
From HollowWiki
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

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They say those who live fast die young; I say those who are lucky stay beautiful forever and get to live life however the hell they want.



Alignment: chaotic neutral
Class: mystic
Race: vampire
Residence: Dark Forest
Skills/Special Abilities: seductive aura, shadow-stepping, mediumship (particularly with death-related entities; she was often visited by a maternal, reaper spirit she fondly referred to as "Little Queen," which was short for "Queen of the Western River."), divination with sticks, coins, candles/fires.


Alignment: chaotic good
Birthday: November 14
Blood Type: AB
Class: druid
Marital Status: unmarried
Predominant Element: water
Race: human
Residence: Xalious Mountains
Skills/Special Abilities: divination, exorcisms, herbal medicine, spiritual channeling and mediation.


Human. Fledgling vampire.
Female. Late-twenties. Forever “on the right side of thirty.”
Petite frame. Slim build. Oval face.
Ivory complexion. Alabastrine skin.
Cool-grey eyes. Tapetum lucidum.
Long, ebon tresses.
Thin, playful brows. Long, dark lashes.
Rosy cheeks and lips.
Crooked smile. Small, white fangs.


Generally, the woman prefers anything black. Her clothing is often described as minimal or “skimpy.” Whether or not the latter is viewed as “good taste,” depends upon the beholder.


  • faceless mask with loose, black pants and mantle.
  • Corset with black leather pants, knee-high boots, large hoop earrings; and yes, a tricorn hat.
  • white kimono top and red hakama skirt with lacquered geta sandals.


  • Small ceremonial drum
  • Abalone shell full of sea salt
  • Onusa with shide - a long stick with silk fringe
  • Suzu - a hollow, hand-held bell
  • Black lacquer hand-mirror with ornate carvings and nacre accents
  • Bejeweled choker embellished with black diamonds and small chains


   A Chicken named "Nagoya," given by Moss
   A Baby Unicorn named "Olaf," given by Brennia
   A Slimy Slug named "Lord Slug," given by Slytheria 
   A Cat named "Hedera," given by Skysong
   A Snow-tailed Fox named "Kon," also from Skysong <3
   A Lioness Penguin named, “Nara,” given by Dergious
   A Bullfrog named, “Bud,” also from Derg. <3


Meeting By Chance ䷁

As the woman sat back and flashed a smirk, a snort of sarcasm escaped her throat. So, you want to get to know me better? Her grey-hued eyes rolled toward the ceiling for a brief moment. They all say that, but so few actually mean it. . She shot another glance toward the one across from her; the look was cutting, but less exasperated than the first. Let's pretend, just for a moment, that you meant what you said. Her dark brows furrowed in apprehension. Just how much do you want to know? She chuckled softly, her brows rising a bit. From the very beginning, or just the beginning of this life? A pause. Oh, yes. You mean this life. She sighed and offered a casual shrug. Very well. The lady tilted her chin toward the tall reservoir glass filled with sweet-smelling, verdant liquid in front of her. Have a drink with me, and I will start from there.

First Pillar

Snow Moon ䷙

I was born in the 22nd year of Tai Gyo, on the eighth day of the Fox Month, in the House of Saegusa. As fate would have it, the Snow Moon, as the elders called it, was out that night. The heaviest snowfall of that winter had occurred the night before, which is why our ancestors referred to it as, “Snow Moon,” you see. That's actually how I got my name. The woman winked. The Snow Moon, in combination with eighth day, was considered highly auspicious. The elders told my parents that I had the potential to be a great healer. They'd also hoped I'd make a strong leader for the clan. . . She stopped and drank from the ornate glass. Unfortunately, the elders' hopes would not come to fruition.

The problem, the elders claimed, was that the 22nd year of the era clashed with the Fox Month. Isn't that always the way? She grinned. Whether they're spoiling the vines or chasing the farmer's chickens, foxes are always causing some kind of trouble—even though they're just being themselves. She chuckled faintly and shook her head once more. The 22nd year of Tai Gyo was one of overabundant water, which meant that even though I had the potential for power and diplomacy, I also had the propensity to be capricious and lose my way in life. The elders claimed the clash was highly troublesome for someone of my status. The woman cleared her throat. “Disastrous,” I believe, is the word my mother used when she told me this, and maybe she was right.

