Astral Bodies Contest

From HollowWiki


The winning submissions are posted on the astral bodies page.

New Planet Submissions



Gas Giant #2

Being only a third of the size of its sister planet Elasilia, Vauxia has remained unknown to denizens of Hollow until only recently, as it was eclipsed entirely for several thousand years while it made its slow orbit around the sun. Only visible in the night skies, those whose hearts are tied to the seas claim that this violet ringed planet is the counterpart of Selene’s grace, the beacon of Zaytor himself. Due to its unusual light wavelengths being drawn towards Hollow’s magnetic poles, Vauxia always appears perfectly due north in the night skies, making it a perfect navigational guide for sailors and land-bound travelers alike. Vauxia is observed as the planet of guidance and serenity, as finding Vauxia in the skies means finding your way home.

[Vauxia is slightly smaller than our planet Saturn, with an equatorial radius of 99,500 kilometers. While its atmospheric gasses are also composed mainly of helium and hydrogen, there is also a significant amount of charged argon, giving it the distinctive violet stripes that make it the only violet spot in the sky to the naked eye. In lieu of satellites, Vauxia has two sets of distinctive silver rings. These rings seem to intersect at the planet’s equator, and are tilted at slight angles of 20 and 160 degrees horizontally. These rings are composed of smashed asteroid particles, dust, and ammonia ice.]



Ice Giant #2

Beyond the reaches of the inner planets of the solar system lies the ice giant, Iothea. Once a terrestrial planet, albeit one with a heavy amount of gravity, Iothea was bursting with various types of crystals all over its surface. Great forests of diamond trees sprung up, while the planet's waters sparkled with sapphires and aquamarines of varying hues. Even the fauna that had made their home there on Iothea were crystalline in nature, from gem-toned flightless birds to insects and arachnids whose very carapace were made of jewels. But just as every star burns out, so too does the core of planets begin to cool over time, shifting it to a frozen, desolate wasteland. The planet’s ice age eventually wiped most flora and fauna out. The only things to survive were those made of the sturdiest crystals and could subsist on eating the crystals themselves. Now the only things that stand on Iothea, amongst its ever-frigid winter are the glittering diamond forests and the bugs. And while its gravitational pull has lessened over time, during its tenure as a terrestrial planet, Iothea pulled many asteroids around it to form three belts, each one slightly off kilter and overlapping one another. These belts still remain, kept mostly intact despite the cooling of the planet. But the strangest thing of all about the planet is the fact that its orbit is entirely retrograde, assuming a clockwise path, instead of the typical counter-clockwise.

[Carbon is first and foremost the most readily found material on Iothea, with water, ammonia, and methane making up the majority of the rest. Its appearance is a glittering white, with faint blues here and there where the sapphire oceans have frozen over entirely. It is roughly twice the size of Neptune, not including the asteroid belts.]



“The One behind the Sun” or “The Eye of Madness”'

Even sifting through all the histories and all the astronomical or astrological journals and publications of all of Hollow’s sentient peoples, you’d be unlikely to come across even one mention of Fybltch’zyk. Yet, if you could somehow broker a peace with something like a mindflayer or a beholder, and then if you could think of the name, and even pronounce ‘Fybltch’zyk’, you’d be met with a longing gaze toward the stars. Or perhaps a glare of ominous knowing. A Knowing that soon, the Eye of Madness will return, and it will be the time of monsters. The time when day yields to an eternity of night. When the ocean swells and waves tower over the land, before crashing down and drowning it. Violent storms and cataclysms will emerge seemingly spontaneously and wreak havoc across the nations of all people. And overseeing it all, is the smoldering, unblinking eye of Fybltch’zyk, calling its children back home. Beckoning them with its infinite arms, reaching toward Hollow with malice. Aberrations of all kinds rise from the depths on this day to see and be seen, while people would prefer to find themselves underground. Those who dare look, are scarred by the visage of a God, one of the old ones. A body of writhing tentacles glows pale white where the sun used to be, and at its core? A single vigilant eye, gazing back. The only light in the sky bright enough to pierce the veil of stormclouds. Aberrations of all kinds worship Fybltch’zyk as their deity, or their home, or both. They seem to be summoned at once, with no coordination between them, and for once unified in their purpose, whatever it may be. And then, after unmeasured time, light returns. The clouds dissipate, the waters return to the sea, the monsters disappear once again into the Earth. And the survivors inherit the world again, almost exactly as it was, with no explanation for what could have occurred.

