
From HollowWiki
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.

== Samara Gra Maple ==

Age: 95 but looks like a teen human (only minature)

Race: Pixie / Avian

Class: Druid

Alignment: Neutral

Height: 3in

Weight: .06lbs

Strength: can lift 5 grams (equivalent of 5 paperclips)

Appearance: She is slinder of frame with pale peach colored skin and slightly larger almond shaped eyes for her size which are a flaming green. With hair a silvery white, it reminds many who look upon it of the moon and often hides her pointed ears. When still, her wings can be seen to resembale that of a hummingbirds, black of color with dark green primaries. Other wise they are a blur since they flap to fast to be seen (16 times per second). You will never see shoes upon her feet for she has three feathers upon the back of each ankle and are also black of color. When not flying about, the ankle feathers are raised up against her calves, but lowered otherwise to act like a rudder for better control at such high speeds. The last thing to note about Samara, is that her nails are talon like. Both on fingers and toes.

Clothes: She has to wear silk (unless the clothing is enchanted) since it is light in weight.

Weapons: Enchanted Plastic Drink Sword (gonna get it made custom when i have the gold)

Fighting: Tends to prefer fighting at a distance or doing hit and runs to harrass her opponet. Her strength is her speed (34 mph) which allows her to be in a place one second and 15 meters away in the next. She also has 'Pixie Dusts' that can cause different effects depending on what kind it is. However, since she is of a small size, any phycial damage recived is effective in hurting her. Her phycical attacks tend to be more of a distraction than damaging since she is not that strong, yet if she is able to hit them in the eye with her sword, she can blind them in it. Also, since she usues a lot of energy she has to eat lots of starchy and sugary things and in a prolonged battle will often find herself running low on energy at the end of it.

Itchy Dust - causes red welts to appear where the dust touches and is unbarably itchy.

Sleepy Dust - inhaled in a small about the dust causes one to become slow of mind. In large amounts it will put one to sleep.

Foggy Dust - spreads over the area used in and offers conceilment.

Paralysing Dust - inhaled in a small amount one finds their movement slower. In large amounts one finds they can not move at all.

Healing Dust - heals whatever it touches.

Gift: Genomemancer (has yet to be approved by admin)

Likes: being mischevios, sugary foods/drinks, eatting spiders, water, nature, Hobbits, Dryads, Elves

Dislikes: sour foods/drinks, nets, fire, orcs, undead, faeries

Pet : A dark green sea bat that looks like a giant golden crowned fruit bat with a wingspan of 2 meters. He trails blue sparkles since Tydak work his magic upon him. Samara rides upon its back when she is tired, hurt or just plain feeling lazy. His name is Kai which means sea.

Bio: Her mother was Avian and her father was a pixie. They meet when he saved her from an attack my a dragon and eventually they fell in love and had her. However, her mother died in child birth due to her magic for her body could not coup with it. She was then raised by her father. Her mistevious nature eventually got upon his last nerve and he kicked her out of the tree to live on her own. Now she wonders about hollow playing pranks upon the unaware and doesn't really have an aim in life yet, though she does posses druid magic.

Bing called with endearment her fathers 'little winged fruit' up until she was ten years old when she showed her true lazy yet mischevious nature, and great love of maple surup. So she was given the name Samara which means winged fruit of a Maple tree.