
From HollowWiki
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This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

Name: Yoshisune.

Title: The loyal.

Race: Human.

Class: Spellblade.

Weapons of choice: Prefers a bastard sword.

Magic: Dark.

Age: 42.

Gender: Male.

Hair: Black, shoulder lengh.

Eyes: (Left) One pale white with a scar across it, is blind in that eye. (Right) one brown.

Height: 5'10

Weight and muscle: Athletic.

Alignment: chaotic Neutral

Clan: Only ever loyal to the fallen S.K. will join no other.

Status: Single, never taken any women.

                          Short Description of armour:

Yoshisune is a human and a spell blade. He is wearing leather tunic on his body, leather-eye patch on his face, goblin-teeth earring on his left ear, enhanted-travellers hooded-cloak on his neck, battered old-gloves on his hands, leather pants on his legs, and traveling boots on his feet. He has a battle-worn katana in a sheathe strapped to his back with bastard sword and shield.

                             A few things about Yoshi

. Wishes to refocus his magic through the arcane and try to become an arcane blade, for now his standard skill will do.

. Is deeply interested in the way of the warrior.

. Wishes to rejoin the warriors guild after his long absense.

. Has the upmost respect for Turel the fallen one and will stand by him and fight any enemy of his old friend.

. Has a scar on his left eye thanks to Turel, he cannot see out of this eye now.

. Has a deep raspy voice.

. Is loyal to Yashgoven, Yoshisune would die for him if he asked him to.

. Has lost the sword that goes by the name of The Blade Of Twilight and lost his old katana that was given to him by Turel.

. When in deep thought the man sounds deranged and seems to talk to himself and replies.

. Yoshisune has returned from dangerous travels and no longer does he use the wind, he has changed and has a meaner look in his eyes but it is to be seen if he has lost his path.

. Seeks his old friend and master Yashgoven.

. Through his travels he hyas learnt to adapt to most weapons but this does not mean he has any skill with them, only weapon he can claim some type of skill with is bastard sword and shield.

. Is searching for his old blades.

. Had to slay his brother, that is why he left the lands but this he tells no one out of shame that his brother turned to an evil he had never seen in anyones eyes.

. The old human is now getting lonely as he feels his human flaws of age catch up with him. He has only known war, fighting, protecting. He seeks a family but will never reveal such thing, He is a old stubborn man.

                          The Blade Of Twilight (lost)

The Blade of Twilight, chosen weapon of Yoshisune, is very typical in appearance of most bastard swords. While it is too long to be a short sword, it's too short to be a longsword. However, this particular blade seems to be especially crafted for Yoshisune. It's length, weight, and abilities are equally matched for it's owner, meaning that optimal performance can be obtained through patience and practice. The name seems to come from the blade's appearence. Made of an unknown substance, the blade looks almost as if someone took dark clouds from the night sky, and pressed them together into something solid. The surface still retains the odd cloud pattern, and if one watches close enough, they can catch a glimpse of the surface shifting, like clouds passing through the night sky. The cross guard is made of the same material, but the hilt and pommel are rather in contrast. Each is made of material so soft white, it resembles the moon. Despite the odd appearence of the Blade of Twilight, it is still sharp enough to cut through most metals, given enough force. The hilt is sized just right, with a few inches extra space. If he needs to drop shield and apply extra force, there is room enough for two fingers of his other hand, allowing him just the right amount of control to move the blade.

     A new begining, a new gift, a new hope.

At the advice of many people, Yoshisune trained night and day in the use of magic, attempting to build this potential that everyone saw he had. The training, however, still left a void within him. During his travels to Hollow, Yoshisune and his band of mercenaries happened upon a village that was under siege by some unknown force. Very uncharacteristically, Yoshisune called forth his mercenary band to aid the village without expecting anything in return. After waging war with the unfamiliar beasts for many days, the band of mercenaries' numbers dwindled; only Yoshisune and three of his mercenaries were left to accept the challenge of Dragouth, the leader of the unknown forces. Though Yoshisune was victorious over Dragouth, the cost was his three remaining companions. After the battle, he found himself wandering through the streets in nothing but rags and a most unusual weapon which was later identified as the fabled Dead Claw. When he finally reached the land of Hollow, Yoshisune had decided to settle down and try to make a life for himself; unfortunately, he soon realized the general violent nature of many of the inhabitants, noticing fights breaking out almost everywhere he turned. Deciding his safety required some attention, he slowly acquired new armor and equipment, eventually leading to his own journey as a lone mercenary, willing to fight for any cause if the price was right.

