RP:This Old House

From HollowWiki

Summary: Lhyrin commissions Lady Cynarith and her father's construction company to help restore Chateau Drakenheart. In return, Cynarith asks for diplomatic help for a friend of hers in Schezerade.

Good day, Lady Cynarith,

We have not formally met, but I have heard through the grapevine that you run a construction business, in addition to your other fruitful business endeavors.

As Chancellor, I’ve taken up Lady Ryeanna’s former home, Chateau Drakenheart, for myself and I’d like to not only repair and remodel what’s there, but perhaps add a few walls as well. While I do not have all the intricacies in mind, I do still have a few ideas.

If you are available, I would certainly love to discuss things more with you. Location is up to you, and you’ll be well paid for your consultation.


Chancellor Lhyrin Amarth

Chateau Drakenheart, Vhys

Cynarith arrives at Chateau Drakenheart with an air of quiet anticipation, the grandeur of the estate’s facade towering before her like a silent sentinel. As she steps onto the cobblestone pathway leading to the imposing doors, her gaze sweeps over the intricate details of the architecture, a testament to the wealth and power of House Vasile. The scent of honeysuckle fills the air, mingling with the faint aroma of polished wood and aged parchment, creating an atmosphere of subdued luxury. With each step, Cynarith’s anticipation grows, her mind buzzing with anticipation for the meeting ahead. Dressed in an ensemble of sapphire blue, her attire exudes professionalism and sophistication, a subtle reflection of her status as a successful businesswoman. Her rose-gold hair is swept up in an elegant knot, adorned with delicate silver hairpins that glint in the soft light filtering through the trees. As she approaches the entrance to the chateau, Cynarith’s heart beats a little faster, her turquoise eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of Chancellor Lhyrin Amarth’s arrival. With a graceful exhale, she pauses at the threshold, her posture poised and composed, ready to embark on this new chapter of collaboration and opportunity before using the knocker on the main door.

Lhyrin || On the outside, the chateau certainly still had its looks, but despite what Cynarith thought, very little of Lhyrin’s--and ultimately House Vasile’s--money went into Ryeanna Drakenheart’s former abode. The house as a whole sat on a small island, connected by way of the bridge that brought the elf-disgused-dragon to its door, the bridge itself seemingly brand new, and made of Vhys’ cherry-colored redwood. Beneath the bridge, a small river, once dried up, but seemingly unblocked in recent times, the culprit a beaver dam. On three sides the house was surrounded by water, almost moat-like, between the river and the ocean itself that flowed behind the house. It was rather cutoff from civilization, with its moat and placement just on the outskirts of Vhys, and oh so close to the dragonlands--it was just the way Lhyrin liked it.

The grounds themselves were not quite well-kept, but still boasted being looked after somewhat. Likely the keeper of the house themselves, as they were a ranger and well acquainted with the flora of Vhys. There were a few types of perennials, ones planted in years long since past, that still managed to claw their way to the surface as they always had, surrounded now by wildflowers and plants that had crawled their way in somehow. Vines and shrubbery grew in an unruly manner, but were not ugly in their ways, likely helping further Cynarith’s thoughts of it being well kept. And finally, there was the stained glass. It was new, put in two years ago during the Halloween event Lhyrin hosted with Mayor Valrae. The deep blood red was darkened by the midday sun, and likely casting its deathly glow inside.

While the outside was alright, it was the inside that fared much worse, and it became evident as Lhyrin themselves opened the door to allow Cynarith inside. There was no servant in sight, though there were the scurrying sounds of two pixie dust-addled fermin trying to get themselves out of sight before the dragon could see them, but in a place where they could watch her with wide-eyed interest. “Good day, Lady Cynarith. I must apologize in advance for the state of the house. The upstairs has long since been blocked off, while the downstairs still holds the decorations and such from a party I helped throw a couple years ago. I am not much for housekeeping and am often away, as I still have my duties as a dark ranger, aside from those as Chancellor.” They were right, of course. While there wasn’t anything rotting, besides maybe the wood in a few places, there were cobwebs everywhere. It didn’t seem to bother them at all. They led the lady in, down the hall and to the left, where one of the sitting rooms was. This one had actually been cleaned somewhat, and the couch made presentable for Lady Cynarith. “But, all of this, of course, is why I’ve asked you here. While the house suited well for a Halloween ball, it does not for everyday living and I do not have the skills to make said house a home.”