Cutting Star ䷖

My mother once told me of the “Cutting Star,” the elders saw when they read my birth signs. The woman started drawing imaginary signs upon the tabletop with a slender finger. When the star Koto Ne sits opposite of the Dark Moon, it becomes the Cutting Star. Our people believe that, in those times, a person will experience sweeping changes in his life. Sometimes, these changes are good; other times, they are quite painful and of great consequence. That's how it was for me when I left on the night of the Dark Moon.

When I left to make my own way in life, it was as though I had spit in the faces of my ancestors; but really, what was I to do? She lowered her head and rested a hand upon the bridge of her nose briefly. I couldn't have it both ways. I couldn't stay and be myself, and I couldn't leave and then just come back—it's just not done. The woman's hands fell away from her face as she looked up. When you cut down a tree to make a boat, can you ever have the tree back? -No, you can't. You're stuck with the boat, so you better know what to do with it! She chuckled a bit hoarsely. I didn't know what to do with myself, honestly, but the gods must have taken pity on me, because I found this place and made a more interesting life for myself. It was a fresh start for me. One of many, I suppose. . . She offered a crooked smile.

New Moon ䷂

I was nearing the Second Pillar of this lifetime when I found this place. An elder vampire took me in. He fed and clothed me, and he kept me out of trouble. Mostly, anyway. Her grey eyes flickered before she offered a knowing wink. He eventually adopted me, as it were, as his niece. In the end, this decision wouldn't bode well for me, but it was wonderful while it lasted. A happy sigh fell from her lips. I effectively changed my fate. I got a new life—a new place to live, a new family, a new vocation.

Choosing to study Nature's secrets for the rest of this lifetime was an easy decision for me. What wasn't so easy was remaining diligent about it. The woman chuckled, recalling her juvenile shenanigans fondly. There were a lot of. .distractions, if you will. She drew a breath and laughed. But, I won't delve into that. She shook her head slowly. As they say, “All good things must come to an end.” Another drink and a contemplative gaze. And this was never more true for me than it was mid-way through the Second Pillar, when I crossed paths with the “Pillaging Star.”

Pillaging Star ䷨

When Su Re meets Tani Do, she said, tracing more invisible signs upon the tabletop, one's potential for loss increases, because the disharmony between the two forms the “Pillaging Star.” An unseasonable cold snap might kill someone's crops. A person could die from an illness that was treatable. She stopped and took yet another drink. Or someone could have something stolen from him; the latter is more or less what the Pillaging Star meant for me.

During this time, the realm was going through some radical changes of its own. Must have been its own sort of Cutting Star, if there ever were one in this place. She chuckled lightly while wagging her head. Chaos abounded. People were dying in the streets, racism bred rampant destruction, and clans took any excuse to shed blood—even of the innocent. What's more, corrupt politicians were starting wars with one another, and for what? Land that cannot truly be owned? She forced a laugh and sat her glass down. I'm sorry, she said abruptly. I've never cared for politics, and it's difficult to think about these things, let alone discuss them. Her eyes moved toward her glass, as if entertaining the thought of another sip of absinthe, but they came back to center once more. It's part of the reason why I left my home in the first place. . . Her voice trailed off for a moment. Anyway, she began slowly, I suppose I'm stalling. . .

Lycoris* Moon ䷷

The first to go was my uncle. He was involved in a skirmish with an opposing clan, and I've not seen him since; so, it's safe to say he's dead. She broke eye contact briefly. As for his clan, they were never seen nor heard from again. What's a clan without its leader? A pack without its head? For all I know, they're all dead. Her head wagged slowly. Hmh. She brought the reservoir glass to her lips. Even I couldn't escape the conflict unscathed. The lady drank from her glass and began again once she had finished. Adoptive ties nearly formed a noose around my neck.

