RP:She Said Yes

From HollowWiki

Summary: Rumiko agrees to join the Syndicate of Shadows.

The Rebel Room: Art Gallery

Magik is just checking out some artwork. He has a flask in each hand. One with whiskey and the other with...more whiskey.

Meri wasn't in the main gallery today as Magik has normally found her. See, up at the main entrance of he goes left instead of right there is this door? Well it opens and Meri steps out of it, possibly summoned by a scent she's grown familiar with. Or. She does have a bell on it. Meri peers down at Magik with a bit of a smirk, "Well what is a good looking guy like you doing slumming all the way in this neck of the woods?"

Magik instantly smirks as he turns towards Meri and holds the two flasks out, "Your turn for a question if you aren't busy.." Does he just walk over? Wait for an answer? Let it be awkward? He spots a nifty painting close to where Meri is. He'll walk towards that just incase Meri turns him away..this way he can act like he was walking to check out the artwork.

Meri is not going to turn Magik away, nor is she going to just stand and there and make the guy feel awkward. She'll meet him halfway, collecting the flask and then motioning for him to follow her with her free hand. "My turn? No, I am pretty sure it was your turn before we got..mm. Distracted." Meri smirks. While they take that short walk into her flat, she'll just take her turn anyway, "You said Ohtar was...smarter than your average wolf?" Or maybe it was implied, Meri picked up on it either way. "How is that? Not a lycan, like me. Not a Lyastri, like you, I assume?"

Magik males his way over, hands over the flask, and follows. The elf laughs, "I thought that was the end of my turn before we, y'know.." Another smirk. Arriving in the flat, he takes a look around before finding the second comfiest spot that would hopefully put him close to Meri's seat. Good ole Ohtar. Once settled he is more than willing to talk about the handsome man, "Ohtar, as far as I know, is just a normal wolf. But, yes, definitely smarter than the average. Mirshann saved his life while she was away from here and he's never left her side." Ohtar is the bestest boy. "We'll, except for that one time Mirshann was visiting my home village and ended up getting taken by a roving band of orcs.." Had Magik been outside he definitely would have spit as a sign of disgust. "Ohtar hauled ass back here with a leaf of a tree that only grows in Sylo Alari.." Magik stops and thinks out loud, "Maybe he is something else.." After a quiet 'hmm' he takes a sip from his flask.

Meri will end up claiming a spot on the couch, there is definitely room for Magik on it too. If he decides to join her on the couch, Meri will angle herself so she’s facing the tall elf. The blonde’s home is not nearly as ritzy as Magik’s but it’s comfortable. A decent space for a mother and her kid, and there are certainly signs that a kid lives here. Toys. Meri listens, eyes on Magik while he is talking, occasionally sipping from her flask. Some of these details she recalls. “Maybe he is,” Meri agrees. “I’m not sure I’ve ever met a wolf quite like him.” Meri files a few details into the back of her mind for later, like Magik’s reaction to orcs. The name Sylo Alari. “It’s your turn now though,” she teases. “So what do you want to know today?”

Magik thinks, "Screw it," and takes that vacant spot. He was careful to not step on any of Fleur's toys obviously. He drapes his arm over the back of the couch as he thinks of a question while also admiring Meri's tattoos. Oh..Idea.."Which piece is your favorite?"

Meri sets the flask of whiskey between her knees so that both hands are free. This allows her to inspect all of the tattoos, at least the visible ones. There are a couple that can't be seen. "Sometimes it depends on my mood," Meri smirks. "The kraken is up there," she adjusts her arm so he can look at the sleeve he's already seen. "The dagger on the neck is usually up there..." Meri pauses. "And I know it's probably the simplest ones, but the black sun around my belly button." That one they can't see currently.

Meri :: For Rumiko's benefit, Magik and Meri are not in the main gallery but there is a door into Meri's flat that has been left open and the two can clearly be seen sitting on Meri's couch, chatting it up.

