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Name: Tifra Hunter
Age: 27
Born in: Island of Cassande, east of Cenril
Race: Feline Panthera uncia pardus
Class: Hunter
Eyes: Green
Fur: Black with black on black rosettes.
Height: 66 in.
Weight 160 lbs
Marital Status: Single
Alignment: Neutral Good


She is a anthropomorphic panther, her sleek black fur with its near invisible black on black rosettes covering her entire body. Her speed is her main strength as feline are not as powerfully built as some of the other races. Coupled with the speed of her limbs is the speed of her bow, her preferred weapon at this time. As fast as she is, however, she is still young and unaccustomed to extended combat, as older felines and rangers, warriors, or hunters would be, by contrast. While most felines have a keen sense of smell, they rely more on sight to hunt. Being raised by lycans all her life, her nose has become more developed than what nature originally provided.

As seasons pass she has grown leaner and more muscular, her strength and speed have grown even as she mellows into maturity-hard won and bitter in one so young. Barely a woman and already with the wisdom to see hard truth and soften it with kindness and accepting grace.


Tifra has the rare ability the scents the power aura of other. For her this ability manifests as scent every race and class have a scent that can not be hidden.

In one act of foolish desperation every thing can change and for Tifra it did. Her weak but steady healing gift exploded into a powerful dangers new form as frightening as it is wonderful, her world rocks on its axis as she struggles to fined her balance with this suddenly very different gift.


Tifra's grandsire saved the life of a lycan pup 260 years ago, the only son of an alpha male. In gratitude the alpha honored the jaguar and his kin as members of the pack. As a result Tifra grew up a part of the pack and yet not, able to hold no real rank but well provided for. She developed a close bond of affection and friendship with the alpha's son, which the pack elders disapproved of greatly.

Tifra, despite the best efforts of her family to mold her into a proper young feline and the well meaning but strict elders of the lycan pack that adopted them, turned her back on the course that had been laid out for her since her birth and fled to Hollow following in the paw prints of her best friend Rhocielle. From growing up in a lycan pack with her feline family, she is unable to distinguish differences at times based on appearance, but rather based on actions.

Passing time and life has not left her unchanged she is quieter in some ways and more centered. Her eyes are full of thought as often as laughter. Tho the future is un-guessable she moves forward with boldness and care.

She walks with a new found joy and growing happiness as she learns to know and love Daemon, not caring that he is a vampire and all that may mean in times to come.

Having won in trial be combat she has been reinstated to the pack and made an elder by her merit.

Personal Timeline

Time for her has little meaning; her life is ruled more by seasons than hours or days.

Rare Items

Feline Fitted Boots

Enchanted Demantoid Flame Pendant