RP:The Wire

From HollowWiki

Part of the Hour of Wolves Arc

Part of the The Dust Up In Cenril Arc

Summary: Hudson meets with Aaken to engage the naga in investigating the red dust dealing going on in Frostmaw. Aaken agrees to set up magical surveillance on certain high-trafficked dealing corners.

Frostmaw Tavern

Hudson had arranged this meeting, and he's here on the scene first, toward the back of the bar in a booth. He's nursing a pale ale and eating the free bar peanuts. He doesn't know what to expect from Aaken, or nagas in general, and so his gaze fans out over the bar, waiting for a snake person to make his way over.

Aaken at this point finds returning the frostmaw a tavern a pain merely because Drargon merely hates the sight of his kind here. Aaken is a Fera'naga which is a massive 15' tall 18' long anthromporhic naga with black scales, neone green stripes going down from his head to his tail down his back, his red repitilean eyes, would surprise most as they lack the predatory feel rather they seem soft, as if the soul behind the fearsome figure is quite kind. His size plays a bigger part because he prompltly bangs his head on the ceiling entering the establishment. "Ow," His voice would normally have been squeaky had it not been for an unusual cigar he had been smoking, no longer a sophrano voice but a tenor, he slithered to the bar and ordered his favorite drink. "Ginn on the rocks, with a splash of whiskey." As he waited his eyes looked for who he was suppose to meet.

Hudson if he had thought about it for a second would maybe not have suggested meeting in a bar. Of course he catches Aaken's entrance, it's a bit obvious. Everyone looks in the direction of the banging noise and the large creature complaining of skull pain and slithering past the patrons. Hudson decides that he'd best relocate, ain't no way Aaken is fitting in the booth with him. He takes his bar peanuts and ale to go, moving to the empty seat at the bar beside the naga. "Hudson Landon," he puts his food and drink on the bar counter and holds out a hand to introduce himself. "Thanks for meeting me."

Aaken notices the man who got up and comes to the bar. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Landon." he offers a large scaled hand, the texture of the scales being smooth and not particularly dry but not wet either, just not rough but smooth, like it would be difficult to hold on. Aaken draws a coil up and sits on it, as drawing all of himself to sit on would just be more painful. His drink arrives and he takes a sip. "I am Aaken Azinmar."

Hudson eases himself onto his bar stool and reaches for his beer. He drinks. "I'll cut to it," he says, donning an amiable smile. "I don't know if you know, but Frostmaw is having a bit of a drug problem of late." He lowers his voice, leans in to explain further, "This stuff called red dirt, that, and they're... mixing it into something else. Look, I'm not exactly a concerned citizen because I don't live here but the mother my children, and my children, do. I don't think the solution is to knock a few street level dealers' heads together, I think we gotta take this out by the root. I can give you a few cross streets that I want watched, I hear you're in the business of making art that captures the lapse of time."

Aaken nodded listening, intentfully. When landon finished he responded, "Yes i can do that, and maybe one better."

Hudson of course can't disclose that the reason for his interest in Frostmaw's drug problem is that it's a competitor, and a nefarious one at that. But he can't hide his interest in whatever 'one better' signifies. He hitches up an eyebrow, drinks from his beverage. "What's that, man?"

Aaken face can't really smile but the twinkle in its eyes may alert something. "Pass me that glass, you have." When he does he takes his own glass in one hand and in the other hudsons glass. both glasses glow blue, and then aaken hands aaken's glass to hudson, so when he looks at the side of the glass almost holographically shows a part of the room hudson's glass is facing, when aaken moves that glass the visual changes. "Well?'

"Alright," says Hudson, and with that he hands over his beer, watching intently as Aaken handles it alongside his own choice of beverage. He's not sure what to expect, certainly not a cheap magic trick but he doesn't expect Aaken to create some sort of... visual projector with them (or camera, to be anachronistic about it). "Ohhh snap," exhales Hudson, who grasps the interplay between the two glasses at once. "How long does this spell last, does distance lessen the effect?"

Aaken shrugs, "as far as I am aware the enchantment is permanet until the integrity of the glass or metal fails, distance well I haven't tested enough to actual find out if there is issues, but to this point it only stops working if it is covered." He emphasises this by draw a napkin over hudsons glass making aaken's glass become a glass normal again, until he removed the napkin and the image is restored, "I can also make it pick up sounds, but like the normal mode I got make a living too."

Hudson eyes Aaken in a different light. Hudson's easy sports guy, chill dad demeanor is yielding to the alchemist in him. "Don't worry about money," he says coolly, as if it were no object. "I work in pharmaceutical reagents," he explains, his mouth turning up in a casual smile, "Let's get the sound going. If I give you the addresses I want you to set this up for, you'll set up the viewers so I can watch what's going on from my lab in Larket?"

Aaken nodded, "agreed." Aaken stood up, "If you show me the streets I will mail you the reciever."

Hudson reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out a folded up piece of paper, which he unfolds and, smoothing out the creases, sets before Aaken on the bar. On it are the addresses of three different street corners. That's it. "These are the ones," he says, letting Aaken take the paper in hand. He reaches for his beer, and drinks from the well of the glass, waiting for the naga to finish his study of the addresses. "So. When do you think you can do it?"

Aaken shrugged, "You'll recieve the reciever glass, by the end of tommorow."

Hudson reaches for, and drains, his glass, magical spell or no he'd like to finish his beer. He throws down the money for the tab, both of theirs. Then he reaches to shake Aaken's scaly hand one more time. "Done, then," he says, a smile in his voice. "Send me the bill, money will be on its way as soon as I get the receiver glass. Pleasure doing business."

Aaken shakes the mans hand. "Good doing business with you."

Hudson nods before peeling away, leaving the glass on the bar for the barkeep to collect.