
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

The information below is provided for my memory's sake and to guide and inspire roleplay. I trust that you will be able to tell what is OOC and what is IC information for your character.

About Her

Name: Lilyanne Sheratin
Race: Vampiric elf
Height: 5'11"
Hair Color: Dark Chocolate Brown
Eye Color: Deep Hazel.  Rumours have it that they can shift hues.
Skin Color: Ranges from light to pale
Class: Assassin
Clan: The Eyrie
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Origin: Unknown
Home: No permanent home.  Frequents Gualon, Venturil, Vailkrin, & Frostmaw
Status: Seeing Ryder


Lilyanne practices in dark magic of both psionic and shadow abilities. This magic runs through her blood and is constantly evolving as she feeds on other magic-users. She has an ability to acquire the abilities of others, though the strength is very weak and fades, unless multiple, consistent feeds are performed.

Natural: Psionic and Shadow  
Honed by years of practice, enhanced by Bastion's Calamity, enhanced by Alphonz's guidance, and further refined under Xersom's tutelage. Practicing: Silver manipulation
With guidance from Silvanya. Undiscovered: Conjurations
Currently manifesting itself through waking and sleeping dreams of hellish creatures.



  • Alaska: Frostmare - Caught in Frostmaw
  • Ravager: Ice Wyvern Hatchling - Gifted by Rayala
  • Stripes: Badger Kit - Deceased. Gifted by Dogma. Eaten by Ravager.


  • Weapon: To be created.
  • Shield: Aura of Impeccable Stealth. (+10)


  • Face: To be created.
  • Head: Obsidian Shadow-Spun Hood. (+10)
  • Left Ear: To be created.
  • Right Ear: To be created.
  • Neck: Opal Pendant of Clandestinity. (+10, Tier 4)
  • Shoulder: Obsidian Shadow-Spun Cloak.(+10)
  • Body: To be created.
  • Left Arm: Flawlessly Complexioned Skin. (+10)
  • Right Arm: Flawlessly Complexioned Skin. (+10)
  • Left Wrist: Scent-Neutralizing Perfume. (+10) Provided by Hector.
  • Right Wrist: To be created.
  • Hands: To be created.
  • Right FInger: Poison-Tipped Ebon Claw. (+10)
  • Left FInger: Bloodstone Fire-Resistant Ring. (+10)
  • Legs: To be created.
  • Feet: To be created.


May 2014: Waking and sleeping visions of hellish creatures continue to torment Lilyanne. The source remains unbeknownst to the vampiress, though Xersom implies Ryder's involvement

April 2014: In an effort to further prepare herself for her chosen profession, Lilyanne searched for someone who could help nullify her scent. Her search brought her to Hector, a potions master. Hector was able to procure a magically infinite supply of Scent-Neutralizing Perfume. For payment, the potions master asked for three gryphon talons, as well as Xalious Mountain oysters from a particular minotaur.
Lily's search for gryphon talons brought her to the base of The Eyrie's headquarters in Frostmaw. There, Hildegarde assisted her in retrieving the talons. This meeting also ushered her into the folds of The Eyrie.
In the background, Lily's nightmares started to infiltrate her waking moments...manifesting themselves in her mind during moments of idleness.

March 2014: A battle with Alphonz on the Cenril Bridge unleashed the untapped power from her encounter with Bastion, amoungst explosions.
Furthermore, Bastion got himself in trouble with Ezekiel by accidentally mutilating Josleen. The resulting encounter led him to near death, with Lilyanne using her own blood to save him. To her shock, she created not another vampire, but a mindless thrall. Luckily for both parties, Bastion found a way to reverse this.
Further feeds this month from Raphaline and Silvanya gave Lily the potential for bardic and silver magic manipulation. However, she is only practicing the latter, while the former fades over time. The vampiress also started to have recurring nightmares of hellish creatures.

February 2014: Lilyanne arrived in Hollow with the clothes on her back and not much else to call her own. Hungry, her vampiric nature called her into an encounter with Bastion. In the process of feeding from him, a portion of her body and essence was burned and restored. This magical encounter left her with a source of untapped power that she has yet to full realize.
The next day, Lily met Ryder as he stumbled into Hollow. Though she intended to only see him as another food source, it would appear that there is more to be developed there.
When excitement happens, it happens all at once! This month also marked her meeting with Xersom, the former general of Arrecation and her soon-to-be Teacher of the Dark Arts. Thanks to him, the vampiress is now addicted to demonic blood.


The below is an attempt for me to keep track of Lily's associatons and will most likely be OOC knowledge for you. If you see your name here with details you do not wish to be disclosed, let me know and I'll remove it.