like this. Khitti, how cool that you have this tattoo. To her, it's like another world. The mention of Lita pulls her back and leaves her staring at the two women, hoping their gaze isn't settled on her. Meri and Khitti know Lita? Or was it just Meri? Lita, the woman from the wedding who had been with Krice. The woman with whom Hudson had some fling once. The woman who painted the cribs for their daughters but she'd never officially met. Lita. Her lips twitch into a smile, tucking away her cloudy thoughts with those present. "I like the idea of a personalized Violin. Just imagine how neat it would look, if you gave it some type of tattoo." How silly, giving inanimate objects tattoos. Wasn't that all decoration really was? All paint really did to furniture or ships? All this is muttered after Khitti finished playing, the bard's own heart strings tugged by the melody. Snapshot portraits appear in her mind, some blonde haired fool burning pasta and profesing fictious fancies. She swallows her thoughts and gives Khitti an encouraging smile when her playing ends. "It's beautiful. Powerful but sad." Empowering was a better word but Alvina couldn't find it under all her baggage. "Anything sounds good to me, I'm -starving-." She blinks those emeralds eyes up at both Meri and Khitti, waiting to fall in line behind them on their epic lunch date.

Khitti. Meri had literally just almost settled on a look for a violin and there you go pointing out the obvious fact that she could get a black one and then color all over it? This sends Meri's mind reeling with indecisive thoughts. What would she paint? These thoughts go unaddressed when Khitti picks up her instrument of choice and starts to play. Silent and focused, with a smile forming wide across red lips. Khitti's playing took her back to some days, days spent in bars with a certain red headed bard that Meri never seems to get to spend as much time with as she would like. Even when she does get to see Raphaline these days...Sigh. That smile faulters for just a moment but her thoughts are quickly pushed to the back of her mind to give Khitti's song the attention it deserve. There is a golf-clap of an applause for Meri at the finish, which is not to say she is unimpressed. They are just in a small space and there is no sense in hooting and hollering here. "Maybe I will give a violin a tattoo," she comments to both women with a grin. "I guess I will make those decisions later." A trip back after lunch, likely a solo endeavor so she can make the shopkeep play practically every piece of sheet music in the store as Meri can't read it to understand what it might sound like. What an annoying customer she will be. "To lunch." She declares in agreement with Alvina, falling in line to exit the building, completely unaware of Alvina's inner dialogue about Lita. Whoops!

Khitti didn’t know Lita. Or her fling with Hudson. Or anything else having to do with the babies and cribs and such. Hell, Khitti barely knew Meri, even after all the stuff they’d been through. The vampiress would’ve told her as much if she’d only asked, but she didn’t, unfortunately. She made the weakest of smiles for Meri’s golf clap and puts the instrument away, realizing that the shopkeeper had returned from taking the flute Alvina brought back to the backroom. She was definitely getting a look right now. Khitti probably could’ve yelled at the shopkeeper or something, but her mind was elsewhere, murmuring along with them, “To lunch.” There was a brief frown as her mind settled on that captain dude again, but she merely shook her head at the thought with a sigh, “Vhat are you guys in zhe mood for?” Khitti led the two outside and motioned to Mrs.Mallard’s that was right next door. “I usually go here for my carrot cake and sometimes sandwiches too but zhere’s also zhe bar and zhe inn has a cafe too. Up to you guys.”

Merchant Street

Alvina politely takes her refund, having forgotten about it in the madness of meeting the other two women, before exiting the shop. Their little party spilled out into the streets and Alvina's inner dialogue could rest. She was the type that always looked pleasant enough but inside her mind whirled with questions that had no answers and conspirators string lining up impossible solutions for scenarios anxiety invented. Obviously, Alvina was fine. "A cafe sounds nice?" She offers, thinking they could all find something they like, except the alcohol might be limited. "Or I bet the bar has decent...food?" If it's a proper tavern, it will at least have something savory to eat while drinking sweet ciders and bitter ales. Maybe she'd ask Meri later, about Lita. After whatever bar date Hudson and Meri had planned. Scratch that, not a date. A business venture. "Worse case scenario, we get cake to go and tote it over to the bar. I doubt they'll deny three cute ladies if they want to eat cake at the bar." Then again, she didn't imagine the women she was with wanted to drink mixers and gossip about their particular tastes in genders (boys, girls, asexual creatures from other dimensions. Alvina didn't judge).

