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Understanding Species Anthro-Electros-eel

Anthro Electros Eels or their preferred term Eelagia, as they prefer, are bipedal anthromorphic Electric eels with the appearance native to that of the nonsentient Moray eel.

With the average height of a civilized eel being approximately 8ft tall and 10ft long, Eelagia are known for being relativity cold and territorial creatures. While they do inhabit underwater towns and cities, the majority is often always related to a single family. However despite this being said, each family generally has no more than two children at a time.

But they lay far more than two children. Following the mating of two Eelagia, the female lays over 600 eggs. The Traditional rule is, the first to hatch and the last to be laid are the ones who will be apart of the family, the others will be left to nature to decide their fate. Most will eaten by other predators, or by each other, some will group together and survive or only one will.

The Eelagia claim to have been created by the Xailous and Selene in co-creation, while they are respected they are not worshiped. Instead they believe in a god or goddess who is to come, one who will rule when the age of magic is at an end.

Sparky is the Eelagia that survived of his families mating, and grew up an outcast from his people, he came to the surface to leave behind the predators and the life as a sentient but not treated sentient Eelagia, and may have ended up as somone's dinner or trophy. He came to hollow to escape that world, and has a traumatizing fear of returning.

Sparky breathes on land because, of an advanced gill, supposedly Selene had hoped that when the species entered into the Destruction of Cenril the Eelagia would be used as shock troopers and would need to be able to breathe on land. So she made them able to breathe in both water and air.