Fight:What Comes of Bringing Cryomancers to a Desert

From HollowWiki

Nameless Desert

Namen was crouched upon a grand skeleton, perhaps a long-dead sand wyrm. Whatever it was - and surely it was dragon in nature - he was simply staring out at the endless sands. His staff was in two again, one blade scraping ceaselessly against the bone, chipping, chipping, chipping away. But then he spots something. Something living. Something...small. He grinned; whatever it was, he was going to have his fun. Rising languidly, he twirls his swords once and then bursts into action. From rib to rib he leaps, to the spine and along the tail, until finally his armored feet hit sand. Closer and closer he runs, keeping to solid formations as much as possible, and as he draws nearer he recognizes the diminutive woman. That grin of his widens, and finally he's close enough. Thrust, slash, spin, stab; such a sequence flows before he sommersaults over the ice magus, spinning with a waist-high - Satoshi's waist level, actually - slash.

Satoshi had at some point, likely out of boredom, decided following the elf was a good idea. And now she found herself in her definition of hell, with her stalkee out of her line of sight--stinging sands made for poor vision, really. Grumbling miserably, the cat takes a moment to tug those normally fashion-statement-only googles down over her eyes. Let's see the sand bother her now! Although, that was a minor form of bother she shoves to the back of her mind, newly set goggles providing her with a clear sight of Namen far too close for comfort. There's time enough for a hissed curse and a stumble backwards, body twisting sideways to bypass those two jabs at her while the slash tore across the rib section of her coat to slice flesh beneath. Claws swipe out as she lunges reflexively at the man, trying to take hold of him but grasping only air as he flips neatly over her. Balance offset, the cat falls forward to land facefirst in the sand. A move that spares her a second slash, and lines her up for her own retaliation as she flips onto her back--spitting sand along with a few foul curses. Hands scoop up a fair supply of the desert's terrain to fling the grains toward Namen's face. Simultaneously, her legs curl againt her bleeding torso to lash out in a double kick aimed for his knees.

Namen began to chuckle like a madman; first blood was his, and the proof of it on his blades! But then...gah! He lets out an almost feline hiss as the sand is thrown at him, into his face and eyes, and he throws up an arm to try to deflect it...and fails. It's sand, after all. And then the kick! He had taken a step back with one foot to balance himself as he tried to empty his eyes of the grains of sand, earning his other knee a grand kick and dropping him to the other knee. Pain throbbing through his leg, he lashes out blindly with his weapons, eyes squinted shut as tears well up beneath them to clear out the sand.

Satoshi takes the advantage offered to her at dropping her opponent, and with a neat curling up she somersaults back to her feet, bringing her out of the reach of those wildly swung blades with only a few hairs off her tail to feed their steely bite. Lifting a hand, she flicks it at Namen in a mimicry of the prior throw of sand, a single word on her lips. His eyes were certainly watering by now, and the source of moisture was her only one in this environment. The spell is simple, and weakened by the harsh sunlight, but it still held the ability to at least add further painful crystals to interfere with sight, if it didn't simply seal his eyelids completely for a good while. Her own azure eyes flick across the ground, searching for anything the mage could use to defend herself. And there it was! With an almost gleeful cry, the cat scrambles sideways--kicking even more sand at the elf, to take hold of a bleached white bone jutting out of the sand. With a yank she frees the item before whirling back to face Namen, the thigh bone of a long dead orc now serving her as a makeshift weapon. She wasn't quite foolish enough to jump back into the range of his unusual blades, and opts for kicking more sand at him from a distance, some of which bears chunks of red stone and old brick.

