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Gospel, Envious Ouroboros Awake & Unfettered


Over the last few years, Sailors have begun tell tales of a great shadow within the Cenrili sea, mile long patches of the abyss which shimmer and slither through cresting waves, before vanishing from sight- often with a shattered ship in tow.

Worse, still, are the murmurings of lunatics- who speak of great deserts formed of glistening black glass & ominous obsidian structures- lit beneath an unblinking scarlet moon. Because sometimes in the midst of these frenzied recollections, an image is detailed, a great black serpent which seems to hold court within that desolation.

These tales are true- glimpses of the Ouroboros, as it's existence expands between the mortal plane, and the nightmares it oozes into.


For some Lithrydelians', Gospel brings to mind an ebon blade of Chitinous material- one which had never been far from the grasp of Vailkrins' Abdicated King. Tales of the weapon differ, with some describing it as a great sword, others as a long blade of foreign make, a pair of short swords- and even a wicked looking gauntlet. And yet, despite this incongruities- certain elements remain consistent amongst all those tales.

One such detail was the weapons mastery of mimicry- as it seemed to allow it's owner to replicate any weapon technique they were subjected to.

And yet, there were more troubling rumours about the weapon. Those who witnessed it in action would swear it was a living thing- an insidious serpent which dwelled within the ink on the swordsman's' arm, and only emerged in order to wreak havoc and bloodshed.

Worse still were the stories about those felled by the weapon- for it is said they reduced those bodies to mere husks, bereft of soul and unable to be retrieved save through the most direct forms of divine intervention.

Understandably, there was a palpable sense of relief when the weapon was rumored to have been banished, it's myriad deeds becoming the stuff of legends.

And yet, Gospel's tale did not end there.


It was, after all, no mere weapon. Long ago, when gods and monsters freely pulled the souls of the dead from Perdere, a fragment of that place followed suit- shearing through the planes of existence to make it's way to Lithrydel.

It seemed almost mundane at a glance, a humble chunk of obsidian- which was ultimately used in the construction of a broadsword and sheathe by an adventurer known as Telios Searul. While, the weapon itself had no particular distinguishing features- it's simple mundane design still held a certain beauty due to the forgers craft.

And though the weapon held an unebbing keen, and a prodigal durability- that seemed to be the crux of it's capabilities, allowing it's creator to believe it's properties were solely due to his own artisanry. But then, it's not like he was aware of the damage he was truly wreaking- both the men and monsters felled by the sword were left hollowed of their soul, that spiritual essence trapped within the pocket Perdere gestating within the heart of the weapon.

That is, until Telios confronted a Leviathan that had been rampaging through the coastal town he'd been staying at. Though he managed to fell the beast, it's existence proved too strong to simply be lost amidst those myriad souls already trapped within the sword. Instead, guided by the malign will of the fragment, it absorbed that amalgamation of spirits- it's spiritual existence reborn as a nascent Ouroboros. Hungry, it cast its eyes upon the world outside, and towards the primal memory of Perderes desolate sands- and yet, it could not act upon these desires. For all it's power, it remained trapped within it's metal prison- able to do little more than whisper to it's wielder in the hopes it might be fed.

And thus, it existed, until Telios passed on, and it found it's way into the hands of it's next wielder. Unlike the smith, Graevan Duleur was no adventurer- but instead a graverobber, who'd hopped to pawn off the weapon the adventurer had used over the course of his career.

And yet, his endeavours failed to bear fruit- for Gospel had been provided the time it needed to further progress it's evolution. Upon contact with the blade- it shifted dramatically- the pommel warping so that it looked like a nest of entwined snakes, the hilt like the head of some enraged reptile, the razor keen edge emerged from the gaping maw. It no longer bore any resemblance to Telios' weapon. A problem which only compounded itself when it seemed to lose all cohesion- etching itself to his flesh in a number of serpentine designs.

And thus it remained bound to him, subtly guiding his hand towards violence, and the odious task of feeding it- until death did them part. A death which came about due to a particularly bad argument with a drunken gambler...who proved herself more adept with a blade when inebriated then he.

Arays Traizo enjoyed a brief yet eventful career with the weapon, as she not only managed to discover it's shape shifting properties, she was able to make use of them for petty gambles. A fact that ultimately led to her careers abrupt ending at the hands of an Assassin.

Hired by one of the many individuals Arays had fleeced in life, Feri Soria took to the weapon in an eerily intuitive manner. Within her merciless hands, its talent towards mimicry revealed itself- as did other, less beneficial properties. Fed by the slaughter required by her profession, Feri soon found herself plagued by flickering figments of jealousy which tinged both her waking relationships, and the few dreams she had. Worse, the weapons appetite only seemed to grow- as it began to feed upon her vital energies with drawn, forcing her to further hone her mastery of the weapon, lest it consume her.

