Xalious-wood wand

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Xalious wood wand - (Weapon)
Creator: Tiphareth and Rheven
Last Known Owner: Svilfon

A rune inscribed wand forged from the sacred wood of the Xalious tree, it is tied to the wizard, Svilfon, and requires nothing but a thought to appear in his learned hands. Viciously sharp at one end, it also acts as a last resort if spells have failed and the wizard needs to use more mundane means to kill an enemy.


Upon his promotion in the Mage's Guild, Svilfon was given a Xalious staff. Though he liked the weapon, his own unique blend of magicks required something he could wield with greater precision. After much deliberation, he asked the Sublime Master if his staff could be changed into a wand. Both Tiphareth and Rheven worked to make this so, and since then it has seen much use. Ever is it ready for the wizard's call, and only once has the vampire separated himself from it. That was a matter of honour, though; he stood by his family before the guild, and as such was not worthy to carry the powerful archaic item. But that is all in the past, and once again the wand is at his side, ready to destroy any who get in the jovial man's way.

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