Namen almost had his eyes clear of sand enough to open them! He almost had his sight back! But then Satoshi casts that damnable spell, and his eyes are sealed shut from his suddenly frozen tears. He lets loose a breat roar of frustration...and earns himself a mouthful of sand for the trouble. He spits, and spits, and spits some more, and while he does, he becomes pelted by more sand, and stone, and bricks. One brick in particular hits him nicely on the forehead, opening a gash from which blood begins to pour. He feels the warmth, and his rage increases tenfold. The sand becomes ignored, save that the elf uses it to locate Satoshi - or so he hopes - and he lashes out again. Stab, slash, thrust, he doesn't care, he just wants his blades to hit -something-. Again he roars, his assault pauses for a moment as every muscle in his body tenses, and he suddenly resembles a very pissed off hunting cat yet again. When the assault resumes, it has a far more feral quality to it.

Satoshi might have regretted that spell, were she a creature capable of such a feeling. Successful as it was, she really didn't want an enraged swordsman going after her, blinded or not. The pilfered orc bone is levelled into a horizontal postion, a hand on each end as the panting cat raises it, drops it, anything to try and deflect that frenzy of attacks. And it serves her quite well, up until the barrage halts momentarily only to pick up with renewed vigor. The bone breaks in two with the first blocked strike from Namen, leaving the feline holding two jagged pieces of skeleton and without a shield. Again she begins backpedalling away from the elf, heavy boots sinking in the sand only serving to make her steps falter. With a cry she falls to the ground for a second time, a swipe from one of those blades scouring a slash from right cheek bone up to her forehead--with only those goggles saving her eye. From her prone position, she's at least out of the general vicinity of the blind man's onslaught, and in place to deliver a few more unpleasant retaliations. The first of which is using one of those thick boots that had betrayed her footing to kick up harshly between his legs. That was for the slash across her chest. Her second and third strikes come from those broken pieces of bone, hold tightening as she curls up--a low swing from Namen claiming the very tip of her ear and forcing a pained yelp from her, to jam one jagged end at his thigh and the other into his right side. All before falling back to the sand again, scrambling backwards.

Namen probably would have widened his eyes, had his eyes been able to open. Really, a kick to the groin is a painful ordeal, and something no man should ever have to go through. Pity Namen doesn't have that luxery, today. As it is, he winds up falling forward onto his knees, and then doubling over, and that is all that saves him from wounds that would likely incapacitate him for a number of weeks, perhaps months. With him hovering over the cat woman like he was, Satoshi's bones certainly couldn't get into his flesh like she wanted, simply grazing along his chain shirt instead. Weapons had been discarded, and truth be told, the whole situation had to look rather...indecent.

Satoshi nudges Namen lightly with her knee, coughing meaningfully into a sandy glove. "Done so soon~?"

Namen stabs one of his swords into the sand, distancing himself from Satoshi...even if it is only by a few more inches. "That," he almost whines from the pain, "was definitely cheating."

Satoshi sticks her tongue out at the elf. "All's fair~. Et, we've already established I cheat, I thought..."

Namen lets out pained breath, managing to rise shakily to his feet. "That crossed the line, though," he remarks, holding his crotch as he staggers off to a nearby stone to sit on.

Satoshi scoffs as a hand toys with a bit of sand. "Eh. You were trying to chop me into little pieces. A girl's got to defend herself anyway she can, doesn't she? But," Sitting up suddenly, she shakes herself to dislodge grains from her hair and coat. "I can always offer to give you a bit of snow to relieve discomfort?"

Namen grumbles, finally able to at least open his eyes a little bit; the desert heat had finally melted the ice in his eyes. "Snow...Yeah, sure." He shakes his head. "I most certainly was not trying to chop you into bits. Just a bit of blood-letting."

Satoshi said to Namen, "Hah! You're not my vampire, you're not permitted to take any of my blood~. Anyway, if you want that snow, you'll have to hobble to a more... bearable climate. Cold to the touch my skin may be, but I am -not- quite willing to go to that level with you, monsieur."

Namen can't help but snort at the woman's comment, regardless of his pain. "How far north?"

Satoshi gestures vaguely towards the plains. "Not far. Edge of the desert should do it."

Namen nods and hobbles off to the given location.

Satoshi gave 1 Snow Ball to Namen.