Rumiko had thought a lot about the last few days. She hadn't spent much time at the treehouse since she'd been offered a place within the Shadows, though it wasn't because she was trying to avoid her brother of his friends. It was a rather large commitment, one that she'd never entered into before, and she wasn't going to offer a half hearted answer. It did seem, however, that her luck was just as off as it had been the first night she'd found the group in Sage. After several minutes of knocking on the door, she'd realized there was no one going to answer it, and it was towards Cenril she'd head. If none were there, at least she would be able to see more of that artwork. Her entrance was quiet and without much fanfare, the soft clicking of her heels on the floor the only announcement of a new arrival. Fingers laced themselves together behind her back to keep from reaching out to touch the pieces as she wandered at a leisurely pace around the room. It was the sound of familiar voices that caught her attention first, and she'd start in that direction. A light clearing of her throat came as she moved into the threshold, just in case she were interrupting.

Magik started tracing some fine lines on Meri's sleeve tattoo. He was about to say something smooth but the audible clearing of a throat causes Magik to look to Meri's eyes. He gave a certain look and then quietly says, "On it." He makes his way to the door and pokes his head out. Oh, a Rumiko! He loudly "Psst"s at his sister, "Up here, Rumi!" He would then keep his head poked out until Rumi found her way up to Meri's flat.

Meri’s lips pulled up into a slow grin in response to Magik’s antics. The grin doesn’t falter when Magik announces that he’s on it. She’ll let the Lyastri go collect his sister and will remain seated on the couch until they both make it inside. The couch that Magik and Meri were just occupying is not the only place for Rumiko to seat, there are also two matching arm chairs. The place was not as roomy or lavish as Magik’s, but it was comfortable enough for everyone to gather without having to stand or sit on the floor. “Geez. The both of you are so polite. I’m really not sure how to process this,” Meri is teasing, “Make yourself comfortable. Stop acting like you’re guests.” They were technically, but Meri was fond of them both. Meri is pointing at Magik. “You especially.” To Rumiko, “What’s you’re drink of choice? I can’t promise I have it, but maybe.”

Rumiko offered a dip of her head in greeting to the pair, the expressionless features on her face shifting just slightly to curiosity once she notices the pair had been within the sitting area alone. Maybe she had been on to something? Once she was fully within the flat she'd offer a small smile towards Meri, "We had good teachers." She was referring to them being polite. "And my life up until this point has required me to hold a... certain amount of diplomacy." Her hands unfurled from behind her back as she found one of the arm chairs, her fingers finding purchase in the fabric as she lowered herself into it's confines. "I am glad to find you both." It was Magik she sought, but Meri was always a welcome companion. "Wine, if you have it? Red preferably." One leg crossed over the other as she made herself comfortable, and her fingers came together once more, this time within her lap. "I have thought about what we discussed."

Magik took to Meri's pointing demand immediately. Wine? Does Meri have wine? He'll attempt to get a glass of wine for Rumiko. If not, Magik will just hand her the rest if his flask. Either way, Rumi will have some type of beverage. He then returns to the couch next to Meri, arm drapes behind her once more. Rumiko's words caught him off guard, but just a little bit, "Oh? Before you continue, just know that I stand by your decision either way and my house will always be open to you."

Meri accepts Rumiko’s answer with a nod, all Meri could do was try and encourage them to relax a bit, that she wouldn’t mind. Rumiko’s request for wine is heard and Meri was just about to stand up from the couch to investigate if she had any red, but Magik is on it. He’ll find some red, one lonely dusty bottle in the back. Testimony as to how often Meri drinks the stuff. Meri will at least help the guy out with, “Glasses are in the cupboard to the right of the one you’re in.” Said just so he could make it back to the two women all that much quickier. Magik settles back onto the couch and Meri scoots just a bit closer to him, but her eyes are on Rumiko. “Aye, what he said,” Meri echoes, just in relation to all things Meri. “I’ll improve on my stock of red wines for next time you come out regardless of your answer.” Meri winks.