The second they are out the door, Meri is reaching into the back pocket of her pants to pull out her tarnished cigarette tin, we know what happens from here. One is plucked out and lit up. So maybe when presented with artistic decisions like the creation of a violin Meri is kind of on the indecisive side, but when it comes to deciding where to eat? Meri is about to try and make some decisions, because Alvina just spouted off like five ideas. "I think we should just go to the cafe. The Whaler's food is not that great, mostly it exits for the booze. Besides, I could go for some coffee and a scone. Or a muffin. Or maybe the quiche." Well at least she had made a suggestion on where they should go. With the hope that if she begins to take those short couple of steps toward the bakery, Khitti and Alvina will follow. If they do not, ultimately Meri will just have to stop short and redirect herself. But c'mon ladies, Meri is clearly already dreaming of the food there. Chocolate muffin. Alvina is right to an extent, talking about any particular sort of tastes probably is not going to occur on the part of Meri. But it seems like things are happening in the relationship area with these two. It was totally alright to be the nosy one asking the questions. "So. Khitti. You are in Cenril. Saying Brand's name. Are things going better?" She had picked up on the tense feeling between them. "And Alvina. Down in Cenril, eh? Is Hudson finally out of the doghouse?" Yes, Meri is unaware as the topic of conversation between Meri and Hudson is that shady business.

Mrs. Mallard's Bakery and Tearoom

Khitti had followed Meri along those few steps towards Mrs. Mallard’s, her eyes widening somewhat when the tattooed female asks her that question. “Uhhh. Yes. Ve, erm, made up.” Made out more like. Okay, even that’s wrong. It was more like they had a very long talk about things while getting drunk, then went and had sex on that cliff in Chartsend. ~Lots of sex~. Buuuut, Khitti wasn’t gonna tell them that. That’s private, you know. “Him and I are--” Once again, it’d been decided that they were going to try to make whatever the hell they were to each other work, but still no label had been put to it -- Brand just couldn’t seem to commit to it and she wasn’t going to force him. He was still in her life and that was all that mattered to her now. “--ve’re fine.” But, there was a smile and she seemed happy despite all the bad things that’d been happening lately. When she finished speaking, she’d eye Alvina a bit, gathering silently that she must’ve gotten back with her ex. She was, well, a little disappointed and had the urge to lecture her again, but she resisted it. It wasn’t her life and there wasn’t any point in meddling. The redhead would slip past Meri as the artist awaited Alvina’s answer, moving to open the door and hold it open just long enough for one of them to grab it before she’d head on to the counter. “Uh. Hrm. Just a slice of carrot cake, I guess...and...a coffee.” She wasn’t as hungry as the others were, but she made an effort nevertheless. As she pulled out the needed coins to pay for her purchase, she also added really quickly, “Oh! And two slices of strawberry cheesecake to go.” Those weren’t for her, of course. Betcha can’t guess who likes cheesecake?

