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Lirithen Lirolae, wood elf ranger. Average height, athletic build, silver hair and emerald eyes.

Combat Skills:

Archery: Trained from his youth, and complimented by keen elven eyesight, Lirithen is an archer of incredible prowess. Able to score a bullseye from hundreds of yards apart (given a clear shot) and load and aim a shot in the blink of an eye, the ranger considers this skill to be the most effective of his arsenal, and with good reason. One would do well to duck for cover, should the sharp tip of an arrowhead find them within emerald sights.

Swordplay: While unable to match blades with trained knights and skilled warriors, Lirithen is nevertheless competent in the use of paired blades of many lengths. Swords are his preference, though he has been sighted sporting a variety of weapons, from daggers to paired hatchets and sickles.

Elemental magics: The most limited of the elf's abilities is his insignificantly meagre magical talent. He can spark a bundle of dead twigs into a camp fire, or cause the leaves of a tree to wave gently with a summoned soft breeze, but little else. In battle he uses his magic energy to power the enchantments of any weapons or armour he may bare, though lacks the skill necessary to enchant conventional weaponry.

Conventional Skills:

Acrobatics: Growing up amongst tree-born elves and having need to navigate the winding boughs of Sage's tall trees has gifted Lirithen with a knack for acrobatics. He hops lithely from branch and window-ledge alike, contorting his body into a variety of exotic positions as he navigates the most precarious of footholds with graceful ease.

Lock-picking: On numerous cases an assassin had to break into the home of a mark, thus did that assassin learn prise open locks without the key. He carries specially designed tools on his person for such operations, though if need arises, can break into chests and rooms with a toothpick or hair clip, although one can expect this would take considerably longer than it would with a specialized lockpick.

Thievery: An unneeded quality, but one that comes easily to the nimble-fingered elves of Sage. With a bit of luck Lirithen would be capable of lifting a few coins or documents from an unknowing patron.

Healing Magic: Taught to all enclave rangers, Lirithen is capable of patching up minor flesh wounds upon his comrades, though deeper, mortal wounds would be truly beyond his expertise. There is a level of risk to magical healing, given as the spells draw from the elf's own energy reserves, and overuse of this divine gift may lead to exhaustion, or even death, for the user.


Short version: Grew up all good like, then decided to be an assassin. Stopped being an assassin, and is now trying to atone for past mis-deeds. Original, eh? I will provide a detailed version in time.