There is a more mundane explanation. Fybltch’zyk is a low density planet with a highly irregular orbit. An elongated elliptical that calls it from far away in space, wrapping tightly around the sun, and then slingshotting back out again. Sometimes, this orbit brings it between the world of Hollow and Kafzhash, where its substantial size and proximity to our world can cause a brief solar eclipse. During this time, torrents of its atmosphere are blown off by solar wind, causing an aura of swirling gas that appears to some like twisting tendrils. To add to its anomalous nature, a long-lived and enormous storm system, scarlet and oblong, is a most conspicuous feature on Fybltch’zyk’s surface. The effects of its gravity on ours aren’t severe enough to cause complete ruin, but the weather systems of Hollow are greatly affected. So are the brains of most creatures, as they are during a full moon, but to a much greater intensity. Although the effects in actuality only last a few hours at most, the confusion and terror linger, before the midnight colored planet moves completely across the sun, and once again disappears into space.


Tsaeril, the Lunar King

Small, lavender-gas body, obscured by several, smaller 'moons'

Known to Fae as the Lunar King, Tsaeril is encircled not by rings, but its own belt of perfectly spherical asteroids, often referred to as its 'moons' or to some seafarers, its 'pearls'. The exact number is debated, with some astronomers claiming there are fourteen, while others, particularly those who associate the planet with the Cloak and Crystal, insist their numbers are innumerable. The gas giant is smaller than Elasilia, and its surface is unseen due to the shroud of dense, lavender clouds obscuring its surface.

The planet was discovered by a pixie of the very same name, Tsaeril Willowirl, a pixie known for his invention of miniature telescopes that still possessed the same magnifying power of telescopes for larger races.

Rumors that the gas giant possesses some water in its atmosphere and within the planet itself mix with the predominantly iodine-rich planet which causes the planet's purple color, along with the gaseous haze the planet is wreathed in. The planet itself has no identifying spots or patterning, but the belt of spherical asteroids surrounding it are what make the planet easy to locate if one searches for the planet with a telescope. These asteroids, often referred to as 'moons', possess some illusory quality; While it is widely accepted that there are fourteen of the asteroids in the planet's orbit, many insist that there are many, many more. Devotees of Corelieant believe that He created this planet and imbued the asteroid belt and the planet itself with magic that causes all that look upon it to see a different amount of moons, while devotees of the goddess Selene refer to the near perfect spheres as pearls, specifically a bracelet that the goddess might wear. The asteroids themselves are composed of a strange striated mix of moldaviate and opal, at least on their surface. The interior layers of these 'pearls' is unknown at this time.



Terrestrial Planet #5

A circular mass, equal in distance from the Sun as is Hollow, this planet is bright teal in color and enshrouded in a deep cloak of fog. The fog is a result of celestial bodies continually exploding around the planet. Thus, the people of Garanthna are monotheistic and worship the Goddess of Stardust, as they view the death of the stars being a type of penance for their protection and life force. The equatorial radius is approximately 6200 kilometers and the gravitational force is equal to that of Earth. Much like Earth, it has a solid outer core and a liquid inner core, to provide warmth, and it’s made of nickel, molten rock, and iron. The teal coloring of the planet is rumored to be because the planet has an abundance of aquamarine stones that can be found in glowing caverns throughout the land masses. It cannot be seen with the naked eye, save for one night, every decade; usually falling somewhere during the third weekend in June due to the planet's rotation. Garanthna represents safety, peacefulness, and solidarity, as the planet’s fog protects it from any stray meteors or otherworldly invasions.

(This particular planet is comprised of three massive continents; the northern continent which has a colder climate ranging from 30 degrees to -20 below zero fahrenheit and snowy mountains, the central continent which has lush forests and lakes has a temperature varying from 50-75 degrees fahrenheit, and the southern continent which has beaches and warmer weather reaching up to 110 degrees fahrenheit. It has animal and plant life and an atmosphere that is very similar to Earth.)



Gas Giant #1

It is said that before Arkhen lit his torch and brought his flames of law to Hollow from the sun Kafzhash, there was a land of endless fire and torment on the distant planet of Chaaldir. Unlike Arkhen’s holy fires the flames of Chaaldir were not flames of purification, but rather destruction, and it was said that only powerful fire wyrms and primal elements could exist there.

A warm orange beacon in the night, sailors used to track their movements using Chaaldir due to its placement in the southmost skys. It became colloquially known that if you followed Chaaldir long enough it would take you to warmer seas and thus it became a common addition to naval charts. Over time this planet became less associated with destruction and more associated with crafting, knowledge, and renewal.