Alvina looks at Khitti when Meri mentions her being with Brand. That was a thing?? It had happened?! Their secret confession session yielded results!? She's on the verge of celebrating this fact, a wide smile taking over her face when Meri hits the bard with her own question and it's a very awkward thing to have Meri know what Meri knows and Khitti know what Khitti knows. Embarrassment floods her features and she blushes hard core. Damn. She looks first at Khitti, some silent apology for not making good on her previous intentions of sticking things out for a certain someone who will remain nameless. Also a criptic 'don't tell Meri' plea lingered in her exchanging glance. Not that Alvina didn't trust Khitti OR Meri but if Hudson found out his previous accusations were right, eh it's just needless trouble at this point. Khitti's now out of sight, holding the door so Alvina has to say -something-. "Oh yeah, we...talked a lot of stuff out. A lot of stuff...like...you know. A lot." And by talk, she means they smoked pot and ate snacks and had a lot of jealous arguments and then slept together. After that, they actually did have a lot of adult, grown a** conversations and it's looking more like they are becoming best friends all over again. She's happy, it's clear that she loves Hudson but there is a noticeable hesitation in the way she confirms this. No Catalian shadows still cast over her mind. Nope. Alvina is fine. Everything is fine. She turns her face away from the question assault, curious to send something back in Meri's direction but she had no ammo! "Can I get..." She pauses, Khitti's ordering the extra cheese cake and it sounds - fantastic-. "Can I also get a slice of strawberry cheesecake aaaand a hot chocolate?" She grins at the clerk behind the counter and hands over her coins in exchange for a plate, fork, and the promise that her hot chocolate will arrive shortly. "Can you make sure to put mallows in it?" She asks, sheepishly. "The frostmaw tavern never puts mallows in theirs..." She adds, to her companions in case they are curious.

Meri sort of had the assumption that at least one of the two women would start gushing over their love-life over lunch but it seems that both Khitti and Alvina are a little hesitant to go into in depth discussions. Fine by Meri, though she was sort of hoping that this topic would have brought about a gossip session between the two women so that Meri could fall silent while she eats her chocolate muffin and drinks her coffee. This is what Meri has finally decided upon and this is what she has ordered. While it is true, Alvina, yes, that Meri seems to have caught a case of the feels for a damn alien (sorry Cal, Alvina said it first, basically), that bit of gossip is going to stay nice and locked up for a laundry list of reasons. 1. Khitti is here. 2. Even if Khitti was not here, Meri does not gush over boys. 3. Meri especially does not gush about boys that don't seem to reciprocate those feels. It's probably better to just leave that topic untouched with Meri. The ladies receive all of the items, coffees, hot chocolates, cheesecakes, to-go cheesecakes, and chocolate muffins, only for Meri to lead them to a vacant table. She sits down and promptly begins to pick at the top of her chocolate muffin, popping bits into her mouth. "Well clearly we all suck a girling today. But it seems like the both of you are happy, and I am glad to hear that." Meri always sucks at this, if you buy into those gender stereotypes. Speaking of sucking at girling, Meri takes this time to declare, "Just for the record, Alvina, when you get hitched I am not wearing a dress to your wedding. Sorry. It's just. Not going to happen."

Khitti opened her mouth to give Meri some sort of retort with regards to ‘girling’, but she promptly shut it when the blonde continued on about Alvina’s wedding. Right, she had mentioned she was engaged to Hudson at some point, right? So it only made sense that it’d be back on again. The necromancer kept quiet, picking idly at the carrots in her cake as the two talked. No point in joining in just yet when she didn’t have anything to add in that department. She -did- just tell Brand she didn’t -need- any of the ‘domestic whatevers’, but that didn’t mean she didn’t want it some day. There was no jealousy to be had from Khitti, at least, on the subject. If Alvina was truly happy, then she had nothing but happiness for the bard. “Do you guys have a date set?”, she’d ask finally, “Or zhings like catering and vhatnot picked out…? I could...make you your cake, if you’d like. And vhatever over sort of baked goods too.” With the fact that she barely knew Alvina and Hudson not at all, she doubted she’d even get an invitation to the thing, but she could try to help in some way. She had that magic oven though, and it wasn't seeing much use lately, so it only felt right to try to do so with someone that'd need it; Brand could only eat so much of her cooking/baking and now with him on the Tranquility full time, there was no point in bugging him with anything.

