
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

Back Story: In his younger years he watched helplessly as a group of Human Bandits butchered his family and did their ways with his mother before ending her, but the Humans did not stop after his family was dead laying in front of him they tied him to a tree and lit the tree on fire before laughing as they walked away hoping to take out other Elven families on the road through the Sage Forest. His family was trying to meet up with an old friend and soldier with his father, but none of that mattered to the Humans. After the bandits were out of sight a Drow necromancer came into view and had an undead body guard cut the ropes and hold him up to the Necromancer, who was astonished at the lack of fear in the boys eye, and asked the boy why he didn't fear him like everyone else he came across did. Explaining his hatred of the humans and seeing the power of the necromancer as a way of revenge against all the pathetic Humans the necromancer nodded displeased still at the lack of fear. Only after Vanzel asked the Necromancer to teach him his ways so that he may add to the armies of the dead 10 fold what the Humans have ever done did the Necromancer look curiously into his eyes knowing he was giving his father's god Arkhen up for his quest of revenge. No other documents known about Vanzel.

race Elf
gender Male
class Necromancer
eye color Red with tiny black spiral pupils
hair drown
skin Dark; smokey black
social status Denizens
homeland Sage

Religion: None


  • More violent and Chaotic than most his race.
  • Never mention his deceased family.


  • Destruction
  • Chaos
  • A Cause


  • Humans
  • Farms