In reality Chaaldir isn’t made up of fire at all, but rather it is composed of mainly hydrogen and helium. Once viewed as a forlorn kinsmen to Kafzhash, Chaaldir is made up of the same chemical compounds as it, but it failed to become a star, doomed to forever only reflect the light of true stars instead of shedding its own. Though it has a mass more than two and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined, its distance from Hollow makes it appear much smaller and dimmer from the surface of the planet. Possessing a rocky core of heavier elements, it lacks a well-defined solid surface. The ongoing contraction of Chaaldir's interior generates more heat than it receives from Kafzhash. Because of its rapid rotation, the planet's shape is an oblate spheroid and has a slight but noticeable bulge around the equator.

Planet Rewrite Submissions



Terrestrial Planet #4 - [Dwarf Planet]

Rarely seen and even more rarely spoken of, many in academia debate whether Yanno as a planet actually exists. In books that have been long lost in libraries abandoned, and amongst the most elderly of scholars, a mythos is told of the mage who discovered the entity in the night skies several centuries ago. The brightest mage of his country, he witnessed a light erupt from the planet, and believed it to be more beautiful than anything that could ever be recreated on Hollow. He called it the Light of Cire. When others gazed through the telescope, the only thing that could be seen was a patch in the sky where the light of the stars could not reach, and nothing could be seen. Thinking Cire was simply displeased with their skepticism, the young mage looked through the telescope again, only to find the planet gone. In a fit of passion, he struck down his peers as a sacrifice, an attempt to appease the God of Chaos that was inside the planet's core, to see the light one more time, but the light never came. Yanno had disappeared from the skies. The young mage passed away soon after, having written his findings in a record now thought to be lost to time. For those who believe in the mythos, Yanno is thought to be Cire’s domain, and is referred to as the blocker of stars and the bringer of silence no matter the chaos it costs. Those who have claimed to have seen Yanno themselves have all gone mad shortly afterwards, and are believed by Cire’s most devout followers to have been chosen by the God of Chaos. In direct reference to the Yanno’s quiet history, followers of Cire often signal to each other in greeting by bringing two fingers to their lips to pantomime silence.

[Yanno did not disappear, as it is simply the magnetic center in a thick asteroid ring that orbits it. Because its gravitational pull is relatively low, no single asteroid remains a satellite of the planet long enough to be considered its moon. When the light of Kazafash rests upon Yanno’s icy surface, the various gasses comprising its surface melts, causing a series of kaleidoscopic chemical reactions until one of its hundreds of asteroids shields its surface from the light. Yanno’s Belt is thousands of kilometers in radius, often large enough to shield entire constellations when the alignment is right. Its equatorial radius is no larger than 500 kilometers. While the rocky core is composed of oxidized alkali metals such as cerium, sodium, and potassium, the icy waters composed of fluorine, oxygen, and helium remain in a neutral state due to the near absolute zero temperatures while the planet is shielded from sunlight.]


The Moons: Vaalane & Arh’Nuk

Note: Before Q’na was ascended to the status of deity over space and time, the astral bodies fell under the other gods’ domains. For Arh’Nuk, it was Vakmatharas and Delisha, with its connection to death, evil, and order, while Selene and Zaytor held sway over Valaane, giving the supernatural satellite a connection with life, goodness, and chaos. There are said to be cults for both Arh’Nuk and Vaalane, both revering their respective moon so that they might have a chance to bask in their power.


During spring and summer, the moon is more likely to be whole, and great streams and pockets of blue can be seen in swirls amongst the green-ish white of the planet, their waters nourishing the various plantlife that grew nearby, both those that dwelled within Selene’s saltwater and Zaytor’s freshwater. Larger than Arh’Nuk by almost half, Vaalane will never be a new moon, never falling below a crescent, and seemingly giving off its own light. During the fall and winter months, when the moon goes into its dark cycle, its light fades almost completely, leaving it to be almost outshined by its companion moon. Despite the fact that its orbit and phases can be somewhat erratic, its supernatural power holds sway over the seas in Hollow, its own domain that of the ebb and flow of the tides. In much the same way that Arh’Nuk influences dark magic, some forms of light magic stems from Vaalane and its ethereal glow.

[The larger of Hollow's binary satellites. Surface composition is mainly of oxides including silica, alumina, lime, sodium oxide, potassium oxide, dihydrogen monoxide, et cetera. Due to the very thin atmosphere, the moon can't even sustain much in the way of clouds. In comparison it is about the size of Mars. Vaalane has a supernatural connection with the domains of Life, Good, and Chaos.]

(Arh’Nuk is basically just a rewording instead of a total rewrite, to help things flow easier between the two moon descriptions.)