When some barbarian from the rival clan found out who I was, realized who my uncle was, he sought revenge on Uncle through me. She scowled and shifted in her seat. For me, I thank the gods that I am still here. The woman cleared her throat again as she reached behind her neck. There was the rub. She seemed eager to get off the subject. Then there was my adoptive sister and her husband, she began again.

Little sister was bound to her husband by fate, so when she chose to die after he was killed, I didn't hold it against her. Her death had a sort of ripple effect, the woman said, gesturing with a delicate hand, because after little sister took her life, mother decided she couldn't go on, either. A pause and a sigh. How can one stay angry about that? Little sister lost her soul mate, and mother lost her daughter—her biological child. She fell silent for a moment. My empathy didn't take my pain away, she sighed, but at least it gave me solace in the presence of tragedy. The last straw for me, though, she paused for a long drink, was when my long-time companion disappeared.

He vanished without a trace. The woman's eyes flickered with anger. No goodbyes. No letters. Not even a scrap of gossip left behind! After he left me, I looked at the remnants of my life and decided to leave, too. I'd lost it all, and that's all I can say. The woman's face softened as she glanced over her shoulder and drew a breath. Yes, I'd rather not talk about my time of absence from this place; but, I will tell you this. I drank so much then, it's a wonder that I can even remember anything anymore. She offered a halfhearted shrug and a smirk, almost as if to say, “Oh, well, am I right?”

Upon closer inspection, it became clear the woman's face was flushed. In spite of her inebriated state, the little lady had held herself together quite well—all things considered. This was not as easy as she made it seem. Her grey eyes searched the ceiling briefly. She had forgotten her words; so, maybe this was not a walk in the park for her after all. Tricky business, those words. Where was I? -Oh, yes. . .

Second Pillar

Cherry Blossom Star ䷗

I left because I lost everything. I came back because I had nowhere else to go back to—why try to back when your clansmen will spit upon you and curse you or worse? Her dark lashes fell to the floor. Better to take a chance with open hands. . .

When I returned, my hands were empty. She looked up and revealed an empty palm. The beauty of having empty hands, of having nothing, is that you are now unburdened. You are free to take whatever new blessings the gods wish to lavish upon you. She grinned and took a small sip from her glass. The glass was half full by this point. Sven knows, I've had many of those.

Upon my return, I crossed paths with a Sorcerer, a fellow lover of Nature, if you will. I was alone, and he was kind enough to befriend me and offer me refuge. He actually offered for me to join his clan, she recalled with a warm smile, but I refused. She closed her eyes in concentration and shook her head faintly. I didn't want to take that risk. Her eyes opened and re-focused. The risk of growing to care deeply for someone, only to lose them in some pointless war. She raised her empty hand in a soft, halting gesture. No. The lady's voice was firm. But, you know what is ridiculous about all of this? she asked, finally looking up. I still lost that friend. A forced laugh. He was executed, labeled a murderer and a madman. -I trusted that man with my life, and I don't regret it. She brought her glass close to her lips. So, who do you think is more mad, him or me? The woman's brows flitted playfully before she sipped her drink once again. And if you think it's me, I'll tell you I'm not the only one who had such trust in him.

Wolf Moon ䷌

Around this time, I'd discovered that little sister had been reincarnated into this realm. It only takes one tongue to ignite gossip that spreads like wildfire, no? She chuckled. When I finally found her, little sister had been reborn as a dragoness. I was so happy to see her after all these years. Her smiled as her glassy gaze rested upon the table. Even if she didn't exactly look the same, she laughed, her glance returning. Like me, she also grew to love the Sorcerer, but could not bring herself to join his pack. The woman shrugged her shoulders. We're lone wolves, I guess, though not lonely, because it didn't take long to find other lone-wolf-types to run with. She blurted out a laugh. Was that a drunken attempt at humor, or mere drunken contemplation? Ah, well. . .

