Nixeu timeline

From HollowWiki

Hundreds of years later...

- Food was growing so scarce in the highlands that Nixue and Xarzith, his ice wyvernling, were beginning to starve. Hoping to find more abundant game lower on the mountain, he descends. Finding what he sought the halfling begins to steal the kills made buy large burly men, sometimes even fighting or killing them for it. Little does he realize that the lands have grown far more populous than when last he came through them.

- He meets and ends up fighting a lion woman (Iktomi) in Frostmaw's hunting grounds. She is bested and leaves with her male lion.

- Nixeu finds himself even farther down the mountain and gets in a fight with a giant centipede (Ymheshphilun). He looses half an ear and gains a long cut along the side of his face as long lasting reminders. The creature turns to run when Xarzith starts to rain down his magic ice breath on it.

- Just after the fight with the huge bug, Nixeu meets another feline woman (Alexa) and they talk for a short time. Nixeu then ascends to the snow lands once more to heal.

- A few days pass and feeling better, Nixeu stealthily enters the Frostmaw town where he kills two frost giant guards. Pilfering the bodies, he then drags one off to be eaten at his leisure. The other is left for the scavangers.

- Near a week later and almost fully healed, due to Xarziths blood donation, Nixeu comes across a man (Vriskal) doing some kind of dance naked at Frostmaw's Exicution Site. Other than the man's bear gaining a singed back end nothing of note happens and the man soon leaves.