It was Feri which granted the weapon it's title- the particular message of pain it held for her leading to it's ironic appellation of 'Gospel'. A message she sought to escape from with such desperation, that in time she choose to end her suffering by her own hand.

And for a time, that's where the weapons story ended- forgotten by the way side until the elements saw fit to bury it- drifting quietly through the years until, through a chain of corrupted causality, it eventually came to rest within a pile of mouldering debris within Cenrils moat.

It was here that it found it's way into the hands of it's most infamous owner- appealing to the insidious envy which burgeoned within his heart, after the recent murder of his Fiancee, Estbel, at the hands of his once friend, Banash Wolfbane.

Without even realizing it, the swordsman struck a pact with the sword- taking it up in the name of revenge. And yet, that act was denied him, for though he and the Lycan clashed numerous times- Banash' ultimate end came at the hands of Diiroehn the lich. Without a cause and unable to forsake the sword, Kasyr did his best to convince himself that the blades' whispers were true- that he needed it's power to protect himself and any of those he cared about. And so it came to pass that it eventually pushed him into a conflict he couldn't win, finding himself slain by the dark elf Bane.

And yet, his story did not end there. Bane soon found himself felled by a swarm of feral pixies- and the sword was reclaimed by the Eldritch Cabal and delivered into the hands of the Ascendi Kanos. And thus, Kasyr was delivered from the breast of the beast- with a new found awareness of the hungering dark which lurked within it's caliginous shell, and the bleak ending which it yet reserved for him.

For many long years he struggled with this relationship- Needing it's dire power to confront the escalating issues which confronted the continent, even as he did his best to resist it's corruption. And yet, that merely meant it was afforded more time to gather itself, to grow fat upon the flood of souls offered to it, so it could finally emerge from the constraints imposed upon it- so that it could fully overtake it's wielder, and manifest itself.

Gospel, The Entity

Which brings us to the present. Because though Kasyr was able to defy it in the end, and resist its attempt at subsuming him- and though the Great Serpent was ultimately banished from the surface of Lithrydel- it continued to persist, this time upon the blighted mage moon, Ahr'nuk. There could not have been a worse outcome.

Ahr'Nuk's unique state provided the Ouroboros with an untold amount of dark energy to grow fat upon, and there was no one present to interfere with this process. And yet, perhaps the most terrible element of it all, was the simple fact that it also left it in a rather unique position- as it remained the sole sentience upon that desolate moon. A sentience which, as it grew in power, became gradually aware of the myriad prayers being directed to Ahr'Nuk. Bit by bit, Gospel became able to intercept these prayers, to answer them- and to assert it's identity as the one they were praying to. And with each intercepted ounce of devotion, and each prayer answered- it's influence grew and solidified.

It acquired -followers-, and with it, the ability to properly consecrate the grounds it slithered across in it's name. Though the process was painstakingly slow, Gospel had no need of rest- and each new follower and expansion to it's domain also served to broaden it's awareness- to further it's influence and solidify itself as a burgeoning great power.

And thus it grew to a point that it was eventually able to subsume an entire sect of The Nathali, to the extent that their mortal forms were shifted into a reptilian guise more befitting of their newfound master. Likewise, it was able to manifest a powerful harbinger of it's will in the form of Ahkall.

It's influence continued to grow at a seemingly exponential rate, as it found followers amongst those whose prayers were dedicated to Ahr'Nuk, whose magics and artifacts drew on it's power, those touched by lunacy, and even those troubled souls whose prayers would otherwise reach no one.

Something which ultimately culminated in the unthinkable. With time & Guile, The great serpent returned- beckoned from it's celestial prison through the maddened arts of the naga queen, Reginae.

It's expansive form churns beneath the Cenrili sea, corruption carried on it's waves, and casting ships down to its abysmal depths- all as it bides it's time for the perfect opportunity to finish what it started.

And all the while, it continues to call out to those that would hear it- who would hearken to it's corrupting power, and further hasten it's ascendancy.

Domain & Influence

Those who pursue Gospels Favour have myriad motivations. Some seek dark power, heedless of the cost it might carry, both to their physical form- or the potential consignment of their spirit to it's particular corner of Perdere once they die. Others have witnessed the blasphemous miracles that those devoted to it can enact, and have sought to walk the same path in order to achieve their own ends- before ultimately being twisted into the Gospel's service.

