
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

I remember the day well. The day I was separated from my royal family, the day fire came to the enchanted lands. We flew on our wings as fast as we could the fire at the very edges of our wing tips, our palace at the edge of our sight. The horrible shrieks and screams as some fell due to the heat and smoke and others fell from the hounds chasing us through our homeland. It was then that I realized we had been herded but it was now to late for us to do anything but fight.

    I turned and drew the ancestral blade past down through my family line and landed a mighty strike on one of the many hounds chasing us. It landed square on the hound's nose. I could feel its hot breath as it yelped but immediately turned and attacked the nearest to me. She was trapped whiten beast's maw. I tried to free my friend but the other hounds closed on me. I could only fly up, and so I did. That is when the net came down around me. I was trapped as I watched my kindred be torn apart by these well trained beasts.
    It was soon after I found my self sold into slavery. They did not know who I was, I would have been sold for more to far worst individuals. I remained silent, and focused on trying to learn these new languages. 
    My new master had been a horrible human. A wicked mage, who had used me as nothing but a talisman. He never gave me name or cared to learn my own, he referred to me only as his talisman and I soon discovered the latent magic within myself that he used to cast his evil spells. I learned much from the evil man and saw many sickening things done by his hands. My mind eventually broke and my past faded from memory, I now know little more than what I write here on this parchment. 
    One day a group of hero's came, I call them this for they slayed my master unknowingly freeing me. I hid and watched them as they ransacked my master's lair, my prison. They took with them many things of value. I was fearful and so I waited for these heroes to leave. When they finally left I gathered supplies and anything of value and soon departed exploring my new found freedom, promising my self I would never find myself in chains again. If only I knew what had happened to my family's ancestral blade, I could protect myself once again and maybe discover a clue as to who I actually am.
    The world I soon found was a big place for a pixie, the thought of this intrigued me that day, and I smiled as I flew into the sunset.