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== Race:==Drow == Class:==Spellblade == Gender:==Female == Relationship Status: ==Single == Age:==40


Standing at only 4' Parafin is shorter than any drow she has ever met. Her skin is dark, her hair is white and her large expressive eyes are red. About what one would expect of a drow. Her hair, once long and beautiful, now ends at her shoulders. Parafin appears to be on the fragile side of things but is not. She is well built and covered in muscle. Despite years of work, her skin remains soft and smooth. Her hands so no sign of the hard years of sword training. Her clothes are always clean and in order unless recently disheveled. She would go naked before she left in unclean clothes and takes pride in how well they are cared for.


Parafin is very gentle and kind. Her emotions are often clear on her face and she isn't ashamed about it. Her emotions are often confusing to her in that she can never tell how something is going to affect her at any given moment. She is quite capable of fighting but prefers to resolve things peaceably. She doesn't like to hurt people and even less to kill them. In her idle world no one would hurt or kill another. Of course the world is far from ideal and she accepts that. Her temper has a tendency to get the better of her in the form of uncharacteristic violence. Potentially lethal violence. Her rages are usually short lived and are quickly put aside. During one of her outbursts or in periods of high stress Parafin exhibits behavior that would have been much approved of back home. Hatred, violence, elitism, racism, sexism and cruelty are the most easy to name. Parafin often wonders if this is a sign that she is not really as much different than the others of her kind as she believes herself to be.


Parafin was born to a minor noble house. So minor that they were mostly ignored by all of the other houses. So minor that even a defective child that showed power could not be wasted. She was not born defective in any physical manner. In fact she showed promise both physically and magical. Her only obvious flaw was that she was smaller than most males. Everyone she had ever met, actually. Thinking to train her classically as a priestess, her mother and matron of the house took her to her first sacrifice. Parafin proved her flaw that day. She couldn't handle the sight. It was cruel and seemed to be a waste of life to her. What kind of god demands blood form its worshippers? It didn't matter, it wasn't for her to decided such things. Finding her too weak stomached for sacrifice the matron decided to play to her powers in another way and sent her to be trained in weaponry and magic. For twenty years Parafin trained with sword and spell. Her magic was praise worthy, though she never got any, but her sword was no better than it should be for all her training and that was barely acceptable. Having spent twenty years bathing in the blood of her training partners. Partners that basically consisted of every commoner that took the idea of killing a noble female to mind as a fun thing to do. It didn't hurt that if they killed her there was a purse and a place among the house soldiers in if for them. Her final test came as she was taken to another sacrifice. All she had to do was hold her stomach and she would finally be a welcomed daughter of the house. As welcome as anyone ever really was among the drow. The years of blood did indeed steel her stomach but she could still not tolerate the right. This time instead of emptying her stomach and crying she attacked the priestesses, her mother included. Freeing the sacrifice she made for the exit. It was up to him to escape or not now. She could help him no more. The action had been so stunning that she was already fleeing the grounds by the time a response was made. They chased her into the underdark until she was lost and ,likely, they assumed her dead. She didn't know how long she was in the underdark. Long enough to ruin her clothes, tangle and knot her hair to the point she had to cut her long hair off at the shoulders and to leave her starved near on death. Stumbling free of the underdark Now free of the underdark with nothing but ruined clothes, a hungry belly and a very plain short sword, she must make her way in the world. Food would have to come first. Clothes and a bath were luxuries. Too weak to use her magic to kill an animal, not that she knew which ones could be eaten, she stumbled on to Kelay in hopes of some kindness. Something she had always found in short supply.

  • Note: Parafin is trained to be able to use a dagger at the same time as her sword but wasn't wearing one when she left. Not interested in killing, she has not felt the urge to purchase one.
  • Note: Parafin is ambidextrous.

Current Events

These are things going on in Parafin's life at the moment.

Swapping skills

  • Met the High Elf bard Maldoff and made a shaky bond with him.
  • Agreed to teach Maldoff the sword, so that he may protect someone he loves, in exchange for singing lessons.
  • Maldoff has been missing for some time and she has begun to fear the worst.
  • Due to his extended absence and lack of communication, she presumes Maldoff dead.


  • Valen has agreed to take Parafin as his student and teach her more about magic.

Monster Hunting

  • Parafin has decided to start hunting dangerous monsters
  • Parafin has permission to hunt around Frostmaw


  • Parafin is pursuing King Eboric's bounty on the savage felines of the jungle (complete)


Changes to information do to RP and character development.