
From HollowWiki
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.

Name: Tundur Lyrn

Race: Half Elf

Class: Bard

Alignment: Neutral Good


            Height: 5'10"
            Weight: 140lbs  
            Eye colour: green
            Hair colour: brown

Bio: Tundur was born and raised in a wagon that his family lived, and traveled in. He had no siblings. His father was a human bard and he with his family traveled from town to town to give shows. He taught Tundur how to sing and play the Lute, so that he would be able to make a living when he grew up. His elven mother taught him the elvish language and how to read and write.

When Tundur was 16, he had an argument with his father and left the wagon to forge a life of his own. He doesn't talk to anyone about the argument and in fact from the way he talks of his father you would think that they had never had an argument in the first place. While he was walking through the forest one day, he was attacked by bandits, who stole his possessions and broke his lute. Now he had no way of making money.

One day he was picking berries from a blackberry bush for food when he saw someone out of the corner of his keen eyes. Wary of more bandits, he whirled around, and saw an old elf. The elf took him in and taught him the ways of the forest. Some would consider him a druid, while others a ranger. When it came time for Tundur to leave, the old elf gave him a new lute named Nalafaun, engraved with runes of the forest and with blesses tassels on the tuning tabs.

Now 21, Tundur has recently come to the world called Hollow, and is thinking of making it his permanent residence.

If you see Tundur writing in an old, red, leather-bound book, he is writing down a combination of notes, or a certain rhythm that catches his ear. They can be anything from a birdsong, to the rhythm of miners hacking at the stone wall. He is in the process of writing a song combining all of these musical phrases together.

One day in the mines, he met a feline named Saeria, and he played music for her, as he does for anyone who asks. They became good friends and began to spend more time together. He found out that she was a singer and a poet as well, so she started to write some lyrics for his songs. A few nights later, they were in the forest together, her writing lyrics for him, and he realised he loved her, but didn't say anything. Later that night, she said to him that she loved him, and so he said he loved her too. Their relationship progressed from there, they were soon engaged.

About a week later, Tundur received news from Maldor, Saeria's adopted brother, that Saeria had found another. he talked to her, but they never sorted it out fully. Three days after he talked to her, he started to have strange "dreams" as he called them. It happened only when he was playing music. He would begin to feel strange, and then feel as if he had died. While he was "dead" he would relive memories as a spectator in himself. Then he would "come alive" again, and he was told that while he was "dead" he had played extremely fast complicated music. After a few times he went crazy, though also because of his broken relationship with Saeria, and his friends decided to help him. Awne took him to her house, where Valen entered his mind. Inside his mind, Valen changed his memories so that he didn't remember ever being in love with Saeria, and this made him sane again, though there may be problems later on. They told him that he had had an accident and was badly hurt in the process, and that Awne had healed him. Now he has been invited to stay in Awne's house indefinitely, and he has accepted.

Some time after this, he decided to try to find his parents. After a few days of travel and asking after them, he was told that they had been killed by bandits. After this, seeking help, he went to find his friend the elf who had helped him earlier and made his lute. He found that he was also dead, though of natural causes, most likely a heart attack or stroke. He returned to Hollow saddened by this trip.

After he returned, he began to have strange dreams. The first of them were of his friend Marissa dying in many varied and painful ways. Some of them he had while asleep like normal dreams, but others he lived, not seeing what others saw, but seeing what was in the dream. One of these was that he was the last person in Hollow; that everyone else was dead and gone long ago. The next one was of a wedding: his and Saeria's wedding that never happened. While he thought it was ridiculous due to his changed memories, others saw the significance. Maldor helped him find the source of the dreams, unidentifiable things in his subconscious that (apparently) looked like blue fuzzballs. They were flitting about his dreams with some unknown purpose. Maldor destroyed them, but not before he had another dream, but he refuses to tell anyone what happened in it, though it is clear it was not a pleasant dream. After the destruction of the blue fuzzballs, he had no more strange dreams. It is not known where they came from, or what the truly were.