
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

Remton's Description

Race Dragon Wraith

Class Death Knight

Age Unknown

Home None

Clan Shadow Vendetta

Alignment Chaotic Evil

Voice Demonic Female Voice

Eye Color Red Possibly a bit dark and dull from the Wraith taking over.

Skin Color Black (Dark on the sign up form) Red (Her belly scales are red, which go from under her chin to the underside of her tail to the tip) (Tail ends in a blade like spade, it too is black) Her scales are as black as black can get from the Wraith taking over. Her red belly scales will be a bit dark as well. (Can cloak herself and become nearly invisible.)

Hair Color Red (Has a red feathery mane from the top of her head to the tip of her tail. She even has red feathery tufts on her elbow and knee joints)

Gender Female

Height A little over 20 feet

Weight 1575.31 lbs (According to the calculator on the wiki)

Skeletal Build Medium

Muscle Weak Physically

Fat Normal

Description Continued

(Taken from the Wiki on the Dragon page.)

Preferred Weapon Claw and Teeth

Breath Weapon Acid

Aggression Level Extremely Aggressive

Environment Dark Mountains & Swamps

Features Black dragons are among the darkest and most wicked creatures of the land. These dragons are cunning and cruel and plan their moves with care. Lacking the strength of the Red Dragons or the Wisdom of the Gold and Silver these dragons rely on the dark arts to draw strength from. They like to lie in wait creating traps for their prey before making their move suddenly and finally. They are well versed in many forms of magic and will use their arcane skill to destroy enemies before they get close to their softer hides. They are often allies with the undead and evil races of the lands.

More Description

(Taken from the Wiki on the Wraith page, under Unofficial Races page)

Weak Against Nature-based Magic, Fire, and Holy Magic

Strong Against Cold, Weapons, and Unholy Magic

Features This is a wraith that has suffered as a wraith thrall for some time. They are no longer in between forms, rather they have taken full grasp of what it is to be a wraith. They are servants of their creator, doing whatever commanded without question and without fail. They hold full powers as a wraith at this point, being a formiddable user of the dark arts and capable of controlling their light aversion skin. At this point in their life cycle, they are difficult to kill, especially considering that their creator is often close at hand.

Remton serves her master without hesitation and never asks 'why.'