Cynarith || As Chancellor Lhyrin Amarth opens the door to greet her, Cynarith offers a curtsy along with the bow of her head before she takes in the sight of the interior, noting the signs of neglect mingled with remnants of past grandeur. Once being welcomed within, two large bodyguards dressed in muted tones walk paces behind them silently. Despite the disarray, she maintains her composure, listening attentively as Lhyrin explains the state of the house and the reason for her invitation. It helps to focus on these things while being in the intimidating presence that is the chancellor’s because this is a huge opportunity for her in their society and she had better not fork it up. With a gracious nod, Cynarith acknowledges Lhyrin’s words, her mind already racing with ideas and possibilities for transforming the chateau into a warm and inviting home, or their version of one. As she follows Lhyrin into the sitting room, she takes in the surroundings, her keen eye assessing the space with a critical yet hopeful gaze. “I understand the challenges you face, Chancellor Amarth,” Cynarith replies in her honeyed yet plummy timbre and warmth accentuates her smile while turquoise eyes alight with determination. “Rest assured, I am here to help. Together, we will turn this house into a home worthy of its esteemed residents.” With those words, she sets the leather suitcase she had been carrying upon the couch I tended for her, ready to embark on the journey of renovation and transformation alongside Lhyrin. Dark blue lace gloves unlatch the buckles and open on up, but she starts to pull free things that couldn’t possibly fit- like measuring sticks and a large ringed folder. Paint and rug swatches come out in various colors along with fabrics intended for drapery. “It may seem daunting now, but we are just getting the idea of color schemes that catch your eye. Sometimes it is prudent to work backwards,” she motions for Lhyrin to peruse while she takes up the task of measuring. “I’m going to take measurements while you describe to me what you feel your home needs, Chancellor.”

Lhyrin took a seat in an armchair finally, after taking hold of that folder, and gave Cynarith a nod, “Of course. Do what you must, Lady Cynarith.” They took a moment to think about how they’d actually want things throughout the house, then started to flip through the pages of paint, rugs, and fabrics. “Earthy tones. Dark. What’s the term they use to describe some of the Houses in Vhys…? ‘Old money’? The aesthetic their homes gave off seems like it would also fit this house decently, as well, considering Ryeanna Drakenheart herself was also like them.” Technically, Lhyrin was also ‘old money’, but they often forget that little tidbit about themselves. “Wood for the walls and floors. Dark wood though. So, if you use the trees from the forest here, they’d likely need staining as the cherry color might be too bright.” They tried their best to look through the folder, but as they were well uninformed in the ways of interior design, it all just sort of looked the same to Lhyrin.

Cynarith listens attentively as Lhyrin describes their vision for the chateau’s transformation, nodding thoughtfully as they express their preferences for earthy tones and dark wood accents. As they flip through the swatches and samples, she takes note of their choices, mentally cataloging their preferences to incorporate into the design plan. “Earth tones and dark wood,” she repeats, her voice carrying a note of agreement. “A classic and elegant choice, Chancellor Amarth. We can certainly work with that to create a warm and inviting atmosphere throughout the house.” Putting to use those measuring tools, Cynarith begins to move methodically through the room, carefully recording dimensions and noting any architectural features that might influence the design process. With each measurement, she visualizes potential layouts and furnishings, her mind already whirling with ideas for how to bring Lhyrin’s vision to life. “As for the wood,” she continues, “we can explore options for staining to achieve the desired hue. I’ll consult with our team of craftsmen to ensure we find the perfect balance of darkness and richness.” She continues to move along the space and document measurements in a small flipbook. "Your letter mentioned adding some walls, where shall that be?" Now that they are on the subject of that letter, she cautiously purposes, "as far as payment for this consultation… I was wondering if I could trade that for a small favor?" Depending on how well this interaction is going thus far, she hopes she has intrigued the chancellor enough to draw their attention. Pausing in her movements, she locks her gaze to their own from across the room, "the small favor being that of a diplomatic pass to Schezerade for a friend of mine?" Surely there might even be something Lhyrin desires from the floating city… maybe even a taste of the local 'cuisine'.

