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Poell O'Tooke

Poell is a complacent little fellow as more often that not, so are every other Pintfolk. (Commonly known as Halflings in the World of Hollow). He comes from a land far away,where the O'Tooke family reigns. Furry of feet and wide of girth! The Clansmen proudly proclaim. Though, Poell, to his great shame, is lacking in the latter. As years of training to become an assassin had disabled him the opportunity for a "wide girth." Though, despite his training, Poell lacked the desire to be hired to kill the innocent. When he knew it was the immoral he should be after. So, once as a child, he tried to become a vigilante, ridding the world of evil. Though, he realized soon after that evil was much to prevalent to rid the world of it all. So, he made a select group. Those that Murder the innocent, Rape, and Kidnap. These three he abhors above all else. And uses his remarkable talents as a killer to emphasize this.

Besides his desire to rid the world of its ilk, Poell has a strange fascination with Alchemy, and several uses for it. Poell, though only a Journeyman at the craft, has a large imagination, with the things he can do with Alchemy. There are three practical uses to Alchemy for Poell. One, being the use of ingredients, put together in such a combination to produce a different substance. One that can be used for several, things. This being a versatile craft indeed. Secondly, Poell has the ability to draw things from his surroundings. A magical use to Alchemy, so to speak. Using severe focus, as a mage would to draw magics from the air, Poell uses his natural environment, taking bits and pieces from whatever he so desires. To form it into a physical manifestation of an object. Deconstruction of one thing, to construct a different, new object. Though there are consequences to this. When he draws upon the earth, to formulate a weapon, the earth that he uses is now displaced. No longer there, a crater or skid mark, based on the amount used, is the result from this use of Alchemy. The third and final use is construction. More of the trait of an inventor. Making things such as golems and homunculi. Mechanical use to Alchemy. This, is Poell's most powerful asset, and his one true study.

Has recently joined the Clan: Kiss of Death. His role for now, insignificant, but he hopes to make an impact one day quite soon.

Physical Description:

Age: 24

Eyes: Piercing Emerald Green

Hair: Curly Raven Black

Build: Lean and Muscular

Gender: Male


Jeweled Dagger (Waist)

Hidden Dagger (Vambrace)

Rusty Dagger (Boot)

Crude Dagger (Glove)

Large Clock-Work Metal Bow (Back)


Black-Leather Satchel: This ever-present bag has evident importance to the small man. Never leaving his side nor sight, well, only once that is. This bag contains his most precious ingredients and formulas.

Goggles: Though they have no notable magical properties, they have special significance to Poell, keeping guard atop his head, or guarding his eyes against whatever situation over his eyes.

Titles: (Poell has trouble finding magical items, but finds himself winning titles every so often, these he holds onto dearly)

These are the titles he has collected so far in his travels of Hollow"



If you want to know anything. Just ask me. I might say something.


I use AIM through, if that changes anything as to the way I am able to talk to other players via AIM, you know.