Alvina wanted nothing more than to gush about her wedding the first and second time she was engaged. Now talking about it felt like a jinx. As soon as she picked out the cake and dress, something else would happen. It's paranoia. She knows that's not true and draws in a breath or two when Khitti piggy backs on Meri's comment about dresses. "No worries," she laughs, as if that was clearly a nonissue. "Do you have a suit? You'd look really smart in some slacks and a vest." She offered, over the rim of her hot chocolate that came moments before. Still too hot to drink, but she liked feeling the warmth of the steam on her face and drinking in the smell of chocolate. "There's no official date." She admits, "Though we figured there's no real point in waiting too long since it's been decided. Once the details are worked out, I imagine we'll send out little invites and the like. Catering is a nightmare...who did I pick last time..." The bard furrows her brow thoughtfully. "I still have their business card somewhere..." Not likely. Alvina probably destroyed all their wedding planning binders in her rage at Hudson's affair. Oops. The Engineer smiles like she's not thinking something morbid and then she hears Khitti's offer to make a cake. Emerald eyes blink in Khitti's direction. She -did- have a magic oven. Alvina had used it to make a few strawberry tarts, which remained in Khitti's room in the Tavern. "You'd do that for me?" She's flabbergasted that Khitti would offer. She didn't like Hudson or so Alvina thought. Of course, she'd planned to invite both Khitti AND Meri but the capacity was mysterious. A bite of cheesecake finds it's way into Alvina's mouth before she speaks again. "I know it's kind of weird notice but I'd like you two to be my bridesmaids." Another bite as if this question wasn't out of left field. "No dress required, still." She tells Meri with a gentle smile. "There's others. You know." She points at Meri and Khitti in turn as if they could read her mind. "My friend Emily, she just recently got married and my maid of honor will be..." Now here's a pickle. Alvina didn't know how anyone else would get along with her or if the Queen would even have time but..."Josleen." No big surprise, they'd been friends longer than anyone else Alvina knew. Even Emily. "I'm on the fence about a couple more people, obviously have to balance with Hudson's number of groomsmen but...I'd really like you ladies to consider it. I know we don't know each other terribly well," This time she's waving her fork at Meri. They'd only met one time before. "But I'd like us to be friends. Do things like this. Get coffee and cakes." She smiled casually over her hot chocolate and then sheepishly turned her eyes to Khitti. There's no way to tell her that she feels like a sister she's never had when they've only spoken a few times but there's something about them, both of them, that feels kindred to her spirit. "And Khitti if you don't bring Strawberry tarts, the whole weddings off." She can't say anything mushy or she'll cry. Khitti is the only soul in the world to know her secret. A secret buried firmly where it can rest. She chews another bite of cake awkwardly, waiting for their replies. "Feel free to say no, I know it's sudden but...I kinda like you gals."

Oh my, oh dear, oh no, Sven help Meri. What did Alvina just ask her? You too, Khitti, this was a plural question here. Alvina may be saying 'no dress required' but secretly Meri is feeling like dresses were an obligation once one joins the bridesmaid team? Try and Meri might to be cool and not look like a deer caught in front of headlights...or better yet? A cat being dangled above water. Try as she might! She fails. Khitti, you wanna go fight some spiders again? Realizing that she probably looks like a total arse right now, a smile soon dons itself wide across red lips and Meri attempts to pass of her fearful shock as pleasant surprise. No, that was not a look of horror Alvina saw in her eyes. "Suuuuuure! Like you said. No dress required, eh?" Suuuuuure. Maybe Alvina will go all bridezilla and all bridesmaids will be in something horrendously colored and cut. Yellow with pink polka dots and puffy sleeves? Nope, keep it cool Meri, don't let that look of horror manifest against. What else do bridesmaids do? There is a bachelorette party involved no? Okay, that was definitely something to look forward to. Let's talk about that, why don't we? "Obviously you will be having a bachelorette party which I assume Josleen is going to plan? And hopefully not in Cenril? I feel like if is in Cenril that Hudson will try and crash it in some way or another..." More muffin, more coffee, act natural. It's just a wedding, Meri.