Rumiko's smile turned towards the elf, "I appreciate that, especially while I get set back up." She hadn't given much thought as to what and where she would be doing or staying once she'd arrived, and his opening his home to her meant more that she could put into words. The glass of wine is accepted as she draws out the silence, a mouthed 'thank you' offered as she swirls the liquid then takes a small sip. "It would be a lie to say I was not intrigued by your proposition. Protecting those that cannot do so themselves has long been a part of what I do... did?" The last part was spoken in question, though more towards herself than anything more. "I do have some concerns, which may further sway my ideals upon this...group." Another sip was taken as she thought over her words, her brows pinching ever slightly in the center of her face as green eyes slide between the two seated so cozy on the couch. "I have been known to... not play well with others. I can get quite... moody and temperamental." At least she was aware of it. "I need to be assured that, when I need to step away, to go off the grid as I am like to do, that I will not be sought after." Hunted, or simply looked for. "I tend to keep my private life exactly that, and I need to know that I will be allowed that opportunity." Even if it was an inconvenient time.

Magik was idly tracing a circle on Meri's shoulder while the younger Lyastri spoke. As the tone remained on the more serious side he leans forward. Down to business, "That is fine. Like I said, we are a collective of all different types of folks. Heads butt at times but the common goal is what keeps us together. The only thing I ask is to just give me a heads up one way or another when you decide you need to get away. That's all."

Meri’s spot on the couch next to Magik was quite comfortable, except as Rumiko gave her answer the blonde found herself wanting to shift her gaze between the nymph and the elf. It was a bit awkward though, trying to angle her gaze back and up at Magik. So Meri’s gaze remains mostly on Rumiko, keeping her peanut gallery comments to herself. While they wait to hear if Rumiko is going to accept, Meri’s trying to take Magik’s free hand within her own. Yes, these two were certainly seeming a lot more flirty than that night at the bar. Maybe Rumi -was- right.

Rumiko was pretty astute when it came to other people, she was just mostly blind when it came to herself. Whether or not she saw that sneaking hand trying to capture her brothers, she didn't react to it. New relationships were like delicate flowers, and too much tending would cause them to wilt; if she pretended not to see? It couldn't hurt, and the nymph was not going to stand in the way of her brother's happiness. "I cannot promise to let you know the moment I choose to leave, but I will let you know as close to said time as I can." A pointed glance towards fiery black eyes would offer a promise to elaborate further at a later, more private time. Not that she didn't trust Meri, but that relationship too was new. "If that is satisfactory, then I feel comfortable offering my services, in whatever capacity they might be of use."

Magik 's hand finds its way to Meri's. He gives her a slight squeeze while remaining focused on Rumiko's words. A nod is given with a slight smirk, "That'll work for me, dear sister." The SoS now has a new member. Hell. Yeah. Magik leans forward a bit to add some drama and flare. A thick shadow blankets the room as Magik quietly says, "Welcome to the Syndicate of Shadows." With that, the shadow is gone and Magik is grinning like an idiot. "I'm sorry. I forgot I could do that.." What a nerd. "But seriously, welcome." The Lyastri raises his flask towards Rumi and gives Meri a wink before taking a swig. Afterwards he adds, "Before I forget..We have specialized means of communication when we are willing to be reached. We can talk about that later, of course."

Meri took no offense to the look Rumiko shared with Magik, conveying the want for a private conversation. The tattooed blonde had a keen understanding and respect for secrets, she’s accumulated a few of her own over the years. This clan, for example. Trust would come in time, Meri hoped. Magik welcomes Rumi to the clan and he is not the only person grinning like an idiot, “Looking forward to working with you, Rumi. But maybe we can start off simple, meet up for some drinks and get to know each other a bit more.” Abilities, etc. Meri wasn’t an open book, but she’d make exceptions for some people. The conversation felt like it was starting to find a close, “Anyway, I know it’s getting late. Long walks. I’d offer my home as Magik did? But I’m a bit more limited on rooms. You’ll have to forgive me on that front.” By the looks of it Meri had two. Magik’s hand is given a suggestive squeeze though, like Meri might want him to stay.

Magik was sure to keep up his manners and walked Rumiko out. He was a bit more relaxed as they walked now that he had his sister at his side as well. He even mentioned that she would be receiving a package very soon with various choices of earrings or hairpins as a communication device. Once Rumiko has gotten on her way, Magik heads back up to Meri's place to spend the rest of the night.