Huge arcane symbols tied to dark magic litter the muted crimson moon named Arh’Nuk, each one filled with a putrid, dark red substance that bubbles up to the surface by way of the evil magic that clings to the moon, and sinks down deep to its core.The liquid itself is said to be the blood of some extremely unlucky mortals, sacrificed by Vakmatharas and Delisha to create the moon and keep its supernatural power flowing. The runes are devoid of light, a slight contrast to the dull light of the moon. For centuries, mages of all sorts have written down and used these runes for their own gain, only for them to become crazed and lose their lives, ultimately becoming part of the runes themselves, as the moon steals away their life force and the sins they’ve wrought. The much smaller Arh’Nuk is forever locked in a shared orbit with partner Vaalane, like some sort of strange waltz.

[A binary satellite of a Hollow. It is composed of mainly Iron(III) oxide and a putrid ichor assumed to be blood. It has some geological activity but not necessarily a breathable atmosphere, thanks to it being extremely thin carbon dioxide. There is no living life at all upon its surface. Roughly it is about the same size as our Moon. Its origin and reason have long been lost to time. All is known is its highly magical nature that has strong ties with Death, Evil, and Order.]



Terrestrial Planet #3

Seeing this planet glowing a soft and gentle blue in the night sky is said to be calming, almost nurturing; and those who pray to Comily wish for wisdom or patience or forgiveness.

Seeing this planet colored like a scarlet ember burning in the infinite abyss is said to invoke feelings of determination; and those who pray to Comily wish for strength, conviction, and courage.

Those who recognize Comily’s fluidity often pray to it for the ability to affect change, evolution, metamorphosis; especially within themselves. Yet it also stands for rebirth. Because despite the various forms it may take, it will always return to what it was before, at an earlier part of its cycle. The greatest of leaders and diplomats will often summon its visage when they need to be strong, yet empathetic. When they need the courage to protect their people, but the wisdom to make peace with their enemies. Its ability to transform itself, to fool onlookers, to be what is required, makes it something of a role model for actors, performers, shapechangers, illusionists, and transmuters. For a long time, Comily was thought to be not one planet, but several. A small, bright blue marble. A pale, misty white star. A fiery burning orb. It is one body, and it is all these bodies. Its odyssey demands it.

Comily follows an elliptical orbit, taking it very close to the sun before it flies very far away from it. This fact explains the many changes in its appearance. When Comily’s quest leads it far away from the burning Kafzhash, it is a dense blue marble. Solid and smooth, peaceful and slow. Then as it comes closer, it picks up speed and the intense heat of the sun causes its atmosphere to inflate, puffing itself up as the ice evaporates into a misty white gas, and it appears like a bright white star. As it slingshots around the sun, becoming nearer to the star than at any other point in its revolution, it becomes superheated; a fireball, burning through space. Then it continues past, calming down. It reverts to a white puffball, and traveling further, it is returned once again to peaceful blue planet.


Maro, Dawn's Herald

Terrestrial Planet #2

Brilliant Maro, the brightest star and herald of the Kafzhash. The High Elves used Her light to guide them across the sea to Rynvale when the sun's light was not enough. Said to be the twinkle in Arkhen, the Lord of Light's eye, those born on days when Maro shines brightest (clearer, Summer days typically) are said to be blessed by the god and could very well be paladins and heroes of legend one day. A cluster of stars that seem to surround the planet are known as Maro's Chariot, enhancing the white star's brilliance with a halo of gold. As the planet brings the new day by hauling the sun across the sky, it also heralds new beginnings, a new life, new passions. All who are lost can turn their head skyward for Maro and be reminded that even on the darkest of nights, light will return. This is Maro's promise. There is always a new day. Always hope.

This particular planet was not 'discovered' by any particular people, given its brilliance rivals all other planets and stars in the sky other than the sun, but there is some debate on the origin of the name it goes by and who first established it as part of the known solar system. Though the High Elves like to claim that they created the name and determined its placement in the sky among the other planets, in truth this credit belongs to Akohr of Gamorg, an ogre shaman. A rarity of her people and a true testament to the adage that one should not judge a book by their cover, the shaman of He Who Hungers was not only a well-versed, well-read scholar, but her knowledge of the sky and stars is often overlooked and frankly, unmatched, save for the avians due to their closer proximity to the sky. When she ventured out of Gamorg to continue her education and research, her papers were often disregarded as illegible nonsense. To this day however, they're invaluable to astronomers, with growing realization among those in the the scientific and magical communities now that her mapping of the planets and stars, and recordings of various astral events over several centuries rivaled that of traditional scholars.

Akohr studied the stars and planets above as part of her path to become an astronomer, and it's in those earlier years studying in Cenril's Observatory in the Grand Library that she really focused on Maro's characteristics and provided the name. Its origin is a softer word in the brutish ogre tongue, but no less fierce, scrawled more often than not on her star maps with a circle around the bright planet.

Maro. Herald.

