Fight:Raver v Reinhardh

From HollowWiki

Duel type: Spar

Reinhardh walks into the area unslinging his heraldic battle hammer and swinging it forward into his grip. A competitive grin is given to the other, and a nod to acknowledge this duel's beginning within the crossroads of Kelay Forest. "May the best man come out on top." Rienhardh spouts, and stretches back his arms with the hammer only to slam it ground ward with ferocity. The earth shakes as a temporary fissure splits the floor, and a blade of flaming energy hunts down Raver's form.

Raver watches as Reinhardh unslings his mighty hammer. The muscles in his arms ripple as they swing the hammer until it splits the very earth in two. From deep within the ground fire erupts and like any living creature seeks its target, in this case Raver. Raver looks up quickly judging the wind, he brings his crossbow off his back and notches an arrow. The arrows tip radiates with an unknown energy, which Raver lets fly directly into the path of the oncoming flame. The resulting meeting of the two creates a fireball that soon consumes itself. Only a fraction of the fire escapes and slashes across Ravers arm, digging deeply into his skin. " That one hurt Reinhardh " Raver raises the crossbow again, this time his aim a little less steady. The arrow flies and slices through a bough of the tree nearest Reinhardh. The bough and all its smaller branches would no doubt do severe damage should it meet its target.

Reinhardh drags his weapon from the floor, tearing up the earth and digging up soil as the weapon makes a journey to the male's shoulder. He stands with his weapon held in posture, sharp red eyes staring the distance down to Raver who was readying his counter. A small smile crept to his lips, "It's supposed to. Real men grow from their wounds, Raver." Now seeing the man toying with his crossbow, Reinhardh prepares himself to avoid his projectiles- should they come seeking his flesh. Trained senses would tell of the dismembered tree making it's descent, eyes viewing the discordant branches swaying forward in slowed time. Reinhardh kneels down, and a familiar warm embrace would envelop the man in this battle. A pair of lustrous wings of fire and lightning appearing on the male's shoulders, as well as the donning of sacred knightly armor on chest, legs, feet, and hands. Suddenly the ex-knight launches himself backwards with the aid of his wings; the falling tree body nearly hitting Reinhardh, snapping shrapnel of branches and twigs rubbing into his skin and even passing through the fiery wings, they burn him a little. The tree ignites and burns like kindle as Reinhardh is now safely away from it, and far behind it. He smirks and lowers his visor. He crouches and readies his weapon, launching forward with one great snapping of his ethereal wings. A trail of fire and flame is left in his wake as the man speeds through all obstacles in his way, even the fallen burning tree which bleeds up as he passes. Reinhardh doesn't make any hint towards stopping, and though he slows down near Raver, his war hammer would sweep the male's feet and come back around with a vengeance, this time to bludgeon the male's chest with its blood-fury flames and steel.

Raver watches the tree as it drops from its perch. Raver senses something he has not since the days he sparred with his father and Alexander, a shift in time, not of his design. The ethereal appendages make themselves known to him. He hears the small burns on Reinhardh's skin " Indeed my friend. Wounds are the mark of a good warrior. Let us see what else we can do" Reinhardh moves forward on his wings, the hammer at the ready. Raver grabs the cursed sword from its sheath. It begins to curse so loudly that Raver misses the swing of the hammer, which knocks him off his feet. Small burns appearing on his legs where the hammer struck. Raver lies on the ground for before her rolls to his left as the hammer hits the earth where he just lay. " Fire hmm " Raver thrusts his sword, not at Reinhardh but to Reinhardh's right. The sword embeds itself in the earth at the foot of the immense Rose bush of perfect petals. Obscenities now filter into the ground. The swell building until the roses grow black. Raver snaps his wrist and the vines of the now black roses seek out his opponent. Should they grasp him they would leave him with no way to breath...

Reinhardh goes to finish his opponent raising his hammer to just the correct apex needed before the final blow is delivered. It would stop there with the interrupting vines that wrap around his wielding arm, tendril-like, spreading to encompass the entire suit of armor worn in confidence. Not only that but some sneak beneath the encasing and terrorize light skin and attire with razoring thorns and an unholy grip. Struggling to finish his work, Reinhardh attempts to push against the vines, but soon finds they overpower him and wrench him from his advantage. The male's infernously lit wings flutter in haste in an attempt to pull the spell-sword away from danger, and succeed until like a dog and leash, tension would prevent any further allowance. Dismissing his war hammer, the male knightly figure summons a burning sword notched with saw-like teeth. This sword sweeps against the flurry of commanded vines, and frees the armored figurine previously trapped by them. Blood would seep in-between the chain mail and mesh, dripping down the armored plates of chest, legs, and forearms of the human as he grins and removes his helmet the same way it was conjured. His flowing white hair whips in the gentle breeze as the spell-blade pushes forward and speaks a quick spell to help him deliver a fast blow - electro static and frothing flames leaking into the air as a crescent slash would be delivered.

Raver watches with delight as the vines do their work. Not only stopping an attack upon his person, but limiting his friend Reinhardh in his ability to wield the hammer. He smiles as the fiery sword is removed and hacks away at the vines, which wither and go to seed. Raver knows that soon they will sprout new seven petal red roses. The blood drips to the ground as Reinhardh speaks. His sword begins its descent upon him even as Ravers hair starts to stand on end. Soon the hair upon his whole body is doing so. He does not retreat but instead rushes directly at Reinhardh. The frothing flames, like that of a chaotic hound slice through his hair leaving burns upon his scalp. Blood seeping from the wounds as Raver attempts to grab hold of Reinhardh , should he do so , both men would share the build up electric charge that fills the air

Reinhardh unexpectedly grapples with Raver in a lock-of-arms and drops his summoned sword, losing it in the process due to loss of focus it bleeds away in the tangible realm. Skin connects with metal plating, and energy akin to shocks of lightning pass through each man in their power-struggle. The conjured armor melts away, like blackened tar, revealing the true form of the veteran in his black undershirt; burnt and fraying, revealing chiseled bits of light flesh. As this energy passes through them, it builds up causing a bright arc of lightning to light up the area, passing between things as little as a sheathed dagger- and reaching it's pinnacle, it's potential energy collecting between each warrior, before becoming too great and exploding in a concussive shockwave that would launch each man back. Reinhardh lands stunned away from Raver, in the calm soothing grass to the fighter's sides; Static-ey, meaning static bits leaping across his form, the male stirs and leans up. He laughs but he would stay there for a little bit more, nodding to Raver from afar. "Good fight." He calls.

Raver looks up from the ground his amour also blackened " Aye my friend, I did not expect the static attack that time. Let me reimburse you, 100 gold was it?"

Reinhardh stands and dusts off his clothes. A reverse flame, one that burns brightly as if it's been alight a while, and then shrinking down to a ember-like smolder is seen in the male's palms as his hammer is re-summoned, and slung once more across his back. "100 gold? I can't turn it down. You are too kind, Raver. Till we meet again on the battlefield, brother." He nods.