The Swordsman was one such “lone wolf” I had encountered since my return. Our paths crossed while I was foraging in the Sage; I walked past the old fishing hole, and lo. A stranger stood. She chuckled. I noticed that he was dressed in ragged clothing and appeared to be very hungry, so I offered him some food and some gold to purchase necessities. He declined and proposed a trade instead. The woman rested an elbow on the top of the table. The deal was, she continued pensively, food and gold in exchange for some fencing lessons. She moved her hand in one quick gesture, as if to say, “No more.” A fair deal, yes? -No, she said flatly. It wasn't. Her gaze was piercing. Let's just say that I got the better end of that deal. She cracked a grin and snickered. Questions, of course, now hung in the air. She blinked and let out a loud laugh. No! The woman had not stopped to consider how her words might be misconstrued before she spoke. No, it wasn't like that! she said, still grinning. Her brows quirked. Or was it. . ? She laughed raucously. A lady never tells, right? After straightening up a bit, she cleared her throat. If you must know, I was actually engaged at the time. . .

Camellia Star ䷵

I met the Alchemist in Frostmaw; at least, in this life. I didn't recognize him right away, but he was my husband in a previous life. She smiled sheepishly and wagged her head for a brief moment. While I can remember most of my previous lives, the finer details are sometimes a bit hazy. Like I said, I'm lucky I can remember anything anymore. . . The woman chuckled and offered a light shrug. In any case, the Alchemist seemed drawn to me. Fate is strange like that. . .

Since the Yule Ball of the year I returned to the realm, I often found myself in the Alchemist's company; at first, I wrote it off as mere coincidence. Then, I realized who I had been and who he had been to me. Her eyes strayed in thought. It wasn't just coincidence. It was fate. She smiled faintly. Before long, we became engaged.

He had plans for our future, you know. Grand visions of a wonderful home, another lifetime together, and that sort of thing. She touched her brow, seemingly absent-minded, and smoothed a hand over her hair. It was all very wonderful, but also a little frightening, honestly. The woman frowned a bit. In all my years, in all the lives I'd been through, I had only married once. That was to him. The lady took up her glass and sipped lightly. It was nearly gone. She sat the reservoir glass down, but did not relinquish it. Despite my own reservation, I couldn't ignore that our matrimony would fulfill a soul tie. She sighed faintly. And cold feet or not, those were good times for us. . . Her grasp tightened around the bulbous stem of the glass. But, of course, they wouldn't last.

Our troubles started after he met little sister. She glanced away. He and little sister didn't exactly like each other. Her gaze returned, her face appearing serious. That's putting it nicely. A brief pause. It was painful, though not necessarily a deal-breaker on its own.

Channeling the Alchemist's wife, I found, was no easy task. She sighed and looked away. Kiyoko had a hard life, frankly, and she loved deeply. The woman's grey optics returned, her stare was firm. Sustaining her, remembering those things, proved exhausting. She grimaced, seeming to reflect upon things, images, best left unexplained. The more I served as her medium, the more I felt my own essence slipping away. She paused thoughtfully. It became increasingly difficult for me to reconcile the past with the present. The lady's brows remained furrowed as she rested an elbow upon the tabletop and held her chin in her palm. Truthfully, the tension between the Alchemist and little sister only exacerbated these unintended consequences. She shook her head, took up her glass, and drank what was left. The glass was now empty. And when the Alchemist disappeared after his new. .business venture. .went awry, I realized I was at my wits' end.

Black Lily Moon ䷅

The woman's eyes glanced downward before her dark lashes fell to the floor. She was quiet for a few moments. Yes. . , she continued finally, Walking the lines between the living and the spirit world is not easy. . A sigh. The lines were blurring, and I was vulnerable—losing myself, piece by piece. . She closed her eyes as she hung her head low. And when I'd realized he'd left me, not unlike so many others had in this life, I'd asked myself why; as in, why did I continue to exhaust myself and tip-toe these lines? The lady looked up, yet her glance did not return just then. It was somewhere else, as it were, far beyond that quaint establishment. In my sorrow, I decided to go to his chambers. I wanted to see if he'd left some trace, even just a shred, behind for me. I felt that stab of abandonment I'd known all too well—this is true—but I did not doubt that he loved me.