Khitti was rather in the same boat as Meri right now, panic setting in. But, instead of freaking out about dresses (she didn’t mind wearing dresses despite the fact that she wasn’t at all very girly) or perhaps the color/style/patterns of said dresses (well, I mean, if it’s bright pink or something of the sort, she’d probably freak out a little…), it was the fact that she was even asked at all to be one of Alvina’s bridesmaids. Not only did the bard -want- Khitti to go, but she also wanted her to be -in- it? Her second set of thoughts went to Brand: was he going to make fun of her? Was he going to be weird about it? Was he even going to talk to her at all about it? Was he allowed to go too as her plus one and would he even want to? He was ever increasingly busy with the Tranquility. “But, I’m not--” --one of you. “Don’t you have--” --anyone better than me? Someone that’s -not- dead? Not some damned weirdo that doesn’t have her head on straight? “I can’t possibly be--” --the best pick for this. She understood Meri being chosen. Meri was gorgeous, had that future of hers lined up for her with her art, and she was even a friend of the family, so it seemed. But, Khitti? Khitti was, well, Khitti. Even now, without Amarrah, she still felt like a danger to everyone. She still felt like an outsider. Now, she even felt that way with Brand and his crew. Everyone was developing new lives around her and she just felt stuck. If that recipe she got from Facilier wasn’t a cure, this feeling of being rooted in place as the world passed her by was likely going to end up being what she experienced for all of eternity. The redhead just stared at both Alvina and Meri with concern, those crimson eyebrows of hers knitting together as a frown threatened to surface. The cake was one thing. The cake she could handle and not hurt anyone but-- “Okay.” There. She said it. She’d do it. “Food and bridesmaid.” She’d do both, but that wasn’t going to stop her from worrying.

Alvina watches the disaster that unfolds after her nuclear level bomb explodes between them. Meri's practically writhing and Khitti's awash in this 'why me' aura that permeates the air. Alvina keeps eating and drinking in what she assumes is a normal fashion but ends up being anxiety driven and her cheesecake and hot chocolate disappear before Khitti and Meri can accept. "OF COURSE you don't have to." She offers, knowing that there is absolutely no way that either women will back down from a challenge. "Life is complicated eh? So I get it if there are more pressing matters to tend to besides standing beside some people talking and eating desserts." Then Meri throws out this idea of a bachelorette party. Was Jos going to plan it? Wasn't Jos maybe pregnant? "Eh...she might be busy. I still haven't had a chance to ask her, there's a chance she can't make it. Hudson had his bachelor party the first time we were engaged but we never got around to one for me." Insert nervous laugh here. This was going to be a weird thing to say. "But I thought we could do something low key. Drinks, dancing, I'll wear a dumb thing so the bar tender will give me free drinks etc etc. Nothing too fruffy or elegant." Was Alvina the type to want something crass and over the top? Surely she did -not- want some naked dude jumping out of a cake like Hudson had Lanara do for his party. No weird lap dances please. Alvina is easily embarrassed. "Khitti, if you'd rather just do food, that's fine too. I don't want to put too much on you. I just want you to know that you mean a lot to me." Was this not clear after crying all over each other multiple times? Sure Alvina was a little girly but she was also an engineer! She put her hair up, had grease stains on her overalls, just like everyone else. Right? "And Meri, I think it would be a good chance for us to get to know each other better. Hudson is fond of you." In a not creepy way. "In a not creepy way." Crap she said that out loud. "This is weird," she laughs, trying to dissolve the aura of responsibility she'd just thrust at these women. "I'm going to get some more hot chocolate, anyone want anything?" She'll take their orders or lack thereof and approach the counter to catch her breath.

