Chitin Beast

From HollowWiki

Chitin beasts are creatures of protoflesh grown by Empusai in huge alchemical vats. They resemble giant woodlice, having plated shells, and are most often used in the construction of Empusai abodes.

Chitin beasts are almost mindless. When ordered to attach to the facade of an Empusai building, the chitin beast locks itself in place, and its incredibly tough outer shell becomes part of the building. It takes many years for a chitin beast to perish. Being turned into a chitin beast is one of the punishments Empusai offer to those who displease them.

These shells can withstand an immense amount of damage, making Empusai abodes strongholds indeed. Other uses for chitin beast shells include furnishings and shields.

The process of their creation is a closely guarded secret of Empusai necromancers.