So, I went to the Alchemist's chambers; specifically, his study. That's where he spent most of his time, you see. She cleared her throat softly. It was eerily quiet. All his trappings were still there, everything in its place. Even Sam's. .But there, lying on his desk, was a letter addressed to me. A brief silence. I'd gotten the sense that it was hastily written, even though it was longer than would be expected for such a sentiment under those. .circumstances, and his script was impeccable. He was an extraordinarily powerful alchemist and a. .very old being, to say the least. She paused. . .Let me explain. He felt he had to flee, not for fear of his life, but for fear of what would become of me. The little lady straightened up and sat back in her chair, allowing her head to rest against its back. His. .newest undertaking had not ended well. He did not know what would become of me, what other might do to me, had he stayed put. . she offered coolly, This is all he would ever tell me; that, and he'd left the fortune he had amassed from his business dealings hidden for me. He once said he would see to it that I was taken care of, even when he was gone, and he was true to his word. A gentle smile spread upon the woman's lips. He was always true to his word. . Her words stopped short before the lady furrowed her dark brows. Oh, you mean the gold and such? she asked. This time, she appeared to smirk. It's still exactly where he'd left it—I'd not touched it. . She would continue with a hint of indignation. I've not had a need for such a fortune—at least, not yet. . That, and I had too much grief to think about. .material possessions, of all things. . If you must know, the first thing I did once I had read the letter was go to my sister. . .

My sister was the only thing that kept me afloat, so to speak, in those days. She was, once more, the only person I had left. Her eyes seemed to flicker, and she looked away. She was the one who helped me with the transference. The lady drew a breath and looked up; her gaze was steady. And she was the one who brought me back to Kel. . .

Kel was a dear friend of ours—a student of the Arcane. She stopped to correct herself. Well, she's not a student anymore. . . She's truly quite exceptional these days. It was Kel who helped little sister with the transference. Together, they removed the soul of Kiyoko from my body and placed it inside of a mirror. She reached inside the layers of her kimono and produced a small, silk parcel wrapped with a red ribbon. Gently, she placed the little bundle on the table with both hands. She unfastened the ribbon and the silk gingerly to reveal a small hand-mirror. Made of wood that had been ornately carved with tiny floral designs and painted with black lacquer, the delicate mirror was a masterpiece of craftsmanship. Small pieces of nacre along its handle and back glinted in the dim light. Almost as if by some protective instinct, the woman rested her hand over the mirror. She would scarcely let anyone look at it, let alone touch it.

The Maiden of Destruction was what she would come to be known in her time, though her given name was Kiyoko. . .A weapon, and yet, such purity of heart and strength of will. How she was to be one of my incarnations, only the gods know. Again, her gaze seemed to rest somewhere afar, though the mirror was in her line of sight. I'd never measure up to such character, such power and grace, although I did try. When the Alchemist left, I admitted that I couldn't sustain her and my own essence. So, I asked little sister to take me to Kel, and for both of them to place her soul into another vessel. A beautiful one. She brushed a finger lightly over the lacquered surface of the mirror and smiled. I hold on to her, not only because I know that she was truly incredible, but also because I have hope that perhaps I'll see the Alchemist again someday. He won't rest without her. . Her face was serious, her tone matter-of-fact. Knowing this, I keep her soul safe until he returns for her. . .

After a thoughtful silence, that playful glint could be seen in her eyes. She quickly swept a cloaked arm over the mirror and left nothing in its place. Like a wisp of smoke, the sacred object was gone. Just where she'd put it, the lady never said. She suddenly blinked and shifted in her seat. What do you mean, “And then what?” she asked, lips faintly pursed. Oh— Understanding dawned upon her features and softened them. Well. . .A good bit happened after that. But to be honest, not much of it was worth mentioning—a lot of drinking, a lot of carousing, mostly. . She glanced up at the ceiling pensively. And some looting, too, I suppose. . .