There is a shake of her head for Alvina when the redhead tries to escape the table briefly for a fresh cup of coco. Poor Alvina. As bad at girling as Meri might be, there are some things that the woman does understand! Like, she and Khitti are sort of being the worst right now. Meri tries to subtly bring this to Khitti's attention by delivering a soft, nudging kick to the woman's shin. Why? This may be the second time that Alvina and Meri have met but the first time she was nothing but pure gold (who bought Meri something very lovely and expensive, that definitely gets her some mega brownie points). Additionally, this chick did not even get to have a bachelorette party last go? Like where the heck where her girls at? It is with all of this in mind that Meri decides she is going to do a better job of 'sucking it up'. Not that she does not legitimately want to go to the wedding! Bridesmaid is definitely some new territory we are delving into. A warm smile spreads across Meri's lips when Alvina as she tries to cover up for both Khitti and herself, there is some amount of truth to what she is saying. Mostly. "We would both absolutely love to be amongst your bridesmaids. Ignore our shock and surprise, maybe blame it on the fact we are still getting to know one another. It would be an honor or like whatever." Because Meri can't get too eloquent, can she? "Heck, I will even put on a dress for your little shindig." So that Alvina can maybe have that proper wedding that most women seem to want? "So long as it is not pink...and there are no puffs. And I might have a thing against ruffles too. But yeah, I can match with the rest of your bridesmaid's I am supposed to." Eyes are locked on Alvina, studying her with the hope this is working? Please buy into my charm? A pause to finish off her coffee before it goes from tolerably warm to not-warm-enough. "Heck! If Josleen ends up perhaps not planning a bachelorette party? Khitti and I will do the honors. I bet she can bake a cake shaped like a..." A kid walks into the joint with her momma. This is what stops this line of thought coming from Meri. Yup. Chill. Low key. Sounds like it.

Khitti made a face at Meri after she’s kicked. You know, the ‘Disappointed Woman Face’ that all females have. It’s brief, crimson brows furrowed and a frown apparent, but it gets her point across. “Now, look. Don’t go and get zhe vrong idea.” She had that tone on of hers, the vaguely mom-like one. “Of course, I vant to be your bridesmaid and I am definitely making you all zhe sweets you need for zhe reception. I just didn’t zhink you’d even vant me to be zhere. I mean, ve barely know each other. I figured between you and Hudson, you’d have all your guests figured out and vhatnot.” Nevermind the fact that Khitti and Alvina exchanged the most private of secrets their first meeting. “After everything zhat both of you know about me…” Her frown returned, and she avoided their gaze, “I don’t know.” There was a sigh as she shook her head, “I’ll do my best to help vith zhe bachelorette party, but I vouldn’t know zhe first zhing about it. Last vedding I vent to vas so long ago, back in Dhavislaav vhen I vas just a child--and I don’t have any reason to be researching about one for zhe future.” Of course, she meant Brand. “I’ll help vith zhe food for both. I can do more zhan just baking. You guys pick out zhings you might vant, I’ll make it, and you can do some taste-testing. Just keep in mind zhat I’ve got zhings on my own plate too.” A pun. That damned Catalian had wore off on her. “I’ve gotta finish translating zhat scroll Amarrah’s dad gave me.” There’s a glance towards Meri briefly, as if to say that ‘Alvina doesn’t know anything about what happened’ before she directs her attention to the bard, “It’s entirely possible zhat it might be my cure.” With a sigh, she opened the container that Brand’s cheesecake was in and scraped her own cake into box to join it. If she had even the slightest hint of an appetite before, well, it was gone now. “I may end up needing your guys’ help again. I’ve gotten some words figured out: lament, as in a song...and mermaid and leviathan. All different ingredients. I don’t know vhat any of it means yet, but I’m sure it’ll hit me hard and fast like a carriage on zhe street out zhere.” Khitti jutted out her thumb in the direction of Merchant Street, just right outside the bakery’s door. “So, you two tell me vhen and vhere you need me and for how long and I’ll be zhere. I promise.”

