
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.


"If gold was copper and copper was gold, that would be just great, wouldn't it?"

A human paladin who wishes desperately for a better weapon, a shield, and not to be a paladin, but to be The Paladin. She is around five feet tall, with black hair that she slices off with a dagger; she does not care much for long hair, or pretty hair, or even neat hair.

Her temper is short and she keeps her distance from strangers, even if they try to approach her. She always carries a weapon, and it is always sharp; she also has a pair of silver earrings that she never takes off, not even in combat, not even in sleep. Around her shoulders is usually a cloak of protection--protection that is admittedly not very strong. But it is enough protection to ensure that she always wins a battle against a drunken fool. Which is, admittedly, not a lot of protection.


Her story is a strange one: she appeared in Kelay Tavern with a ragged dress and a rusty dagger, proclaiming herself to be a Paladin. Her hair was unkempt; her eyes glassy, and half the people in the tavern proclaimed her to be a madwoman. Then she vanished; people were glad she was gone, and promptly forgot about her.

But she wasn't gone; she was only wandering the beaches near Cenril. And she wasn't mad, for she really was a paladin, if a fallen one. By then, she had found her cloak of semi-protection, and it helped her a bit. She made her way to a narrow pass above the ocean. There she was found by Daisy, the feline druid. Sororia, still distrustful of strangers, attempted to flee, but was overpowered by Daisy, who told her to stop struggling. After she did, Daisy, seeing her poor state, gave her clothing (a white-leather vest, pants, and boots) and food supplies (biscuits and milk) and led her to a inn in Rynvale, where Sororia recovered from whatever had been afflicting her.

She traveled to Cenril, killing all the drunken fools she met along the way, and stored her meager earnings in a bank...

She journeyed on to the mines and learned to slam a pickaxe against a damp cave wall. She mined for ore, for dust, for gems, for mysterious glowing stones. She also found a mystical silver-band. Sororia met a kind shadow gnome named Korike, who befriended her (and fascinated her with his illusions and tricks). And that was when she admitted that she didn't remember anything before she appeared at the tavern.

Sororia and Korike began to duel, and when they realized there was a huge gap between their abilities, Korike--though he manipulated shadow while she wielded light--offered to teach her.

Korike also offered to release her memories, which he thought were locked up in her mind, and she agreed. Sororia learned that her family had been killed by a bunch of dark creatures, and she decided she hated Korike and left. (Sororia is fickle that way.)

Vowing to get stronger, Sororia killed beetles and spiders, then graduated to eagles, crows, and blackbirds, before one day finding herself back at Kelay Tavern.