Vambrace of the Wind

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Vambrace of the Wind - (Armor-wrist)
Creator: Made by Ranok, enchanted by Liana
Last Known Owner: Ranok

Made of a pure white metal and attached to the forearm by leather straps. Made by Ranok's hand in a surprisingly artistic fashion from the normally practical man, the vambrace was made to look like an emulation of wind captured in solidity. Taking inspiration from the walking dunes he used to watch as a boy, the vambrace flows in smooth curves and looks at times like it's prone to shifting, though it's likely a trick of the light. It operates by opening a druidic connection with the surrounding area, thanks to Liana's skill. Energy from the life in the area is siphoned into the vambrace and used immediately. Due to the fact that he's wearing it, typically, Ranok is the largest donater. The vambrace is completely unable to pull in enough energy to threaten something's life from the taking, making the sick, dying, and the tired poor targets and a life devoid area hard to pull anything useful from.


Created when Liana still was in the lands, the item in question was made after a foe used poisonous gasses on him in a fight. Having no other way to clear an area, he sought a means to produce it. With the passing of that particular threat, the vambrace has been refined in its use. While unable to demand control of the wind at the capacity that any aeromancer could, the natural suppleness of the element eases the trials of learning. Ranok being Ranok, however, he typically favors blunt, direct force over subtle manipulations.

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