
From HollowWiki
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This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.


HEIGHT: 4 ft 11
WEIGHT: 90lbs
CLASS: necromancer
AGE: biologically 16yrs/ chronologically 170yrs
RACE: Vampire
HAIR: White
EYES: Bright red, with golden flecks
SKIN: Very pale

Roseclear's body is thin and somewhat child-like. She has large red eyes that dominate her flawless pale face.Her snowy white hair reaches the small of her back when loose, but she prefers it to be plaited or up in an intricate style. She is usually seen wearing black or red satin, velvet or silk clothing. With her size and appearance, Roseclear seems young and innocent to those who do not know of her personailty, a weapon she uses sucessfully.


Roseclear was born in Cenril to human parents. She lived a fairly normal life until, aged sixteen, she met a handsome male vampire called Adriaz. They soon fell in love, and ran away together to Vailkrin where he sired her. Their happiness was short lived, soon after she became a vampire, he was killed in battle against a mysterious Dragon who had been after Roseclear. After narrowly escaping with her life she was beside herself with agonising grief and vowed to kill the dragon that had heinously took her love away. She traveled around hollow building her strength and fighting abilities for many centuries, when finally she found the dragon in Frostmaw. It was a close battle, but eventually she had achieved what she had so long wished for. After she had little purpose to her life and continued to wander aimlessly. After so many years filled with hatred and little else, she became emotionless and cold. She killed for pleasure more than for nourishment. And held a special hatred for any dragon and often killed them if she could. Now she spends most of her time in Vailkrin, living among the dead. Leaving only when her murderous desires strike.