Alvina returns to the table with another cup of hot chocolate that she doesn't need and no less anxious about her question to Meri and Khitti. The tension is palpable because Meri is now all sunshine, which is weird but also adorable? When Meri melts into the 'or whatever' portion of her acceptance speech, Alvina's wrinkled forehead relaxes and she grins while lowering herself into her chair again, completely won over by this charm flux. "We'll find an outfit situation, I still haven't started working on that part of things. And don't worry, I promise no over the top ugly dresses in odd pastels. Seems cruel, if you ask me." Her lips purse to blow lightly on the steaming chocolate, the whipped cream melting slowly from it's snowy peak. Then she turns to Khitti, who seems likewise confused about her invitation. "I know it's weird, it's just...I feel really close to you guys. You're random people that I found in my life and well, not to get mushy but, I feel like I could trust you with anything." Almost anything. "All relationships are a leap of faith, and I'm not one to half way lower myself off any cliffs. Head first, all the way. All the chips on the table. No bluffs to be called." Alvina got trapped in gambling jargon and just didn't know where to stop. What she meant to say was, basically that. She didn't love with part of her heart, she didn't test the water before jumping in. Alvina was Alvina, through and through. It came with it's own set of dangers but she loved like no one had ever wronged her because that's how her heart was programed to work. "I understand, of course, like I said. We'll work it all out in the details and if something comes up, it's just a wedding." She sticks her tongue out, acknowledging and appreciating the pun. She loved quick wit and puns. When Meri explains the plans for the cake though, her cheeks go red and she hides her face behind her cup as the mother and child combo move to the counter to make their orders. It distracts her from the look Khitti and Meri exchange about how Alvina knows squat about this scroll or 'what happened before'. When the mention of a cure comes into play, Khitti has Alvina's attention again. " A cure?" She repeated, dumbly in the space between them. "A cure for...what?" Then she stutters over herself, "I mean, of course I'll help with anything but what's this about a scroll and a cure?" Her emerald eyes are shifting quickly between Meri and Khitti now, trying to discover some secret gem in their nonverbal presence.

Meri is inwardly relieved that Alvina seems to be won over by that little spiel there. That semi-false niceness (like she wanted Alvina to be happy and have a lovely wedding but dresses, yo) grows more sincere as the red-head goes on the why behind her invitation for Khitti's benefit. Not to get mushy or anything. Red lips twist up into a devilish smirk at the way Alvina blushes, better hope that Josleen is the one to end up planning this shindig Alvina! That little blushing scene makes Meri want to make things ten times worse if she is left in charge. "Man, I see why Hudson is basically hooked on you." Even if he is sometimes the worst. Guys, I guess? Meri is familiar enough with Khitti's plight that she could probably chime in and answer with a few details about what these ladies were up to and talking about with this cure. Khitti is right there though and it is ultimately her story to tell. Mention of mermaid does earn a bit of hesitation, like there is a pretty blatant wide-eyed reaction that Meri is quick to gain control of. Despite having a mermaid tattooed on her arm, she is presently not really a fan of them...but that is a whole different story that most would be hard pressed to get out of her. Pulling teeth is probably easier. Whatever fear or concern briefly crosses her mind is quickly shrugged away and dismissed with a smile, "Look, I already hopped ship with you for that crazy ride to the Shadow Planes. Mermaids? Leviathans? Whatever man. Walk in the park, right?" She was definitely less freaked out by the prospect of a leviathan though. Oddly enough. Damn mermaids. "All you have to do is tell me where to show up and when, and I will be there." Alvina is not forgotten, Meri's expression softening. "You too." But obviously for wedding related things!

Khitti put a hand behind her head, rubbing it absently, “I-I guess it has been awhile since I mentioned it. Uh, long story short, vhen ve vere in zhe Shadow Plane, I got a scroll. It’s ingredients for a vampirism cure, so I’ve been told. Been trying to translate it vith zhe book I got from some of zhe inhabitants over zhere. It’s gonna still be a few more days before I finish it, I zhink. I’ve not even talked to Brand about it yet, ‘cause he’s been busy vith zhe Tranquility’s repairs and stuff since ve got back.” -That- was probably going to be a lovely conversation, one that she was definitely dreading. “Zhere’s a sort of pattern, so far, zhings zhat are connected vith me somehow. Zhe mermaids...ocean creatures in general. But, zhe lament--zhe song...if Amarrah told her dad about it...I’m zhinking I know exactly vhat one it is.” She shrugged. It’s not like she could do anything about it. “I just need your help to finish zhe song, Alvina. I can zhrow one together in my head just fine, but vriting it’s a whole other monster. And, uh… back to zhe wedding, is it...alright if Brand goes? If I can manage to convince him? He probably von’t, but, I figured I’d ask you first, of course. It -is- you and Hudson’s big day after all.” And then finally, after that long-winded explanation and question is given to Alvina to mull over, she’d turn back to Meri, “I figured, but zhen again, at zhe same time, I vasn’t really sure, you know, after everything? But, you know Rynvale like zhe back of your hand, so I vasn’t sure who else to ask… Brand’ll be zhere too for back up, of course.”