Lhyrin || “I would like those for all of the rooms on both floors, except two,” Lhyrin continued after she moved on. “One is the future room you speak of, and the other is a former office here on the first floor that I would like transformed into a… cabinet of curios, I believe it is referred to. I am a collector in need of a place for their collection.” They stood and set Cynarith’s folder beside her things. “Come, I will show you of what I speak of,” Lhyrin said, gesturing to the doorway before heading out of it themself. Along the way to where they wanted walls added, they would stop and find the former office. It’s in just as much disarray as the rest of the house, with crumbling busts on pillars along the walls. “Here is the office. It seems large enough for the necessary amount of shelves and various sized cabinets to be set up? When you reach this room during your work, I can come up with a more concrete idea for placement and such then. This room, I would like the wood to be as dark as possible.” From there, they carried on to a door that led to an area outside on the west side of the house. “I found this crystal garden here and it seems to be in good condition. I would like this turned into a lunarium. I suppose they’re usually called ‘solariums’, but I think this would benefit more from moonlight than sunlight.” They looked around for a moment, then fixed their gaze back on Cynarith. “So, three walls here. Obviously, I’d like outside of it to match the dark stone that makes up the outside of the house. No wood in here please, I just like the stone on the inside too. Keep as much grass as possible, but maybe some dark stone paths in between? And enough room for a bench or two?” They paused for a moment, letting Cynarith take everything in. “And for the ceiling, a moonroof. A large, elaborate metal one that can be opened by wheel or a pulled chain.” They wondered if it was too much, but this and the cabinet of curios were the rooms they had fixated on the most.

After Lhyrin finished speaking, they tilted their head a little at the request. They thought about it for a moment, then nodded at the woman. “You can have whatever you wish, Lady Cynarith. But please, allow me to pay you in addition to that. The repairs this house needs are massive, and that’s not even including the walls and roof for this room,” they said, motioning towards the crystal plants. “I think I should like to meet this friend first, however. I have never been to Schezerade before.” Though they -had- dined on avian before. Just an unlucky few that likely should’ve stuck to the city in the sky. “Would they be amenable to a visit? If things need to be kept quiet, I am rather adept at not sticking out like a sore thumb, despite my status here in Vhys.”

Cynarith begins to move methodically through each room, carefully recording dimensions and noting any architectural features that might influence the design process. With each measurement, she visualizes potential layouts and furnishings, her mind already whirling with ideas for how to bring Lhyrin’s vision to life. Cynarith listens attentively as Chancellor Lhyrin Amarth outlines their vision for the transformation of the chateau, nodding in agreement as they describe the rooms they wish to renovate. She follows Lhyrin through the sprawling estate, her mind already whirring with ideas for how to bring their vision to life. As they enter the former office, Cynarith takes in the disarray of the space, noting the potential for transformation amidst the crumbling busts and neglected furnishings. “This room has incredible potential,” she remarks, her voice filled with enthusiasm. “With the right design elements and furnishings, we can create a stunning cabinet of curios that showcases your collection beautifully. I’ll make sure to incorporate plenty of shelving and storage options to accommodate your treasures.” Whatever those treasures might be is a mystery and of no significance because she is simply here to build - not judge. As they move on, Cynarith’s eyes widen in delight at the sight of the crystal garden. The idea of transforming it into a lunarium sparks her imagination, and she nods eagerly as Lhyrin describes their vision for the space. “A lunarium,” she repeats, the word rolling off her tongue with a sense of excitement. “What a brilliant idea! We can create a tranquil retreat that bathes in the soft glow of moonlight, surrounded by dark stone paths and lush greenery. And the moonroof will add the perfect touch of whimsy and elegance.” As Lhyrin nods in agreement to her request for a diplomatic pass to Schezerade, Cynarith’s smile widens with gratitude. “Thank you, Chancellor Amarth. I’m sure my friend will be thrilled to meet you,” she replies warmly. “And I appreciate your generosity in allowing me to assist with the renovations. Rest assured, we will spare no expense in restoring this chateau to its former glory- or a new found glory.” Together with Lhyrin, they would breathe new life into the old estate, creating a home that reflected its owner’s unique personality and style. And as they embarked on this journey of collaboration and creativity, Cynarith couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation for the remarkable transformations that lay ahead.

Lhyrin || The Chancellor offered Cynarith a flourished bow, the elf bending stiffly at the waist to do so, after receiving the lady’s thanks. “You’re quite welcome, Lady Cynarith.” They paused for a moment and looked around, then gave a nod. “You may stay as long as you need to, to gather the necessary details. The barricade that had been made to block off the second floor has been removed so that you might access it, if needed. Please, take your time, and know that I appreciate your assistance. For now, I must bid you goodbye, as I have matters elsewhere I must take care of.” Matters pertaining to their dinner, that is. And with that, Lhyrin would leave Cynarith to what was needed for her business.