Prior to her research, it was widely debated whether or not to classify Maro as a star or a planet. Her papers and various presentations of her research held at Cenril's Great Library and various universities across the continent helped solidify that the planet is in fact a planet, and not a star. Its size is so close to that of Hollow's, and under a powerful telescope it's apparent that the planet has a rocky, off-white surface with mountain ranges and even valleys similar to what one might see on Hollow. The fault lines of this planet's plates are so vast that they are visible via telescope as well, revealing what Akohr often described as 'golden rivers' of magma, one of the aspects of Maro that provides its glow. The planet's composition facilitates with its brilliance as well; gold and iron predominantly, and perhaps pockets of carbon that proved the suspicions Akohr had that its atmosphere is impossibly dense, leaving the planet to be uninhabitable by anything. All the carbon visible on the planet's surface has been crushed to the point that 'lakes' visible on the planet are actually diamond, which further enhances the planet's glow.

While the planet is luminous given its visible magma, diamond masses and off-white color, the majority of its brilliance can be attributed to the sun it 'hauls' across the sky. Being the closest planet to the sun, it receives a lot of light that it reflects, providing that brilliant 'halo' Maro is well known for.



Terrestrial Planet #4 - [Dwarf Planet]

Nearly twice the size of Arh’Nuk, this satellite seems to have its own source of illumination as it’s coated in glowing marbles that vary from the size of a pea to the size of a large boulder. Rumors state that the marbles are the souls of loved ones that had risked their lives to save another. Their sacrifice is rewarded by them forever glowing in the Heavens, and once a month, on the full moon, the people of Hollow can honor their loved ones through prayer or by wishing on the bright ‘souls’ in the sky.

(The greenish glow of Vaalane stems from the fact that it has very close ties with nature, life, and is good aligned. It has thriving plant life and bodies of water, but no known animals or terrestrials are rumored to roam about, due to the very thin atmosphere. The surface composition is mostly comprised of oxides and this half of Hollow’s binary satellites is the exact opposite of everything that Arh’Nuk represents.)



Ice Giant #1

In ancient times scholars and sailors alike looked up at the bright blue twinkle in the sky and wondered what cerulean heaven floated above. The planet glowed so brightly that even during the day one could spot it if they knew where to look. They called this distant world Elasilia, and folklore suggested that Selene herself resided there in a palace made of crystal coral, and that it was this place that the all water and ice magic flowed to Hollow.

Common themes associated with Elasilia are peace, springs or pools, quiet glades, nature, and life, and occasionally some druids, pacifists, and people troubled by violence often wish upon Elasilia for guidance to this day.

In reality Elasilia is merely a giant planet composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, with high levels of frozen water, ammonia, and methane, along with traces of other hydrocarbons. It has one of the coldest planetary atmospheres in the Solar System, with a minimum temperature of 49 K (−224 °C; −371 °F), and has a complex, layered cloud structure with water thought to make up the lowest clouds and methane the uppermost layer of clouds, giving the planet a distinct, aqua cast.

Constellation Submissions


The Fair Maiden & The Admirer

An excerpt of an RP involving one of Brennia's characters: Largakh

“You see those group of stars,” it would look similar to a lady, “there is this story, older than time, that she’s the fairest maiden. I don’t know the real name, my grandpa always said it was named Seldanna,” an amused smirk on his lips, “that group over there is The Admirer.” This constellation looked like a man holding something, “some say he’s endlessly holding flowers to her beauty and that in all of the worlds he’s never found one good enough for her to prove his love, but every once in a while on a clear night like this he will send her a kiss… Or shooting star. The unrequited love story of all the ages,” there was a moment of quiet in the forest and as if on queue there happened to be a faint shooting star traveling from the admirer to the fair maiden. “See?”

(the rp reference )


Triad of the Gods

This constellation, abbreviated in Common as ⅄, is visible in central Lithrydel and across Rynvale between the summer and winter solstices. The Triad of the Gods is a constellation very easily observable from the densely packed star-clad skies of the new Ahr’Nuk moon and Vaalane’s diminuendo, to the dual perigees over the well-lit Cenrilian city nights. Due to its easy visibility, those who still pray to the Elder Gods recommend focusing one's energies on this constellation when away from cities with temples.

The center of this constellation is a globular star cluster referred to collectively as Sven’s Light, from pre-telescopic times when it was believed to be a singular large star. Extending outwards from the center are three distinctive ‘lines’ of luminous stars. Those who speak of fortunes from the stars judge the characters of newborns based on the position of Valaane and Ahr’Nuk relative to this constellation.

