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Name: Gorshog

Race: Orc

Age: 87 years

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Skin: Black

Eyes: Dark Red

Hair: Shoulder length, black in color, long top knot tied upwards

Tusks: Very long and sharpened!

Height: 10'4" (He is very large for his kind)

Weight: Heavy!

Gorshog is incredibly large and strong for an orc. He is also slightly more intelligent than the average orc. He is a cunning warrior, quick of wit, however he is not going to grasp the finer points of magick or engineering any time soon. It's difficult to lie to him as a result, which is why he has survived so long. Often underestimated, it is the fool, often at their dire peril, who would use him for their own ends at his detriment. Gorshog seeks to bring orcs, goblins, trolls, ogres, hobgoblins, and all manner of greenskin under a confederation of warbands. If Gorshog has his way, modern civilization in the human realms will be set back decades, centuries possibly.

Gorshog is NOT a nice fellow. He will often eat an opponent alive when dueling, or otherwise fighting. Dinner and battle have no distinction. Hunting, fighting, war, brawling, they are all the same. Meat is meat after all. Like any hunter he is often patient, even in spite of his tendency to explode into a berserk rage in battle. On the surface is a loose cannon, beneath the surface is a cunning, apex carnivorous beast. He does not frequent Kelay or any other city or town which promotes order, or human/elven cultural norms. He is most often found in Gualon or even Gamorg.

Biography (Constantly WIP)

Gorshog has watched the realms of Hollow for decades. The ebb and flow of war, the patterns of chaos rising to keep the forces of order in check. Armies have been raised by all manner of man and elf, dwarf and undead. Heroes and villains have made their mark on the lands. For a time he was content to serve in some of these battles, a faceless orc hired as an axe wielder in one dark army or the other. His name has never shown up in any logistics report, or other public record. He is neither famous nor infamous, none of the great leaders, or champions of the realms know him. None of the villains whose banners he marched under would recall the blood he spilled in their names. It was all about the flesh he could consume, it was about the gold he could acquire to melt down and entomb his political enemies alive. Too many greenskins care for the wealth of man and elf. Gorshog grew weary of hearing the same names being passed around time after time. Demons, vampires, Timelords, shapeshifters, mages, and human warlords have forged a strange order over the past two decades. The current manifested reality does not sit well with this orc. Stagnation has a different meaning for a creature of chaos and darkness. Gorshog seeks to unite orcs and others like them under one confederation. He knows that such alliances are short lived but he does not seek to build an empire. Such goals are foreign to him. He wants it ALL to burn, the creations of his time, the decades of foreign machinations. It all smells rotten to him and he wants it gone! This is the mandate of the orc, this is the way of chaos. It is nothing personal, it is simply his nature. No scholar or scientist could ever explain what drives such a mind. But if Gorshog's will is made into being, the world will change again, perhaps for the better, perhaps for a greater evil. In the wake of this hypothetical desolation may rise even darker things.