Alvina is happy to surrender the conversation over to more manageable topics like the Shadow Plane and vampire cures. Privately, she exhales a sigh of relief and waves off their attempts to wind it back around to the wedding. "You've done your part by agreeing, hell or high water won't sink the wedding so don't fret about a thing in that regard. Of course you can invite Brand, and Meri you feel free to invite any plus one that suits your fancy. If you're willing to maybe consider a dress, I can hardly fault you lovely company to watch the endeavor." The bard grins into her hot chocolate before nodding to Khitti's request about help with a song. "Anything at all, I'm at your disposal. Day and Night. Hudson thinks I should get out of the house anyway." A laugh punctuates the joke, even though the matters of Vampire Curses were no laughing matter. Something about them being together made her feel invincible. This squad could take down anything in their path, especially if they had some Catalian with a ship. "Plus one's and cures all around." She waves her hand between the women, like waving a magic wand. There we go, matter settled! Another sip of hot chocolate and the glass is empty again. Dang it. It doesn't make sense to get another one. "I'll send you guys some word soon about dates and times when we figure it out. Khitti, please tell me when or where to find you for this song work. I'm excited to work on it with you." It's like there's no danger of mucking this up in her brain. It's all good outcomes and friendship overcoming all obstacles. "Meri, same to you huh? No songs to write but I'd like to see your shop sometime. I'm interested to see which Violin you pick." A broad smile that signals she's trying to polite wiggle her way out of their impromptu date. There's the generic excuse of babies at home but she doesn't use it. Hudson could watch the girls a few more minutes while they all said proper goodbyes. Or at least, while Alvina did. She gathers her empty cup and plates to take to the counter, and when she returns, she dusts invisible crumbs from her skirt to signify she would not be sitting back down. "I really enjoyed running into you two." She says, meaning every last word.

Meri was of the same mindset, it was about time to wiggle out of their impromptu date, she also has her reasoning but that is not explained for now. "You are welcome out at the parlor whenever you would like. Maybe I will even send you home with a tattoo." The notion of a plus one is pretty quickly dismissed, not in a negative way either. Of course it is usually polite to let the bride know these things, isn't it? "I would bank on it just being me. You know. For meal planning purposes." It is at this point that Meri also rises, but by now she is well done with the tasty treats she purchased for herself. "I do know Rynvale pretty damn well," if Meri does say so herself, not that she is one to gloat often. The rest of what Khitti says is met with a smile, as the redhead really did not even need to justify herself to Meri, but she tries not to make a huge thing of it. It was just Khitti...not being used to the fact that someone wants to help without judgement, unlike certain members of the warrior's guild who always seem to have something negative to say. So she has witnessed during meetings. "You know where to find me when you are ready." This is punctuated with a wink before Meri goes on to explain her need to slip out. "Anyway! I still have a million questions to pester the guy at he music shop with. And I don't want to be -that- person, rolling in at close, taking forever. So I best get to it, eh?" Alvina sentiments are echoed, with equal sincerity. "It was good seeing the both of you and it sounds like we'll all be seeing quite a bit of each other, hm? So, see you lovely ladies around."

Khitti blinked at the two as they both made it obvious they were aiming to leave. Right. These people have lives, Khitti. You, meanwhile, have translating to do and more deliberating on whether or not you’re going to buy those sheet music books. And then there’s Brand too. He needs his strawberry cheesecake. There’s a nod given to both of them, in response to their assurances of help with her cure, as well as smile. “Right. See you guys later.” She’d give out her own goodbyes and such before she too headed off elsewhere.