The westward “branch” of stars is said to represent both Hind and the Holy Eternal Tree. It can be distinguished from the other branches by the coloring of the three larger stars. The distinctive white star bordering the Sven’s Light cluster is representative of the pure heart of those who chose to follow in Hind’s footsteps. The second star radiates a bright white-green light like the leaves of the Eternal Tree catching on sunlight. The third star at the furthest edge of the constellation is iridescent, shifting colors seemingly without rhyme or reason. Some claim that this star reflects the waterfall that nourishes the Eternal Tree’s roots, while others claim that it is representative of those who ascended to Hind’s side in the Realm of Gods.

The northern “branch” of stars is said to represent Xalious and the Xalious Tree that bloomed from where he ascended to godhood. Five stars complete this line. The two middle stars are a silvery-white, and the two closest to the Sven’s Light cluster are distinctively gold, much like the silver bark and golden leaves of the Xalious Tree. The furthest star on this constellation, believed to be Xalious looking down upon his pupils, is actually the bright blue massive star of the nearest solar system, which burns too hot to sustain any orbiting planets.

The eastern “branch” of stars represents the final God of the Elder Three and the First Archknight of Cenril, Lore, or the Eternal Trembling Tree, depending on whether the person you ask is a native of Cenril or not. This part of the constellation is easily distinguishable due to the more jagged pattern of bright stars. Unlike the more colorful counterparts of the constellation, the eastern line of five stars are all white.


The Apple

Made up of an open cluster of 5 red giant stars, the Apple can be spotted easily in the night sky by its red sheen. As is typical with star clusters, all 5 of those that make up the constellation were formed around the same time, though a telescope is required to see the stars.

Those born under the sign of the apple are naturally blessed with gaining knowledge and expelling wisdom for those that need it. Though they might not always have wisdom leftover for themselves, their passion for learning and helping others makes up for it often.

The Broom

This constellation is made up of a string of 13 stars of varying types, that ultimately fan out to form the bristles at one end. At the base of the broom handle lies the brightest star out of the bunch, aptly named ‘The Witch’s Eye’, a blue supergiant that can always be found in the same spot in the sky. Another notable star in the constellation is the ‘Garnetta’, a brown dwarf named for its dark pink-ish hue that is strikingly similar to the gemstone.

Those born under the sign of the broom are much more inclined at brushing off problems and sweeping away negativity that might plague them. They are typically carefree and can manage to go with the flow and adapt to anything, even in the roughest of times.


Paro the Coyote

Paro is at heart, a trickster, but often he is seen in a positive light. Paro blurs the lines between sage and food, often playing tricks that lead to a deeper discovery about ones true self. Why the coyote can never be forthcoming with its pupils is impossible to know, and it is infuriating. This could perhaps explain why despite its helpful nature, Paro seems to always feel such loneliness and yearning. Paro is often deceitful, but usually doesn't intend malice. Honesty may be the best policy, but dishonesty is the second best policy.

A trickster spirit, but not malevolent. The days leading up to the Summer Solstice are when Paro shines the brightest; a cluster of ten stars that seem to outline the visage of a coyote. Sitting on its haunches, it howls its endless cry into the void of space. Perhaps more than anything else, its a guardian spirit. None demonstrate this more clearly than the legend about the first Coyote Brush. A shrub known for its hardiness and adaptability, it’s able to thrive in a wide variety of environments because of the various tricks it can employ to aid in its survival. The first of these bushes is said to have grown after a particularly devastating forest fire. From the heavens, Paro wept, raining glittering rain mixed with stardust upon the ashes. When the storm cleared, Coyote Brush grew, signaling the return of life to the desolation. Since then, Coyote brush is always among the first plants to grow after the clearing of a forest. Because they share a common goal, Paro frequently supplies aid to druids, dryads, shamans, witches, and other forest guardians, often whether they know it or not.

Those seeking its aid suffer a particular type of ordeal; as Paro revels in demonstrating its cleverness and trickery. Paro never gives a straight answer to a simple question, responding in clues or riddles that might lead one to insight, or could simply be a wild goose chase. One can never be sure.

There are several rituals that can aid in the outcome, but only if one was in the habit of making offerings to Paro already, and expecting nothing in return. Petty Paro isn’t fond of friends who only honor him when they need something from him. But a few offerings of daffodils, chrysanthemums, and hyacinths throughout the year can help ensure his cooperation.

If one hasn’t been making regular tributes, he can perhaps be mollified by trinkets and treasures featuring his favorite stones; especially citrine, lapis lazuli, and apatite. Humble treasures of the earth complement his features nicely, and could spin his affections toward you in desperate times.

