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Doctor Callamyre na Trough u20240421

It was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn; and whether it was the outward substance of things or the inner spirit of nature and the mysterious soul of man that occupied me, still my inquiries were directed to the metaphysical, or in its highest sense, the physical secrets of the world.

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley || Frankenstein

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The Good Doctor

Full Name:
Callamyre Isabeau na Trough (Cah-lah-meer Y'S-uh-bo nuh TRUE).

Other Names:
Calla, Dr. na Trough, Professor


Born to human parents, esteemed local academic and archaeologist, Ser Algernon na Trough, and wife, Dame Isabeau na Trough in the distant city-state of Caerdryyn. At nineteen years old, she gained her Vampiric affliction with preternatural strength and speed; acute senses; retractable fangs; sanguine tears; no reflection. It is the source of much inner conflict as she struggles between coming to terms with it, and finding her own method of "curing" it.


Eyes: The kind of hazel that is more brown than green; can shift to a bioluminescent gold.

Hair: Dark chocolate curls that reach the middle of her back when they're not pinned into a haphazard mess.

Skin: Smooth and of the palest porcelain, covered from head to toe in freckles.


Height: 5'7” (~170 cm), 5'11” (~180 cm) with boots.

Build: So slight of frame, she looks like she could be carried away by a particularly strong gust of wind.


Part monster hunter finder, part mad scientist, wholly curious to a fault. Does the occasional doctoring and teaching on the side. 


  • Minor spatiomancy; what she thought as a child was a form of telekinesis, Calla has since come to understand that it is much more than that. She has learned that she can affect her surroundings in peculiar ways, including, but not limited to: being able to draw wind into the sails of The Nautilus in its race to Serene's Fortune, the ability to create a wall of snow (Done in Frostmaw to divert a stampede from the city), healing/regrowing someone's hand (the sacred blacksmith), performing "open heart surgery" without the use of any medical utensils (on Queen Hildegarde), and many more throughout the years. Her magick does not seem to be drawn from any manipulation of elements, but rather what she believes to be "matter". She cannot create anything from nothing, she can only manipulate what she has access to in some way. Most of what the scientist has done has been experimental and perhaps a bit reckless in that regard, and she is always trying to push herself to learn more about her limitations. In addition to what she has achieved on purpose, it is common that her emotions affect her ability to cast any spatial magick, and there have been times when she has found herself to be "completely blocked". It is heavily tied to her other major ability, empathy.
  • Empathy; the doctor has always had a knack for reading people. At least, in a way. She cannot always decipher what it is she is feeling, but there are also instances in which she is overwhelmed by every little emotion and micro-expression as if they're exposed wiring that is shocking her again and again as the cable flails about. This is not an ability she has any power over. It comes and goes as it pleases with a mind of its own, so to speak.

Both her spatial magick and her empathy were present at the time of her Siring. Since becoming a vampire they have slowly increased in power over time, but she still does not consider herself a particularly powerful mage. 


Stubborn. Reclusive. Secretive. Can be bubbly at times, and excitable when her curiosity has been piqued. She is very slow to trust others, but she is loyal to those who have it. Has been known to disappear from the lands of Hollow for months years on end to seek out work, and answers. When she sets her mind to a task, it is difficult for her to see anything else, and she becomes very driven to find the solution to whatever puzzle has ensnared her attention. 

Out of Character

A/S/L: Eldritch/Monsters/Sarcasm
Discord Tag: ChelseyArts
Other Character: Syrri Darkfoot