Everything seemed well enough for awhile. Then Yoshisune began hearing the voices of the victims of his 'work.' Seeking answers, he searched throughout Hollow to find a certain unknown necromancer. Upon hearing the news of Yoshisune's plight, the necromancer created a few tests for the man, eventually coming to the conclusion that the Dead Claw was opening a channel between worlds, linking Yoshisune to the realm of the resting dead. After further experimentation, a beast traveled through the channel and manifested itself in the being of Yoshisune, completely taking control of his faculties. The beast had only one goal on his mind: the destruction of Hollow. Luckily, the beast's departure was as swift as his entrance, due to Yoshisune's strong will to prevent harm from coming to the one named Veila, whom he had only just met. The battle of the minds was a quick one, but one could only guess as to how long the peace would prevail.

Seeking answers, Yoshisune again sought the necromancer who seemed to know so much about his situation. It was at this meeting that the necromancer discovers Yoshisune can communicate with the dead on the other side of the channel, asking them for help or forcing them to do his bidding. After rigorous training, Yoshisune finally learned how to summon the creatures from the realm of the dead, becoming so proficient that he could summon them anywhere at any time. After traveling again for some time, Yoshisune came across a person named Mihael. Together, they found that the skill of summoning the dead did not originate from the Dead Claw, but from Yoshisune himself. Mihael also helped Yoshisune exercise control over the spirit of the beast that inhabited him. He soon found out that the beast was none other than Dragouth himself. With this new found control, Yoshisune began once again pursuing the peace of the land by seeking to eliminate all who would cause harm to the land.

This sentiment, however, was not seen with a friendly eye by all the inhabitants of Hollow. People began to despise the person he was becoming. Yoshisune's wish to fight again unsettled many of his acquaintances, and the endeavors of the man's choice drove many of his allies away from him. It was this exile that force Yoshisune to give up his last name in favor of the title "The Dark Rider." Alone in a land filled with evil, Yoshisune vowed to use the evil locked inside of himself to combat the evils of the land. Always seeking more power, he strives for the day when all those who wish to cause harm to Hollow can be eliminated, one way or another.

     The Return, the new quest.

Yoshisune left the lands a few years ago after slaying his beloved brother that he had only just got in touch with, the battle nearly destroyed him not physically but emotionally. So he swore he would never return. After hearing rumours of his own death he started to laugh and it brought all hope back to the man and his solitude, he decided to return to just hear rumours of his master, Yashgovens return. This gave him a reason to fight again. It was time this old human showed the lands the true might and power of loyalty, the human race.

His first quest, find his master and find his old friend Turel to seek training and then find a arcane to be trained under. Then reunite his brethren the Stormtempered kingdom, be it by his master Yasgvoven or if he has to do it alone.

His loyalty never dying, neverending.... This time he is back for good and all pray for those that try to get in this old mans way.

People that deserve respect.

The admin: For there never ending effort, they use their spare time to make this game better. They deserve all our thanks.

Keter & Thea: For all the guides they make, and help they give.

Dergious: For giving me the insiration for Yoshisunes power. ( The power has been broken and cannot be used any more )

Yashgoven: Just for being great.

Zoey: For bringing the crazy side out of Yoshisune.

Larue: For the gold she lent and gave me.

Derg Again: For bastard sword he gave me.

Thea: For helping me out with gold when I first started Yoshisune.

kenji: For winning me some gold by a bet I placed on him with Shaelyn.

.Layla, for the discription of the Blade of Twilight

                         Moments I will never forget.

Well, why she said this we don't know.

.Thea said OOC, "Eww, I don't do balls.

The picture is the cloud warrior and was made by the great Nbkabuto of Deviantart, used with there permission.

Msn:, just tell me who you are and I will be more than happy to talk. Beware, I am a risk to your sanity.

Also if anyone has any ideas on improving the bio let me know.

If you need me for any type rp, also let me know.