And when it is time to make the request, there aren’t many better than Paro at revealing truths, about someone in particular, or about something being sought. The best way to make a connection to Paro is with the fruits of a harmless trick. A small critter duped harmlessly into a trap, and signaled in some way to be meant for Paro is a powerful way. The more convoluted the trap, the more clever the quarry, the more likely it is to get a response. In your dreams, you might be visited by a person of great beauty regardless of their gender, of an appearance marking them as typical, according to the context of your dream. The one clue that it was actually Paro, is the eyes, bright yellow-white, and dark eye shadow surrounding it. A forgettable remark is often much more meaningful than it appears, and upon awakening, an object has often replaced the trapped prey. Meaningless to anyone who hasn’t shared in this dream, but the beginning of a scavenger hunt for those seeking truth.

A common legend surrounding Paro is when he was supposedly first discovered. A tribe of refugees fleeing from the battle that cost them their home, find themselves starving and lost in a foreign land. They pray desperately to the coyote in the sky that seems to mourn with them. They beg and he ignores them. Only when they’re desperate enough to bargain, does he respond. Suggesting that if they offer a daffodil, a hyacinth, and a chrysanthemum, he will guide them to their new home. Three seekers venture forth in different directions. The first finds a meadow containing daffodils and trips on a rabbit hole. They return with a flower and nourishment. The second finds a trail of hyacinths that leads to a babbling brook, and brings back life-giving water. The third runs into a massive rock-wall, impassable. But seeking the edge, he finds a chrysanthemum, and a secret path leading to a plateau hidden from the world of men. When they return, they realize: they didn’t just find flowers, they found their new home.

Those Born under the Sign of the Coyote

The coyote is clever, fun-loving, and full of guile. Their eyes glowing in the night hint at their ability to see things differently, and to see hidden truths. They are proud to use their cunning minds to get what they want without being forceful. Those born in the days leading to the Summer Solstice under the sign of the howling coyote are often known for being wily and fun-loving. But they’re also known to cry loudly.

A Paro wants to see the funny side of every situation. They often craft humor during dire straits as a way to diffuse tension, though this may not always work, and may have the opposite effect intended. Many times making jokes during times when they should be in despair is extremely off-putting, even offensive, though the Paro usually doesn’t intend that. Yet they often thrive in social situations, where their ability to liven up any group with laughter and joy makes them popular. They tend to make friends easily, though most of these relationships don’t last.

Many excel as diplomats, quickly charming or flirting their way into their counterparts graces, and then stunning them with their incisive wit and elegant solutions. When you have eyes like a coyote, you can use them to identify people’s tendencies, and act accordingly.

But coyotes are also characterized by an insatiable yearning. When they want something, they feel entitled to it. They believe they deserve to get what they want, and they’re not above using creative interpretations of the truth to get it. After all, who knows the truth better than them? For these reasons, those born under Paro’s howling visage are often seen as manipulators who can’t be trusted. But deprive them of what they feel they need and deserve, and be prepared to hear them howl. As the coyote’s howl echoes into the night, so too does the echo of someone born under its sign reverberate again and again until the wrong is made right.

Paro’s should be wary that their tricks and deceits don’t accidentally offend the wrong person. Crossing the line is usually unhealthy; coyotes flinch in the face of brazen combat. With good reason, they aren’t fighters. No, better to use their cunning to distract and confuse their attackers. But a Paro should also be mindful of their vision. A coyote’s eyes can see just as well in darkness as they can in light. It may be difficult to tell when cunning becomes conniving. When harmless tricks become malicious mischief. When harmless deceits become hellbound schemes.

The Potato

Those born under the sign of the potato aren't very cool, they're known for being excessively bad. It's just four stars that are bright enough and close enough to be grouped together, but to give it any complex shape at all would be a huge reach. So the people of old called it a potato and moved on. People with birthdays around the same time of year as Kasyr are born under the sign of the potato.

Famous people born under the potato: Kasyr (famous for his potatosity)


Daezir, Daedria's Mask

In the night sky gather a cluster of twenty-two rosy pink stars, each wreathed in a golden glow. The stars align in such a way that they look like a mask peering down from the heavens, and myth whispers that Daedria's mood can be determined by this mask on clear nights. Supposedly, the stars comprising the mask's mouth -move-, shifting into a comedic smile or tragic frown depending on the whims of the Ascendi. Often, actors and actresses look to the sky prior to performances if the sky is clear and the Mask is visible, to gauge Daedria's mood before stepping on stage. Bards across Lithrydel are known to look skyward as well upon completing their tune, using the constellation's expression to determine if they performed well or not.