More recently, sects of scholars have found themselves preyed upon, being lured by a steady trail of forbidden knowledge the Ouroboros has accrued through those it's consumed during the course of it's existence, as well as those formidable insights provided when it's expanded awareness has pierced the veil of existence.

Unfortunately, some are simply unaware of the creature they're dealing with. Gospel is no stranger to hiding it's guise beneath the lure of Arh'nuk's light, or other seemingly benign guises- slowly but steadily establishing relationships with those who are vulnerable and weak.

Lunar mages, and those who utilize artifacts fueled by the same, are particularly vulnerable to this subtle influence- as engaging with Ahr'nuks' energies potentially opens a conduit to the great Ouroboros, allowing it a means of subtly whispering to the wielder, and starting them down it's path. Or leaving them vulnerable to them depriving them of their means of defending themselves, if it feels slighted.

Yet, it's most insidious means of communication is not through those blighted rituals it's followers carry out, or those rare moments it reveals itself to a waylaid sailor or deep diver. Because Gospel is not merely limited to the physical world- It's existence leaking over into the realm of dreams. Whilst it does not hold dominion over those who slumber, the ouroboros has shown itself able to adeptly trespass into nightmares- especially those that carry an awareness of its existence.

This insidious methodology has allowed it to extend it's reach further then it could have otherwise- it's envious whispers finding the ears of those who would listen, even if they've only borne witness it's iconography, subtly implemented into advertisement posters, or religious texts.

And yet, even this serves as an opportunity to some enterprising individuals, as they recognize Gospel's capacity to serve as a bridge between dreams- and entreat it's aids for safe passage when navigating them. And for it's mercy as they tread the same paths it has.

A practice which has seen itself mirrored in some nautical circles, with mariners carrying extra cargo in the form of live sacrifices, in the hopes that it might provide them safe passage over troubled waters, or overlook their trespass into it's territory.

Still, those of a less scholarly mind would sum up Gospel's influence as such- The great Serpent attracts those who worship Ahr'Nuk, The ambitious, the treacherous at heart. A creature of Nightmares, figuratively and literally.

A Demi-Deitys Disposition

Exceedingly Hostile- the living embodiment of envy. Gospel is by nature very serpentine- and predatorial; it's first and foremost concern being it's own desire to acquire more power. It's interactions towards others can vacillate between pleasant, and even doting in certain rare instances- though at it's core, it's an intrinsically manipulative entity, with a penchant for snide aggressiveness towards entities that have displeased it. That said, when it's attempts at entrapping a creature within it's machinations fail, it's apt to fall silent, rejecting entreaties until it can find suitable leverage, and often stripping it's favor from the affected party- lest' greater devotion is shown.

That said, those who arouse it's true ire, or who find themselves marked as an offering- will find themselves hunted down ceaselessly, subject to the great beasts predations until it can see them devoured physically -and- spiritually, their essence used as further fuel for it's overarching ambitions.

Ambitions which have evolved from it's once petty dreams of genocide. Though it's origins as a creature of Perdere still cause it to revel in the suffering of Lithrydelians, it's designs are no longer focused upon annihilation. Rather, it's concerns have begun to spread towards usurpation, as it seeks to escape it's existence at the threshold of mortality, and finish it's transition towards godhood. A process which has only been expedited through it's consecration of Ahr'Nuk as it's domain, and the formation of myriad cults in it's name.

Sworn Enemies

Whilst Gospel's gradual ascendancy has gone relatively unopposed, there are those who are cognizant of the fell beast, and the threat it poses. The foremost amongst these, however, is not the swordsman, Kasyr- but rather, a particular sect of cultists (Order of Arh'Nuk) devoted to the worship of magic, and the Mage Moon in particular. Whilst their chosen object of worship has led some of them straight into the Ouroboros' embrace- others have grown resistant to its siren call, serving as a living memory of those days where prayers to Ahr'nuk were filled with a silent Serenity. Still, without outside assistance, their natural tendency towards seeking & following power may leave certain chapters of their organization at risk, if something can't be done.


Gospel's icon is not a new one, having often been associated with alchemical arts, and certain occultists- but in recent times, it's become closely associated with the creature, and has begun to appear on flyers discreetly placed on walls, or painted onto walls in dim alleyways. A serpent, swallowing it's own tail, often drawn in bold reds, and desolate blacks- which often seems to bear a disconcerting liveliness, if stared at for too long.

Notable Followers & Pact Holders

-The Coiled

-Tegan Wrenfield

-Quintessa Blackwell

Custom Name (s): Gospel{ Weapon} +25, Ebon-Ouroboros-Sheathe {Shield}+15