Third Pillar

Carnation Star ䷞

Those last words garnered an offhanded shrug as her gaze returned. Yes, looting. A smirk concealed her teeth. I had recently been recruited as a member of the Dread Martuld. The Captain took me on as a healer. . . She seemed to leave those words hanging. At the time, anyway. The lady shook her head slowly as she continued, I cannot facilitate healing any longer. Nature has not left me completely, but much of what She once so freely gave, She swiftly took away. . The woman sat back and stared, quite directly so that one might feel a pang of awkwardness, almost as if one were just assessed by a hungry animal. A strange feeling indeed, especially considering the woman's impish disposition and slight stature. Perhaps the feeling was merely a product of an excitable imagination. . .

Despite the charge in the air—real or not—the woman herself appeared coolly comfortable, having sat back in her seat and drawn up a leg to rest her boot upon the tabletop. Whether or not she thought it lady-like to do so was, apparently, a nonissue. Ah, she replied calmly, I cannot help regenerate life because the breath of life is no longer in me. The woman offered no further explanation for that enigmatic phrase, save for a grin. A few scattered lamps and candles cast just enough light there in the shadowy corner to reveal her meaning. A pair of fangs, no longer carefully hidden by her lips, glinted faintly in tavern's dim light. As did her eyes. Those eyes, smoky-grey and welcoming, hadn't they been so full of life? They appeared strangely dark and piercing, like those of a predator; as if the woman had doffed a charming mask, only to reveal something wicked underneath. Such a revelation usually sends shivering waves of panic down the spines of most mortals. A pause. Alas, there have always been those willing to try their luck with a Creature of the Night. She hid her fangs once more behind a small, crooked smile. Oh, don't be coy. I, for one, should know. . .

I first met the Assassin after having spent the most of the night drinking and wreaking mischief upon the southern Sage. She offered a cheeky smile. A standard night for me, I guess you could say. . What a fool I was, thinking I could sneak up on the likes of him. She wagged her head slowly, recounting that first meeting. But at the time, I couldn't possibly have known just how much he would alter the course of my life.

No, he didn't attack me and turn me upon our meeting. . Not many vampires do that, as far as I know. . Have you ever seen a cat eat its prey immediately? -No, you haven't. . Why? Because it's more fun to play with it first. . She snickered, hinting that her comparison was (mostly) tongue in cheek. My turning wouldn't occur until sometime later.

Yes, the Assassin became my sire. Something of a mentor and teacher, master, and lover all in one. It's. . not so easily described, I would say. I prefer to relish the experience. . . A pause was followed by hearty laughter. A curse? -Gods, no. It is my most enjoyable incarnation; and trust me, I've had many. . The woman glanced around casually for a moment before returning her gaze. No, I do not regret it. My turning was of my own volition. His, as well. She then blinked, looking sheepish. Well, it was complicated. . she admitted. Did I want to stop the cycle of re-birth, of my mortal suffering? Was I lonely? Did I desire eternal youth and beauty, because deep down, I'm vain? Was I falling in love with him? -Perhaps it was a little of all of these things. A soft chuckle. Regardless, I'm one of the House's youngest fledglings, and it is both an honor and a privilege to serve m'Lady and to carry on my sire's bloodline.

Out-of-Character Information


  1. In some cultures, blood type is believed to be indicative of a person's temperament. Type-AB individuals are regarded as calm, rational, and adaptable at their best; indecisive and aloof at their worst.
  2. Nicknames were given to older characters protect their players' privacy.
  3. Lycoris as in Lycoris radiata. Check out hanakotoba to learn more about flower symbolism in Japanese culture.
  4. Any similarities to characters living or dead was purely intentional. <3

The End

A great poet of our time once said, "This is The End, beautiful friend." Well, this is the end, my dear friends. At least, as far as Hollow is concerned. It's been a roller coaster and a wonderful adventure in the near 20 years I've been around. Perhaps we'll meet again. . XOXO