The Chariot

Believed to be the vehicle Maro uses to haul the sun across the sky, The Chariot is a constellation comprised of five stars. Instead of taking the typical shape of a chariot, these golden stars appear to encircle Maro, with their dimmer lights providing a ring of gold around the planet that serves to enhance its brilliance in the sky. The Chariot as a constellation was named by renowned astronomer Akohr of Gamorg, in the midst of her research on the planet Maro. Each star in this arrangement has a name, oftentimes attributed to the names of horses said in myth used to drive Maro's Chariot across the sky as he hauls the sun across it. Their names are orcish names, much like the origin of Maro's name; Orot, Eikur, Meerth, Uzog, and Burok. In myth, these horses are said to all be fine stallions of solid gold, with fiery white manes. Meerth, the largest and fastest of the five, is said to lead the chariot, while Uzog and Eikur pair directly behind him, and Burok and Orot take the rear. Orot is the most dim of the five stars, often described as the youngest of the brothers and slower of the stallions. Maro treats him kindly, and in truth, favors the softer Orot over the other four horses. It's said that looking to Orot in this constellation for hope is often wise – for even the smallest and weakest can shine when given the chance.

These stars are often hidden by the brilliance of Maro, but they're visible with the assistance of a telescope.


Harva - The Pinecone Constellation

Depicted as an array of stars in the shape of a pinecone, this constellation can only be seen one night during the month of November. Some years go by without ever seeing Harva, as it’s said that she only appears to those that are pure of heart and truly need a successful harvest. If one is down on their luck they can make their plea to Harva by going into the forest and climbing a pine tree. The one that means to make their wish must select a female pine cone, which is often at the top of the tree. If they manage to obtain one, they must plant the pine cone in the soil of one of their least fertile lands, so that Harva knows where to make her grand appearance the following night. Should she show up, the farmer will know that their harvest will be blessed and bountiful and their family will make it through the cruel, upcoming winter.

Clara - The Third Eye Constellation

The tale goes that there once lived a powerful witch, Clara, and she had the strongest intuition in the lands. She could prevent accidents from happening, finish someone’s sentence, and predict random occurrences. One night, she told her best friend that her husband was being unfaithful, as she swore that she had dreamt of him in bed with another woman. Clara’s best friend believed her and left her husband, which made him very angry. The unfaithful man sought revenge on Clara and he plucked both of her eyes from her head, blinding her, or so he thought. Clara’s gift blossomed even more, as she didn’t require eyes to see that which no one else could. The witch relied on her third eye, the eye that is invisible and mystical, and sees far beyond any mere ordinary sight. Clara became very outspoken after that and swore that she would tell every man and woman if their partner was being unfaithful. It’s said that the stars will align in the sky in the shape of an eye, if one gazes towards the Heavens at the stroke of midnight and states that they wish to know if their partner's doing them wrong. If Clara doesn’t appear, it means that the heart is true and safe, that no wrongdoing has occurred. Many sailors call upon Clara while they’re away at sea, so they know if they should hurry home to their sweetheart or if they should change their course and find love anew.


The Web of Arachne

More commonly known simply as The Spider or The Web, this constellation is extremely large, at least 10 stars counted among them to make up the greater collection. Despite its large size Arachne is rather dim, making it difficult to see with the naked eye save for the brightest star in the center. With eight stars forming a wide circle, the brightest star in the center is in fact twin-stars, each orbiting the other to form the ‘Spider in the Web’ from which the constellation gets its name. The distant galaxies and cosmic clouds behind the constellation give the group of stars an interesting web-effect, causing ancient astronomers across Litherdel to label it as a spider’s web in antiquity.

Visible most clearly during the spring, it is said those born under Arachne are cunning and driven, building their little empires one step at a time. They have great ambitions and will spend a lot of their time trying to turn their dreams into reality. They have the patience, intelligence, and drive to succeed at whatever task they choose, and though it will likely take longer than expected to reach the desired results, they have an innocence to them that others don’t want to squash with reality. Like their animal namesake, they will continue to slowly and methodically build their “web” according to their plan. If the whole thing gets torn down they take a deep breath and start over, using the skills they learned from past failures to rebuild an even stronger enterprise than before. Depression and manic behavior are both possible if they aren’t careful to keep balance in their lives, and their self-reliant nature makes them turn to deceptive means to isolate themselves from future failure, sometimes even sabotaging their personal relationships.

Ancient folklore suggests that Arachne was or was related to the same spider goddess that urged the elves to retreat underground, though it is clear to us today that the constellation and the goddess are completely different things. Whether this is a coincidence or an established link remains unconfirmed, however, as the dark elf culture and the surface cultures grew increasingly isolated from each other, leaving two separate origins of the stars. Ancient surface cultures tend to hint at the Web of Arachne being a symbol alluding to their exodus while the drow believe the constellation was created afterward as a symbol of vanity and power of the Spider Goddess. The truth, however, remains obfuscated.