
From HollowWiki
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This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.


Name: Setan Kanwa
Race: Human 
Class: Knight.  
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Height: 6'2"  (188cm)
Weight: 210 lbs. (95 kg)
Age: Twentysomething
Build: Athletic, strong
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown

Who Stands Before You

Setan Kanwa is a man of mild experience in the world lending to a cautious outlook. His eyes are brown and accepting of all people, so far. His hair isn't down to his shoulders, not quite, but sometimes it's hard to tell how long it is. It might be tied up in a bun, or left in a ponytail. That's how it usually is. He calls himself a knight, but he has no horse. Sometimes a hawk will land on his arm or holler from on high, but if it's his, is it the same one every time? Sometimes it doesn't seem to be so. Without a horse, and without a house, he's forced to carry everything he owns. For this reason he travels light, and armors light when compared to the conventional knight. He wears mostly leather, some chain, and a bit of iron plate in the most appropriate of spots. These pieces being them: iron cuirass, pauldrons, gloves, and bracers. When he has the occasion he does wear more comfortable clothes, mainly nonspecific unless he has a reason to dress up. Which he has not so far. By far the most notable thing about his wardrobe is a long white tabard he wears. It's embroidered by himself to illustrate a hawk midflight, though it's an accidental caricature. Nevertheless he wears it proudly.

To fight he usually has a machete or some type of falchion. It's heavily used as suggested by the numerous nicks in the blade, but it has practical use outside battle too. He also has a decently sized heater shield emblazoned with the same hawk as on his tabard. Though these are what he has equipped, he's proficient in many types of arms and armor. But where would they be kept?

The Legend of Setan

Here is a story that is not often told, because it is not usually known.

Years ago before the power of the Great Church proved too tempting for it's people, and before it was reforged in corruption and vengeance, there were three friends and colleagues. One was a falconer, dubbed holy for the people he served. He was said to be in such sympathy with his subject the hawk that they could respond to each other by facial expression alone. Not just that they could, even that each wanted to for the other. This falconer they say he was hatched of an egg and grew up in a nest.

And his friend as it were. She was a paladin, a holy justicar who fought only for good and never for anything else. This was why the gods loved her and this is why the falconer loved her too. But it wasn't only the falconer and the gods who loved her.

But it was the falconer whom she loved most of all. His dark deep-set eyes, sharp nose, and feathery hair cast such a spell on her! Oh! But it was his way with words too and his humility. The gods high in the heavens could never have these things, especially they could not be humble.

It is for this reason that they told the archbishop that the falconer of acclaim was a heretic and must be cast out from the church. But the lady loved him, as we know, even more than the gods. She followed him to a shelter in the forest, and they wed in a private ceremony. Thus, the gods rebuked her too and never again lent her their strength to fight.

But she had her own strength, and that blessed by the falconer's love. So still, she vanquished evil only for that end. Not for very much longer however, because it was soon discovered she was blessed much more so than ever before. They named their little blessing Setan, which meant Battle-Hawk in the falconer's old language, and the new best trio thrived together.

Unfortunately, we know the gods are timeless, and so too must be their jealousy and vengeance. It was no longer enough that these "heretics" be simply exiled. Their lingering presence on the planes were an oversight by the bishop and without immediate action he too should be stripped of his blessings! So their best and most capable inquisitor was sent, armed in holy justification and special purpose; and the best arms and armor money could buy, and gods could forge.

He would complete his Holy, wicked deed.

The boy was spared, him being innocent of the crimes of his parents, or so the lady plead in her dying words.

Now this that I tell you they dared not whisper, and tried not to think. But some believed that even without her holy armor or weapons or blessing of the light; even without these! The lady was still too powerful for the inquisitor, their best man. Bolstered as she was, by the love of her falconer and her new baby Battle-hawk, no mortal could best her. This is why on that day, that god stepped into the inquisitor's pale body and slew her himself.

The inquisitor having witnessed this, killed himself on the spot, and died with his friends. Because as we know, it wasn't only the falconer and the gods who loved her.

Then what became of the young Battle-hawk, who was spared for his youth? The wisest say the wilderness took him. But what do the hawks say? After their friend and father died, might the hawks have sympathized with the boys deep-set eyes and feathery hair and sharp nose? If they did, then he might've lived. And if he continued to live then would he have seen the evil in the world? If that was true then he would've fought against it. But being the only survivor of the best three, and both their loves gone with them, would he be angry? What if the inquisitor's vengeance and despair touched him? Some say that did, and that this was the worst thing that could happen to him.